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Why do I feel like her most recent tiktok is an attempted power move again?? And trying to show her bum at the end whilst holding her newborn daughter…like yeah she looks good considering she’s like what 2 weeks post partum but some of us don’t! I definitely didn’t 😂 idk I get bitchy vibes from it

Has anyone noticed that NOTHING has been said about baby daddy either since the birth? He literally must never see his kids
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Is there any evidence of benefit fraud though?

I don’t for once second believe they were still a couple living separately. Esme was obviously still madly in love with Jordan and thought sleeping with him and having another baby would “win him back”. Jordan just wanted a shag from her. He had no intentions what so ever of getting back with her.

Both incredibly immature and irresponsible when it’s comes to relationships.

However this does not make them bad parents. Although I do think Jordan should be in that hospital with his poorly baby and allow Esme a break/time for her to see Myla. She must be physically and mentally exhausted
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I think we’re letting the baby dad off far too lightly. He wasn’t “trapped.” He willingly had sex with her as well, happily spent days and nights with her and now he’s moved on with some 20 year old whilst his baby mum is 7 months pregnant. He’s disgusting and his parents should be ashamed of him.

The whole situation is toxic and I know she wouldn’t put this on social media, but I hope Esmes mum sat her down and told her how stupid they both were. She had her whole life to have babies but ended up with a POS like him who’s out clubbing with another young girl who’s clearly a mug as well getting with him.
I hope this doesn’t affect the babies at all!
You’ve summed up exactly what I’ve been thinking! Although clearly Esme had her motivations, it takes two to tango and he could have prevented these things himself. It’s all so sketchy and I don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking that she’s the bad guy and he’s not, they’re both stupid and childish here!
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her videos from a while ago are cringe.

TikTok’s about her “own place” …. uhhh no it’s a council flat you got for getting up the stuff at 20, paid for by taxpayers lol
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Unfortunately if you're going to put yourself out there online you have to deal with the fact that not everyone will be a fan and having a baby with your ex is a surefire way to raise eyebrows! Personally I think its good that she's taking a step back, privacy is worth more than having strangers buy your child stuff they don't need.
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There’s so many single mums out there who manage without a wish list. I’m not saying it’s easy for them but they do it. Now I just see her as a scrounger and tbh even before this pregnancy, I looked at her wish list and thought buy your kid toys off your own money!! I’d be embarrassed to have strangers off the internet buying my child things because I didn’t want to 😳
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I think she will get a shock if the baby daddy does end up moving on. “Co parenting” is simple when it’s just the two of you and you’ve still got a relationship but once that’s taken away and there’s another person involved it’s a different story. Unsure how it can be “unplanned” when she said before they both want to have another baby and they would have to discuss when to have they’ve apparently had ONE night and she’s pregnant. I think she’s shocked at how many people are like “hang on..” she preaches that she struggles being a single mum and she leaves the flat in a
Tip for a few days...yet mylas dad is literally right there and she only works the weekends
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i hope she realises she can face prison time doing what she’s doing.. nether the less, she’s been reported (anyone can do this online or by phone - I work within this industry😊)
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I have 0 respect for all of them to be fair.

Jordan - We don’t see a lot of him in videos or things anymore, but in a way I think this is a good thing that Esme is now keeping their coparenting away from social media. She has maintained in previous videos he is still involved and still sees both girls. Clearly loves this drama to a certain extent having 2 girls “fight” over him. Comes across as a bit of a dick head for how both girls have portrayed him but we have also all made our own assumptions. We only see what we see from their socials. If I was him and Maisie had said I assaulted her and her friend but then she back tracks and said he never did I would not have gone back there. HUGE red flags…

Esme - Nobody can say she’s a bad mother. She isn’t. I’ve followed her account from before her following got big and the love she has for her daughters is second to none. I sympathise with being a lone parent as have been there myself, it is hard and can get very lonely. She has been naive with Jordan thinking they would have the perfect family in the end, one of them was bound to move on at one point it just happened to be him. And she always maintained they were just coparenting but we have all now realised her feelings were way deeper than that. She has acted very childish with the “time wasn’t in our favour video,” not going to lie. BUT - all that aside - she IS a good mum. Nobody can take that away from her. Again we only see what she puts on social media. But I feel the fact she hasn’t retaliated to Maisie with videos or anything potentially shows a mature growth here? She is clearly focussing on her daughters. With the way Maisie has behaved quite frankly I wouldn’t want her around my children either. But she doesn’t have the right to dictate who Jordan is in a relationship with. So I guess she either needs to be present for the contact or just trust in him that Maisie won’t be there if he has the girls alone at any point.

Maisie - At the start I actually somewhat liked her? She was clearly happy with Jordan as was he with her. However, some of her friends made videos which didn’t help the situation (Erin mainly) regarding Esme. Maisie included making videos which in my opinion would have been hard for Esme to watch but then at the same time Esme shouldn’t have been looking. She has proved her childishness with how she behaved with the tiktok video of “assault.” Assault is a HUGE accusation to make about someone, especially if that someone has children. Jordan seems in no way shape or form perfect, none of them do. But assault is a huge accusation and even out of anger, if you know no assault has taken place, you do not throw that accusation around. When she made her “apology” video if that’s what you can call it…I lost all immediate respect for her and can very much understand why Esme would not want her daughters around her. Maisie and her friends seem very quick to react to things without thinking about the long term consequences. Especially when she is on a platform that is very open and public and currently involved with a baby mums baby daddy in which said baby mum has rather a large following….

All in all, I think I now respect Esme the most out of all of them. She has made mistakes along the way, but this chapter of him being with someone else is new. Octavia is 3 months at the end of March. Since she’s given birth she has had a lot to deal with. Having 2 under 3 is by no means easy whilst also having the pressure of trying to maintain contact with your baby daddy who’s girlfriend comes across as being a bit controlling if that’s the right word. Maisie clearly has trust issues to think Jordan and Esme were doing things behind her back. As well as being able to so easily throw the word “assault” around which is HUGE for anybody but let alone when you have children. If Esme has said that Maisie can’t be around the girls then that does not mean Jordan can’t see his kids. Maybe they can have contact at her flat or go out together as the 4 of them so Esme can trust that she will not be present.

If she has said Jordan can’t see his kids because of his relationship and will not allow contact while he is with Maisie - that is wrong. And Jordan could take her to court for access if she has said that which Maisie stated in her video.

The three of them need to remember the girls are at the bottom of all of this and quite frankly with the videos that have been made recently I’m surprised child services haven’t been involved with safe guarding concerns. Not to mention Esme has openly admitted on instagram and on tiktok videos that she is struggling with her mental health. That does not give Esme permission to be a bitch if she has said the above to Jordan (regarding access) BUT we have a barely 12 week post partum mother of 2 under 3 here. Esme seems to be getting on with her life where as Maisie is trying to cause friction and it is not acceptable on any level.

So if the 3 of you ever read this - please remember them 2 beautiful little girls come first. Jordan should be pulling his weight and have set contact in place. Maisie needs to respect Esme and vice versa. Esme and Maisie have no need to communicate with each other. If Maisie and Jordan’s relationship is to continue that Is fine but respect must be given to Esme’s wishes and concerns around Maisie seeing the girls as she is the primary care giver to the both of them. Jordan and Esme’s communication should be solely about the girls and nothing else.

If that doesn’t work go to mediation failing that go to court and get contact set in child arrangement orders for both girls. STOP playing mind games STOP posting unnecessary shit on social media and REMEMBER to respect each other and PUT them 2 little girls first.

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I’ve said the situation is childish… which it is. They should take their beef offline and make their accounts private if they don’t want comment! But I’ve never seen anyone belittle Maisie at all?
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how vile are Jordan and maisey and her friend. I’ve been no fan of esme, but the situation is disgusting
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Find it frustrating she had all these plans to do an access course and instead she’s having another baby to “co-parent”. I really liked her but now just feel like there’s something really disingenuous about her.
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She does realise that just because he has kids with her doesn’t mean he won’t one day have kids with someone else? 🙈 and how on earth is she making that as having an advantage on any new girl in his life? If anything it’s worse, you’ve let him knock you up (now twice) and he still doesn’t want a relationship with you but he does with her! She’s so dumb it’s painful
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Why do people give their babies names just to never call them by it. It’s a horrible name and the nickname is even worse 🤣
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There’s definitely some kind of fraud going on there I think. I just can’t get my head around wanting another child with your ex, even if they are your first child’s parent. She’s mentioned before they’d like another child together but why? I’m sure in an ideal world, a lot of men and woman would like all of their children with the same person but they wouldn’t run back to their ex for it. Just think it’s a bit odd to bring another child into an already broken up relationship.

She also can’t preach co-parenting/great friendship when she’s jumped into his bed or him into hers.
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