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Esme has every right to not let Jordan see the kids if theres rumours going round that hes hitting girls 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I just don’t get her whole situation?! If your so compatible to get on well enough to spend all this time together and make another baby...why can’t you just be together? So he’s guna what? Sit with you through the birth and drive you back to your own flat then just go home and leave her to it
Benefit fraud :D
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Chatty Member
Her mum acting the big shot like she’s not embarrassed of her daughter fucking up her life 😂
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How are they single parents then?
I have a friend whose in a similar set up, she broke up with her childrens dad and claimed UC, they ended up getting back together and live apart for the moment and UC are fine about it.

Jordan was with Maisie for parts of it so they can’t have been that committed.

To accuse her of benefit fraud with no evidence is a bit much.
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I don't think she gets a free pass for being young tbh, she relinquished that when she chose to have 2 babies in a very questionable situation. By doing that her mistakes impact on innocent children and the results might not show for years.
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Haha yeah whats with the dancing? "Its a serious matter" she says as she mouths along to Dua Lipa and dances around... wtf? Do a normal vid then lmao.
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Have you seen her tiktok she’s just made 🤣
Just saw it 😂 she’s so passive aggressive. She’s just annoyed because everyone on here just sees straight through the bullshit. I hope she gets caught for the blatant benefit fraud she’s committing. Not mature enough to be responsible for one child let alone two.
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Esme sounds like she's been hit with the reality of her situation all at once. I hope she has support around her, I'm not a single mum but I have friends who are and they struggle enough with just one so I couldn't imagine Esme's situation of dealing with a toddler as well as a newborn, must be really tough. I hope she has finally seen the light that Jordan will never want the happy ever after that she wanted so desperately. I hope she takes the time to just focus on the girls and get herself in a healthier mindset. She seems like a nice girl and I'm sure when the time is right she will meet the right man for her. She's so young, she will be ok and I hope she knows that
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As someone who has to flee domestic violence, I’m now on universal credit and I can’t afford half of the stuff she does. I am a true single parent, my ex for obvious reasons cannot have unsupervised access and it’s awful. I’ve worked my whole adult life, even throughout my degree and I’m trapped in a system that until my youngest is 3 I will be free.

the whole thing doesn’t make sense, won’t the benefit office question why she is having a child with the ex she claims she isn’t in a relationship with?
Just came here after watching her tiktok 😬 doing that video will only attract people here. My cousin and my friend both had two kids each with the same dad even tho they are both claiming as single parents, benefits office don’t seem to even question it. Mad!!
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So she’s posted a video about how she was blue lighted to hospital with a threatened miscarriage, and she’s miming the words to the song for the video ? Such a serious subject, I think she’s quite naive and childish to seriously believe that coparenting will run so smoothly her whole life, her ‘baby daddy’ will move on into a relationship sooner or later. He clearly doesn’t want her / is using her and if it were my family they’d be telling me to get out!
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I saw her TikTok the other day sharing that she’s having a tough time. Obviously it must be really stressful with the new baby being poorly but I honestly don’t know what she was expecting when she got pregnant again?

Did she really think they’d just get back together ? Is that why there are so many issues with Maisie? Not condoning her behaviour of course - just don’t know what would possess someone, as a single mum, to get pregnant again to the same guy when you’re not even together. And I know people can claim it was unplanned but if you’d had one unplanned pregnancy would you not be a bit more aware ?
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VIP Member
Well, well, well.

isn’t this interesting! It goes to show that she was smug for a reason before as she didn’t know about the new girlfriend of his. Clearly he told her or she found out the past few days and has realised that “co-parenting” will actually be co-parenting now, no more sleeping together in a friends with benefits type situation! What a pig he is. But she is also an idiot being drip fed lies and sweet nothings from him
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Chatty Member
That name is dug shite. Doesn’t go with Myla at all and makes her sound like she’s trying to be posh, from her council flat 🤣
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I don’t feel sorry for any of them, they’re all idiots. I also don’t think Esme is that good a mum, like everyone goes on about, if she was a good mum she’d worry less about shagging Jordan and wouldn’t have had the second kid, would have actually gone to study as she had planned and made something of her life! Yeah she feeds them and takes them on days out, is the bar for ‘good mum’ really that low? Good mum would be putting them first and not getting her hole ✌🏻
I agree. Just because she's well spoken and not chavvy people act like she's amazing. I think she's quite selfish tbh. OK maybe she got pregnant with Myla by accident but the responsible thing to do in that situation would have been to focus on establishing a career that will support them both, and I'm sure in time she would have met someone she was a better match with to have more babies with and be a stepdad to Myla. Instead she's chosen to have a second baby with someone who clearly has zero respect for her, and she's made it 10 times harder to better herself. Being a single mum by choice is a big decision and I honestly don't think she's properly thought it through, it's all about what she wants.
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She’s had the baby and called her Octavia. Not the type of name I was expecting.

She posted this on her story praising baby daddy. Had to get it in there that he was holding her hand. 😅

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