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They’re all behaving like complete idiots. End of the day there is 2 little girls in the middle of all of this. The fact it has all been publicly shown, regardless of if the tiktok is still there or not, shows how much of a shambles the whole thing is. I don’t care about Esme Jordan or Maisie or their messed up love triangle what is important is them girls. And the fact they’re subject to this, threats of being beaten up between parties involved, assaults, makes you question their safety. It sounds like Esme has had the time to go out drinking from Maisie’s comments and what Esme wrote on her insta saying Maisie threw a drink and a glass at her. We all know Esme has been overly involved in their relationship because of the video she first did “time wasn’t in our favour” and then “only love can hurt like this” with one of the comments she had done on that video being that having a baby with someone else’s boyfriend is mentally draining. No it isn’t. She claims to have been moving on yet she’s leaving herself open to be questioned.
I don’t know what’s gone on and frankly I don’t care. But it does make you question the innocent little girls caught in the middle. Is shit like this always going to kick off when he gets with someone new? The videos being made. Because Esme started it. And saying “Jordan wouldn’t hit a woman because he’s a dad” ANYBODY CAN HIT A WOMAN. Just because he’s a dad does not exclude him from that. She’s defended him a hell of a lot here. Not the kind of behaviour you’d expect from someone who is “not getting involved” and “moving on with my life” ……
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Maisie deleting comments left right and centre doesn’t make her look like she’s telling the full story...
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But they haven’t been together for a long time regardless of her getting pregnant. Just because she was pregnant does that mean he can’t do anything even tho they wasn’t together?
His main priority should’ve been that baby and the baby’s mum. Not finding a new girl to shag
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I'm so confused ..she had the baby with him and confirmed they were not a couple and would be co parenting? When centre parks happened she said they were not together either....she said they didn't want to be together.
I think she was lying to herself the whole time. She knew he didn’t want to be with her, but she was secretly hoping he’d change his mind if she gave him another child.

So she put this persona up online of herself being “happy” with the co-parenting and comfortable with the fact they were no longer together.

Poor girl, it must be soul destroying knowing that he’s moved on when all she wanted was him back with her and to be a family. But they were both silly by sleeping together.
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I mean I've been here previously reading and agreeing but as woman and a lot of us prob mothers what people are writing right now isnt right. Were talking like shes the devil but we will all know a couple of girls/women were we live doing worse. We have all been young and and disillusioned and wanted the best, maybe her upbringing was shit and craves better. I dont know, I previously agreed with a lot on here, still do. But are we all okay sticking the boot into a single mum who's pregnant and prob feeling the lowest. I can put my hand up and say I have not once not even twice but prob multiple times when younger made shit mistake give shit people chances and craved love on the wrong places. Beauty is I'm 33 now, shes not. Shes learning and hurting. Please let's be better because tearing into a young pregnant mum with a toddler doesnt feel right

We are all talking like we havent been young been in a toxic relationship, etc. We learn. Shes 20 and shes learning the body hard way. Come on girls. Bloody hell
Nah sorry don’t agree. I don’t care how old someone is, when they decide to become a parent they grow the fuck up and stop acting like an airy, fairy teenager. Regardless of age her own daughter quite clearly hasn’t crossed her mind. Who would want that kind of life for their child? The poor kid must be so confused. One minute mummy and daddy are best friends and the next they’re not because daddy moved on and mummy can’t handle it. I for sure would put my own feelings and heartache aside and strictly co-parent from the start, no matter how hard it was. I wouldn’t end up pregnant again and raise yet another child as a single parent. Her child should have come first and she didn’t. Esme SHOULD have been focusing on a healthy co-parenting relationship and she couldn’t do it. She’s in her 20’s and she knows right and wrong.

Also like to add I’ve been in toxic relationships and if I had my son back then, I sure as hell would have ran for the hills. He comes before me and always will. I’m only a few years older than esme but I’m not an idiot and I sure as hell don’t fall for anyone’s bullshit.
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Oh blah blah we must all be jealous and have no lives... Same spiel all these influencers spout when they're being talked about on here. Couldn't be further from the truth! I enjoy dipping in and out of here to have a gossip, it's my guilty pleasure in my downtime (sorry not sorry!) Also I've said it before and I'll say it again, you want the fans and other good bits of social media fame then you have to deal with people calling you out on stuff and being critical. Tbh this thread is tame compared to some on here (which do go a bit far imho!)
Also, as if every commenter on that last tiktok of hers is whiter than white and never gossips about anyone... pull the other one!
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I don’t know how any of your defend this man, like surely he wasn’t telling her ‘if you get caught pregnant just know I’m going to dip’ he was absolutely selling her the fantasy family life

The new girl seems like she’s just happy in love young and naïve and it’s his responsibility to tell her to respect esme’s feelings for his daughters sake what if she has a depression spiral because of this cruel posting in bed going on holiday photos all over social media who’s going to be taking care of these girls? his ex just gave birth to his baby a few weeks ago.. imagine yourself in her position and just have the tiniest bit of respect what if they work out long term Myla and Octavia are never going to like a woman who intentionally caused their mother harm in such a vulnerable time of her life can you not just wait a few months it’s disgusting that he allows it
!!!!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!!
I can only guess he was filling her head witb all sorts about being a happy family and promising things. I doubt she had any idea he’d run and date a girl barely out of college whilst she was heavily pregnant. I hope whenever maisey is a pregnant woman she can reflect on the pain she would of caused esme during a time you should be looked after and treated with respect.
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Chatty Member
Still private and not posting, comments switched off. How will she get weirdos buying her kids everything they need now?
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Esme is not thinking long term at all, she's only young and could have waited to have another baby with someone she's actually in a relationship with and who would be more present for Myla. Instead 2 innocent kids have to grow up in this hot mess of a situation where baby daddy gets to have his cake and eat it and dip in and out of being a dad when it suits him. Also sets a really poor example for her 2 daughters, I'm sure she wouldn't want them to be treated like that in the future...
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It kills me how she doesn’t actually know the words to some of the songs she mimes to in her videos. She quite often gets the lyric wrong or clearly has no clue what it is. It’s painful to watch 😬😂
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This is what I mean. People jump to conclusions so quick ‘he’s disgusting out clubbing when his baby is in hospital’ and esme likes comments to insinuate that’s what he’s doing too. If he didn’t work, people in comments would be all ‘can’t believe he’s not working to support you and the girls’ but when he does work, everyone’s unhappy that he’s not at the hospital waiting outside even if he can’t go in. I feel really awful for Esme with Octavia being so poorly and no one on this thread has ever said she’s a bad mum. We are all on this thread for a reason, she’s aired her dirty laundry all over social media and tried to use a baby as a plaster to stick over their non-existent relationship, as well as quite openly committing benefit fraud. This is turning into a rave thread for Esme and a hate Jordan train. We only know what we are shown by Esme at the end of the day, and she would have been bitter about this relationship regardless of Octavias health conditions, as she has openly said before that she thought they would be a family again
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Chatty Member
I feel for her, I really do because I know that she most definitely thought another baby would bring him closer, they’d get together and be this proper family unit she wanted. And you can’t blame her for that, if she’s grew up in a broken home herself then of course she wanted better for her children. I don’t agree with people saying the new girlfriend can post what she wants, if she wants to date a grown up man with two children then he should be saying ‘listen don’t post stuff like that it just causes more stress for me’ but I think he seems the type that he’s loving having two girls love him at once and he’s loving the drama.
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Maisie should be allowed to post whatever she wants. Regardless of her age, she’s a young woman in a new relationship. She can shout it from the rooftops if she likes. She’s not being disrespectful or immature.
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The commenting on his girlfriends best friends tik tok is weird and creepy. She’s obvs salty that he’s got a new girlfriend while she’s sat at home and pregnant with his kid. What did we literally all say? That shit will hit the fan when he gets a new girl, she can’t stop him or say anything because technically he’s single there’s nothing she can do that about. As long as he still sees his kids then she can’t really say anything. She really believed getting pregnant by him again would keep him attached to her, stop him getting close to another woman or even better make him rekindle the relationship.
He needs to stop sleeping with an ex (especially when it’s unprotected sex!) when he must know she clearly still wants him/has feelings for him. I think the fact she wanted another kid with him gave that away and she needs to realise that this is not going to work! She has to let go! I know it’s not easy, especially when there’s kids involved but she has to be grown up about this - maintain that good co parenting relationship whilst focusing on the little girls and herself. Find someone who does actually want a relationship with her not this casual weird situation.
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Chatty Member
Absolute cringe, the state of her! I hope her daughters have more self respect when they grow up.

I don’t believe he’s met someone new either. What sane 22 year old girl is going to want to get with a guy who has 1 kid and 1 on the way?

Actually he’s 25 apparently but I still stand by that
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Chatty Member
She stated in the comments of Myla’s birthday vlog in June he stayed over so it was deffos more than once …

They seemed close enough up until Sept, when he was clearly staying with her & her family in Centre Parcs. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d spun her the whole ‘maybe we can try again/be a family again’ then dropped her like a bag of hot coal when a better offer came along.
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I had two kids at her age and I can tell you now I didn’t air my dirty laundry on social media, saying one minute my baby daddy was toxic, next minute she’s pregnant again. And I feel so embarrassed for her ex and his new girlfriend with her latest tik tok, like that is not normal. She needs to step away from social media because she’s acting a bit crazy if truth be told. No-one is ripping into her it’s just honest truths about her behaviour. As I said before, she’s protested for many many months on tik tok they split so why is she so hurt and bothered enough to a childish tik Tok basically to say “he’s mine” when she Claimed #singlemom hash tag in every bloody video. She isn’t a naive innocent girl she’s a woman and trust me you can see exactly what she had planned.
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“We don’t work in a relationship we are better off co parenting” but your together all the time, go on days out together, having another baby together, sleep together? If you don’t work together why don’t you both find someone that does...
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