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New member
All she does is lie and put up an act for her followers. Also, she has a seperate byerim page so why is her personal insta all about her brand too- does she not have anything else to offer or is personality that dry 🤣
Checkout her trustpillot reviews for byerim oil, so many negative comments. There are funnily some 5star reviews guessing mostly from her family and friends side the positive reviews.
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Dolly x

How are people/consumers who are questioning the usefulness of a product trolls?? This dumbass realy thinks that everyone who doesn't bow down to her useless hair oil is a hater. Well erim, I'm a hater bc you're a fecking liar and fake as hell. Go take a look in the mirror before spewing bs about people hating on you - its for perfectly valid reasons.
Well said
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New member
No its not worth paying £40. I know who is selling a bottle not been used for £25 for 100ml. She posted comment on trust pilot using for 6 months and she started getting rashes & her scalp became very itchy on her neck near her hairline & emailed the brand got no response. She said its very sore, so she stop using the oil, the rashes cleared up. After 6 weeks later, she started using the hair oil again same thing happen. The review got deleted twice.

So she gone directly & getting the hair oil dermatologist tested. They said that hair oil brand should provide their research paper and how many tested the hair oil percentage, before product was launched. I'll let you know what she get back from dermatologist.

Alot of people has asked her to share this information, but she hasn't. What is there to hide.

If you like to try it. It's rip off as the price was £30, she raise to £40. On top of that, you got pay P&P.
Great info, read the reviews too seems sad for consumers to get ripped off and additionally lose their precious hair and damage skin. She seems like a true narcissist.


I am punjabi and I don’t like being called Indian.

Why? Have you seen what’s happening in India right now? The aim of the Indian government had always been to cripple Punjab. So why would I call myself Indian? There’s nothing wrong with her saying that... it’s a preference. In this case ‘Live and let live’. PUNJABI TILL DEATH.
Ah I see, all I was aware is Hindus and Sikhs had good relationship, Sikhs generally are nice even with Muslims. My confusion was if Sikhs own properties in Mumbai and Delhi in India why separate themselves. Yes the farmer issue is happening within India in different places all these things are just sad, the rich get more rich.
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also, it’s fair to only acknowledge one religion if that’s what you choose to be. If she’s chosen to be Sikh then I get why she doesn’t acknowledge Islam/Muslim side.

I don’t know if ppl are confusing her Iranian/Persian heritage for her Muslim side. If so I do find it weird that she never acknowledges her mixed heritage! Is there any solid evidence of her saying she is Iranian/Persian ???
she’s not Iranian or Persian. She’s Pakistani.

I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally decided to post.

You can see in the attached pic that she claims to be using coconut oil... there are also comments later on where she is telling organicoilsbyhema that her oil is finished and hema replied saying that can be sorted. What happened to byerim being in her fam for generations like she claims? When only a few years ago she wrote she used coconut oil or oilsbyhema.....interesting...

When she started using mixed oils you used to share how to create it on IG too and then after when she realised she can make money from it she stopped sharing the mixture.

When she got the pandora collab she used to post in a sisterhood group on fb lives (which she never saved) that shes going to post a pic soon and to go like, comment and tag pandora coz she was doing all this for her sisters/brown girls and it's a big deal... if she was doing this for her sis like she said then why not do giveaway with the pandora stuff instead of selling it? She gets so much makeup yet she hands harneet an empty nars box 🙄 and she made a big deal about it by posting it to her stories that shes so generous.... like really? At least put some makeup in there.

Harneet stated a cookies biz and erim only just shared it to her stories once. She could have easily promoted it more esp as she claimed harneet is a sister to her... she wasn't gaining anything from that so she never bothered. She's so selfish and will only share/promote things that benefit her but never share to help others even if they are friends. She never tagged her friends in her stories but tags other influences. She's clever.

Another thing that pisses me of is she keeps going on about hating her birthday and doesn't like celebrating it but why do you keep talking about that? Like just stfu about it. For years she keeps saying that and then she posts on her birthday and tells people her birthday when they ask when it is. If you really hated your birthday you wouldnt openly advertise it like that so people wish you and send you gifts. She is such an attention seeker.

I actually liked her when I first started following her years ago but she's a different person now and I hate this persona of this "perfect" person she tries to portray

It's obvious she can't keep friends. I do wonder what happened with hamesha. One day she was at erims house and then the next they unfollowed eachother and she was removed as the moderator and then eventually hamesha disappeared from social media completely. She also used to be close to that black girl nefy london, but now she unfollowed her. She always used to take erims photos.

She also broke up with her bf around Jan/Feb 2019. He also helped her set byerim up. She takes all the credit but it was her bf and the girls doing all the hard work behind the scenes. Interesting how she was always bae this, bae that 🧿 and then never posted about the breakup or anything. It's like he never existed in her life!

It was after the breakup that she started posting about needed an assistant to take her pics over the weekends.

Also regarding her massi, she seems a lot older to be her mums sister. I believe it's actually her dadi's sister who would be her dads massi and she prob just calls her massi too. So her great aunt I believe then.

I know a group of girls in her sisterhood group who created their own group on messenger and they were all saying the same stuff you guys have been here and someone from that group fed that info back to erim, so she removed them from her fb group, removed them as her followers and his her stories from them. Funny thing is the people that kept quiet and didn't say anything about erim in the group she didn't remove them. This was last year. Surely if she was genuine and all this was just rumours or assumptions she wouldnt get this defensive and try hiding from people who have clocked on about her by removing from everywhere. Like why hide your stories from them? 😂

I'm surprised her bf put up with her for that long tbh.
Also another thing when she had a bf, she would never reply back to men in her comments and used to claim that her page is for girls only but now she sends them all these hearts and kisses 😂 and all of sudden targeting men now by saying it's a beard oil too!

Who the fuck is this kunal sood? He is so up erims arse with his bs byerim promotions. It's so fake!! I think he was originally mates with harneet as I've seen her comment on his posts from years ago. So he was prob on the byerim team too.

She definitely has been promoting unhealthy body image/food relationships. She used to go on about how light she weighs and how shes lost so much weight and how she eats less than 1000 cals a day!! This is bad as all the girls in her group and following and younger than her. They're going to think that it's normal to starve to look like her.

P.S I feel like slapping her when she does that annoying laugh that she think is cute!! Grow up erim!!
I don’t even know where to begin with this post, I have so much to to sayy but let me tell you. You are BANG ON. EVERYTHING you’ve said is factual and I don’t know you’ve managed to get all this information! This is only 20% of the madness going on in her life. Girls like her should not be influencing others.

I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally decided to post.

You can see in the attached pic that she claims to be using coconut oil... there are also comments later on where she is telling organicoilsbyhema that her oil is finished and hema replied saying that can be sorted. What happened to byerim being in her fam for generations like she claims? When only a few years ago she wrote she used coconut oil or oilsbyhema.....interesting...

When she started using mixed oils you used to share how to create it on IG too and then after when she realised she can make money from it she stopped sharing the mixture.

When she got the pandora collab she used to post in a sisterhood group on fb lives (which she never saved) that shes going to post a pic soon and to go like, comment and tag pandora coz she was doing all this for her sisters/brown girls and it's a big deal... if she was doing this for her sis like she said then why not do giveaway with the pandora stuff instead of selling it? She gets so much makeup yet she hands harneet an empty nars box 🙄 and she made a big deal about it by posting it to her stories that shes so generous.... like really? At least put some makeup in there.

Harneet stated a cookies biz and erim only just shared it to her stories once. She could have easily promoted it more esp as she claimed harneet is a sister to her... she wasn't gaining anything from that so she never bothered. She's so selfish and will only share/promote things that benefit her but never share to help others even if they are friends. She never tagged her friends in her stories but tags other influences. She's clever.

Another thing that pisses me of is she keeps going on about hating her birthday and doesn't like celebrating it but why do you keep talking about that? Like just stfu about it. For years she keeps saying that and then she posts on her birthday and tells people her birthday when they ask when it is. If you really hated your birthday you wouldnt openly advertise it like that so people wish you and send you gifts. She is such an attention seeker.

I actually liked her when I first started following her years ago but she's a different person now and I hate this persona of this "perfect" person she tries to portray

It's obvious she can't keep friends. I do wonder what happened with hamesha. One day she was at erims house and then the next they unfollowed eachother and she was removed as the moderator and then eventually hamesha disappeared from social media completely. She also used to be close to that black girl nefy london, but now she unfollowed her. She always used to take erims photos.

She also broke up with her bf around Jan/Feb 2019. He also helped her set byerim up. She takes all the credit but it was her bf and the girls doing all the hard work behind the scenes. Interesting how she was always bae this, bae that 🧿 and then never posted about the breakup or anything. It's like he never existed in her life!

It was after the breakup that she started posting about needed an assistant to take her pics over the weekends.

Also regarding her massi, she seems a lot older to be her mums sister. I believe it's actually her dadi's sister who would be her dads massi and she prob just calls her massi too. So her great aunt I believe then.

I know a group of girls in her sisterhood group who created their own group on messenger and they were all saying the same stuff you guys have been here and someone from that group fed that info back to erim, so she removed them from her fb group, removed them as her followers and his her stories from them. Funny thing is the people that kept quiet and didn't say anything about erim in the group she didn't remove them. This was last year. Surely if she was genuine and all this was just rumours or assumptions she wouldnt get this defensive and try hiding from people who have clocked on about her by removing from everywhere. Like why hide your stories from them? 😂

I'm surprised her bf put up with her for that long tbh.
Also another thing when she had a bf, she would never reply back to men in her comments and used to claim that her page is for girls only but now she sends them all these hearts and kisses 😂 and all of sudden targeting men now by saying it's a beard oil too!

Who the fuck is this kunal sood? He is so up erims arse with his bs byerim promotions. It's so fake!! I think he was originally mates with harneet as I've seen her comment on his posts from years ago. So he was prob on the byerim team too.

She definitely has been promoting unhealthy body image/food relationships. She used to go on about how light she weighs and how shes lost so much weight and how she eats less than 1000 cals a day!! This is bad as all the girls in her group and following and younger than her. They're going to think that it's normal to starve to look like her.

P.S I feel like slapping her when she does that annoying laugh that she think is cute!! Grow up erim!!
Facts. Facts. Facts.

Dolly x

This backs my point up again...

It’s great she’a made a poster about the on going farmer protests and shared it. But WHY has she written BY ERIM on them? What has her oil got to do with the on going protests? Nothing.

There’s only 1 reason it’s because she’s seen it as a free marketing opportunity. Loads of people are sharing the post I can see which therefore markets her brand also with ‘by erim’ written on the posters.

funny thing is no one else is making posters and putting their own logos on them...not even Khalsa Aid. I just don’t understand her logic.

the cheek she’s got . 😳


gisou hair oil is £80 (it's pricey but it is luxury ingredients and a luxury product so can't really criticise it) for 100ml and it is soooooooooo popular (and an influencer hair oil!) and stocked at sephora and revolve and more. byerim is pricey for the product (the actual product and ingredients are not luxury) but i don't think the price is the reason retailers aren't stocking it
gisou is soo overpriced too lol
you have to be very naive to think there's something special about it to make a 100ml bottle of oil be worth £80
as with everything in the beauty industry, you're not paying for the product you're paying for the brand and marketing and they hype social media creates over products
let's be real, majority of the work into how nice someone's hair is , is literally due to genetics and diet
you can ofc improve your hair through caring for it and using oils but there is no magic oil and you can buy those ingredients for so much cheaper
the goal of the beauty industry is to make money, that's it
do research and save your money before you waste it on unnecessary products
sorry rant over/

more relevant is that the difference is gisou has succeeded into getting into stores whereas erim just pretends her oil is popular


VIP Member
I think her IG is heavily moderated by her and ‘her team’ so anything negative immediately gets blocked / deleted so people only see the ‘omg you’re soooooo pretty’ comments..
This is very true!! Comments get deleted and people get blocked or she removes them as followers and hides her IG stories from them 😂