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VIP Member
Don’t even get me started on the byerim comments. They make me cringe so much 🤣

also, I had to watch these videos to find the comments and the fake laughing at the end has made me feel second hand embarrassment 😭😭
She prob tells them what to write beforehand, prob plans put the comments on her "team" whatsapp group. Or now that her harneet and kavita have left, it might be her managing that IG now
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Dolly x

Surprised that I am not the only one irritated by her fake attitude.
What most made me laugh is how she considered herself as a sikh not Indian. Doesn't like to be referred as an India, yet her ancestors are from punjab.. Which is in india 🤣

lmao, I also found this strange, I remember on q&a she once said she is not Indian But Sikh , please make this make sense .😅

She pretends to be modest in real life, mentioned this on a recent post... yet wears tight revealing clothes for social media how can she be modest, such a hypocrite.
The biggest hypocrite. Who she Trying to fool ?!!
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Well-known member
You never see Hate on her insta or byerim accounts because she deletes the comments very fast or her team is monitoring it but I’m 1000% sure someone is monitoring the comments 24/7 because if you think about it, most potential customers go through her insta accounts before purchasing so it makes sense why she would monitor the accounts 24/7 whereas tiktok it doesn’t matter as much! Also, as for trolling she can’t do anything for a gossip site lol there’s so many YouTubers/influencers on gossip sites with much more horrible things being written about them then princess erim for example the ace family literally have a 2k page thread on them lol and if austin couldn’t do anything about it then you know what Erim kiss my a$$

Also not to mention, erim would have to go out of her way to find this thread this thread isn’t magically flying into her dms LOL
Yeah it’s so funny cos she doesn’t have to read this...she can go about her day and ignore it but she can’t

Like most people would, she gives advice on how people will dislike you but can’t handle being disliked yikes
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Well-known member
Literally all we are saying is she should be held accountable for her actions

I don’t even care what she does like that but to use Sikhi is beyond me. That’s bottom barrel.
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I agree.
Generally speaking we all make assumptions but that’s on how we as individuals may view something. But it’s cool to share with others on here who feel similar

all the therapy in the world couldn’t help. Some people are the way the are and do not want to change or see anything wrong in what they’re doing.
Therapy would help with dealing with past and understand why she is the way she is, but it’s greatly due to one’s active participation and want to change or even have an insight to what they’re doing or is going on and she has none
100% and victimizing herself and not seeing any errors in her way are things that will not change. She is not one to take criticism to accept any wrongdoings. Help comes when you first feel as though you need it and she doesn't.
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New member
legit i was like she defffooo doedge if her own dog avoids her hahaha, also ive never seen her family, have u got a pic? she doesnt even talk about her bro much either
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Dolly x

ahaha as if she said people should keep their mouths shut. She’s so annoyed that there’s absolutely nothing she can do about this forum. Can’t just remove this thread from the internet the same way she removes “bad” reviews from TrustPilot.
Lmao bang on 😜
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Chatty Member
Omg guys did anyone see that tiktok where a girl showed erim's hair oil and said it makes her hairfall out of if anyone has any suggestions? There were loadssss of comments on there saying it had happened to them too and it was a waste of money. There were also loads of people who tagged erim. So I went to check the comments again today and the girl deleted the video. Bets on this fake bitch erim telling her to remove it loool
Ahh I wish I saw that- screen record next time hahaha. What a shit business. I know hair oil will work differently for everyone but it’s basically scamming if you delete bad reviews
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Chatty Member
still waiting on that article tick tock
It’s funny how she said the article will be posted shortly to prove she’s not lying and it still hasn’t been 🤣🤣

"a pathetic reach" I don't think this thread needs to become nasty towards one another, some people are sharing their thoughts, opinions and observations and others are sharing facts to which they actually know the truth and all of which are valid. None of us actually know who each other are, as we're all using fake names for anonymity. So although I appreciate you do not know who I am, appreciate that what I state is nowhere near a pathetic reach.
Genuine question but what made you think she was Pakistani?
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New member
Who got arrested guys which one of you was it 🤣🤣
I saw her post about that today. Im really sorry if I'm coming off as annoying but it tends to just feel like people either think shes the worst person alive or she's perfect. I read a bit more of the forum and i think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle...were all obviously somewhere in the middle if we're kaurs on a gossip forum reading or writing about her.

But I kinda think if the police arrested someone they mustve done something pretty they wouldn't just arrest someone for trolling. What if they were harassing her? Idk i don't think anyone deserves that

I was also reading a bit more on here and it started to make me wonder about making my own ig account. I'm 19 and just getting into fashion and finding my style so I made an account to post my outfits. Obv my account is tiny and nothing like erims but im kinda wondering if its even a good idea to make a public ig if people could make fun of me or end up talking about my family...I was excited about it at first but is it really worth it?
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Well-known member
she said she grafted for it

where did she get the money from.. She doesn’t work to have savings! Very confused.

How old is that picture? She hasn’t posted her boyfriend in a long time!

also if they are well off, how comes they live in a flat or is it like a penthouse?
She posted her bf last year, and she said he is the one who takes most of her pics a few months ago on her stories. So I am assuming it’s still him, unless she’s with someone else now.

I think where they live is expensive because it is quite central London and they own the restaurant Eriki.
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Yeah I think people watch her for her pics not her product which is the entire point for people to see you for your product
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Well-known member
I just find it so funny that there are erim fan pages 😂 There are influencers much bigger than her with millions of followers and they dont have fan pages. It's so ovb she made them herself and followed them. Shes even turned her old username erimstagram as a fan page but no one follows it.

Who remembers that time she thought it would be cool to unfollow everyone and just follow byerim. She said she will follow them from her personal/private page instead. It lasted a day 😂 She ended up following everyone again.
why would other brands and influencers still follow her if she unfollowed all of them and only follow by erim.....even people who are HUGE don’t do that, literally only few famous people get away E.g Kanye or some shit
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Well-known member
This pic is from 2018! I don’t think they’re together anymore because she always used to go up to coventry to see him and also get AJ initials on her nails or AJ on her phone case and tag AJ on her pics etc, and all of that has stopped and she’s constantly with girl friends. She also posted about how we dont even know the half of what has happened to her this year and i’m sure that’s about a breakup
she said her bf took her pictures most the time in her Q&A a few months ago, and I didn’t realise it was that old of a pic. Not a huge fan of her tbh something very off about her
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