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She claims to have Persian roots, but then so do half these Indians who wanna appear anything but Indian.

I think if she doesn’t smoke shisha then it’s not really a problem, they serve alcohol at her dads restaurant it’s like what’s the point being in that environment etc etc.

Interesting... weird that she promotes Sikhi so much when she's half Muslim? Seems like she's ashamed and I agree, her actions are very hypocritical
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Her dad owns a restaurant and is quite well off, so yes from what ive heard she did get the money from her dad. she is still with her bf as pictured below;
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This backs my point up again...

It’s great she’a made a poster about the on going farmer protests and shared it. But WHY has she written BY ERIM on them? What has her oil got to do with the on going protests? Nothing.

There’s only 1 reason it’s because she’s seen it as a free marketing opportunity. Loads of people are sharing the post I can see which therefore markets her brand also with ‘by erim’ written on the posters.

funny thing is no one else is making posters and putting their own logos on them...not even Khalsa Aid. I just don’t understand her logic.

Omg I didn’t even realise that at first! She would actually stoop so low just to get a tiny bit of marketing. Absolutely disgusting
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Her content is becoming way too revealing so dunno what this modesty thing was even about, again just don’t lie about it how hard is it. Just say you like to dress how you dress so many other people do it
Honestly, she lies so so much it’s unbelievable
As her followers increased, she got worse. I noticed in her old pictures, she didn’t use a foundation too light and shows her natural complexion (which is darker)


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tbh i won't be able to believe that he doesn't delete a lot of negative reviews like erim haha

it's apparently a fine dining luxury restaurant but no one i know has gone there and it's never mentioned in our circles of a place to eat. seems like overhyping shady biz runs in the fam
It's closed down now anyway during the pandemic. Dont know why their Instagram is still up tbh
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can someone tell pandora that she’s selling their items on depop even though she’s a brand ambassador? surely that’s incredibly embarrassing for them
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Dolly x

Cannot stand her so up herself

I think her dad has pretty much paid for her business but she’ll deny it.

not sure I like her, she knows she’s pretty and she flaunts it. There’s a vibe about her that makes me think she’s quite bitchy but she does this ‘sisters’ thing, which makes her look so friendly l

If you don’t know who she is, she’s known within the brown girl community on Instagram. She seems lovely and I respect how she’s built her own business at a young age. But why are her hair oils so PRICEY- like £40 for a 100ml bottle when I can get the same oils and mix them myself for cheaper.
Also, I’ve never seen anyone break so many covid rules and get no backlash for it- she does so many photo shoots during lockdown (without social distancing) and is planning to go Dubai this month? Is it seriously that important to go during a second lockdown? What do you guys think?
Hair oil I don’t think it’s worth it and hair is down to genetics not bloody oil

Cannot stand her so up herself


Hair oil I don’t think it’s worth it and hair is down to genetics not bloody oil
If you don’t know who she is, she’s known within the brown girl community on Instagram. She seems lovely and I respect how she’s built her own business at a young age. But why are her hair oils so PRICEY- like £40 for a 100ml bottle when I can get the same oils and mix them myself for cheaper.
Also, I’ve never seen anyone break so many covid rules and get no backlash for it- she does so many photo shoots during lockdown (without social distancing) and is planning to go Dubai this month? Is it seriously that important to go during a second lockdown? What do you guys think?
Definitely agree
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exactly my skin colour is wayyy lighter then erims, it’s very light my skin but i proudly say I’mIndian even tho I get confusedfor an Arab all the time i correct them in a hot second. Proud of my Indian genes
ditto, i dont associate arab/pashtun with being superior like ALOT of people seem to do - gives me second hand embarrassment. indian/punjabi and proud of it.
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yep KayRay too! like these girls party, smoke, drink, but do not hide it and because they don't hide it and do not pretend to be "modest", no one is really hating on them for it. and i have seen many of them use their platforms to speak up about sikh issues and even remembering 1984. erim says she is so passionate about sikh issues (her exact words are always that she is the ONLY influencer who EVER speaks up about sikh issues) so much so that she made a whole documentary about 1984, which is nowhere to be found. she brings that documentary up whenever anyone criticises her use of sikhi for clout. you now have an audience of 200k, where is the "passion" you said you have? you made a whole documentary but you can't even write your own posts now. it was difficult for her to even make a single tik tok about the issues but she loves to throw it in people's faces that she made a documentary that no one has seen. made a whole documentary but all she could say when rihanna tweeted was "why aren't we talking about this" and offered absolutely no info on her platform of 200k. and there's no absolutely need to lie and make up this whole "pure sikh" personality for clout.

this is truly no surprise at alllllllll. also ngl if you look up their stuff, the way their family has split up businesses and files taxes looks really really shady.

also this thread has gone up from 35k to 45k views in 2 days wow, more and more people are looking into how sketchy she is
This is her talking about the documentary


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Hahahaha i found out about erim from the kaurbeauty thread on gg. Kaurbeauty is another bag of worms but someone said that erim was so much more authentic and an actual role model so i went to check erim out. Imagine my shock when i realised how much more vapid she is. I'd rather not be represented as a punjabi girl instead of having these dumbasses be the punjabi influencers representing us.
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but you said she was pakistani when she is quarter afghan-pashtun, another tattler asked you why you think she is pakistani and you said i just know, the same can be applied here. i know extremely well about certain things, maybe not in a business/social media aspect, but a family aspect yes. and i can definitely say she attempted to lighten her skin a few times and she has had her lips filled, i would not lie about these things. same way i wouldn't lie about her ethnicity.
Because that’s what’s I’ve been told by her, I’ve first hand seen how can she say one thing to one person and another to someone else about the same thing, getting to the actual truth with her is so difficult. This girls plot twist just gets thicker and thicker. Regardless, I’m glad that she’s being called out I just wish we could all speak openly as this process of people getting to the truth and others understanding who she actually is, would be a lot faster.
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Haha let’s keep them anon! I know her from uni too she talks so much shit and I vividly remember her bragging about being Persian and Arab and I’ve been out with her few times too clubs and lounges oh man this woman is far from modest FARRR

Why can’t an Indian girl from the uk just make it, I know skin colour is a huge issue in the south Asian society but there truly are Punjabi’s who look white my family is one of them, we all have very light skin.
She's not even Persian or Arab... her ex has told people where she's actually from... she's defo half Muslim but only claims her punjabi/sikh side
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Haha so true , I’m sorry but did her & her nan really work for years to come up with the magic formula?As she claims . It took years to perfect the ingredients apparently
Doubt it.
Would love to see pictures, give her some legitimacy...

I can’t believe she’s doing a Sikhi column for BBC. She genuinely knows nothing about Sikhi.

From referring to our Guru’s with the wrong name, to wearing an arabic necklace, to visiting shisha lounges which smoking shisha is such a huge sin (i know she says she doesn’t smoke but why would you even want to be in that environment), to the clout she tries to claim by playing Gurbani in the backgrounds and this whole “Waheguru” thing she does each morning on her story.

She literally uses her Amritdhari massi to try bring in custom for her oil??? And I’m pretty sure a lot of people are under the impression she doesn’t cut her Kes, she absolutely does.
Also her dad owns a restaurant in West London, they owned it for 18 years and it shut down due to covid this year. It’s called “Eriki”, she’s posted it on her story before

It’s called ByHumna
Agreed, wearing a necklace with Islamic writing and yet you're Sikh? Make it make sense!
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It’s really sad to me that females feel the need to photoshop anything of theirs. Wouldn’t you rather embrace what God has given you? Reinforcing Eurocentric ideals to young brown girls which you don’t even uphold - classic.
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