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samneet made a dumb video acting childish af, she shouldn’t of said the whole “im wearing the Kara on purpose” thing. On the other hand, Erim will act like a whole video vixen prancing around in revealing clothes to the appeal to all the hungry men on insta and everyone licks her ass. It’s because she acts innocent 24/7, she’s always “with her dad” and starts her day with Waheguru - on insta I might add - and thats it our Indian/Sikh community lap it up because that’s what their best at.

Anyone ever had a friend who goes out clubbing/drinking/boyfriends galore, but they post the temple on their insta story and all the parents/aunties/uncles love them but don’t know the truth because the friend is sooooo fake. That literally is Erim. Btw I do all these things but I won’t pretend I’m fake, which is why I agree that girls like samneet are better but sadly our community love girls like Erim
I think that’s someone else, amkbhamra.
Yes I agree, she said in a podcast she Picks and chooses what she shows online, in terms of privacy okay that’s makes sense but she’s trying to build this innocent pretty girl narrative which she will not be able to keep up over a long period.

That’s an ethnic group in Afghanistan right? I’m dumb lol
I believe so, hopefully there’s someone here who can correct us otherwise :)
She probably saw harneet as a fan even though her own fan pages were probably created by her 🤣🤣
I can’t figure out erim. She either loves herself too much that’s why she’s always posting them cringy short staged videos and can’t take criticism. Or she’s insecure as she photoshops herself so much
Definitely the first

there’s no such thing as half muslim, half sikh. You’re one or the other.
I don’t care for anything that Erim does in terms of being this nasty narcissist because honestly, dumb people on Instagram clearly see past it
For me personally, it’s the fake Sikhi facade. From her going to shisha lounges which it’s such a huge sin, to her dads restaurant selling halal meat which is another huge sin, to her trying to push a false narrative that she doesn’t cut her hair (which is really clearly what she tries to do), posting videos with Gurbani in the background when she very clearly does not do paath, selling necklaces w Gurbani on them for “aesthetic” and so many other things.
Erim saw Sikhi is not a big deal in influencer culture and is using it to her advantage and it just sickens me. I watched her journey to Sikhi video and she doesn’t talk about ANYTHING other than the UoM Sikh society. Wow, you relaunched a Sikh society but do you even know the names of our Guru’s?
Everyday she’s posting 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿 but if you believe in Sikhi, you’d know that a silly emoji isn’t protecting you the way Guru Sahib will protect you from the evil in the world. I’ve questioned this in her dm and she has never responded. She really sickens me
You can be half Muslim and half Sikh in terms of your parents but she chooses to only acknowledge Sikhi


VIP Member
I can’t imagine someone ‘copying her’ as it’s not a new/niche thing. Hair growth/better condition oils have been around for ages. She does love a drama
I saw this company and it was honestly her bottle, website etc duped. They genuinely did copy her

Another thing that really gets on my nerves is the "my dad didn't help with my business, I didn't have anything luxury growing up" it's not hard to see her Dad is evidently very well off. He drives and i8 and a Range.


VIP Member
Please don’t group me in the middle with Erim who even are you? I don’t go around scamming people have you even read half of the things she’s done on this thread? People who know her have said the same. Discussing what shitty things she has done is the same as her doing the shitty things? So you want no one to talk and let her do more shitty things?
literally where did "we" come from? because majority of us are not sitting on a platform of over 200k and manipulating anyone? majority of us aren't using sikhi for clout.


Well-known member
She has the right to be angry but to say someone is going to a ‘different place in hell’ like some sort of threat is beyond rude. You should never judge someone nor should you say someone’s going hell to make yourself feel superior and make them feel worthless
Does anyone know the copycat brand ???
Lol did you guys see the state of her car 😂😂

Honestly she lacks business acumen; she has no clue and thinks she has come up with innovate products. Like sis please it's only a brush; there it isn't anything amazing. Anyone that has a business should take on board criticism and improve their product; not block them on instagram.

Also have you seen how her ex boyfriend looks now in comparison to before!! He's made such an improvement and good on him! Any idea on why they broke up?
Drop the pics of him!


Im confused - how involved is her dad in her business? I know that he’s a successful businessman so I assumed that he’d be against Erim deleting negative reviews etc, unless she got her insincerity from him


Chatty Member
The thing is originally when the oil was launched she posted on her story saying she is going to "buy" more oil. But erim I thought you were making this??? She said this was passed down by generations yet decided to call it byerim like nah dude its more like byedadi (by grandma) so why are you taking the credit???

She claims that it is tested, then show us the lab certificate, show a dermatologist speaking about the oil. But ofc "sis" can't show that as she has no proof.

Have you guys read the reviews about her oil on Trust Pilot. She says she doesn't delete them but it says something else on Trust pilot.
What she got to say about this then to us ‘trolls’ 🤣🤣


In 2091 she posted something about doing a collab with a "handbag" company and that something big is coming up guessing that never happened 😂😂

Also why does her team say that oh our oil would not cause hairloss. So are you saying ALL these girls are lying or are "haters"

She needs to learn how to be a good human being and a better business woman
ugh meant 2019


I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally decided to post.

You can see in the attached pic that she claims to be using coconut oil... there are also comments later on where she is telling organicoilsbyhema that her oil is finished and hema replied saying that can be sorted. What happened to byerim being in her fam for generations like she claims? When only a few years ago she wrote she used coconut oil or oilsbyhema.....interesting...

When she started using mixed oils you used to share how to create it on IG too and then after when she realised she can make money from it she stopped sharing the mixture.

When she got the pandora collab she used to post in a sisterhood group on fb lives (which she never saved) that shes going to post a pic soon and to go like, comment and tag pandora coz she was doing all this for her sisters/brown girls and it's a big deal... if she was doing this for her sis like she said then why not do giveaway with the pandora stuff instead of selling it? She gets so much makeup yet she hands harneet an empty nars box 🙄 and she made a big deal about it by posting it to her stories that shes so generous.... like really? At least put some makeup in there.

Harneet stated a cookies biz and erim only just shared it to her stories once. She could have easily promoted it more esp as she claimed harneet is a sister to her... she wasn't gaining anything from that so she never bothered. She's so selfish and will only share/promote things that benefit her but never share to help others even if they are friends. She never tagged her friends in her stories but tags other influences. She's clever.

Another thing that pisses me of is she keeps going on about hating her birthday and doesn't like celebrating it but why do you keep talking about that? Like just stfu about it. For years she keeps saying that and then she posts on her birthday and tells people her birthday when they ask when it is. If you really hated your birthday you wouldnt openly advertise it like that so people wish you and send you gifts. She is such an attention seeker.

I actually liked her when I first started following her years ago but she's a different person now and I hate this persona of this "perfect" person she tries to portray

It's obvious she can't keep friends. I do wonder what happened with hamesha. One day she was at erims house and then the next they unfollowed eachother and she was removed as the moderator and then eventually hamesha disappeared from social media completely. She also used to be close to that black girl nefy london, but now she unfollowed her. She always used to take erims photos.

She also broke up with her bf around Jan/Feb 2019. He also helped her set byerim up. She takes all the credit but it was her bf and the girls doing all the hard work behind the scenes. Interesting how she was always bae this, bae that 🧿 and then never posted about the breakup or anything. It's like he never existed in her life!

It was after the breakup that she started posting about needed an assistant to take her pics over the weekends.

Also regarding her massi, she seems a lot older to be her mums sister. I believe it's actually her dadi's sister who would be her dads massi and she prob just calls her massi too. So her great aunt I believe then.

I know a group of girls in her sisterhood group who created their own group on messenger and they were all saying the same stuff you guys have been here and someone from that group fed that info back to erim, so she removed them from her fb group, removed them as her followers and his her stories from them. Funny thing is the people that kept quiet and didn't say anything about erim in the group she didn't remove them. This was last year. Surely if she was genuine and all this was just rumours or assumptions she wouldnt get this defensive and try hiding from people who have clocked on about her by removing from everywhere. Like why hide your stories from them? 😂

I'm surprised her bf put up with her for that long tbh.
Also another thing when she had a bf, she would never reply back to men in her comments and used to claim that her page is for girls only but now she sends them all these hearts and kisses 😂 and all of sudden targeting men now by saying it's a beard oil too!

Who the fuck is this kunal sood? He is so up erims arse with his bs byerim promotions. It's so fake!! I think he was originally mates with harneet as I've seen her comment on his posts from years ago. So he was prob on the byerim team too.

She definitely has been promoting unhealthy body image/food relationships. She used to go on about how light she weighs and how shes lost so much weight and how she eats less than 1000 cals a day!! This is bad as all the girls in her group and following and younger than her. They're going to think that it's normal to starve to look like her.

P.S I feel like slapping her when she does that annoying laugh that she think is cute!! Grow up erim!!
Omg this is absolutely crazy!!! People are allowed to have an opinion and it seems like more people are catching onto her fake persona and hiding her stories that is hilarious and so immature cause it seems she did not want those girls speaking facts about her actions. Next thing you know she wants to get this forum removed 😂😂😂


Chatty Member
Lol did you guys see the state of her car 😂😂

Honestly she lacks business acumen; she has no clue and thinks she has come up with innovate products. Like sis please it's only a brush; there it isn't anything amazing. Anyone that has a business should take on board criticism and improve their product; not block them on instagram.

Also have you seen how her ex boyfriend looks now in comparison to before!! He's made such an improvement and good on him! Any idea on why they broke up?
She only showed the bird poo on her car to get it cleaned for free- I thought she’s a six figure business and paid thousands for her shampoo samples (why does she even have to mention how much she spent anyway?) yet can’t pay for her car to be cleaned 🤣🤣
Also, who even allowed her to come out with shampoos when she made people’s hair fall out because of her oil- I wonder how much she gonna price the shampoo for- £60 plus free hair shortage?



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just commenting to report closed thread x

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