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So, moving on. What is Jess’ recent reel about? I thought I was pretty up to date with this thread so the “hate” is not coming from here, what negativity is she facing? I feel like you have to have a thick skin to put yourself out there and Jess just doesn’t have it. I like her account, she’s consistent and her content is good. She is a better rider than she gives herself credit for. She puts the effort in but if the online backlash is getting to her then it’s time to re-evaluate. I would think her people pleasing attitude will eventually wear her down. She put her thoughts with an advertisement which makes me think it’s not genuine at all and just there to garner publicity but I’d like to take her at face value. Did I miss something on here? When was she slated? It’s not from the drama today as the poster was very clear that that is not who they were talking about.

If anyone thinks the comments on here are too harsh or too hating, you need to get yourselves over to the many threads about the fitness influencers in Bali!
Some of them are so brutal it makes this look like everyone is being super polite!!
Literally any other thread! Jack Monroe gets ripped to pieces on the daily.
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This seems a bit unnecessary and I don’t understand the correlation? I have 10k worth of equipment in my bag and people are jealous of influencers getting free saddle pads. Should we also be jealous that you have the disposable income to spend 10k on equipment? 🤣
Me over here eating beans so the kids and pony are fed 😅 it's perfectly normal to be a bit jealous, Meg wasn't getting too rough a time here anyways, I do like her but stay real meg.
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Do you think I could keep moaning about saddle issues and get a free one? If she went to a good saddler with a large variety I am sure they would be able to tell her what she needs. You can even get made to measure saddles that can have the width adjusted by the saddler and they aren’t stupid money. It sounds like she needs one of them rather than an off the peg saddle.
Have to agree there are a few out there that put “ recommendations wanted” and you know full well they are after free stuff 🙄

charlottes account is another that is turning into pure adverts. Don’t think she is that relatable or likeable from a potential business point of view.
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I absolutely agree. Also just have to say - in regards to riders weight, I have posted in regards to what I feel is a welfare issue. However, to go after someone who is very clearly of a normal, healthy weight and who is taking the steps to be her best and improve her riding and pushing through confidence issues and comfort zones - well it's just nasty isn't it.
Even if Jess wasn’t a “normal healthy weight” calling her a fat cunt is uncalled for. She isn’t causing her horse any issues at the weight she is. Calling someone out on their weight when they are to big for their horse is one thing especially when the horse is also overweight making it a welfare issue, but to say it to purposefully upset someone is another.
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Chatty Member
it gets less and less competitive every year, you can understand unsettled horses but some of those riders looked like they’d never ridden bareback before ….
I think some just enter it in hopes it will springboard their instagram equestrian influencer career..

“Oh this product is so amazing” yeah but is it though, does it last longer than the 5 minutes you have had it for.
That shower hose connector that everyone was selling that has the thing to put the shampoo in- They're selling them for £30+ when you can get LITERALLY the exact same product of the very same production line for £5-£10 on amazon including prime delivery. It's daylight robbery!
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I would hate to be on a yard with Charlotte. She is the common denominator for sure. She doesn’t like taking advice from anyone but is quick to have a paddy when things aren’t going right and takes it out on Vossi’s teeth, yanking on that bit. I bet she has tantrums on the daily. I don’t know, she just comes across a bit of a spoilt brat.
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I actually quite like Meg and massively disagree when people call her a brat or say her mum does everything for her. I think the fact she’s taken her time with Dora to allow her to mature is brilliant. She is certainly very good at producing ponies to sell on and the best rider of the four, Emily is second.

The one I have the most issue with is Lucy tbh. She just doesn’t come across as a very nice person. She seems incredibly stuck up and has been downright rude towards the other 3 in multiple vlogs.
I agree about Lucy - she also dressed up as pocahontas last Halloween with an extremely offensive outfit, I was shocked that there was no fallout from that.
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I’m still a bit confused as to why a brand who produce XC colours would sponsor a rider who has only been XC training twice 🤷‍♀️ it just shows how ridiculous and fake the whole influencer/brand sponsorship stuff is
watching charlottes videos now is a tad painful with the amount of brand deals etc. Also feel for her safety as her riding has gone to shit
you had to be able to ride to get sponsors now it’s anyone’s game. Puts me off the brands when they don’t even bother to find a rider that’s a good fit and just pick anyone. Super Xc you need to do better.

pony nuts is an eventer on easy well made horses. anything a little tricky she’s not that amazing. Money can buy you intermediate horses but it can’t buy you riding talent unfortunately. Unpopular opinion but true
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I just watched Em's video. Neither she nor that horse were ready for that fun ride. Does she do any groundwork with that horse? It was not listening to her and was clearly beyond her threshold when she start bucking. Yes the others were dicks but Em also needs to take the blame for putting the horse in a situation it wasn't ready for.
I think Emily does lots of groundwork, she has shared lots of footage of her long lining.
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You aren’t alone in feeling jealous, unfortunately it’s just the world we live in. No one can ever convince me that being an influencer is a hard job, I’m sorry lol. Yes it takes time, effort and planning but so do a lot of jobs and people get paid absolute peanuts. The benefits and gains you get from being an influence are just astonishing. The only benefit I get from being a mental health nurse is that I have a parking permit for the whole of the city and can park anywhere oh and I also can get 10% off in some shops🤣
I agree. I can’t be convinced either. Oh, the poor hard working influencer, please. I work in the horse industry, it’s gruelling but all my friends and family see is how much travel I do. Yes I travel a lot but it’s for work. I don’t get time off to explore or be a tourist. It’s 16+ hour days with a rare day off. I’m back home for a week on Tuesday but again, it’s rare. I last flew home at Christmas. It’s temporary and I’ll go back to coaching or training at some point but there are no perks to my job or any job I’ve had in this industry and the salary is abysmal. I do love my job but I have to think of the future too and it’s hard on the body. One time I got a nice bridle that was being dumped! I was so happy, it was something I could never afford.
As you said, the benefits are shocking. Your horse is kitted out head to toe, companies seemily falling over themselves to get their attention. Some are not even paying for feed. I get there’s a lot of preparation and dead lines but it’s not exactly the most difficult job in the world if you’re willing to put yourself out there. I of course admire a lot of influencers but a hard job? No.
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I like Verena. I got the impression that she's from a large religious, wealthy family. Is her dad a vicar or something?
Yes I believe she's an instructor and housewife. I do wonder how she will keep on top of all her lovely baking once the baby arrives! I also like how she respects her husbands privacy.
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I thought Tina wasn’t that good of a rider but then neither am I. She’s no where near terrible but I do think Em is a much better rider. Watching Em’s vlog when Tina had a loose rein Banksy was acting calm so her acting like she wasn’t winding him up is bullshit.
I don’t watch Em much to be honest, but from what I see of Tina she’s very fussy and seems to make Banksy out to be a lot harder than he actually is? And yes definitely winding him up
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I thought she only advertised stuff she actually used and rated. Yet she’s now adveritinsng products she has only just received. Fair play to play to it and earning money but don’t say something and go back on it.
This is the exact point. If you want to earn monies from ads go ahead but be bloody honest.
I hate the “i only advertise products I love and use.” No you don’t you advertise products people pay you for. Be a little more transparent because as she states she is the queen of transparency 🙄

need a new hashtag #dontlikeitbutheypaidmesoitsgreat
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Well-known member
I was gutted to see the video of Mark Todd, someone I always looked up to and respected. But, there seems to be more of a witch hunt for him than there was of OT a few years back...someone who I recall has hit headlines before due to his treatment of horses whereas this seems to be an isolated incident. Not saying what he did was right, but there is a lot more and worse going on in the public eye that people turn a blind eye to.
I think the difference is Ollie Townend has always come across a bit of a prick so no one was surprised. He's had whip warnings several times over the years - Badminton and then Blair - and his horses often look done in towards the end of XC. Not a nice rider to watch.

On the other hand, Mark Todd has always preached about respect for horses and people always seem to love him who've met him and had clinics/lessons with him. He has been an ambassador for the horse world for a very long time. So it's much more shocking coming from him.
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she is infuriating! shes only got that horse as a status. Whatever is wrong with him either retire him sell him or put him down but she thinks she’s god flipping gift and a know it all! She needs awake up call
Selling him would be immoral. She needs to wait and see what the vet says after his 3 months rehab as he could be sound enough to be a happy hacker. However she will need to be willing to PTS if that is the best option and not keep him alive for the views on youtube. And now she is looking for a new share horse you would think she might have made enough friends at the yard to be offered to occasional ride on theirs. And where is she going to find the time for rehabbing Woody if she is sharing a horse as she claims she went on full livery due to her working hours.
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