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What do you guys think of Meg having two foals on the way? At first I was super excited but now thinking about it, do they actually even have any room? And why more babies when she already has three youngsters to bring on? 🤣 I know there current turn out situation is having some in during the day and out at night because not enough stables!
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As I heard on the insta grapevine. Tina took offence to this person contacting the company direct to advise that this was sending the wrong message out to young people ( quite right) and Jess then jumped onto it and bullied the girl really bad. I think between them the girl ended up with over 709 messages from followers of them which included death threats.
They forget this when they go on their #bekind speak 😢
That’s horrendous! I do remember the outrage of it all, but never new she attempted to commit suicide all from an innocent comment. This is what I can’t stand, they aren’t open to any form of constructive criticism.

No one can even defend their actions with the Yfood gate, not even wannabe.
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Gemma Tattersall's Arctic Soul has died. Going by the post it seems after he won an event?
How terribly sad for her and all of Arctic Soul's connections
He collapsed after the finish line by all accounts..sounds like a heart attack. So sad...was a fab horse.
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I always think this, for me a thick sweet yoghurty milky drink would just come straight back up the morning before an event looking the same as it did when it went down 🤣

Totally agree, sounds like the worst thing, I'm a tea and dry toast woman! I'll have my chip van grub after I compete thank you 😁
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Yes Ray showed up in my suggested reels too. A video of her sawing at Peppers mouth to get her head tucked in so far it's ridiculous 😔 How do people think thats good 🤷‍♀️
It wasn’t that long ago she was blaming Pepper’s mouth conformation as to why she doesn’t like the double bridle. Errrm no love it’s your hands.
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I absolutely agree. Also just have to say - in regards to riders weight, I have posted in regards to what I feel is a welfare issue. However, to go after someone who is very clearly of a normal, healthy weight and who is taking the steps to be her best and improve her riding and pushing through confidence issues and comfort zones - well it's just nasty isn't it.
Oh look, I do too. The 20% rule is there for a reason, the horse comes first but life on the buckle is in no way fat or too heavy for her horse. Broke my heart seeing her upset like that.
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Seems like Rhi's woody has a long hard road ahead and even then he might not be okay. She's talking about retirement.

Am I a bitch for thinking if he's no better then PTS would be the kindest option for him? Especially with having such bad problems at such a young age.
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This is why I barely scroll instagram anymore or watch stories because the majority of them are all about posting in ways that shows themselves off, the products they have been gifted or how expensive their horse looks. It's not about the partnership or about them riding (whether that be competing or just training at home) so it just all bores me. YT tends to be better but I won't lie I often skip to the riding parts with that too
It’s such a shame because there are some absolutely fantastic small accounts under 4k which never seem to get any recognition, yet people who just pose with their horse have 10k and can hardly ride! Mind blowing
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Anyone know who the famous rider is that made a comment about Olivia Towers? She’s talking about how sad she is etc etc on her stories just now.
I was wondering the same. Olivia is such a self entitled spoiled brat. What’s the new training method ? There’s Always an excuse for why she doesn’t do well.
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Why is Meg watching here? Is it just for content, the whole pity party, oh feel sorry for me I’m on Tattle? She was on it so quick. The topic only started yesterday. She gets a lot more than free saddle pads. Her equipment is used for her job so she’s claiming the VAT back on it. Completely unnecessary post.
It wasn’t even necessarily aimed at her. It was just a generalised comment. But that post comes across as a bit of a dick move. Oh look at me with all my expensive kit. Erm yes love all the kit you need for work, I don’t see people bragging about their vans to deliver our parcels or diggers to built menages for us lot or warehouses to store what they are selling. Not sure if volitaire pay her or not but their saddles are thousands to buy so she probably has 15/20k of equipment for them if she has jump saddles for Jam, Dee Dee and Dora. And I’m sure she has at least one dressage saddle and I expect girths and bridles from them. So I should hope she has good equipment to make good quality videos to advertise their products because poor video shot on a old iPhone 7 just won’t be giving Voltaire back what they are offering Meg.
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I just looked and I can only see her talk about her business on her page once when she announced she moved. I’ve followed her for a few years now, not paying overly close attention but I have always enjoyed her content and watching her produce young horses, I became more interested when she spoke about navicular due to my horse also getting diagnosed with it recently. She seems to know what she’s doing enough yet also fully acknowledge she’s still an amateur. I’d be proud too if I were her, I don’t come from a horsey family either and it’s refreshing to see an ‘influencer’ that’s actually had to work for what they have and not rely on parents money.
I quite liked lily equestrian, and felt bad for her when her horse was lame. However, after having months off, she jumped on and in her first ride was walk, trot and cantering!!!! How ANYONE can think that's an appropriate was to rehab is beyond me. It should have had months of progressive build up work. Poor horse
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I feel so bad for Rhi, I remembered watching her videos about buying him and I thought she'd done everything possible because she wanted to be so thorough. But then again I've known several people who've bought nice horses with clean vettings only for them to go lame with arthritic hocks within the year. The pedal bone can break from acute trauma too so it really could just be all very unlucky as much as it could be that she was duped. And at this point I dont think that'll matter much to Rhi with how she is feeling.
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Guessing you've not read most of this thread- F&F is peak cringe as the kids would say. Overpriced tosh and they give half of their stock away to the influencers so I'm sick of seeing it haha

Bore. That's what tattle is for. Just say it or don't bother.
Problem is I have done before and got attacked by their minions.
And it seems that a lot of posters recently are of the mindset of "just unfollow them!" which is annoying as it shuts down any potential discussions.
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I have, I've been on here for long enough to know which are the savage threads shall we say🤣🤣
I'm glad I didn't post in the end, as it seems we have an exact replica of what I mentioned in my first post happening today by the looks of it - defensive posters claiming bullying/trolling when actually people should be allowed to discuss on a public forum which is primarily known for gossip... They say 'don't follow them then' well by the same logic - don't come on tattle if its offensive to you.

(none of this is about you btw, just glad I didn't name anyone today as there's lots of drama on this thread today)

It was myself that wrote the following:

But I didn't name names at all.

And nope it's not jess/on the buckle, I've no idea who that is.
Just shove them on ignore
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I’m sure wannabeinthegossip is on Insta as something very similar and not surprisingly linked to LOTB.

I do actually like LOTB possibly the most relatable on Instagram, full time job, and keeping a horse on a livery yard is almost unheard of amongst the “bigger” influencers.
LOTLR I had to unfollow too many ads and didn’t like how every opinion that wasn’t a fawning one became labelled a “hater”.
Meg I like and is probably the one whose content I watch the most, 90% of the time I think she is thoughtful about what she puts out to her younger audience. Her newest vlog was sponsored by that YFood (which I do dislike being advertised to young girls and young women) but she did a
d a disclaimer to skip forward in case it was triggering for anyone with an ED. Not perfect but a step in the right direction for that sort of thing.
EMD and Lucy I like equally don’t always watch their content but I do enjoy it when I do, they seem like likeable people too.

Don’t follow many others but if people want to forge a path as an influencer using their platforms and opinions to flog products and get paid or gifted items for doing so…then be prepared to take a bit of flak. Some comments are way too mean and sometimes you’re just not going to like someone or agree with what they’re doing whatever it is. But a lot of it is constructive and valid.

My really unpopular opinion judging from this thread is that I dislike Miri Hackett. I used to like and follow but she started coming across a bit of a preachy, I know all type when actually I don’t think her horses get enough turnout and I didn’t think breeding from her Welsh mare was a good idea when she couldn’t ride one side of it (not that I could but then I wouldn’t have a foal from it either!)
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I struggle to keep track of the saddle situation but it does seem remarkably complicated. It sounds as though she has fully discounted monoflaps because of one time she put a saddle with a long girth on and he seemed happier? Could that have been that the saddle fitted better rather than the short vs long girth per se?

I do wish influencers recognised the position they are in with regards to being role models for people. Sure, they may not have chosen to be role models but they are, in the same way professional football players are for example. Responding to valid concerns with snarky messages and just repeatedly saying ‘but they aren’t diet drinks’ just shows a lack of insight. They may not be diet drinks, but the way they are perceived by the target audience may be different. It would be nice to see some appreciation of that rather than just saying ‘but they aren’t, so I’ll just carry on’
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Do they still have lessons with Fred at all? I don’t tend to watch their youtube so don’t really see their vlogs.
I think Tina does and think she has been travelling to Cameron B too. Think Emily has the odd lesson with Fred too. Enjoying her journey with Addie. I think she is a talented rider.

Also Just to note I am loving Lucy’s Vlogs with Justine. They are such a great combo and Justine is really good to watch. Ten out of ten.
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Anyone else see how incredibly lucky some of these equestrian vloggers are? They are sponsored by everything, and to only have to vlog a couple of videos in return?
~ Horse boxes, feed, haylage, saddles, helmets, body protection, clothing, the list is endless.
Then there’s reality where we have to work all the hours under the sun to be able to afford one or 2 on the list above! And now they are sponsored or gifted by y foods, drink bottles and now the latest one is deodorant! Thoughts? Or am I just a little jealous 😂
I agree to an extent. I’m jealous but that’s also their job and I couldn’t personally put myself out there like that. I work in marketing and I do a lot of social for numerous of our clients so I understand the time and efforts going into it. We quote a photographer to shoot just 10 photos for a client brand campaign and they’re charging over a grand for just that. It’s the time, editing, equipment.
I do understand the work they’re putting into it. Think about some of them already having a full/part-time job and then trying to care and ride their 1, 2 or numerous horses while also sharing their journey vlogging/instagramming. It is absolutely hard work. Continuously online. And to make it worth it they have to be earning something out of it. Of course there’s work on a complimentary, gifted, non-media fee basis but you think of Megan Elphick, of course she would have to make money out of it to go full-time with the amount of work she also has to put into her ponies which she probably wouldn’t get a chance to have as much as if she had an office full time job. This is so convenient for her and kudos to her for building her audience so loyal. But that’s what they chose and if you look at it from a brand perspective you’ve got to think about how valuable influencers are. We work with influencers in work but we’ve an entirely different strategy. There’s a line drawn between being excessively oversaturated which is what Y Food are doing which in turn makes followers/audiences turn sour towards the brand and not wanting to engage or buy from them and there’s matching an influencer to the real audience they’re trying to target and they subtly support them with products for perhaps gifted product launches, paid campaigns, competition support and sponsorship etc. Excessive payment for excessive push on social is ridiculous and Y Food are doing it all wrong. Good for awareness as you’re all talking about it. But yeah, I’m turned off even clicking into their profile. They’ve got to look at their ROI. I wonder is it worth it for them.
So you’d have to look at all the influencers you follow and think actually yeah, they’re full time, 2 horses to care for, vlogs add on extra time to film while competing/fun rides etc and then they’ve to go home, edit for a few hours and hope it uploads. It takes a lot for them to be organised and to be fair, VE squad and any other vloggers on YT are grafters. That’s how you make it in the influencer world and deserve the money being paid. Then there’s Olivia towers who cries and takes a break cos she doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life but she’s just lazy. She’s not a grafter. You see Verena then who is genuinely interesting to follow as she seems like she loves just sharing but isn’t crying for brand deals, it’s just pure love of the community. You can look at each influencer SO different and once you actually think about the work and time a lot of them do on top of their full-time jobs, you’ll reevaluate that they are deserved of these paid partnerships. Open to opinions on this because it’s a good debate IMO
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Have you see Country Grandeur’s stories? I don’t get why she is so offended by the suggestion she was over-horsed? She couldn’t manage his behaviour, it wasn’t her fault necessarily, but she couldn’t. There is no shame in selling a horse that doesn’t suit you.
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What’s up with these influencers only posting photos of them posing in an outfit with their face totally edited beside their horse? I want to see them actually riding and what they do in schooling sessions etc
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