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Chatty Member
I really hope he pursues this further. Like I understand he might want to draw a line under it all but ffs, it's accusations like this that destroy peoples lives and have genuine victims facing doubt and disbelief.
I made a point along these lines in the deleted thread at the time of the allegations. My posts weren’t always popular on that thread but there’s very valid reasons why newspapers can’t cover allegations like that and why people asking Doireann to comment were using poor logic.

False allegations have such an impact on those who are genuine victims.
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New member
The fact that every single news website that has published this story has disabled the comments says it all. There's some sort of media moratorium happening where every journalist in Ireland has heard these rumours but is unable to publish unsubstantiated allegations while some sort of investigation takes place. Defamatory laws in Ireland are really strict around this kind of stuff and you can't touch with a bargepole for fear of being sued.
Do you think its more to do with allowing the legal process take its course so he can't claim it was a trial by media? There's only so much they can allude to in an article but those comments sections are a pure free for all when something like this comes to light. I'm not saying they're right to shield him but maybe it would be in the best interests of the victim/victims when it does get to court that they're not allowing people to slate him now in order to keep the jury impartial. Just a thought.
One side note I'm shocked by how many have experienced sexual assault on this page. Absolutely floored. Some posts are harrowing. No one should have had that happen or be made feel like they wouldn't be believed.
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Just reading all the "best of luck" comments on Facebook towards Eoghan 🙄 I swear rté love to hire these type of men. A friend of mine dated a well known comedian that does a lot of work on rté, they were at a wedding and he's quite fond of the drink and when he passed out his phone kept going off and she opened it to see all these messages and dick pics being sent to girls, the worst was when he asked a girls age she said 16 and he said "ohhhh a sexy 16" 🤮 She literally upped and left then and there. I remember seeing friends support him on dancing with the stars and I had to message them and be like stop supporting this man he's a creep.
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Unfortunately, as women we are raised knowing that we are at risk of sexual violence and learn how best to navigate the world in a way that makes it as safe as possible for us. We do this so often and for so long that it becomes second nature and we don't question how absolutely fucked up it is. We are basically groomed for it and men just use it and continue to get away with shitty behaviour.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been subjected to gross comments or creepy behaviour or mild groping and just accepted it as the price you pay for being a woman. I've actually at times counted myself lucky that it was only a comment thrown my way because it could have been so much worse! This is what we do to ourselves, we actually stack sexist behaviour up against other sexist behaviour and rate it when we should have zero tolerance on all of it. But it goes back to what I said about society grooming women and girls to accept this stuff and keep quiet.

I literally only found out today that the reason EOD has left 2fm is because of allegations of this nature....I thought they had finally given up on him because he is a terrible presenter so I didn't pay any attention to the story. I can't say I'm surprised. TBH, between this and that breaking story in the UK of the young woman being murdered by a policeman and the sentencing of the guy who tried to abduct a woman in Dublin last year I'm just done with men for today. It might be true that its #notallmen but its #toomanymen.
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I wonder how Eoghan knew what girl had made the claims if they were totally untrue how did he know who to point the finger at. I know if someone from my past made an accusation against me on an anonymous website I wouldn’t have a clue who it was because ive never done anything like that
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I’m galled by the fact the last post on his IG is a post about Caroline Flack. That woman has been weaponised this past year by influencers and public figures using the #bekind to avoid accountability.
He did have a post up as far as I remember saying happy birthday to his gf but it has since been removed 🤔
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So RTE are saying Eoghans contract was due to expire shortly before he left. And RTE are saying the plan was to go a new direction for the 2FM Breakfast Show which will be revealed in the coming weeks lol still waiting for a direction. Doireann Garrihy will remain with the show. And today its been said RTE has audition more than a dozen people to replace Eoghan McDermott as Doireann Garrihy's co-host on the 2FM bbreakfastshow they have been secretly holding pilots in recent days in a bid to find a new host for the coveted slot. These are some of the names in the frame to join her as the new host includes Brian Dowling, Carl Mullen, James Kavanagh, Lottie Ryan, Blathnaid Treacy and Greg O'Shea.
Sorry for off-topic post but Christ, are they trying to lose listeners? Bunch of sickeners listed there.
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I think it would be just great if we could all stop questioning the motivations of the alleged victim here.

Why aren't we asking what drove him to groom young girls, allegedly, instead of asking 1. why she chose social media to share her story 2. what took her so long etc. 3. why didn't she "go through the proper system"

Why isn't he screaming his innocence from the rooftops? That's the only question I have.
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So he disappeared into a cloud of suspicious rumours in March 2021, laid low for the balls of a year, reappeared for a momentary tweet in March 2022 with some level of response refuting some of the particular details of the accusation but not the accusation in its entirety...and now what? What the hell is Eoghan McDermott's plan and how is he stretching his RTE savings to last 15 months and counting?

Bloody strange, this one.
His plan? Probably the dole like any other unemployed person.

What media outlet here will touch him? He won his little battle about minor technicalities like she was 17 not 16. There was no retraction about the nature of the sexual act that she found traumatising enough to write about it on reddit in such detail.

Leave him in the bin where he belongs.
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Someone put a comment on Twitter where he is following Laura Whitmores baby on Instagram saying something like that’s the last person you want following your child
And she has attacked Niamh Walsh about contacting her agent about the baby name, who is co incidentally the same journalist who published an article back in March asking how EMcD disappeared without a trace 🤔🤔
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Chatty Member
Just going back to the story posted on Reddit by alleged victim. Firstly what direction did she think the friendship was going? Meeting in bars and going for food and drinks? People have a few drinks they get giddy and stupid and loose inhibitions. That's the norm. How many of us have had fumbles and gropes and it's all part of the bumpy ride. To publicly put that stuff out there is hugely damaging. Why did she hook up again with him after the incident in Spin headquarters. No matter what she has destroyed him. Not saying he's without blame but she has to now shoulder the responsibility of what's shes done. I personally couldn't live with it.
She was literally 16... your judgment is absolutely gross tbh
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Well-known member
The only thing that’s fishy is the details you know about him and that you joined to poke holes in this woman’s story

I had an entire reply written out but you’ve got it in 1!! 👏🏼

Welcome “new member” 🙄 BobTheBuilder123
You’re building a nice little fantasy story there.
Pick holes all you like. The only person that reflects badly on is you
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Absolute gobshite creates a new profile the day after this thread is created and only posts one comment to this thread then deletes it when he’s called out obviously not knowing his comment lives on if we reply to it. How obvious can you get. But it makes me happy bcoz if he or his supporters are that terrible at trying to discredit his accusers the police won’t be long catching him out. The smell of EMCD off that comment is rancid.
My thoughts exactly! Can't think of any other reason they would delete that comment 🤔 I've also followed the story closely from the beginning. Never saw any mention of his Dad being a guard. That whole post was very obviously just an attempt to poke holes in her story. We f*cking see you 👀 Whether it's him or one of his apologists you should be mortified for yourself. I BELIEVE HER.
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VIP Member
Women often use social media to out people because our society or law enforcement or legal system fails them. So honestly that long post annoys me so much. It's ignoring the systemic issue. And saying his Dad is lovely? Uhm OK I'm sure he is but that's irrelevant. Also I'm sure if I was raped I wouldn't be interested in sitting down to do mediation with my rapist either...
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Im sorry this is too much with this young man killing hoimself last week. And yes i will say I do know eoghans family and the situation or some of the situation anyway and maybe this is not mine to share but the amount of devestation is so much with this news of this man killing himself over an allegation. yes this girl is allowed to make a proper complaint if she wants and let Garda do the work to but this is why social media is dangerous because it is not a court just people saying many things with no favts only what other people say. I don’t know everything but it is a big big mess like I said and I have spent this some time last week and today again reading a lot of this thread that is why i had to write and there are very sad stories and brave stories and some very nasty comments too with many wrong facts from what I know. The account or the tweets anyway were deleted because this girl behind the twitter admitted her lawers and eoghan lawers she lied about her age and was older than she said at this time she talk about. That is to say she said she was underage when she was notand and shared with the whole country a serious crime maybe the most serious crime that is not true. And now anyone who shared her post could now get sued because of that which is hundreds of people from what im told but she will have no responsability for them getting sued if that is what happens because you are supposed to check your own facts on social media. Another mess is she. Admitted again to lawers she shared another rape allegation from a troll account that i see mentioned above just only now totally fake that got reshared fromn her twitter and on here too on tatle life earlier on a scrrenshot on this thread I saw this morning. That troll posted many allegations about many people oin the public eye both men and women too of course I won't name names but they are still there on that account i believe all very nasty and fake so anyone who shared that post from her account when she reposted could now get sued aswell/ A lot of legal trouble she's made for a lot of people. the girl said she never never spoke with eoghan after there last meeting but I'm told there are many msgs that they kept in touch for a long time afyer all this and all the msgs friendly and normal msgs. I know eoghans dad who is just a very lovely kind man and she said in her twitter she wouldn’t go to the Garda because he was a Garda and was corrupt and would make trouble for her. He is just a teacher all of his life and so upset at all this and this accusation. I don’t know if that’s defamation on him but the family are crushed and worried eoghan might hurt himself or worse too like this man did last week. Another problem made by the post she said eoghan said he was friends with niall horan the singer and talked about him like bragging and showing off to her because he is famous which got him (niall included in many tweets and his name involved on social media except they (eoghan and niall) had never met at all at that stage and there is proof of that aswell so now niall horan has had his name pulled in and mentioned on social media. Maybe that is anothe rlegal problem for her i don;t know. So that is why none of reported in the papers because if they had printed what she wrote they would all be in big legal trouble like many of the people on twitter are and that is why tweets gone. Social media is a disaster. I remember does everyone that Mary harney the minister got nealy half a million euros because a paper or radio said she was an alcoholic. Maybe the lawers will make lots of money but everybody else on both sides will lose. The lawers eoghans side offered mediation to all sit down because eoghan thinks it was consensual and now of courdse she say s she doesn't think it was. So they opfferee and she has said no. So she hasnt make a complaint maybe she doesn't want to or maybe she is scared now how big it has gotten and admitted many details not true she won’t meet and try to mediation just hoping to delete tweets and go away but so many lives ruined? If it was my son i don’t know what I would do. Of course you'd hope to sort out but it si in limbo. And of course maybe her experience was not good either and that is sad but maybe he thought one thing and she thought another thing and the fact she now admotted many parts not true to lawers makes it hard for anyone to come to the tqble in peace. Nobody is a winner it’s all very sad. I hope maybe they will talk and be able to sort it out before something terrible happens like last week. Sorry for the long post I just read a lot of the posts here again this morning and many of them made me very sad from brave women and many made me sad because I know some of the truth and the family and they are suffering and trying to sort out and help their son. I am prayinh we dont have another headline like todays again soon. God bless this girl and eoghan and the families.

I feel like this is either Eoghan himself or someone very close to him...
If it is true that she lied about being an underage school girl whom he exploited, that is terrible... however I don't like the " Another mess is she. Admitted again to lawers she shared another rape allegation from a troll account that i see mentioned above just only now totally fake that got reshared fromn her twitter and on here too on tatle life earlier on a scrrenshot on this thread I saw this morning. That troll posted many allegations about many people oin the public eye both men and women too of course I won't name names but they are still there on that account i believe all very nasty and fake so anyone who shared that post from her account when she reposted could now get sued aswell/ A lot of legal trouble she's made for a lot of people. "

If this girl was sexually assaulted (and allegedly groomed if underage), then why are you going on about legal trouble for the accused?... what exactly would you prefer?

Also, Niall Horan was famous in 2010 so 10 years ago in 2011 Eoghan could easily have met him he hosted a music show. How could you possibly be so sure of this

As for sucide, I do agree that online posts aren't courts of justice, I amn't a fan of cancel culture myself however it is quite bizarre that you wouldn't at least immediately release a statement refuting the accusations if innocent, especially given how outspoken the man is.
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It's very cryptic, but I wonder if what he's saying is that everyone at 2FM was taken in by him, 'groomed' as such? Not sure if Keith still officially works at 2FM, he used to do a weekend show but not sure he still does.
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Active member
Thank you :) Is this only recently? Doesn’t he have a partner? I could never stand him so full of himself and the male version of a complete dose. No way he’d have left what I’d imagine was a very high paying job at 2fm, as someone called him in a comments section “the king of the snowflakes”:ROFLMAO: suits him perfectly.
I always thought a male dose was just a dose 😅
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Iconic Member
Not sure how true it is but apparently she was over the age of consent when they had sex…..
So is that the day after her 17 birthday or what 😐

screams technicality.
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