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Oh absolutely its my opinion, which I'm entitled to just as much as you are.

Maybe he has owned up to it and that's why rte have taken everything down or maybe due to the extent of the allegations its easier for them to wash their hands of him so their not seen to be supporting him.
All I was saying is guilty or not his career is now ruined over these allegations and there's no coming back from it.
He’s not exactly helping the situation by staying silent and quitting his job so suddenly. Unless he comes out and says something either way, people will form their own conclusions. If it was untrue and a load of crap he would have/should have nipped it in the bud immediately, and insisted these allegations are against everything he stands for and he will be taking every action available to him to get to the bottom of who started this. Maybe say he’s taking time off to deal with the stress of it but he just wants to put it out there that it is categorically untrue. You don’t leave something like this hanging, and he has said absolutely nothing. It’s totally strange for someone who was an ally to feminism and no shrinking violet when it came to being outspoken about sexual harassment and the relentless shaming of anyone who even momentarily side stepped from being anything other than woke. Now all of a sudden it’s him in the firing line and he scuttles off and disappears?!?! It’s very very strange.
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Oh and I absolutely agree with you. Justice for that poor girl should be served and he should get the most harsh penalty there is. I'm not disagreeing with that for a minute. But the point I was trying to make is if all of this is untrue his career is ruined and I dont think that's deserved.

Its clear from a lot of the comments on this thread that most people have made up their minds on what happened and what didn't happen so being able to have an open discussion on the matter clearly isn't an option. As with most cases your comment gets ripped into if people don't have the same opinion as you.

Michael Jackson's victim was able to correctly describe his genitalia and it still wasn't enough. Men in the public eye can rape children and still carry on with their career. I don't understand why people are more worried about the teenie tiny possibility of man's career being ruined over false allegations then they are about the multiple victims finally being brave enough to speak out in hopes of stopping the abuser hurting any more people.
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He seems to have gotten her on a lot of technicalities. But the crux of her claim, which is to do with the alleged assault, does not appear to have been redacted. A lot of people seem to want the girl hung drawn and quartered. Personally, I hope she is doing okay.

Is it completely unethical and weird that he was 27 and she was 17? Absolutely, a massive creep…. But the original Reddit post was heavily leaning into the “he loved underage girls” in particular in order to incriminate him, which it did….. He lost both of his high profile jobs, his girlfriend, Twitter and the general public crucified him and a lot of his family and mates turned on him (for the obvious reasons) because of the very reasonable and important stance of ‘believing her’.. public shaming was literally forbidden in Roman times because they considered it too cruel of a punishment … Eoghan endured nearly two years of it, spent in in absolute exile while everyone hated him .. I’d say that equals 20 years of prison at least. The age gap thing happens and while it’s not right, his punishment wasn’t in proportion to his crime... All the girl achieved was discredit her own word and didn’t help any girls of SA that come after her after this high profile false accusation case
He didn’t help himself imo but not coming out and rubbishing the claims immediately. He handled the whole thing very bizarrely.
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So many smart and eloquent posters on this thread fighting for victims. Its wonderful to see so many intelligent rebuttals to those blaming victims.
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comment on life

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I think it would be just great if we could all stop questioning the motivations of the alleged victim here.

Why aren't we asking what drove him to groom young girls, allegedly, instead of asking 1. why she chose social media to share her story 2. what took her so long etc. 3. why didn't she "go through the proper system"

Why isn't he screaming his innocence from the rooftops? That's the only question I have.
I imagine it's probably because people are entitled to a fair trial. Innocent until proven guilty etc
THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Victim blaming again. The girl was 16 years old when this incident allegedly took place. it doesn't matter why it took 11 years for her to come forward. she was a literal child at the time, who knows what kind of long term effect it had on her or how long it took for her adult mind to even register the wrong doing. If this allegation is true, SHE IS NOT IN THE WRONG, in any way shape or form. HE is the sexual predator and HE is the one who has questions to answer, not this girl.
I dont think anyone is actually arguing this. I dont think anyone feels anything but sympathy for the girl in question but people are entitled to a fair trial.

Does anyone remember when Roxanne Pallet accused ryan thomas on Big Brother of hitting her? Only that a camera was rolling at the time his career would have absolutely been ruined.

I havent actually heard anyone say the girl in the eoghan McDermott situation is lying. It's more like concern that the way she has chosen to speak out may mean that he walks away from it because he has already faced a trial by media.
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Just wow… WOW. In my opinion that is clearly his mom.

That’s is sooooo the way my mother Texts…. God love her, she’s coming from a good place, but really like?
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Chatty Member
Yes partner is a doctor. The claims I read are from 10 years ago. He was 28 and the girl was 16 😳

He was so into feminism etc. If the claims are true, do you think he forgot what had happened /didn't realise it was abuse/ didn't think it would ever come out?

His sister Roe Mc Derrmott is a massive feminist too.
Bet Doireann is secretly delighted 😳
I don’t think so, I think it’s more like “those who are the most guilty shout the loudest” kinda thing. Like positioning himself as some moral pillar who hates ppl like Harvey Weinstein so much so nobody would suspect him.
I just read the Reddit post, it’s so detailed I believe her.
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Few things about this sounding very fishy now... Obviously she's not gone to the guards. Why? My housemate worked for Spin back in the day as a Spinny around McDermott's time and pointed out a few big lies. Girl says he bragged about knowing Niall Horan to impress her. But sure he only met Niall after he moved to London for radio and this was a year earlier, so they had never even met. So that's bollocks. She just made that up. Housemate also sent us the screenshot below where someone asked girl how she got into Workmans if she didn't have a fake ID... she said something about McDermott flashing his work ID and the doormen turning a blind eye. Which sounds like shite anyway but housemate says there were literally no such thing as Spin ID's. None. Not a card, laminate, nothing. So that's also bollocks. She also tweeted that she wouldn't get justice cause his Dad is a high-powered Garda. Housemate says McDermott used to have his Dad on the radio show for some shit feature and he was a retired teacher, so that's bollocks too - fake excuse for not going to the Gardai. She tweeted he fled the country. He was in Marlay park the other week sure. So that's four lies there - and that's just the ones anyone can pick up without a question being asked of her. Fishy.

I don't, nor does anyone else, need to delve into the details. There was a post online. Stuff has happened since. The middling interim is none of our concern

I was raped. I went to the gardaí. I did all that I thought was right at the time, even though I may have been on autopilot a bit. Yet I was lied to, threatened, and forced to submit a factually incorrect statement by the gardaí.

So I don't blame the girl. Right or wrong.
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Do you think its more to do with allowing the legal process take its course so he can't claim it was a trial by media? There's only so much they can allude to in an article but those comments sections are a pure free for all when something like this comes to light. I'm not saying they're right to shield him but maybe it would be in the best interests of the victim/victims when it does get to court that they're not allowing people to slate him now in order to keep the jury impartial. Just a thought.
One side note I'm shocked by how many have experienced sexual assault on this page. Absolutely floored. Some posts are harrowing. No one should have had that happen or be made feel like they wouldn't be believed.
I so hope That's why there is silence in the media about it so his victim/s have some hope of getting justice.

Are you really shocked though? Sadly, I'm not at all shocked to see so many stories of experiences from so many. As I said in an earlier post here I don't know any woman who hasn't experienced sexual harassment or assault in some way. From "casual" day to day catcalling, inappropriate comments, aggressive chatting up from men, online stalking/harassment, groping to violent sexual assault and rape. Men are never not at it and society let's them. Boys will be boys and the onus is on women to protect ourselves and not drink too much or go anywhere alone at night or not wear short fucking skirts 🙄 it's such bullshit and I don't see much change. The #metoo movement has certainly helped people come forward and tell their stories but men are still at it. Always.
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Eoghan's silence is deafening. Surely if he was innocent he would be shouting it from the rooftops. He will never recover from this either way.
You would 100% come out and say you’ve heard the rumours and would like to state that they are 100% untrue, and your legal team is currently investigating.. bla bla.. and that the reason you’ve left 2fm is due to xyz..
Any innocent person would NOT leave something as serious and career ending as this hanging in the air for people to form their own conclusions. If it’s untrue, with every hour that passes this rumour is doing untold damage to his reputation. I can’t fathom why he hasn’t said anything at all. Is he just hoping it will all go away? Because it won’t..
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It makes me so nervous that he was such an advocate for feminism and calling out abusers. I feel like this has been happening so much in the past year, so many Irish men putting themselves at the front of female causes to cover up for whatever they have done in their past. They are using our spaces and our causes as protection for themselves, to cover up and hide - it makes me feel sick. This surface level feminism carry-on is becoming all too common in these awful men.
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Dragging his family and Anthony Flynn into this low. Lowest of the low. The victims don’t owe his family or girlfriend shit. He does. The victims are not responsible for his choices. He is responsible for his own actions and if the truth is finally coming out that’s great. The rest is on him.
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And of course it could be just one of the many misogynistic rape/sexual assault/harassment apologists. One of the saddest things I've noticed in line with the growth in the MeToo movement, is the amount of those cretins there are out there too. Worse still that many of them are also women.
The sad effects of patriarchy & internalised misogyny.
The saddest thing is they will never question their beliefs.
They will believe they came up with them all by themselves.

I have to say I really feel a good sense of togetherness with this thread. It feels like a good safe place to be open & it’s great to see that people will call out the obvious trolls & that they are either removed or they remove themselves.
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I somehow don’t hate him 😂😂😂
in comparison to the TV3 and Rte lovelies he’s just a normal guy. I prefer him to Alan and co.
Having met Tommy on a couple of occasions at events when he played international rugby I can tell you he's a really sound fella. Most of his team mates were up their own arses but he stood out as the one who was genuinely friendly,that could be why he's getting lots of TV work. On the other hand, a good friend of mine who normally wouldn't have a bad word to say about anyone met Alan when he was a customer where she worked and said he was extremely rude. Anyway, this is off topic, back to Eoghan McD don't really watch Love Island but the tiny bits I watched of both UK and Oz versions, he's hands down better than Stirling. I tried to get into LI finally this year but couldn't tolerate Stirling narrating it alone was enough to make me switch off pretty quickly. Though Eoghan was a good presenter on TV and radio(never listened to him and Doireann on 2fm so can't comment) very competent but his Twitter and Instagram personas were puke. He was constantly on his high horse virtue-signalling and pontificating, he's the typical white male privilege do as I say not as I do which have replaced the Catholic Church as the moral police. His sister Roe was also an absolute dose and worse than him, another one who has gone silent since he 'left' 2fm. Didn't know they were siblings initially but they used to chime in together on Twitter attacking people they didn't agree with.
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Its gone very quiet, I'd imagine that there is no end of social media cleansing being undertaken at montrose. Have a feeling this is going to go dead calm for a number of months now. Maybe a random spotting here and there. The press are not persuing it either which makes me wonder could it be like the adam johnson scenario where he went along as if everything was normal right up until the court case when it only became public knowledge then.
Yes totally agree, at this stage let's face it Eoghan isn't going to comment and has obviously being advised & now decided to go completely under the radar.

As other posters have pointed out this story hasn't went mainstream, our parents generation and even younger aren't aware of these allegations. If Eoghan commented then automatically his reputation is publicly tarred ("Eoghan McDermott denies allegations") and if there is no court cases then it is worth him pulling away from public life until he advised it is feasible for him to return.

The media cycle moves so quick, take Gordon Elliott as an example - this time last week he was the most hated man in Ireland and now he is not in the news agenda. Yes this is an entirely different example but what I am trying to say is if Eoghan makes a return say middle of next year into showbiz then there is nothing stopping him. This obviously depends on whether anything will be investigated and I am hoping he will somehow be brought to justice. He could do a small new project in the UK / Australia to test the waters and I could see this happening.

What a pity we live in a country where all the odds are stacked up against victims where the system is made as difficult as possible for them 1. to come forward in the first place 2. get to the place where there is enough 'evidence' to start an investigation and 3. go through formal court proceedings. There are lots more than these three but as so many others have said so eloquently it is just so, so tough for victims.
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I’m wondering how it took 11 years? Like one year is a long time, never mind 11. I understand she might have been traumatized but it just seems like a very long time before coming forward
It's normal for victims to take a long time to process what happened to them. She was a child when it happened and probably didn't have an understanding of the power imbalance between them. At 16 I didn't have a clue.
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It was just a big feel sorry for me spiel disguised in an ode to Aoife. Pathetic either way. I’m sure she wants to move on and not be dragged up on your insta or in the papers again.
Very on theme with his past behaviour of selling himself as the super nice guy. So fake
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Just about the Roe comments - she's spoken openly about being sexually assaulted herself so I'd imagine this is really traumatic for her. It's awful.
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