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Yes was wondering if he’s a cheater, how long is he with his girlfriend? Didn’t they get a houses about two years ago, I remember it being featured on celebrity home of the year on RTE.
Yeah well he likes to grab women at parties. Even with a gf. Being in a relationship means fuck all to men like this. Tbh I've kinda fallen out with my cousin over it. He's how I was at these parties and is Eoins friend. He's an Irish celeb but has no back bone and I havent talked to him in around a year.

Eoin also posted a few times hugging fm104 etc girls and would write comments about he was punching with them.. while in a relationship 🙃
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Let me tell you what I have to live with.
I was 14 when a man in his mid 40's groomed me. I'd have considered myself very intelligent.
I was bullied at the time, so had no friends, no one to confide in. I was played like a violin to believe that someone genuinely cared for me.

I didn't want to do any of the sex stuff, which I know know was abuse, but I did it because I was so afraid of what would happen if I didn't.
He never threatened me, he didn't have to. I knew enough to be afraid.
It did come out what was happening, he was jailed, but once it came out I put it in a box in my head.
The box was always there.
With every dysfunctional relationship that followed, the box was there.

I finally, 10 years later, got counselling.
No one had told me I was abused, until then.
All I could think was it was my own fault.
Because I kept returning, so I must have liked it.
I didn't, but sure, as you have clearly said in your post, why go back after the first time???

Within the last 20 years I've made several attempts on my life.
I bear physical scars from where I've harmed myself, because I needed to see actual physical damage to be able to say to myself "now you can cry, now you have a "reason" To feel so disgusting, so ugly, so broken, because now your skin is.

I will never ever hold a full time job again.
I am not able for it mentally.
I'm medicated for the last 10 years.
I had dreams
I had wishes.
I had hopes.

Yes overall my life is good now, but it is not the life I dreamed of.

I will never do the job I dreamed of, help the people I wanted to help.
I will never be a functioning member of society.

He got 3 years.

I got life.

I am now in my mid 30's

I can relate to this so much. Before I was taken into care at 6 I was subject to physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The physical and emotional continued when I was in care. The sexual abuse started again when I started being in relationships. I'm also medicated. I've never related to a comment so much. Especially 'I got life.'
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Just an aside - since a lot of people on this thread have taken issue with RTE’s handling of this, it’s worth noting that RTÉ is currently preparing a new public service statement (as legally obliged every 5 years) and for the next 2 weeks are looking for public feedback on how things are run. If you feel they, as our national broadcaster, are not meeting your expectations (ethical or otherwise) as an Irish citizen, you should say so. It may fall on deaf ears but it’s always good to vent. You can get the link through here:
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Well-known member
I’m sorry now............ actually I’m not! I don’t think reddit is a place for anyone to tell their story like this one, it’s a way to stir it up publicly. Go to the guards, the court....... follow the system!
I agree however, following the system can be extremely daunting for a young person even years later when the abuser is established and 'famous' so this, coupled with others having similar experiences could give the victim the strength to follow the system.
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Chatty Member
I think it’s basic enough empathy to feel for someone who unexpectedly finds that the person they love is accused of a sexual assault or rape.
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I think everyone is worried about that too, I genuinely hope to God that this is all dealt with the right way and due process takes place.

But there is more than a whiff of victim blaming in some of the posts here.

Also, there have been many examples given here already where false allegations have been made and careers weren't ruined as a result.
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There seems to be another girl on twitter accusing him now, she was 18 when it happened to her.

Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 14.04.34.png
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Few things about this sounding very fishy now... Obviously she's not gone to the guards. Why? My housemate worked for Spin back in the day as a Spinny around McDermott's time and pointed out a few big lies. Girl says he bragged about knowing Niall Horan to impress her. But sure he only met Niall after he moved to London for radio and this was a year earlier, so they had never even met. So that's bollocks. She just made that up. Housemate also sent us the screenshot below where someone asked girl how she got into Workmans if she didn't have a fake ID... she said something about McDermott flashing his work ID and the doormen turning a blind eye. Which sounds like shite anyway but housemate says there were literally no such thing as Spin ID's. None. Not a card, laminate, nothing. So that's also bollocks. She also tweeted that she wouldn't get justice cause his Dad is a high-powered Garda. Housemate says McDermott used to have his Dad on the radio show for some shit feature and he was a retired teacher, so that's bollocks too - fake excuse for not going to the Gardai. She tweeted he fled the country. He was in Marlay park the other week sure. So that's four lies there - and that's just the ones anyone can pick up without a question being asked of her. Fishy.
And this is exactly why abuse/rape reports are so low. Get a life will ye
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I've seen a lot on Twitter about her being 17 and him 27 at the time, but I just re-read the solicitors letter and she admits to being 'above' the age of consent. So there's nothing definite to say that she was only 17 at the time? I do agree a 17 yr old with a 27yr old doesn't sit right but I just wonder if people are taking her age as 17 and running with it....
Above the age of consent just means you’re at least 17. Using legal gymnastics she could literally have just turned 17 the day before and legally he’s in the clear and the letter is correct. He might not have done anything illegal but morally I have an issue with a 27 year old being intimate with a 17 year old. And waiting for her to be legal isn’t commendable if he’s been grooming her prior to that.
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Donnacha O Callaghan reading the sports news is painful to listen to. My 7 year old could do a better job. He stumbles over every word. Would you not read it in advance and be prepared 🙄😔
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Well-known member
This type of reaction makes me very uncomfortable. That girl allegedly suffered severe trauma by a very clever, manipulative and powerful (to her) older man while she was a teenager. The same man hid in plain sight using our national broadcaster as a place to showcase himself as some "woke" moral beacon. It's not up to you or me or anyone else to judge how she chose to tell her story. I have been told by the Gardai when I was a teenager not to pursue a sexual assault as it would be "he said, she said" or "do you really want the hassle of all that, sure just put it behind you" etc.. Where else did she feel she could turn if this is the advice she got from the Gardai? Where would you go? Things aren't always that simple. This black and white approach to such complex, traumatising experience is not helpful in encouraging women to speak out about abuse.
Nobody knows what has happened to initiate this girl to speak out in the way she has.

Unless you have experience with sexual abuse / assault you have zero idea how you would navigate the situation.
There could be a million reasons why she has chosen this route. One of them being her incling that there are more victims & she is hoping they will come forward too

If he was a random neighbour she wouldn’t have the “public jury” that she has now through Twitter, tattle etc. All I’m saying is that if she followed the system they would both get space to put their version of what happened forward and if he is then found guilty there will be consequences that will follow his name and passport forever.
It’s a tough road and to peruse but the outcome could give her claim longevity rather then being a storm on social media. Everyone retweeting and sharing her story will move on with their own day to day stuff.
Maybe she has followed the system & was shot down by the Gardaí. Maybe her decision to put it out there was to encourage other possible victims to come forward and take their own case against him which will be anonymous 🤔
Or maybe she doesn’t feel strong enough to take a case at all but needed to get it out of her head.

I think she’s really brave to do what she has done, and just by reading what she said on Reddit I really do feel her story is true. I was physically attacked and raped by my boyfriend many years ago and I never pursued it with the police/law. I regret that so much. I was terrified I wouldn’t be believed and the fact that he was my boyfriend ... that that somehow blurred the lines and that I was at fault in some way. It wasn’t just a random attack on the street... and I know that really knocked my confidence in how I would come across if I reported it. I feel like her story is similar in that respect, in that they had some form of a relationship. It was only years later that I felt brave enough to speak out about it and was told there is a six year limit in reporting such things. This is another country though where it happened and where I live now. But maybe now that she feels strong enough to speak out about it but is limited in what she can do at this stage... Either way I hope she gets whatever resolution she/they are looking for.
I’m so sorry that this happened you 💔
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Rte has been doing this for the past year. We very much get only the news they think we should hear

I don’t know why but they irritate the shit out of me
Chris in particular is unbearable! He constantly ROARS over Ciara, I barely know what her voice sounds like. He actually puts me in bad mood and I’m bloody delighted my first post is to give out about him 🤣
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Did we see this?? It seems the accuser has admitted the allegations were false... f*cking hell
From reading it I don’t think it says she’s saying all allegations were false just being under age, drugs use, family in the guards. Don’t think it says there was no sexual assault.
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Strange with Catherine Thomas and the woman who presents Ireland’s fittest family. Prob thinks he’s gorgeous
I thought that presenter from Ireland’s fittest family looked uncomfortable also thought Kathryn was a little bit taken a back. I’d have punched the prick.
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I know this is very off topic sorry to the mods in advance i ask in curiosity but do any of you believe michael jackson molested those 2 guys who came forward and made the documentary? i am a huge fan but it does make me wonder... you would have to be a terrible selfish bastard to make false allegations
I know someone that was falsely accused and it was the most excruciating thing I have ever witnessed. Their whole family lost trust in them understandably. The person in question became incredibly isolated and depressed.

The case became a witch hunt but was all proven lies in the end but the family and the man never fully recovered. He lost his job, his relationship with his children/wife became incredibly damaged and it ruined that families life. Still today it affects them and it happened a few years ago.

The case in particular went on over 2 years before it went to court so in those 2 years that man essentially lived life as a 'predator' when in fact he was innocent and did not deserve any of it. It was a planned extortion and many people jumped on board.

So now I always always take accusations with a grain of salt. People won't believe it but the dpp take accusations ridiculously seriously and are known as men haters by anyone in the system (guards, lawyers, victimes-both sides)

I know this is going to be controversial as I haven't immediately jumped to the obvious victems side but you just never know and please after reading this don't think of things like this as black and white. I have first hand experience of how this can ruin lives and not only the accused, they have families, parents, children etc.

I'm not saying to always assume innocent but please try let the evidence and the courts do what they are supposed to do.

Just to add I do always think if the accusers side also. I like to look at cases unbiasedly as you will never know until it goes to court.

Sorry this is all over the place its an exceptionally emotional thing for me.

*I hope the truth comes out in the end and either side is punished for their actions, as both are disgusting. *
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Men have been getting away with this for centuries.
At this stage, I don't know is it more common in Ireland, or is it just everywhere.

It's actually so exhausting to be a woman/a minority group.
You have to constantly watch every situation in case someone who opposes you wants to have a go.

I watched it's a sin recently, and I felt so sad, and exhausted after it, because people were so horrible, and although so much has changed in the last 30 years, at the same time, not much has changed at all
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It was all completely false hence why he’s going after Twitter in the high court. Just a fame hungry little clout chaser looking 10 seconds of fame. It’s a joke.
Maybe you have inside info, don’t get that from what’s been posted.

Why does the solicitor letter not explicitly call out the sexual assault claim as being false if that is the case. It name checks the allegations which are false it seems.
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Interesting to see this development! I don’t listen to their awful show, they are both a massive pain in the hoop to listen to especially at that hour of the morning.

I’m glad to see the girl that posted on Reddit has come out and spoken about it. There was so much detail in the Reddit piece. As I said on the Garrihy thread, I could totally understand why she didn’t go to the Gardai at the time.
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