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Are there any legal minds on here? Regardless of who wrote it, the part about the troll account looks legitimate. It has tweeted loads of similar accusations about other Irish "celebs". If that's the case and it is false and she reposted it and other people shared, I assume that does leave them open to legal action? Anyone know the situation there?
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I think that's the worst thing about the way Gemmaroid turned out, because she was a half decent journalist and did a great doc on the Mary Boyle disappearance.

It's such a shame she's gone to the dogs
I watched her documentary on the Mary Boyle disappearance and It's clear who GO'D believes is responsible. However, there is zero chance of a successful prosecution unless a body is found and the person or person(s) responsible decide to confess.

In other words It's very much circumstantial evidence at best.
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Why is there non stop articles about him. Someone knows something in Dublin live that they keep doing stories on him
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My husband was a semi pro rugby player and had plenty of concussions in his day (15 odd years ago). He’s an Oxford grad and professor of biomedical science, so writes plenty of research papers and gives lectures so verbal/non verbal communion is key work and life. When we met in 07 he’d just returned to training after four months of having to undergo speech therapy after a match concussion. In the last three years his writing has become ineligible to all but him and his secretary. Concussions are no joke and I worry about what the future will bring. He’s in his early 40’s but his speech doesn’t carry the quick pace it used to. There is not enough protection/education for amateur/semi-pro sports people in rugby/GAA. As a parent I won’t let either of our boys play rugby.
100% it’s no joke. I hope my post didn’t come across as me taking the mick.
I didn’t know what other way to word it without sounding offensive toward Donncha. He sounds like he could have some sort of cognitive impairment & it’s very sad.
Does your husband still play rugby now?
I thought things had changed with regards to advice for players post concussion due to risk of CTE.
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I have had a rummage around about this situation.
Linda seems to have made libellous claims that Ciara outed her but she had already spoken about her rape many times in a public domain including Twitter.
I never heard the interview personally. But, the only person that should be instigating conversation about any type of sexual assault / abuse is the victim themselves.
So I can see that she would have been angry about it.
You’d need a magnifying glass to have read the “apology” that Linda put on Twitter. It was literally tiny. Posted at 3am and then buried under about 10 posts following that.

I’m shocked that the SD’s didn’t do a thorough background check on her and it will never cease to amaze me why someone would mingle their personal SM with professional SM. She literally threw herself under the bus.
If it was a thing that she is different now compared to then (she’s in her 40s btw) then why didn’t she delete the disgusting tweets before they were dug up.

There’s other stuff coming out the last few days that she went to the Gards without victims consent and reported their abuse. If this is the case I really don’t think that she has the head to be working with victims as it’s clear she can’t maintain healthy boundaries

There is a girl on Twitter with a cache of tweets posted by Linda (Linda has removed herself from Twitter) ... her handle is “queen of the universe”. Makes for some very uncomfortable reading. Absolutely disgusted that a woman has said these things
Ahhhh I see. That explains Ciara sueing her. Yikes. There's a lot going on there. I don't really like Ciara Kelly, I think she can be extremely nasty but the tweets from Linda were shocking 😨 and as you say she was a proper grown adult in her 30s... the I was young and immature and stupid defence doesn't fly. Strange situation all round but here's hoping Eoghan's alleged victims get the support they need at this time and that it's not derailed by this. They still need support and to be heard, maybe just not by linda and that group....

Wow I’m so glad I’m not on Twitter sometimes 😯
Yep. Can be a cesspit but other times I find people so hilarious and sharp with their wit and reaction to stuff 🤣
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I wonder is Al Porter’s ‘comeback’ prompting him to try to do the same. Maybe this is the first step towards him doing that. Seems more contrived rather than humble though.

Probably but Al Porter has put his hands up and apologised, not like we want him back anyway. Down with the sleazes
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He’s still around. I saw him sitting out on his balcony having drinks with a few friends during the week
That's interesting. I wonder what the strategy here is, lay low resting on his laurels for a few months and hope this all blows over? The lad is going to have to get back to work at some stage, he's hardly been successful enough to be able to sustain life without an income for too long
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Ugh I cannot hack her , the columns in the Irish Times are infuriating.
If a girl wrote in saying that she was cheating on her boyfriend and also murdered the boyfriend's dog, Roe would still find a way to blame the man for it all
Does she have a thread 🤣
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Saw an article on Can’t paste for some reason but was posted today. Saying he was dropped from love island Austrailia as he use to be the voice over
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I've such an itch too but I would say that poster spurred load of shite tbh
I highly doubt the victim would lie in the original accusation. Oral r*** is oral rape, it doesn't matter if you are 16 or 60, its still horrible so I don't see why she would go to the trouble to make him look worse, if you get me.
True, doesn't make sense to jepordise your own claim by aging yourself down to make it sound worse. And yet the tweets are gone?! I think there's **possibly** something in the claims she reposted that fake troll allegation, which looks to be exactly that, a troll, given the other tweets on the account about the same kind of behaviour by loads of people. If you have something you want to pursue, absolutely go for it. To repost other false claims because you believe them or think it helps your cause is not great like. Surely there must be some kind of statement coming soon?! Has to be 🤔🤔🤔
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I think she'd moved out last year but went back. 'Covid' cover story for him texting another woman apparently. He always seemed a complete creep before all this

Not much mention of any of this on twitter or media recently.

Wonder if he'll still do the Love Island Australia stuff. I'm sure they'll have heard about this by now
If the Aussies haven't.. We should drop them an auld email! 😂
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It’s already out there, people who are aware of the allegations have most likely already made up their minds. It’s why there is a process to choosing a jury.

I really feel the alleged victim who spoke out did so in order to encourage others to come forward as she may have already been denied justice.
However, if there are other alleged victims then they could take their own case.
Strength in numbers and all that

*edited to add*
I could be 100% wrong but the twitterings last year regarding him leaving 2fm could have had something to do with the girl who has spoken out. She could have gone to the Gards then and he was interviewed but no charges were brought at the time.
Obviously, this is just an assumption.

Exactly. Let's say there is some kind of legal proceedings underway. It would be impossible to get an unbiased jury with all the "he said/she said", the trial could collapse and the alleged victim would have been denied justice before things even began.
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