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I’m still trying to work out what part of having steak wraps means fajitas???
maybe rice in a steak wrap means fajitas.

she should write a cook book… oh wait.
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Is she just rocking up to these movies and making a big deal about it? She’s literally going to every movie that opens and making a big deal about the premiere 🤷🏻‍♀️ Does she think she has to be seen at them all? It’s so confusing to me what the point is 🤷🏻‍♀️
She'd go to the opening of an envelope if it had a press wall!!!
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The way she gets on 'what was I freaking going to say?!' Literally nobody gives a flying fuck you useless fat ass.
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'I'm taking the kids and Aaron tonight'

No you aren't cunt, you got free tickets! Heaven forbid you spend actual cash on them.

Hayfever kicked in today?

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Super Cute

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I’m stuck back at the dancing reel…Classic Cartman…


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So she fingers the meat, takes the plastic meat tray, folds the cover back on it, puts it in the bin and wipes her manky fingers on the tea towel hanging on the oven and then adjusts the waistband on her pants?? Hygiene much?

She's an absolute dirty fucking pig
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I can’t wrap my head around the sheer stupidity and how tone deaf she is bragging about her $600 sneakers while her community is probably living pay cheque to pay cheque and falling behind on bills etc due to the insane cost of living. She’s living in a shitty rental that needs a full renovation, yet spends money like it burns a hole in her pocket.
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Expresso Martini

Well-known member
I think she grinds on all of us not just coz she’s an insufferable and uneducated grifter and cunt but because we’re exposed to another side of mothering/family dynamic we may not see in our everyday lives if we hang with the same groups of likeminded people.
There are really shitty and selfish parents out there I hear first hand through friends that work in social work etc.. not just the really cruel side, but also the narcissistic, shaming and just parents whose kids are an afterthought. I was trying to get to the bottom of why we really hate her so much and it’s nothing to do with her looks or size. She’s a shit parent but refuses to admit it and those kids are going to have issues. Poor Sage, she doesn’t care about his health, diet, or emotional state. She does the absolute bare minimum and as a Middle aged woman she should know better .
Nailed it! I often have to take a break from her and her threads here because I feel so sad, angry, disgusted, etc by her behaviour as a mum.
I am a mum of 3 and adore my kids, to see the way she barely tolerates hers cuts me to the core.
This bitch will froth over a free punnet of strawberries but can't show an ounce of enthusiasm for her kids.
She drops hundreds of dollars on herself (clothes, food, outings) but won't spend a dollar on "the children"
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Madame Snark

Active member
The eating whilst being filmed does my bloody head in.

As does the fact she cooks the kids dinner at least 3 hours before they will eat it and leave it on the stove whilst she goes out for another store bought coffee. Make your coffee at home and then you can make the kids dinner fresh 🙄🤦‍♀️

And why cook something that you know they don't like (prawns) - sub the bloody things out with some chicken. Such a good cook 🤦‍♀️
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I don't care if she has or hasn't lost weight, she is just a pathetic excuse of a human. The idiot Braaad is clearly a f*ckwit too encouraging this 🤡.
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My GOD!! The absolute carry on from this fuckwit at 8.30am is unbearable. Those poor kids having to put up with that. Sage has had a gut full of his mother. Why does she need to dance and joke about eating the kids food because they won’t dance for her.. not to mention the “I don’t need to go into work today” GEEZ THAT WOULD BE NICE ON A FRIDAY… I WOULDN’T KNOW BECAUSE WE HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY!!! god she needs a good slap in the face.
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Omg, she's done my head in today.
Firstly, she has been cooking dinner what seems like all fucking day. It's fajitas for god's sake. Can't those be whipped out in like 15mins.
And she has rambled on about her dancing all day, literally, ALL DAY. We farking get it!!!!!
She made burritos with freaking white rice. Those were not fajitas. Fajitas are served with sizzling hot onions and peppers and meat to be wrapped up in tortillas with Mexican rice. She needs to come to California to see how it's done.
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So Sage had a fall on Saturday and hurt his shoulder and needed a sling,
But Yo Mumma took herself out to Dance!!!! Wow!! 😲😲😲😲😲😲 ❌❌❌❌❌
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So I have a (very humble almost 3K lol) followers on my craft IG. I have been trying to video and post some tutorials. It is so tedious and boring :LOL: But, I'm trying to help other people who want to learn the techniques I'm using and have asked for them. My Husband (who has zero interest in social media and doesn't use it) does not get it at all and asked 'why are you filming every single thing you do'. (Meanwhile I've posted a couple of videos and am using a little cheap tripod thing from Kmart and am filming the craft table, not my face etc.) Imagine how much his head would explode if I started actually filming EVERY single mundane thing I did all day, like eating cereal and speaking word salad about being a shorty. It is so bizarre. Like I couldn't imagine walking down my street and having someone record me on the phone. It's so embarrassing. This is her life, every single day. Like for real. So effing weird.
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