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Limpy Love

VIP Member
As Melb reached a maximum if 11 degrees today, it proves that LL is nothing more than an exhibitionist.
She doesn't wear anything for comfort or practicality but all for the "look at me" effect.

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Oi gurls this mamma is at the local rsl. One glass of champagne and some keno. Im dressed to da nines in my jogger jeans and sweatshirt with only cc cream in da face. I know i shoukda had ma tatas and hohaa out and full makeup and piggy shoes. Oh let me try my cum f@#$% me eyes on da guy pushing all da money in da machine. 😏
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Nit picking but I hate it when she talks about the Bali room with 4 bunk beds and she says you and 4 girlfriends can stay in it. And she told the 54yo woman that she is 43, so 10 years younger than her. Maths is not her strong point. She didn't save the live but it was incredibly boring anyway. The Bali is trip is open to men and women but not children as there's no pool fences. At the start of the trip you sign something about either agreeing or disagreeing to being filmed.
If the villa is full, EmmyLou will stay next door. If there's a spare room, she will stay in Seseh.
First and 3rd week are filling up but not the middle week. She thinks the first week has about 8 people so far.

This retreat won't have yoga - she's been talked into going to retreats that are expensive and left them feeling less confident than when she started the retreats.
Wow, just wow, that there are eight people silly enough to sign up for this.

Mixing men and women - strangers - together in a room with bunk beds, and relying on them all to be honest about their bar tab usage? Yeah, that's a good idea - said no responsible person ever. Is she even doing background checks on these people?

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Her poor little girl, no one ever wants their babies, or family members hurting.

Find it absolutely insane though that this antivaxxer who flaunted multiple lockdown laws and mask mandates is crying about how busy the hospitals are. Yeah luv, it’s this thing called Covid? You know the thing you only took an interest in when you thought you could fleece your tribe with overpriced masks.
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party bag

Well-known member
Then we wouldn’t know it was from Seed ya know, doesn’t every 7 yo want a birthday gift from Seed.
My daughter who's a similar age would love some Seed clips etc but she'd also love me to stick around for the day and not be mad doggin' it at a solo dance class

Clubs generally have cover charges. Has she said where she went? My husband owns a club and I used to be a door bitch so I know the scene here pretty well.
Juice, in Ringwood hahahahahaha she didn't but I can imagine her going there. Not sure it even exists anymore
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20 kg my arse. Is this a face of women who has lost 20kg? And the coat looks so tight on her arms bet she has to take it off when driving cause ahe wouldn’t be able to manoeuvre.

And yes as all have said it was frigging cold today ; just stepped out to supermarket and it was like ice. Hands and face frozen. This week its going to drop to 2 degrees in Melbourne - I’m guessing it will appropriate crop top wearing weather for our Lazylou.


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Limpy Love

VIP Member
Ahahahahahahahaha. I actually laughed out loud a minimum of 5 times in that dancing disaster.

Firstly she says it’s a dancing in heels thing - neither of the instructors were wearing heels.
Next she nearly flashes her gash while explaining why she can’t wear a leotard under her leggings, seemingly forgetting entirely about the existence of t-shirts and singlets that aren’t cropped.
Then she explains that she’s got a smoky eye coz it’s a sexy dance class, and follows that statement up with a burp.

honestly you couldn’t make this shit Up if you tried 😂😂😂😂
I'm sure she said it was a "dancing in heels" session but their website says the studio is hip hop and to wear sneakers.
MoulinLou not paying attention again.
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Well that was a treat 💃🏼 Here’s a tip fellow tattlers - don’t watch Insta when you’re using a hair straightener, my hair just got fried watching that performance. I cannot understand why the heck this was uploaded. What’s the purpose?
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Chatty Member
I just looked at that story and she has asked Camellia to hold her hands up to show the swelling so she could take a photo of her daughter's pain and post it on IG .... Her arms/hands/wrists are likely broken! That would be so insanely painful!

I just ... I have no words ... :mad: :mad: :mad:
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I had a mad dog day, out the door at 7am. Work at 7.45. Left at 4. All admin staff sick. Its a temp job but unlike lou i only had time for a 15 min break. She wouldnt know work if she fell over it.
She really wouldn't. I am a solo mum and run my own business as well as contract with other agencies. Today I started my day like LL getting my eyebrows done, the only beauty treatment I do lol! I came home and worked solid from 9am-4pm including 2x zoom meetings. At 4:30pm I went to do grocery shopping to get ready for back to school tomorrow. Came home and cleaned the fridge, put it all away, cooked dinner. Now I am off to a 2 hour meeting as I am on the committee for my kids sports club. I will then come home and spend a few hours doing some free work I have offered to a few friends and businesses hit hard by Covid.

Then get up and do it all over again except with school lunches, work until 5, sports in the afternoon, rinse and repeat!

It amazes me that EL kids don't do anything outside of school. She also has time to volunteer a few hours for tuck shop etc. Nothing she does is about her children.
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Thank god this thread title won 👌🏼 In the top 5 best titles @ChunkyCustard

Good for them if they are able to play happy families. But it enrages me seeing her in Aaron’s apartment filming. She screams stage 5 clinger and I only hope that she leaves any new partners of Aaron’s alone.
Also EL, have some respect for the fact the kids and Aaron might not want to be filmed. Flaunt your “20kg loss” face all over IG if you want (it’s good entertainment when I don’t watch much tv) but just leave your family alone.

I feel like it’s such an invasion of his privacy for her to film in his apartment… at least he’s free now.:)
Yes! Just wrote a post about this and the lack of privacy is what was making it feel uncomfortable.
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Those poor people in the cafe just trying to sit there in peace to have their breakfast and she walks in yabbering away about the curry AGAIN. She has no awareness at all about the existence of other people!
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Chatty Member
Do we think she is at the RCH with wee Camellia or is she with her Dad?
I know it can take a long time in hospitals but posting on my Insta would not be a priority. I would use my battery to show my injured child funny videos to take their mind off it or call family to update.

If Camellia is in RCH with her Dad and EL has not rushed to be by her side, there is something truly wrong with her. :mad:
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Super Cute

VIP Member
Same, same! I'm trying to watch 'Seven Types of Ambiguity' while doing the ironing and keeping up to date on Emmylou's antics!

I so hope we get some footage of her out and about tonight.
🤣 same! I have the house to myself and was going to read a book or do some journaling to lose weight but I find myself TOTALLY sucked into this bogan episode of Sex in the City 🕺🏿💃🍆🍑💦
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