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Chatty Member
Such a stupid story she was going to ditch them in the middle of nowhere. How was she physically going to get two grown adults out of a car on her own... Plus they have phones, not exactly a master plan by our Chloe!

Defo saved Charity, she's too much of a soap legend to be given the boot!
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Can't get my head round this Lydia crap...was she secretly in love with Craig or something? She's got all the empathy for Craig but none for her loving husband. Even Kim looked like she was thinking "What fucking bullshit is this?"
TBF I've always wanted Rhona to fuck off :ROFLMAO:
Lydia’s random nodding when she speaks really annoys me too, actually I think I’m sick of about 90% of the cast at the moment- and literally all of the current storylines!! Great job writers!
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Restless Native

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I'm hoping they make her decide to move to Portugal to be with her sister and that Jacob goes too. In my mind David can either go with them or they can kill him off.
Not fussed either way.

Andxwith a bit of luck they might take Victoria with them.
If they want a Sugden in the show, then bring Robert back.
Just nuke the damn village. They are all so bloody annoying. Never seen a soap with so many annoying and unlikeable characters
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She is such a bloody face ache. Never liked her character and she only got worse.

Hate how they portray her life as- young single mum, aced all her exams, holds down a job and is a popular enough vlogger who is always in nice clothes with immaculate nails, hair and makeup. It's ridiculous. Now she's running the house, sorting out the council tax, and getting arsey with anyone who offers to help her. Fuck off Amelia.

They had such a good opportunity to be rid of her on the very windy day episode, but nope, we just got gurning, wailing, birthing Amelia. The barn should have collapsed on her. They need rid of the walking ball of misery asap!
Where has the nice Amelia gone she was sort of bearable when she was a kid helping at the church now 🙄
The writers of soaps forget there has to be something about a character that’s likeable
No one is relentlessly evil or horrible unless they are a maniac
Everyone has that nicer side to them, I haven’t seen Amelia’s yet just a lot of huffing and puffing when she isn’t moaning and getting arsey

And now we have that other wooden actor Kathy back with her boring period related story switching between smiling and wanting to smash everyone’s face in
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She’ll be off the visit that other random kid of hers who is only ever mentioned when she takes leave from the show.
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Agree on the nate thing , him and Tracy match well , both annoying and moaning all the time. I don't get why Mack is annoyed though , I didn't think he even worked at the farm full time before Moira cut the hours. He was always in the pub with Charity and then swanning around bloody Chloe when he moved onto her
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VIP Member
Same here, it’s boring and been done before, this storyline now seems never ending.
Also Lydia annoys me.

She annoys me too.

Agatha Christie wrote this story with many different characters in many different settings but they were all pretty much the same.

This has none of the charm of a Christie story.

And to think I was excited for this week!!!!!!!
So far its been boring.
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I always liked comedy Bernice.
I also liked her with the Doctor. Thought they made a nice pairing.

Hopefully Nicola can prove her innocence but what happens in real life if Bailiffs take stuff from an innocent person?
Does the Court compensate the person and buy them new stuff???
I assume they can't return what's been taken because they sell it to give the creditors money and the stuff will be long gone by the time Nicola sorts it all out..
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Isn't chloes surname Harris? So it would be Harry Harris if he is her dad 🤣
Unless Harry is a nickname taken from the surname Harris?
He could be Simon Harris.

Guy at my school had the surname Harrison. Everyone called him Harry even though his first name was Stephen..
When I saw her watching the police take Craig away my first thought was he has done it to her and she will make a statement against him now she knows she is not alone.

The camera definitely lingered on her, didn't it?

Subtle it aint.
Jai's real dad staring at the place where the dead Rishi lay and now Craig's P.A. giving looks to the camera.
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Why did Laurel not get the taxi driver to wait for her?
Marshall couldn’t be mithered to come for her wedding or when Rishi died so why should she go round for him and she had to be at Manchester airport by 3pm and she’d had time to natter in the cafe, talk to the kids and get to Marshall’s house!
I said all this to my husband who reminded me that

1. It’s pretend
2. If she acted sensibly there would be no bullshit story

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I can’t be bothered with the Tom character at all. Mind you I also can’t be bothered with Nate, Brenda, Gabby,Amelia or the whole of the vicars family
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