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VIP Member
I really hope so. That man is a monster but I honestly just hope there were moments... Not that TH deserves those moments... But just something that made arthur feel loved for those moments
To be honest, I'm not sure if that would be worse, psychologically. To have little snippets of love, but go straight back into torture mode. I think that would actually break my heart.
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Active member
I'm waiting for old chestnut, "lessons to be learnt" to be rolled out at every opportunity. Instead of children's services taking responsibility. They never do. A law unto themselves.
i honestly cant see anything changing as heartbreaking as it sounds
nothing changed after victoria climbie, or baby P and now this
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I dont know what this facebook group is and im not in it but i do think this murder gets to people because they were able to see the cctv of his final day and hear his voice pleading for love and food. People with empathy cannot feel anything other than pain and torment in response. It goes like a knife into your soul. So the fb group maybe just an attempt of people to deal with those emotions.
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Chatty Member
I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but I think the fact that people knew there was abuse to the extent it was reported and ET's mother asked Arthur not to visit as it upset her too much to see him . sorry this wasn't 100% behind closed doors. That hairdresser and her boyfriend saw him at death's door and said nothing. And yes I'd gladly be taken away if only to draw attention to what is going on.
And saying that is not blaming we all know who the murderers are but I think it needs to be acknowledged.
I was commenting in regards to his uncle. The hairdresser is another story. Shocking.
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VIP Member
I don’t dispute it happens, I’m just wondering proportionately how many are malicious vs genuine concerns, esp genuine with evidence such as photos of severe bruising like in Arthur’s case. Although if most reports don’t even have photos like what his grandma provided (which wouldn’t be possible to exist if it was just malicious) then that makes this case worse that it was dismissed so easily.
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VIP Member
Think your missing the point but this thread isn’t about your tidy house. 🤷‍♀️
I'm not missing any point - *you* made a point that a tidy house is a 'red flag' when you have kids. I'd be hugely surprised if it said that anywhere in Social Services training manuals so I'll take your fact but kindly discard it, thank you.
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New member
does Emma still have fb?
I know what you mean I can’t eat or sleep my heart is broken, I have cried over this so much I feel so much pain and heart break I am a grandparent one of the same age who I worship the ground he walks on light of my life the whole thing is so disturbing I can only imagine the grandparents must be wishing that they just got him out of the house but until you know the full story we can all say what we would have done
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New member
Yes that does bring me some comfort Nico2612 and at least the poor little soul isn't suffering anymore. I have been trying to convince myself that he has been reincarnated and is now with a family where he is cherished everyday and doesn't have to question if he is loved. Like every child should be.
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I am confused with daniels statement on FB, he says the hughes family were the only family that called social services/the police (and in court its kind of implied this way too)... but on good morning britain the other day, madeline halcrow, olivias mum said that she also called social services too... and that the unwrapped presents for arthur that were found in thomas hughes annexe were from her.... i swear joanne hughes told court the presents were off joanne?

such conflicting statements and i dont know who to believe. madeline also said the last time she saw arthur was on her birthday in october. so that means she hadnt seen arthur for around 8 months, and there seems to have been no real fight from her to see him either that i'm aware of?

i cant help thinking MH is just soaking up the limelight and pretending she was more involved than the evidence has us believe. really hope thats not the case. i cant stand the thought that someone might be jumping on it for their own benefit.
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do we know if she was writing to him, or speaking on the phone? she could do both those things whilst still pretending to arthur she was in the army. just thinking out loud here really. just so upsetting to think one day she just dissapeared and arthur had zero contact with her again :(
This is my problem. While I accept she felt shame... But did she not stop to consider a little boy? Like if she says they were so close, he was effectively a mummy boy with a mum... Surely she knew how it would affect him? Even a phone call....
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Active member
Not sure where you got your facts from but they are wrong. No prison has the funds time or resources to be putting blanket bans on specific channels and redacting newspapers. Given how often people are shipped from jail to jail as well just not realistic at all.
Got my information having been in prison! It’s not difficult to pull the plug on TVs and all Mail including newspapers are checked before coming in to the prison.
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Another baby has been killed in limeside oldham. Looks like the mum again. She’s been detained under mental health. How many more babies before something is seriously down to stop things like this
Not far from me this 😩 such a cruel world 😢💙
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Chatty Member
Hopefully her sentence will be increased to whole life and she will never ever get out...evil beyond comprehension!!

Am talking about Tustin and also Hughes...
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VIP Member
Sorry if this has been asked before…

but does anyone know how likely it is that T and H will get a battering in jail?

because on the one hand you read things like “screws turn a blind eye; prison will be hell for them” and on the other hand “even Myra H and Rose W made friends in prison, there were no reports of them coming to harm and their crimes were arguably as bad”

Me I really hope they suffer horribly every day for the rest of their lives.
I would say ask Richard Huckle or Liam Deane but the inmates got to em first.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone know if TH was abusive to Arthur before meeting ET? It seems to come across like she’s the one who treated him the worst and just didn’t like him because he wasn’t her own
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Well-known member
From whar I understand MH hadnt seen him since October 2019 when Arthur cane fir her birthfay. When Hughes came to collect hIn he asked his dad if she was in the car. When he said yes he started crying and asked MH if he could please live with her. In April 2020 after Hughes went home for a night and his parents took photos of the bruises, the text MH to say about the bruises and social services. The next day she said she rang social servuces and they told her they had already been to the house and had no concerns. That is the extent of her action. Shocking. Shameful.
Even stranger, in Daniel Hughes' FB statement he says it wasn't even TH that came to collect Arthur from MH's that day in October '19 - when Arthur supposedly asked is she in the car. Pretty much calling MH out for lying.
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VIP Member
Absolutely. 1000% second this.
I edited and had to add a bit more. I do strongly feel many social workers do not know about domestic abuse in enough depth to approach it appropriately.

I've always found social workers who are a bit older and have more life experience are often the best ones. There is nothing worse than an early 20s graduate with little experience with children or life experience in general walking into a home strutting their text book stuff. A struggling parent will very rarely open up to these sorts.
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Be More Pacific

VIP Member
Ah thank you, very informative and helpful reply! Really appreciate it. Its just when I found this story and saw it would be on same website as Arthur's I figured I'd start reading into it in the hope I'd see justice done.
It looks like this trial will go the way you suggested, with only intermittent updates and not proper, in court, live updates. There's no image of the perpetrators. It's unusual I thought.

I looked at the court listings on Monday and said their names in the afternoon. So interesting it's back off the Court listings.
The police don't release mugshots until defendants are convicted. Very rarely, the judge and/or police will decide that no images are to be released publicly - I can only think of two such cases that I'm aware of. The media sometimes publish photographs from Facebook before and after charging suspect but, most of the time, they don't. To be honest, I don't really know the rules on what they are allowed to publish and when.

I can't see them on the court listings for tomorrow but I wouldn't read too much into that at the moment - it could be the judge/prosecution/defence have got something else on (scheduling clash) it could be that someone involved in the trial is ill and they are waiting to see if they will return, it could be something Covid related, lots of reasons. This is why the lack of updates is SO frustrating 😤

I got a day off towards the end of my jury duty - that was for legal arguments to take place without us being present. The trial ended the next day when the judge ruled there was no case to answer.
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