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Chatty Member
I dont know what the rights of grandparents are.

I do think though that she had lots of problems because her daughter went to prison (probably had to look after her daughter's business) and of course she would have felt shame.
In early 2020 lockdown started.

Essentially it has only been 8 months.

Maybe the presents from both grandparents had been withheld and hidden?

Did MH testify in court?

I don't get why she would go to the media and lie about things - the other set of grandparents could easily expose her, which would be beyond embarrassing.
Grandparents have no responsibilities (rights) over grandchildren. TH had all the power.
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Wow is it? I remember I was quiet young with my 2 eldest children I had Health Visitors telling me the house didn't need to be so clean and tidy all the time I had no idea it would of been a concern to them! Wow learn something new every day!

That account sent me message after message of pure harrassment and then blocked me a year or so ago because I pointed out they had got some basic facts on family law wrong in one of their stories. Talks out her arse.
Pleased you said that as the account is very intense
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It’s good to know that we are not alone that we all feel the same very much like grief it’s good to say how you feeling
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Chatty Member
I understand how you feel! Also cannot stop hurting over this. I have a little girl the same age as Arthur and it’s absolutely heart breaking, for an innocent baby to be hurt like this by the person who should love and protect’s unbearable. I wish he could have been saved and reunited with his mum. I believe the evil woman who murdered Arthur must be a psychopath.
I hate hate hate armchair diagnosis’ esp those of narcissism etc (it’s so widely flung around by people with 0 clinical experience / phds to just describe people that do not have NPD but are just a fucking arsehole). But with my experience working in the field she displays heavy signs of the umbrella term antisocial personality disorder. This could be her ticket out of jail on to a section and straight into Rampton.
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Active member
The trouble is people do not talk about these things. They do not speak about child abuse, childhood sexual assault, paedophiles, etc. Most brush it under the carpet as it’s hard to talk about - which it is! I think it is important to speak about it as unfortunately paedophillia and child abuse is quite common. I’d even go on to say it’s quite normal in our society as it happens that often, you’ve probably walked past 1000 paedophiles in your life time or have friends and family that are one. But people refuse to talk about it, don’t want to know, think it ends when a court case does, until the next one makes it to court, well if it does. How many people did not say anything when Arthur was being abused? Why was that? What can we learn about this?
Well said
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Why has it taken until now for the man convicted of Arthur's killing to release his body? What a sick sad little weirdo.
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It didn't seem like the child was harmed, so SS would not have done anything.
She said on TV how happy the child was.

I don't know whether the mother saw him in prison. I thought they first said that the mother joined the army?

If the grandparents have no rights, as another user advised, then she would have been guilty of harassment if she would have done all these things and the free legal advice would most likely have told her that she could only alert SS and the police to report her concerns - which she did.

The parties that had the power here were: SS and the police.
I am really sorry but I do not buy a couple of smiley photos and a nan saying he was happy. Something must have been interevened as OH was put on a alcohol awareness course. People were involved. Just growing up on a toxic household can cause psychological abuse. The fact Arthur use to cower under his duvet was enough for me.

I mean if we're taking photos for face value, there is a photo of Arthur hugging his killer.
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I think they need to be retained in how the parents behave body language children’s body language I read that arthur said he was scared at the point he should be been a red flag and looked into more he was failed by so many people poor boy

It’s so hard to make sense of this first time in my life I have ever made a commit on any forms I guess looking for comfort to deal with the pain that I’m feeling it just at so much I hope that prison messes their heads i prayer that little Arthur spirit is by his mums and grandparents side that he can hear he was loved

it’s a struggle to get through the day with out tears in my eyes having so much empty does us more harm than good ,but we can not change who we are , loss hits us harder

Let’s hope we can all help each other on this site to be able to process it and know we not alone in the pain we a feeling right now
I really hope that no one writes or visits pair in prison total abandonment ( is that so wrong for wanting that )
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Chatty Member
Hi all, unrelated but is anyone been trying to follow this trial and know why it's barely been updated? Ongoing trial of the murder of Kemarni watson, in 2018. It was supposed to be day 1 of the trial last week. Then by day 2 only one entry and again today just one isolated entry. I thought it would update as Arthur's trial did, and stars. Anyone also following or know a reason this could be?


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i know but olivia was arrested in february 2019, the pandemic didn't start till december 2019 and the UK lockdown didn't happen until mid march. not sure why he couldn't see her within that time frame.
Many factors I speculate it could be.

Shame perhaps? Not wanting her son to see her in a jail environment? Maybe after doing something so terrible, she needed time to adjust? I kind of get it tbf. It isn't unusual after all I read on here Arthur was told she was going in the army?
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That freak Thomas Hughes got 3 years added on to his sentence and the loser had been appealing for a reduction. Sadly the womans sentence remains the same.
i was wondering when the result of the appeal would be! Shame re Tustin - absolutely deserved a whole life order - but glad he got years added on - still deserved more though. Both vile humans.
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You mean if they would have done their job correctly. But instead of taking into account the photos that had been taken of his bruises, they chose to believe because they had a clean house all was fine. They must know the golden rule only people with messy houses can be child abusers 😤
Yes that is what I mean, I don’t know how any professional working in safeguarding could look at the photos of those bruises and not be highly concerned and request a child protection medical. I agree, a clean house means nothing and this was not about home conditions.
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How are people coping with this what are they doing to try and mend themselves because I know I’m struggling thinking of getting some help any advice
Me also Nico2612. I just can't get little Arthur out of my head. It's terrorising me and as I mentioned before I didnt even hear the audio or watch the awful video. Never before has anything had this impact on me. I thought I was having a better day yesterday as I only broke down a few times but today I have sunken to a new low. I have mental health support through my work and I am seriously thinking of reaching out as I can't continue on like this for much longer. Poor Arthur's story has really impacted me like nothing before and I don't think I will ever be the same person again tbh. Everything I do and everywhere I turn reminds me of Arthur and how he suffered. I have spoken to friends and family about it and like everyone else they are truly horrified but it doesn't seem to have had the same impact on them. Maybe it's due to the fact that I have kids around the same Arthur and my little boy is similar to him in appearance. I've had to sleep in beside him at night and feel really anxious when he is not by side. I just feel totally broken.
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I think that’s silly that an immaculate house is a red flag. Nah, do you know what a red flag is? Family members telling you a child is being abused and showing you pictures of bruises etc.
SS saying that they closed the case cause the house was immaculate when they also gave TH and ET prior warning is a red flag or warning sign to me those houses they live in are tiny I’m pretty sure they are just two up two down so where were all the kids toys it was lockdown it’s not like the kids were out at school all day sorry but to me that is odd
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Chatty Member
To be honest. I'm getting slightly sick and tired of the world. Society puts me to shame. There were a lot of abuse cases years ago, people blamed poverty, lack of security etc. We are in a better situation now and yet children's welfare isn't getting any better. In fact, it's getting worse because these people are documenting it via phones/social media, that means they have no shame? It's a trophy to them, they are not even hiding it. Which to me, speaks volumes? Children are being left to fend for themselves because it's all about what the hell next mummy and daddy can buy on credit, staging the next best photo for the likes and getting shagged to boost their own self centred ego.

We are in a better situation compare to years ago, what the hell is happening?
I don’t think we are in a better situation compared to years ago.
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