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Chatty Member
Here is a photo of the monsters I took off her Facebook before it was taken down, not sure of this one is in the press though I’d assume it is but this was one of the vile monsters very close to the murder. They have no shame.
how many kids did she have?I read somewhere she went missing? Why? Are the kids with her?
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Chatty Member
Ah tha k you for such
As someone who follows a lot of murder trials (currently 24 with another due to start today) I would say reporting is very patchy at the moment.

I've got a few ongoing trials on my list, that I know are sitting every day, as I can see them on the court listings, yet there has been nothing reported. I was following a case that suddenly stopped and I have no idea why. It was reported on initially and then nothing, although that could be for legal reasons. Some you get great reporting every day live from court. Some you only get live reporting on day one (outlining the csse) and then intermittently when something interesting happens - for example a defendant giving evidence. Some you don't get to hear about until sentencing. Some not at all, although that is rare. But there's a case local to me (East London) with an Asian victim stabbed to death. Several defendants involved. I know it sat for weeks at The Old Bailey, I know they have all been sentenced, because I saw it on the court listings, yet absolutely nothing, not even in the local paper and yet it was a big splash at the time of the killing.

It is extremely frustrating to say the least.

Birmingham Live is usually pretty decent for updates, although I have a case on my list at the moment in the area, where there was live reporting on the first day then nothing (woman killed by her partner) I strongly suspect the live reporting is determined by clicks so, if they're getting a lot of traffic to the site, they'll continue reporting every day on the case. If not, they'll stop. The more appalling or salacious the case is, the more coverage it will get sadly. Without wishing to be accused of "race baiting", I think it's pretty much accepted that victims from ethnic minorities sometimes get less coverage. I also think it could be down to staff shortages with Covid - they can't afford to let someone sit in court every day as they need them in the office covering someone who is not there.

In the case you have mentioned, I quickly checked the court listings and can't see that it is sitting today 🤷🏻‍♀️

My best advice would be to keep checking the court listings and do a Google search every day of the victim's name. I trawl through my list around 5pm and then again before bed usually. I got a hit on a new trial that started yesterday last night just before I was about to go to sleep, which then led to a Facebook trawl for another half an hour with a plan to return to that today! It is like a full time job sometimes 😂
Ah thank you, very informative and helpful reply! Really appreciate it. Its just when I found this story and saw it would be on same website as Arthur's I figured I'd start reading into it in the hope I'd see justice done.
It looks like this trial will go the way you suggested, with only intermittent updates and not proper, in court, live updates. There's no image of the perpetrators. It's unusual I thought.

I looked at the court listings on Monday and said their names in the afternoon. So interesting it's back off the Court listings.
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Active member
I think he was just saying culture cant be used as a defence and that if you are living in the UK then your conduct has to meet British legal standards. This is in reference to how people use 'cultural differences' to justify what Uk woukd consider child abuse. I have come accross this 'cultueal differences defence' also and its bollaks

Im a bit confused by this also. My ex went to prison and he had tv in his cell which he watched all day long. Never mentioned any chanells missing but nearly all chanells show News anyway
They only cut the TVs/Channels where that specific person was located and it was considered a high profile, provocative case such as this one. There’d be little need to cut the TVs in New Hall if the person was placed in Eastwood Park. There are considerably less prisons for females so it’s more noticeable when the TVs go down.
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New member
How are people coping with this what are they doing to try and mend themselves because I know I’m struggling thinking of getting some help any advice
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VIP Member
As someone who follows a lot of murder trials (currently 24 with another due to start today) I would say reporting is very patchy at the moment.

I've got a few ongoing trials on my list, that I know are sitting every day, as I can see them on the court listings, yet there has been nothing reported. I was following a case that suddenly stopped and I have no idea why. It was reported on initially and then nothing, although that could be for legal reasons. Some you get great reporting every day live from court. Some you only get live reporting on day one (outlining the csse) and then intermittently when something interesting happens - for example a defendant giving evidence. Some you don't get to hear about until sentencing. Some not at all, although that is rare. But there's a case local to me (East London) with an Asian victim stabbed to death. Several defendants involved. I know it sat for weeks at The Old Bailey, I know they have all been sentenced, because I saw it on the court listings, yet absolutely nothing, not even in the local paper and yet it was a big splash at the time of the killing.

It is extremely frustrating to say the least.

Birmingham Live is usually pretty decent for updates, although I have a case on my list at the moment in the area, where there was live reporting on the first day then nothing (woman killed by her partner) I strongly suspect the live reporting is determined by clicks so, if they're getting a lot of traffic to the site, they'll continue reporting every day on the case. If not, they'll stop. The more appalling or salacious the case is, the more coverage it will get sadly. Without wishing to be accused of "race baiting", I think it's pretty much accepted that victims from ethnic minorities sometimes get less coverage. I also think it could be down to staff shortages with Covid - they can't afford to let someone sit in court every day as they need them in the office covering someone who is not there.

In the case you have mentioned, I quickly checked the court listings and can't see that it is sitting today 🤷🏻‍♀️

My best advice would be to keep checking the court listings and do a Google search every day of the victim's name. I trawl through my list around 5pm and then again before bed usually. I got a hit on a new trial that started yesterday last night just before I was about to go to sleep, which then led to a Facebook trawl for another half an hour with a plan to return to that today! It is like a full time job sometimes 😂 are you following this one? started yesterday


She probably is very sorry and did love him but I believe there is a lot more to the story of MH and Olivia. I find it strange that arhrur has labinjo, olivia uses it But grandparents don't.
yeah i also wondered where labinjo came from, i presumed her dads side but the sun had a interview with him who went by the name halcrow. strange...


Chatty Member
I thought so too. Despite being in prison herself, she should have full rights to where Arthur should lay to rest. Did the family courts ever have her PR taken from her? As this could very well be the reason why they haven't released his body for his send off.
I think she would of have parental responsibility taken away when she was sent to prison.


Chatty Member
Here is a photo of the monsters I took off her Facebook before it was taken down, not sure of this one is in the press though I’d assume it is but this was one of the vile monsters very close to the murder. They have no shame.
how many kids did she have?I read somewhere she went missing? Why? Are the kids with her? Z
She had 4 kids, 2 older lads she didn’t see anymore then a younger daughter and son, her son wouldn’t of been far off the same age as Arthur.

do you know why she went missing before? Was her kids taken away from her?


Chatty Member
Just wondering if I've got this part right. I'm not in any way slating. Just curious.
Arthur's maternal grandmother. I so feel for her. She is obviously distraught as is her daughter. And I do not blame OH at all. I can't imagine the pain she and Madeline (?) are going through.
She mentioned on a clip I saw of her on the good morning show(I haven't watched it all) that the Hughes family raised their concerns with her, came over, when they left it was 9.30pm and I'm sure she said too late to do anything...that's what the hughes family claim in their recent fb statement, that at least they didn't think it was too Late to do anything. That's what I'm taking from it anyway.
Did anyone else hear or think this? I'm not at all trying to badmouth a grieving grandmother. Just curious.i could've picked it all up wrong.


Chatty Member
It’s just so hard to comprehend isn’t it?

I haven’t been on this thread for long, so apologies if these things have been discussed, but what is known about ET’s background? Have any of her family commented anywhere? Will Arthur’s mum be allowed out of prison for her sons funeral (we have prisoners come into my department for surgery accompanied by two wardens)
Have TH’s family tried to defend him at all?
Yes she will. Unsure even quite doubtful if Hughes will be able to tho, hopefully he doesn’t want to go.
But they are exposing her?

I also find it odd that she didn't alert the SS about her daughter's own situation? The drinking, drug taking and violence around Arthur? If she was THAT close, she'd have had some input and concerns
It didn't seem like the child was harmed, so SS would not have done anything.
She said on TV how happy the child was.

Wasnt Arthurs mum supposed to be seeing him in prison? She has a contact order didnt she? So the grandma could have fought on behalf of her daughter using her daughters legal right to maintain contact with him as a way to ensure he wasnt left with noone but hughes and tustin. (One of many things she could have done).

She could have also gone back to speak to Hughes parents and decide a plan of action together? She could have requesred meeting with a social worker. She could have gone to the police station. She could have rang the school. She could have rang the NSPCC. She could have sat outside their house watching to see what was going on? She could have kept hounding hughes and Tustin to see him until they got the police on her which would then be another opportunity to raise concerns. She could have got some free legal advice from a family law solicitor......the list is virtually endless. People who want to do something, will find a way. Not just accept it amd move on with their lives.

Im a bit confused what was going on with Olivia all this time. Did she just accept that he dissapeared for months and wasnt brought to see her? There was mention about a visit that never happened but i dont know when this was meant to have been. It must have been much earlier because she said she spoke to Arthur the week before and he was excited. Why didnt she follow up on this?
I don't know whether the mother saw him in prison. I thought they first said that the mother joined the army?

If the grandparents have no rights, as another user advised, then she would have been guilty of harassment if she would have done all these things and the free legal advice would most likely have told her that she could only alert SS and the police to report her concerns - which she did.

The parties that had the power here were: SS and the police.