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I dont know what the rights of grandparents are.

I do think though that she had lots of problems because her daughter went to prison (probably had to look after her daughter's business) and of course she would have felt shame.
In early 2020 lockdown started.

Essentially it has only been 8 months.

Maybe the presents from both grandparents had been withheld and hidden?

Did MH testify in court?

I don't get why she would go to the media and lie about things - the other set of grandparents could easily expose her, which would be beyond embarrassing.
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I read that Arthur was a witness to his mother stabbing the man she killed in the arm in an earlier attack. I googled her last week and read up about the case so I think I must have read it in an article about that
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I cant imagine what her other children had to endure- they were in the house too, listening to him constantly crying, being shouted out,
beaten. All these horrible memories, a life time of nightmares. That witch caused irreparable damage to her children.
They will no doubt have a lot of trauma to unpack. More kids in the system cuz of that scruffy scrote!
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Thanks for everyone’s reassurance that I am not alone. Like another poster, I also feel like I have no right to feel this distraught. I simply cannot shake it off and can’t imagine not constantly thinking about Arthur.
As a family, we were all lucky that no one suffered financially during lockdown. I was the only one still (frontline) working, but on days off I enjoyed the lovely weather, catching up on stuff, chatting with neighbours and our wonderful family zoom chats. Now I think I will always think of lockdown as the time when Arthur was being tortured.
I went to pick my grandson up from school today as I really needed to see him. His trust in us and his total innocence just highlighted how terrible this crime against Arthur was. And to think he tried to get help and wasn’t heard.
I have also been thinking of his poor grandma and how things need to change so that grandparents have a voice. If that evil woman hated Arthur so much, why didn’t they send him to live with his Nan?
I’m assuming she HAD to return him due to the father (I use that term loosely) having full custody, and I can only imagine how hard that was. But in all honesty, I think I would have run away with him and s*d the law.
To think he is still lying in a cold mortuary haunts me. The only thing that consoles me is that he is out of pain and that no one can hurt him anymore.That’s the only thing I can cling onto.
Sorry for waffling on but I just needed to ‘talk’ to likeminded people 🥰
Hugs. I understand. Im a mummy and also in pain over this case.
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didn’t something come out during the trial that a newspaper report of the case was “accidentally” left in her cell and her cell mate at the time went mad and kicked her out?

I like to think they’re both living in constant fear but sadly I’d assume that’s not the case and they’re both being well protected.
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Yeah I think that what I’m going to try and do I keep forgetting it was a year ago but it feels like it’s just happened 😢
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I have done quite well today as I haven’t cried. 🙈. But am still thinking of Arthur constantly and feel such overwhelming sadness that I just can’t shake off.
I have started to get so angry at how this was allowed to happen when there were so many signs.
Sadly, someone I know of lost their severely disabled daughter at the weekend. I was obviously upset when I heard, but I have to admit that my overriding thought was ‘at least she died knowing she was loved’ 😔

As a nurse (not in paediatrics), I do have basic safeguarding training but it’s mostly how you spot signs and who to report to. So I am pretty naive when it comes to school safeguarding, police and social services. Am I right in thinking the agencies don’t all communicate with each other?
How can children possibly be protected if they don’t?

You really are not alone. I’m late 50’s and can honestly say I have NEVER been as disturbed as I am by this tragedy.
All agencies are meant to be in contact. It was put in legislation after what happened to Victoria Climbie(sp). The children’s act 2004. ‘Every child matters’
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It was mentioned in the trial.
Ah was it? Thanks.
Ive also seen it mentioned that she’s had salt thrown at her… obviously prisoners don’t get to watch the news so
I wonder how anyone learned about the salt… and surely visitors would recognise T/H and the details would spread that way…
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Thing is I do slightly agree maybe this thread needs to close. It's gossip? Digging out Arthur's background. Part of me thinks we need to remember Arthur highlighted what abused children have to live and what they live through right now.

But I do think maybe we're wrong to gossip?
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She went missing over a dispute about her children threw her toys out the pram cause their dad had them or something
were the kids taken off her after she jumped off the car park? That was again over a dispute with her boyfriend?

interesting everything seems to be male-oriented like you mentioned, she has this grudge against men it seems
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Those writing about why Arthur hadn’t gone to see his Mum…..he wouldn’t have been able to from March until his death in June due to lockdown.
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I am sure I read one day that around June 12th the camera's showed Arthur and that man on the sofa together watching TV together or something along them lines.
I really hope so. That man is a monster but I honestly just hope there were moments... Not that TH deserves those moments... But just something that made arthur feel loved for those moments
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Disgrace and this hairdresser had kids of her own too! How could you be in the same house allowing this to happen
I read somewhere she has had her kids taken off her. I imagine she was too concerned about being exposed for breaking lock down rules to take any action to save him
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Those writing about why Arthur hadn’t gone to see his Mum…..he wouldn’t have been able to from March until his death in June due to lockdown.
i know but olivia was arrested in february 2019, the pandemic didn't start till december 2019 and the UK lockdown didn't happen until mid march. not sure why he couldn't see her within that time frame.
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I am confused with daniels statement on FB, he says the hughes family were the only family that called social services/the police (and in court its kind of implied this way too)... but on good morning britain the other day, madeline halcrow, olivias mum said that she also called social services too... and that the unwrapped presents for arthur that were found in thomas hughes annexe were from her.... i swear joanne hughes told court the presents were off joanne?

such conflicting statements and i dont know who to believe. madeline also said the last time she saw arthur was on her birthday in october. so that means she hadnt seen arthur for around 8 months, and there seems to have been no real fight from her to see him either that i'm aware of?

i cant help thinking MH is just soaking up the limelight and pretending she was more involved than the evidence has us believe. really hope thats not the case. i cant stand the thought that someone might be jumping on it for their own benefit.

She probably is very sorry and did love him but I believe there is a lot more to the story of MH and Olivia. I find it strange that arhrur has labinjo, olivia uses it But grandparents don't.
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My heart does go out to the grandparents, as they have suffered a massive loss to which they have to live every single day for the rest of there lives in all probability wishing they did things differently if they could go back in time I have no doubt they would in a flash I do have my own thoughts on that too as millions of other people would too the impact it has had on us with truly great sadness would be 10 fold I truly would not be able to go on but less hope the two monsters suffer every single day in fear and have a Constant reminder all day every day to the cruelty torment they inflicted on poor little Arthur
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I mean a show house no sign of a child living there
No I agree, that would unsettle me…clearly they would have looked around their house? So if they did see no sign of children playing or children living there I would be concerned
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Just pointing out one thing here, the 'duvet being snatched' this was ET. Not OH. these bad things we've heard about OH to Arthur - were ETs words on the stand. No one else's. And we all know she lied when she said her piece during the trial. So please don't believe everything you see.
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Just had a casual TikTok scrolling session, a video came up of when Arthur was trying to fold his duvet and the music was him crying saying “nobody loves me” I still can’t get over it, the sounds of a little boys cry and his words destroy me everytime. How can such a beautiful little boy feel so alone and unloved. I don’t even live anywhere near where they live and I wish I could just get in my car and drive for hours just to give him a cuddle and tell him that everything is going to be ok. Absolutely breaks me that a little baby in this scary world had such a shit life and felt so alone. I don’t think he will ever leave my thoughts as it has honestly broken my heart.
It’s just so hard to comprehend isn’t it?

I haven’t been on this thread for long, so apologies if these things have been discussed, but what is known about ET’s background? Have any of her family commented anywhere? Will Arthur’s mum be allowed out of prison for her sons funeral (we have prisoners come into my department for surgery accompanied by two wardens)
Have TH’s family tried to defend him at all?
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