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Chatty Member
I actually said OH is blame less (Olivia) although on that note, I don't blame Madeline either. I place the blame solely on those 2 monsters. And some with SS as they failed to act.
Hughes family got in touch with SS & Told Madeline this. So she could think its under control and it'll be investigated. I don't see a need to drag a grieving grandma down. But each to their own.
She for sure has a personality disorder. Whether APD or full blown psychopath its all a form of narcissism. Her astounding lack of empathy to a degree that is unfathomable by most humans, is the no. 1 hallmark of narcissism. I think its an appropriate diagnosis speaking as someome with relevant knowledge in this field. Personality disorders will not get you a ticket into hospital. A large majority of people in prison have personality disorders.

Yes this was devastating to hear. It was when she said Arthur asked his dad if she was in the car and when he said yes Arthur started crying and asking his Grandma if he could live there. How can you witness thar as a grandma and not take more action? Ill never understand that. Being fobbed off by inept social workers should not have stopped her.

I cannot fathom him not getting murder conviction when he told her "just end him". What is that if not a direct encouragment to murder his son?

For them both to be abusing Arthur so openly in front of her. Verbally abusing him, Hughes threatening to rip his head off and use it as a football, threats of violence, making him stand by the door for hours etc. To even taken a boy whose physical condition was clearly so bad they darent send him to school. They can only have done this if they felt certain the hairdresser was of the same mentality as them.

I think she said too late to do anything that night so she rang social services in morning and was told they had already been and had no concerns. From that point she seems to have done nothing. Not sure that makes her as blameless as you feel imo.

They gave them prior warning??!!!! Does that not completely defeat the point? Obviously abusive parents are going to take the opportunity to cover up, coach the kids, set a good scene, clean the house etc. This makes no sense to me

Yes I think the abuse was so bad that it would hardly have taken much effort to uncover it by anyone half competent.


I have wondered about this. These kids must have witnessed a lot and been totally terrified by it. But they also went off to their fathers regulalry so Im sure they must have said something to someone about what was going on inside this hellhole of a house? Or maybe they were coached by ET not to mention little arthur to anyone. Nothing seems to be mentioned about it
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What I’d like to know is how many reports are made to SS by family members that actually are malicious/wrong? In Star’s case SS definitely told FS it was malicious. I can’t remember with Arthur, if it was just case closed after that brief visit. But in both these cases the family reports/concerns just weren’t taken seriously.

But my gut feeling based on no knowledge whatsoever is surely it wouldn’t be very common for family to do this without good reason? So why aren’t those reports from family taken more seriously. Why aren’t medical examinations mandatory, at least in certain circumstances like photo evidence from a family member of a severe, non-typical bruise for a child. Maybe this is on Google somewhere but I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole at this time of night. But I’ve been pondering it.
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Even stranger, in Daniel Hughes' FB statement he says it wasn't even TH that came to collect Arthur from MH's that day in October '19 - when Arthur supposedly asked is she in the car. Pretty much calling MH out for lying.
exactly. and even if MH is telling the truth, and arthur did burst into tears when he learned emma was in the car and begged to live with her...even if that is true... why didnt she do anything at this point? surely that would ring alarm bell no? according to that it sounds as if she clearly said no and ushered him out to his dad anyway and done nothing further whatsoever... until she gets a visit from joanne 6 month later to tell her about the bruises. its shameful

shes got the brass neck to wear her arthur t shirt and accept all the media invitiations and act like she was the doting grandmother. WHY isnt anyone reading between the lines here? she failed him along with the rest!!!!!
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There is one detail in this that's been on my mind, the neighbour who came to help, and the paramedic both said that Arthur's teeth were mis shapen and not straight, also that his teeth were in poor condition (poor little soul prob wasn't allowed a brush in her bathroom) but in his pics he has perfect little teeth, why would they have become disheveled? Feel so sorry for him 😞
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I don’t think I have ever been so disturbed by anything as I have this case. I can’t stop thinking about that dear little boys suffering. I cried when I watched the news, I cried cooking tea on Friday. I have done some Xmas shopping this morning and I don’t feel any joy, I just keep wondering how sad Arthur’s Xmas’s must have been.
I can’t unsee the footage on the news, nor can I unhear the evidence I have heard and it’s eating away at me.
I wonder if it’s because my grandson is just a couple of years younger and looks a bit like Arthur? Said Grandson has known nothing but love and the thought of anyone hurting him is horrific. Much as my partner is disgusted by this case too, I think he’s getting a bit fed up if seeing me mope about with red eyes!
Please can someone tell me I am not alone!!
I understand how you feel! Also cannot stop hurting over this. I have a little girl the same age as Arthur and it’s absolutely heart breaking, for an innocent baby to be hurt like this by the person who should love and protect’s unbearable. I wish he could have been saved and reunited with his mum. I believe the evil woman who murdered Arthur must be a psychopath.
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Chatty Member
In the video clip of the police body cam does anybody know who was screaming in the background. Sounds like an adult woman.
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The performative grief in that Facebook group is too much for me. Putting baubles of Arthur's face on your christmas tree? Talking about how you want to visit his grave? Sorry but I have such a problem with people who centre themselves in tragedies. Reminds me of that wee girl who died from leukemia. It's easier to show social media how sad you are rather than do the hard work of actual change.
It borders on fetishizing the death (not as in sexual fetishization, but the weird obsession kind just for anyone out there). I think it's really affected some people because it resonates with them personally on some level, I think that's the case on here, but it's something that people are managing I guess, I know for me being on here it's actually really helped talking about it, but the whole Facebook group feels like so many boundaries are being crossed from what I've read on here (I'm not in it).
It's exactly as you say, performative and the bauble thing kind of seems like people are for lack of a better word, revelling, in the shock and drama of it all? It's fucking odd.

TLdr I agree but wanted to add a weird word salad onto an already perfect and concise summary
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Its actually irrelevant though. The fact is that was their job and they didnt do it properly in this case. Its not exactly rocket science. She needed to speak to Arthur alone. She needed to ask probing questions not 'tick box' questions pitched like a game. She needed to ask to see his bedroom. She needed to actually check for bruises. When she saw the photos a few days later and was 'shocked' she needed to follow up. I dont care that people think the job is a load of crap with crap pay etc, so is mine. But when you have accepted a responsibility then you carry out your duties - that is the choice you have made, noone else. That poor boy depended on her to do her job right and she failed him. She should hang her head in shame.
I’m not denying that and I actually did say in my original post I wasn’t going into whether I agreed with the decisions made and pay etc because my post was about why social care cannot recruit. But for what it’s worth i completely agree I think he was totally failed, and it’s incomprehensible how the flags were missed. it’s heart breaking and there will be many more cases crop up im sure if it 💔.

But my response or the relevance of my post was to someone a number of pages back who was saying about the recruitment of more SW and SS staff and I was giving an example of why they can’t recruit or retain staff in childrens social care which leads to the heavy reliance on agency staff.

If my post had been read correctly I indicated my friend was a student who had set out to work in childrens social care due to her own experiences as a child however after doing her placement there and seeing abuse towards her mentor she qualified and choose to work in another area.
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He very well is talk of the town but I doubt that given its a high profile case, that he will be going to be in with general population. If someone like Tommy Robinson was given special protection, TH will get it for certain.
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I've never known of channels being cut. My partner who is in prison currently, told me how angry and upset he was watching the news about Arthur on the TV in his cell. I do know he hasn't had access to local papers though. I shall get him to clarify. Rules may differ according to which prison though I believe.
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Social services and HV in the Solihull area are shocking, and I only know this as my MIL was a HV until she was made redundant. They are so low on staff it’s appalling.

ive seen on tiktok that she’s in A&E as inmates force fed her salt?
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Many factors I speculate it could be.

Shame perhaps? Not wanting her son to see her in a jail environment? Maybe after doing something so terrible, she needed time to adjust? I kind of get it tbf. It isn't unusual after all I read on here Arthur was told she was going in the army?
do we know if she was writing to him, or speaking on the phone? she could do both those things whilst still pretending to arthur she was in the army. just thinking out loud here really. just so upsetting to think one day she just dissapeared and arthur had zero contact with her again :(
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Well, when ET was kicked out of her cell by her cellmate it was because”someone” left paperwork around with details of the crime on it. Before that was seen she was telling her cellmate that she was in prison because Arthurs dad neglected him.

What I got from that is wardens can be “careless”.
Interesting and heartening.
How do you know this, out of interest?
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Chatty Member
Totally agree. I didn't even watch the awful video but even the still from it has completely traumatised me. Poor little soul it makes me feel sick to the pit of my stomach and I just can't shake it. I don't think anything has ever had this affect on me before. His beautiful little face is all I see and I cant stop the tears. I just can't stop thinking about how he must have felt. Breaks my heart.
So true, nothing has affected me as bad as this. I know this happens so much, and there’s been so many heartbreaking stories that have definitely traumatised me but this…it’s something else. It’s shook me to the very core, perhaps it’s because we have had insight into what he suffered? I don’t know but it’s broken my heart
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The trouble is people do not talk about these things. They do not speak about child abuse, childhood sexual assault, paedophiles, etc. Most brush it under the carpet as it’s hard to talk about - which it is! I think it is important to speak about it as unfortunately paedophillia and child abuse is quite common. I’d even go on to say it’s quite normal in our society as it happens that often, you’ve probably walked past 1000 paedophiles in your life time or have friends and family that are one. But people refuse to talk about it, don’t want to know, think it ends when a court case does, until the next one makes it to court, well if it does. How many people did not say anything when Arthur was being abused? Why was that? What can we learn about this?

People taking an interest in Arthur's family background isn't mere "gossip" either. It can highlight things that often go amiss in our society. As heatmagazine has rightly put!

I wouldn't say it all boiled down to "poor parenting skills either". Plenty of things have been highlighted such as failings by authorities, school withdrawal, domestic violence, toxic relationships, crime, substance abuse, mental health/personality disorders... discussion when done respectfully is helpful in recognising concerns others may have, perhaps in their own communities/family.
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Wackie Jeaver

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TBH I think the culture thing is a bit of a red herring, but I can see both sides of the debate. However, using 'culture' as an excuse for child abuse is never acceptable - I think it's what Victoria Climbie's aunt tried to claim, and we dont seem to have moved much further forward in terms of child protection.
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Chatty Member
Emma Kenney has done a video about this on her YouTube channel. I consider her to be a good true crime commentator and she has astute insight into the psychology behind these crimes (even though she over uses the word ‘predilection’ in videos).
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