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She would have been much better off having a personal trainer, a food plan created and counselling to identify the link between food for her.
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This is why Emma needs a separate business and personal account! Last night she showed herself packing up orders for her business in her house. Today she posts that one of her cats has shit on her sofa. If I was one of her customers I’d be cancelling my order!
So her cats were sick yesterday and now they have shit on the sofa. One question Emma, if you have cats/animals why are you shutting doors and not checking where you cats are?!? They are really bad pet parents :mad:
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I thought the bed sheets were horrific enough... we have all seen those pillows, not enough detergent in the world to get those clean. But somehow that messy sad pile of faded old leggings is just disgraceful!
they aren’t good enough to give away never mind sell! Dirty cow 😑
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It's actually embarrassing that two grown adults have rehearsed, recorded, and posted that story about 'getting lucky'😳😳
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Surely one of the joys of having no kids and not having a proper job to go to is that you can have a real long lie in your birthday? But then the Drews can do that any day so a birthday is no different. Plus what’s she so excited for? I’m betting there’s some crappy graphic T-shirts, some warhammer stuff and a Disney themed present plus loads of sweets in that pile.
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Of course she has lost weight, just not as much as she thinks, That t shirt is Tony’s, so of course it’s going to be big on you now, you have lost some. But Emma please, you are not a size 12/14 yet you are far far from it.

I would be furious if I bought something from a supposedly professional establishment and it came with a unhealthy dose of cat hair, and dirty person.

imagine the smell when you open the box, a aromatic gust of unwashed Emma, and cat shit 🤢🤢🤢
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Its not long enough for warhammer 😂 🤮

Exercise is to help period pain, Emma get yourself dress (and washed!) and go for a bloody walk. You do not need chocolate, but if you really are going to have some, at least walk to the shop!

Emma hun, we know that you read here. Every time you get a craving for chocolate, just imagine having to go through life with a missing limb due to uncontrolled diabetes. Or having to learn to talk and walk again after having a stroke. I've watched members of my own family have to go through this, and no amount of chocolate or nope days in bed is worth it.

If you're in love with yourself as much as you claim in your stories, show your body a little more respect.
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How can a young 30 year old woman look so much like a 50/60 year old man??

Also, the cat didn’t just decide to vomit Emma, something made it sick! Try to have at least a tiny bit of sympathy and concern for the cat that you claim is like your child rather than seeing it an inconvenience!
To be fair my cats are sick all the time with hair balls. Cats are arseholes that like to be sick as you’re about to go to bed or leave the house in a rush 😂

I love how shes ‘napped’ the Xmas tree. Doesn’t she mean nabbed? Napping on the brain at all times.
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Nice to see Martha Jay still setting ya gurl straight!

That live was absolutely pointless and it sound like she's trying to talk posh?
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It's the way she buys all these tumblers thinking it will help her keep on top of her hydration and whines she can't drink any water. This from the woman who had 5 cokes before a flight because she was sooo dehydrated. Not a bloody clue.

And pigs in blankets and mac and cheese sandwich ye just what you need Emma. No wonder that vest top still fits the same and hasn't been listed on ebay. The only difference I saw in those progress photos was her standing with her feet closer together and her arms behind her boobs so she doesn't look as wide there.
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I’m gonna give her a bit of credit, she does look like she’s lost weight but not to the extent she thinks. I was honestly feeling shit about myself when she posts her size 8 pictures because I’m a 16 and I’m nothing like that 😂 but she’s just photoshopping the life out of it. There’s no point lying to yourself, the results will be so much more rewarding when you do really look like that.
There’s absolutely no denying she’s lost weight but when you compare her posed photos to the real her in lives, the difference is astronomical! When I see Emma’s heavily posed photos I often feel really badly about my own body and can’t quite believe I’ve now bigger than her...then I see her lives and realise she’s still huge and I feel much better. I just wish she’d be more honest with her followers but more importantly herself. She’s ruined her own journey by making so much more out of small victories and forcing herself to believe she is so much further ahead on her journey than she actually is. She really does believe her own bullshit!
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She looks enormous in all these screenshots! Just goes to show that a (heavily posed and edited) photo may show a thousand words but you can bet your life it’s lying!
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