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Tony is treating Emma to yet another Ted Baker dress! Is it just me or does it look like it would be better suited to a middle aged woman rather than a young 30 something year old?
I’m sure she only gets what she can whenever she finds something in “her size” as opposed to picking what she truly likes or even walking away from the shop if there’s nothing she genuinely loves. She’s so addicted to shopping she just buys anything.

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They’re constantly spending money on pointless crap. I’m not being funny but if you’re losing weight and between sizes buy second hand, it’s better for the environment and it’s cheaper, especially as you won’t be wearing it for long (well if you actually lose weight that is).

I’m honestly so disgusted at her own self importance and arrogance. Fucking whinging over furniture and a phone, tagging companies to make them look bad despite were in a PANDEMIC! People are literally dying Emma you fucking goon, but as long as you get your tatty furniture and phone eh. I’m almost thinking she should contract covid herself to realise the seriousness of the situation we are in, it might make her a bit more humble too. Fucking moron. God I despise her.
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I’m looking forward to her big Christmas shop reveal with flash website as August is usually when the seasonal stock gets released and I’m guessing she’s working hard in the background to make it a huge success and do a great launch.........

Oh wait I’ve mistaken her from someone that actually works
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I don't know why she shares stuff like the breakfast post in the first place. If she wants to eat crap, then that is her choice, but why not just do it in private and then no one would know (other than by the fact that she isn't losing much weight). She's either genuinely proud that she has eaten so 'little' or she just lives for the attention, even though it is all negative. God, she is a weird one!
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I wonder if Tony decided to do a keto diet to avoid Emma's baking now she has a kitchen aid. The timing seems right.
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It’s like she didn’t try them for size and just shoved them on
Or push her cuticles down 😂

I wish she’d stop banging on about protein. Stop DRINKING your protein in sugary shakes and eat it. Porridge oats, lean meat, vegetables. Or why not just have a glass of milk? Fucking freaks the pair of them
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I really wish Littleowl had her own thread or someone could come spill the real tea about her.

What does she do for a living? Is no one in her life concerned about her blatant eating disorder? She can claim she eats that food all she likes, but there’s absolutely no way in hell she does.
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Not sure if I've only just noticed or it's been happening and I've missed it. But has he upped his husband game? 🤣 gifts, baths, compliments?

Anyone else think she's told him now she's lush he needs to be a better husband?
Either that or he’s worried she’ll be snapped up by some young bachelor given she’s so drop dead gorgeous now. :ROFLMAO:
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And guess who’s out for lunch again?!! Got to make the most of the last day of Eat Out to Help Out - god forbid she miss a day! And she’s taken her notebook with her which 100% means she’s going to claim it’s a business meeting so she can claim it as a business expense. And why would you need a snack on your way to lunch? STOP EATING ALL THE TIME EMMA!!


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Anyone else get the feeling she should have started sorting this Christmas shop a long while ago? Did anyone on here see the live where she was guessing prices of her Christmas stock. She was horrified a bauble cost £5, seems weird she doesn't have an idea of pricing. She must get all her baubles from poundland. I'm curious how much she bought it all for considering she doesn't seem to have a system to make sure she's gonna be making a profit, considering she's paying for a unit also. 🤷
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Tony’s put some chunk on, hasn’t he? I have no words about the Cancer, it doesn’t downgrade itself. I watched someone very close fade away and she thinks it’s ok to lie about this illness? Absolute scum. And what do you know? Instead of celebrating life she wants a bloody present and food, so all her weight is going back on.

The mystery boxes she’s talking about are clothes ones that all the so called money bloggers jumped on to buy so they could resell. From what I can gather they are taking up to 6 months to arrive. Think she was expecting dresses.
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Outstanding shite in every respect - the website, the copywriting, the photography and most of all the products.

Gives a whole new meaning to the nightmare before Christmas!
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Why Dafuq are the cats in the boxes of stock. I sincerely hope that no customers are allergic to cats!
That ornament above looks ghastly (just like the person holding it really!)
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You're a better person than me. I wouldn't even allow him in my car and don't even get me started on the touches. Tony reminds me of that strange one at Uni that never comes out of their room to socialise because they are playing with their figures and watching box sets of Big Bang Theory. And they have a strange collection of t-shirts. I say we leave the cat where he is; he looks like he's working up to eating her, and is probably the ghost-writer on the blog.
Tbh him being strange isn’t really the issue. We’re all different and that’s okay but it’s the fact they have no other aspirations other than Disney and painting miniature figures. If he did that on a weekend after he’s done a hard week at work then fair enough but they’re basically living a life of someone who’s unemployed (out of choice) and that must be so boring and definitely not something Id ever want. In this climate where millions are losing their jobs/ homes etc they just carry on buying each other shit they don’t need and are so insensitive to the world around them. I honestly hope they get a massive reality shock and they have to find a real job. They wouldn’t last 5 mins. The whole 100k a year is bullshit, I’d be seeing the world, and especially the UK during these times. And they literally visit tk maxx, frankie and bennys and play warhammers. Exciting life 👀
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This decoration looks like Covid or something a three year old would make at nursery. Look at the middle in the zoomed in image :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Jesus take the wheel... It looks like a raw meatball with strawberry pencils hot glued to it. Look at all the glue strings!! Tattle has had me crying laughing today 😂😂


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Hobbs tho?! Why is she hell bent on dressing 20 years older than she actually is? She’s like the polar opposite of poor old LittleOwl who’s obviously so attention starved at this point she’s practically got her minge out on her insta, then here’s Emma dressing like she’s bloody 70?!?
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She buys to fulfil a void in her life. I love shopping but I only buy things I need or really want. I do not drop £500 on frivolous items because they ‘would look cute in my
Kitchen’ 🙄 she needs to find a hobby that doesn’t involve spending money or eating.
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