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Chatty Member
They’re literally round the corner from me right now. That restaurant is all greasy burgers, loaded fries, waffles and ice cream. Let’s see how the weight loss is next week.
I’m so fucking angry with her, how dare she claim she’s out to celebrate when it’s clear she’s never been ill and be so flippant about it all, stating she got the ‘sexiest letter’ from the hospital. Even if the early stage cancer is true, it hasn’t affected her day to day life and she definitely hasn’t done anything herself to improve her diagnosis. It’s just so dis-respectful to those truly struggling, who don’t have the luxury of being healthy, or having days off doing fuck all like she does.
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She buys to fulfil a void in her life. I love shopping but I only buy things I need or really want. I do not drop £500 on frivolous items because they ‘would look cute in my
Kitchen’ 🙄 she needs to find a hobby that doesn’t involve spending money or eating.
This, 100% this!
Emma has nothing of any joy in her life. She gets up, chases her cats for cuddles, pretends to work on something that has no impact on anyone, eats, eats, eats, whinges and then goes to bed. There is literally nothing of any substance in her life. She has no real friends, no family she enjoys seeing, no hobbies, no interests. She literally has nothing worth getting up for so spends money endlessly to create the buzz the rest of us get through spending time with friends and family or doing things that we love. I feel sorry for her sad little existence really. It’s certainly not a life to aspire to as she believes.
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Emma is on live again and getting business tips from the 26 people watching her.

OMG she called Tony Honey biscuit :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:

Funny how she called out that person for using her crappy image but she just said she stole an idea off someone's instagram. Hypocrite
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She is an absolute disgrace!!! Comparing herself to those who actually have to live with that awful disease knowing exactly what was initially said by doctors then benefitting from it- all of her sheep and followers should boycott her and her business now.... vile!!!
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I’m wondering if Tony has also been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. Could be why he’s trying to lose weight and eating low carb.

The kitchen aid, well it’s the perfect gift for someone who’s had weight loss surgery and then been told to lose weight to ‘cure’ their cancer. Us trolls and troglodytes just don’t get it.
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Chatty Member
This "ya gurl" thing needs to fuck right off.
“Ya gurl” sounds suspiciously AAVE/BVE to me but I wouldn’t expect her to be aware of anything surrounding the blm movement or racism as she’s an ignorant cunt who said fuck all about George Floyd and has pretty much ignored the movement
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She wants to declutter 1000 items? If I did that I’d have nothing left in my house 😂
Like someone said earlier shes probably got 995 lip balms, a kitchen aid, a leopard print dress cause it doesn't fit anymore, a hairy cat t-shirt, 1 husband and a partridge in a pear tree!
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Is she planning on hiring someone to fulfill orders? I really cannot imagine Emma being able to deal with a Christmas shop, eBay orders and the associated work (packing/shipping/customer service) without having a total meltdown. I'm not sure she'll have enough time for all her anxiety naps and nope days.
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chocolate choux

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I thought this! Surely you buy something because you like it not just because you can use it for one very specific holiday and then that’s it, get rid of it. I know people buy holiday clothes but surely a bag can be used here as well at Disney?
I’ve got a section of holiday clothes in my wardrobe but I’ve not had a holiday in nearly two years so I’ve been wearing the dresses during the nice weather to get my money’s worth out of them. I haven’t just thought “oh no holiday, must get rid of everything remotely related to a holiday!” She just get kicks out of wasting money I’m sure!
Exactly! It’s not as if it’s a size 16 Disney outfit that she’ll be too skinny for next year 😉
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Ya gurl! How old is she!! FFS my teenagers don’t talk like that 🤦🏼‍♀️
I’m so fucked over this... frankly I’m jealous. I wish I could afford a kitchen aid but no I’m a shitty nurse who had an anxiety breakdown at work over ICU and has been moved from a deputy sister to a nurse role and all I can have is the handheld one. Fuck you emma!
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Tony is treating Emma to yet another Ted Baker dress! Is it just me or does it look like it would be better suited to a middle aged woman rather than a young 30 something year old?
I’m sure she only gets what she can whenever she finds something in “her size” as opposed to picking what she truly likes or even walking away from the shop if there’s nothing she genuinely loves. She’s so addicted to shopping she just buys anything.

View attachment 221449
Perfect for autumn 😂 sleeveless, floral, satin-y dress that my 65 year old mum would describe as frumpy. Great for autumn 🍂
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You can say it. You’re amongst like minded souls here
I know, but I’m sure to be on her stories and don’t fancy Emma stans in my inbox!

On one hand I find it all weird, but then who am I to say how someone deals with being told they have cancer?

But (I’m gonna burn for this) I can’t help thinking if she ignored the exercise advice perhaps wanting it to progress. When she saw the sympathy and gifts she got. Increased engagement. Maybe a good excuse to not have to do anything. And also a hysterectomy would make the decision about wanting children for her. I dunno.

True or not. I’m glad she’s got the news she had. I hope it eventually becomes a wake up cell that she has to change her lifestyle.

I’ve just seen people like this in my life before. That really play on illnesses or invent them for attention.
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I'd rather see a big bloke in a car, then every lump and bump she has in another shitty dress that DOESN'T FIT!
She shouldn’t judge one bit though. He could have been driving it for his wife / daughter, or maybe, just maybe he likes the fucking car and wanted one. He also probably bought it cash and doesn’t scam people on a daily basis. Why don’t you concentrate on yourself, get some clothes that fit and stop being a judgey cow.
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