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VIP Member
I really like the conservatory. It’s got character and is a lovely open space.
I love a good conservatory too! I absolutely love the house, I was so sad when she said she was going to rip the huge fireplace out too. Older looking houses are my thing though.
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Haha no, I only started following her when Jackson was about 1. Can't believe the change in her! I have seen her video headers such as '4 weeks pregnant update', '8 weeks pregnant', thats why I never speculate on her being pregnant because she would milk it from conception! Starting with affiliate links for ovulation sticks.
Yeah when she was first trying to get pregnant she started filming it all and on one she was breaking down because she hadn’t conceived straight away like she had done previously. Jackson’s whole life from conception, birth and childhood is on the internet.
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Wonder if she showed her name ‘Emily Dean’ in that book for our benefit as we’ve been speculating about her maiden name 🤔
Of course! She’s constantly responding to stuff she reads on here...

I thought this too, but i swear she was Emily dean, then her mum got married and she took her mum’s double barrelled married name and then after the death of her step dad she went back to dean? 😂😂
Her mum is Dean too now...
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I’m surprised with Jackson doing a meconium poo when her waters broke that they let her have a natural home birth still. I went to get checked at hospital and my baby did the same, it can make their heart rate dip (and my sons did) so I was taken for a category 1 csection. This isn’t ‘snark’ or anything just an observation and also slightly jealous that she didn’t need cut open 😂
To be fair, she wouldn’t tell us if she went against medical advice. The only other thing I can think of is perhaps he was coming too quickly to even blue light her?
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I think you underestimate how much she gets from YouTube. Views alone would probably grab her £60k a year. Then the daily ads on top. I’ve no idea but I’d estimate between £5k-£10k per one. She’s done a few since moving into the house last week!

Yes she worked at this school (same place she got married) so the fee may have been supplemented
He only did his pre school year, he started reception at a state school and has been there since. Still don’t imagine it would have been cheap though, even with a discount.

Just had a nosey and it’s a £600 deposit for the nursery that Fraser went to...😱
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I know yeah, they are just so dull and looked like guest bedrooms in the old house. I'm predicting she'll do the same in the new house. I agree with the above post about her having to tread carefully with her viewers. Her ad-aliciousness went under the radar in her old home, in this home it will be seen as greedy and every lie that she tells (and she deceives a lot) will be scrutinised. If I was her, I'd have stayed in that old house until I'd finished my mum flogging career, then moved and changed careers, let the kids have privacy and spend my child exploitation money with nobody watching.
Exactly. I don’t understand why they don’t just keep quiet about it all. Why keep showing off everything that they buy/do... it’s like the more they get the more they like to rub it in to their viewers...
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What is with the accent!! I actually like her and the house, she moving on up with her followers to keep the engagement when I started watching her we had a tiny house we’ve moved to something like she has just sold and I like watching something to aspire to but the accent thanks Emily but I’m out it’s to fake.
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She was pushing Frasers channel at one point, she still has to a link to it in her vlogs 🙄 I think she wanted him to become a big youtuber or something (as another way for her to make money of course) but as lovely as he is, he doesn't have big YouTuber potential, hence her throwing money at the channel. It was a pretty vulgar thing to do, it really wasn't good parenting.
There is just no level she won't stoop to for fame. It's actually creepy!
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I think she’s said before that the reason the boys have doubles is for family when they come to stay, so I guess it will be musical beds...that’s what I would do rather than use a big space as a guest room that doesn’t get used often...
The plans are quite eye opening aren’t they? I mean the master suite is going to be huge and dressing room too...very opulent and Essex!!!
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She does have a degree but from a pretty poor university, BCUC. It was in Chalfort st Giles, but the site was sold
I’m sure she’s posted before saying she went to Buckinghamshire new university? Unless she just says that because the other one was crap and no longer exists!😂
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