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Chatty Member
Why does she keep using this lens/filter on her picture?! I get its to make the room look bigger but it just looks stupid and makes the room look distorted and badly photo shopped. Also makes her look pretentious that she would try and make an ready big house even bigger! Does she not know the vast majority of her audience are just normal mums in normal uk houses a lot smaller than her house. This house will be the undoing of her. It certainly was for Pentland, she left her terrace and turned into a right pretentious dick.View attachment 296805
Same thing happened to Rebecca Meldrum and this all pre COVID. She needs to tread carefully.
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She also did the how to get pregnant fast video which for someone who really struggled to conceive that was incredibly difficult to watch. She was lucky and "gets pregnant whenever she wants!" But I'd already tried every single tip and hint and my body just didnt want to work! I'm lucky to have 2 beautiful children now, but it took me around 18 months to conceive each of them and quite frankly her tips are shit when your body just doesnt get pregnant easily!!!
What an awful video for her to post, she’s basically just rubbing it in people’s faces that she can get pregnant quickly while trying to make content from it. It’s all a load of rubbish, everyone is different when it comes to conceiving. :(
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What are them awful jumper over shirt things that she keeps wearing?! She looks like a frumpy librarian. She really is trying to market herself as a frump isn't she. I suppose though, if she wears something less mumsy, her tit might pop out of her top again and land in her food. She clearly can't take that risk! ⚠😆
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She lives 3 doors down from a big pub as well. Can't imagine thats peaceful on a friday and Saturday night! (Post corona). I wouldn't like to be backed on to a big public field either. Would laugh if chavs hang out there.
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I love how one of her children didn’t like the meal because he misunderstood and thought they were having cheeseburgers and bacon, not pasta bake. I reckon it was caleb, he’s the bratty ungrateful one.
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Won’t declare which child yet puts their lives all over the internet. I think parenting styles are a stupid fad, just assess the situation and parent as you think, I don’t know why everything needs a label and has to be a rigid way
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Yes, campus bike at uni, the football boys liked her. Nothing wrong with liking sex, but doesn't go with the image.
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She is deffo a helicopter parent! Atleast her kids are getting life experience already, they're paying for their own family home as employees of Emily Norris. I don't think she does attachment parenting, I think she's just clingy and needy towards her children. I think she's the new version of tiger parent... Not push for academic success but for Instagramable success.
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There is no way she would be tagging the interior designer so much if that was a fully paid for service! Another undisclosed ad without a doubt!
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Chatty Member
I wonder why she doesn’t get the boys to tidy their toys up after themselves, so much for her ‘husband training’
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I’m new to this thread. I used to like Emily as she did seem relatable and I was quite naive to think she’s just ‘normal’ but when she does a swipe up for her followers for a 1400 fridge, that she obviously got for free, it makes me realise that she isn’t as humble & normal as she tries to make out.
i dont Care she’s rich, but the lying is annoying.
Doing Poundland hauls & budget friendly decor ideas, is all to feed in to this big lie that she’s relatable.
I did roll my eyes somewhat when I saw the *gifted* massive fridge. A lot of her followers won't even be able to afford it, but she'll earn money when they swipe up to have a nose so it's win win for grabberly norris ...She won't be paying for a thing in this new home. I dunno if I can stomach watching it all unfold.
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I'd need a massive house to be able to escape from them feral kids. Honestly, I'd rather live in a normal house and have nice, respectful, well behaved children than have a huge house and live with little brats. I don't know how she copes with the younger 2.
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She’s one of these parents who’s just wrapped up in their own children and doesn’t care that other people might not like them. I think one of her neighbours has two young girls, but I don’t think the other neighbours have any young children.

Yeah she’s still very close to neighbouring houses and I’d be very pissed of getting woken up by loud kids bouncing on the trampoline at 7am. She’s such a self entitled twat with no regard or respect for anyone else 😡
The school holidays are always the most difficult time, I’ve spent all week saying “I can’t wait for kids to go back to school” and I don’t even have any kids! 😡😂😂
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I've just looked at her accounts
2018 she had £30,000
2019 she had £141,000 in her business account.
2020 will be higher again.
It doesn't say how much she pays herself or how much dividends she takes that I can find. I am presuming its a lot more than that. I mean Louise pays herself £500,000 a year and makes a fraction of what Emily does. Louise barely uploads and only does the occasional ad compared with the snake oil salesman Norris.
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