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I have a horrible theory about Emily...I get the impression from what she has said about her Mum that she was a shameless social climber who probably taught Emily money was the most important thing in life. I think they were skint in Canada, but her mum ruthlessly planned for a better life for them,and bagged a rich man from Essex. I bet he was loaded and she turned a blind eye to the fact he was spying on Emily and doing worse to her sister because she wanted the lifestyle......
Maybe someone can confirm, I’m struggling to remember the video she did now because it was made private so long ago, but didn’t she say that her sister told them about the abuse, but they didn’t believe her because she was known for her lies? And that they only believed her when Emily found cameras in her own room?
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I just re watched the end of her moving vlog and she said that they moved in that house when Fraser was 3 weeks old. Why bother mentioning the '1 bedroom flat' when you knew you had already bought a big house in Essex for £245,000, not bad for mid 20s. Trying to be relatable again but its so false!
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Yeah they sent Fraser and Caleb to a private school just for the nursery year then they started at a state reception. She said at the time that they considered private school but would have had to give up holidays so they sent them to state school. I reckon that nursery year was just to brag and show off their uniform, walk around with them in a private school uniform, they are them type of people. She could easily afford private school for the 3 of them now so I wouldn't be surprised if she sends them to a private high school.
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That would be my kids birthday and Christmas presents for the year all in one!

She bought this, just because! Its madness
So unrelatable!
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Don't feel silly, I think we all started that way!
Emily was actually my fave YouTuber for a while, like you said watching her hospital bag and baby hacks whilst pregnant were gold to me and the cleaning videos actually motivated me! Its just sad how much she has changed, especially in the last 2 years just shows how vain and deceiving she is.

I think once she got an assistant and the ads ramped up is when it all changed for me. Like your kids are at school and nursery and your 'job' is a glorified, well paid hobby and you need an assistant? And you also have a cleaner, despite making money from videos of you cleaning? Just too much then
For me it was the hiding the ad at the end of the title. I wouldn't choose to click on a vlog/video if I knew it was an ad as I find them boring and false. Especially Emily as she will promote ANYTHING. The taking the choice away from me by deceiving me really annoyed me and her getting away with it when others seemingly wasn't, annoyed me more! Then all the cracks started to show, the giggling at their bad behaviour, the always happy rubbish, super human mum but its all a smoke and mirrors, cleaner, PA etc. It was the hiding ads though for me why I can't stand her.
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Just in the last week alone she has done 3 ads where by you have no idea its an ad until you have clicked on the video, she did it for Quorn, DJI and Always Discreet.. just in the last week alone. She does it almost every video. She will be on at least £4000 per video.. most likely £10,000 per ad. I'm sure somebody better informed will know. She will flog anything and somehow doesn't piss people off, I think because people think she is earning 'just enough', well they'll soon see what all them sneaky, fake ads have bought.
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Chatty Member
I think she tried to play down how big the house actually is in that tour video. We didn’t see her walking around from one room to the other it just kept cutting to her stood in different rooms..clever ploy on her part to try and hide the actual size of it!
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It’s just showing off!!!
I’m surprised she’s not shown her Xmas tree yet, you can bet they’ve got it up or are doing it, likely because she’s filming more con artist videos to dupe people into buy more Xmas rubbish that they don’t need or can afford....
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Her assistant that she needs to "get everything done"
I know yeah! I hated that! If you need an assistants help to do it, then it isn't a 'hack' for busy mums! We can all meal prep for a week if we have someone doing it for us🙄 same with the 'snack hacks'. We don't all have assistants. What a way to make normal mums feel shit about not having the time or energy to do all that like 'Super Mum' Emily, when in fact she has a team of helpers! Even a cleaner ffs
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Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but when she was a student she was FHM student of the month! 2001/2002 I guess if anyone can dig it out?! I bet that was self-nominated!!!
They’re both attention seekers and most likely fame hungry and want to be part of the essex thing- this article is from 11 years ago...

They’ve now got a platform for their egos to show off and also make money out of pushing crap on people who don’t need it. It’s the same kind of bullshit that he made Mrs Hinch famous and disgustingly rich, and incidentally they are under the same management company...
I said I used to relate to her much more but I’m starting to think that it’s all always been a carefully thought out bull crap act to boost their egos and suck people in to make money...
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Didn't she work at a private school? You often get discounts on your own child attending..
Then she left that job.. so perhaps that's when he moved to a state school.
I don’t know if she worked there, I didn’t really follow her back then, but I do know that Fraser only did his preschool year at the private school.

if you look back on her insta, there’s a photo of Fraser in September 2015 in his state school uniform, Fraser was born dec 2010 I believe, so he would have started reception in September 2015.

As someone said above, she chose to send them to state primary schools because they would have had to make a lot of sacrifices for all three of them to go to private primary schools. Whether or not that’s because she left that school while Fraser was still in preschool, I don’t know.

If you want a good laugh then watch her “First day of school” video from September 2014. She basically says in that video that technically he doesn’t have to start to school until September 2015 (when he’s 4), but because he’s sooo advanced they wanted to send him early, because he’s such a forward child. She then goes on to say that his private school have an early education programme preschool.

so basically Emily, you sent Fraser to preschool at the age of 3 like 90% of the country do, it’s nothing to do with him being advanced, or because it’s a private school, it’s just a totally normal thing that the majority of the country do with their children to prepare for school!🙄🙄
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I sit there sometimes and think to myself, would I have liked growing up having my every move from conception to teenage years and beyond on the internet, even if it meant I got some nice holidays, gifts and a big house from it? The answer is no, no I wouldn’t, I’ve always been very private, even as a child and I’d be gutted to grow up and realise that so many strangers had watched me online, I wouldn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. I also think it would make me paranoid and I’d be worried about stalkers. What if someone tried to start a relationship with me because they had stalked me online from being young?

also like you say, there’s a whole issue here around the information that people can find out, their address, their school, their likes and dislikes, their hobbies. There’s just no way I could feel comfortable with that. Even a lot of celebs who are in the limelight themselves, don’t allow their children to be or they hire body guards in some cases...
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Yeah it’s bunk beds AND a pull out bed underneath so 3 beds total, so all the boys can sleep in there. The boy who is less likely to have friends round for a sleepover - because he is the youngest, has the most beds in his room. 😅 So it’s purely for the renovations for his brothers rooms I imagine. Wonder if once everything is done on the house - say in a year or so.. the bunk beds disappear and a double bed appears - ‘because he wanted a big bed like his brothers’:sneaky:
They are share her bed anyway, and we know Jackson will have a double soon, I dont know why they dont just do it and avoid the waste!

Oh yeah, no one is interested in a double bed for kids so its harder to AFF link! She can scam her viewers with a fancy pants bunk first! Girls gotta eat!
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I know people don't like the pregnancy speculations ... but I am beginning to wonder 😄 is it me or is she hiding her stomach at all costs? I blame you lot on here for making me notice how all she's worn is baggy smock dresses and jumpers. Either that or she's feeling fluffy
I personally think she isn't pregnant, but has been reading on here and playing up on it!! I watched a vlog just a few months ago, the whole family were in the car, Emily was saying herself and boys would love another baby, however Matt wasnt so keen. Wouldnt be surprised if she was "on the pill" and had one of those "accidental pregnancies" though!
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I used to like her and didn't mind when she did the odd add because I thought she genuinely liked the item but now it's constant adds that contradict each other I asked her a few times about the Mario lego that she reviewed a few weeks ago got as I am thinking of buying it but worried it might get boring after a short time without expansion packs she won't answer me I never see it in the background she never mentions an item once she's been paid same with toy story toys
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