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Please no, I can see it already. Em the mummy influencer.

she’ll lecture us all on pregnancy with some feminist slant she nicked off Twitter, something about her body changing and body positivity will be in the mix too.

baby will be used for content while she gets relentlessly defeabout how it isn’t ammoral and it’s all ok because she’s making money and that’s what matters.

she’ll take selfies of herself tired and breastfeeding and caption it with something along the lines with how it’s OK to struggle (because new mothers are waiting around for permission and validation from Em and her ilk, of course).

she’ll interview a white, upper middle class mummy influencer in her podcast, discussing the difficulties they are facing as new mothers and how hard it is, whilst earning thousands per month with a nanny and family support at hand, and zero awareness of the irony.

Meanwhile the poor baby will be used an accessory and as the topic of new content because Em is too self absorbed to fully dedicate herself to another person.

it’s just what the world needs, another materialistic, disingenuous mummy influencer
Sounds about right. Kids shouldn’t be on public social media at all they are to young to understand it all. Far to many yummy mummys out their exploiting their kids for monetary gain.
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I’m on the fence about keeping her surname. She bangs on about feminism which would mean keeping her own name especially as thats who everyone knows her as. But when she is only famous because of her dad and apparently wants to make a name for herself and not be known as clarksons daughter then surely taking her husbands name would be the logical thing to do. Maybe they should have come up with a brand new surname and both changed their last names 😂

The new surname could be “Nepotism”
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Invisible women is a great book and I’m so glad the BBC have picked it up as a story.

I hate how em has co-opted it from a better, braver, smarter individual than herself so she can benefit from the engagement and create content out of it. Instagram used to be fun - how did it manage to get so full of leaches?

I’d recommend the book to everyone. Caroline Criado-Perez is an amazing woman. While Em is moaning that no one likes her because we called her privileged on tattle, Caroline is receiving death and rape threats for suggesting more women should be printed on money, and perseveres in her work. While Em tramples on women in developing countries being paid a pittance to work in a garment factory by promoting the companies exploiting them, Caroline CP is literally bringing it to the forefront as an issue. Instead of going to uni to make something of herself, em turned down the opportunity she was offered so she could hop over to Dublin to be at the beck and call of her boyfriend. Caroline CP has been awarded human rights campaigner of the year and an OBE.

Caroline is a real inspiration to me and her book was so thought provoking. I wish Em and her faux feminism would butt out and stop pretending she has a clue or a care.
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Her rants make her sound so self pitying, entitled and very. very bitter

And I for one have always liked Taylor swift and her music 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member

The fucking finger in the forehead - is just so cringe

Fwiw - I have NEVER needed male approval, or anyone else's for that matter. As for the scummy men in her stories.....either made up, or the women need to stop dating low value/scummy men.

And who on earth would take man/dating/relationship advice from a woman who is marrying a man who makes iceberg lettuce look interesting. Ffs


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Couldn't sleep last night so was listening to podcasts. Had the misfortune to put the latest episode of the one she does with the other muppet Alex Light. God it was painful to listen too. Both talking over each other, both unnecessarily dropping the f bomb, both cackling pointlessly at nothing remotely funny. It was interesting to hear how she was laughing at her supposed ' friend' Alex when she made the weird statement about wanting to bite dull Dave her husband. Emily properly took the piss out of her in a really mean way to the point Alex repeatedly had to ask her to stop. Neither of them are funny or witty and both struggle to string a coherent sentence together which doesn't involve the repeated use of the word like! Oh and yep in the 20 minutes or so that i persevered through she mentioned she was pregnant 3 times !
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What an idiot. She’s not that far off 30, you’d think she’d have realised by now that not everyone will like you and if you’re in the public eye, you are putting yourself out there so you will hear both praise and negativity. That’s life 🤷🏼‍♀️

She clearly has too much time on her hands, get a proper job 🤣
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Yep, it’s been a few days and it’s already her entire content apart from the old reliable symprove.

it honestly looks so sad, she’s coming across like a teen who thinks pregnancy is just one big insta experience to be used for content, and babies are just cute props. Except bringing a baby into the world is creating and shaping a whole person, capable of their own complex thoughts, feelings and psyche. Morning sickness and not fitting into clothing are - shocker - common side effects of pregnancy.

She’s copying her dad with the self depreciation btw - it was a formula that worked for him, and her mother was his manager for years and arguably the the reason he has a media career at all. Plus Em has her own management. Em knows exactly what she’s doing. For someone who claims to want to be their own person, she sure is very adept at copying the self depreciating jokes, loud opinionated abrasive style and putting herself at the forefront of emotive issues/ behaving like a social warrior that will allow her to build a loyal following - her dad went for the daily mail reading, car loving (now country living) crowd. Basically the well off, middle aged man. Em has made her target audience the socially conscious Gen Zers.

the self depreciation is part of the formula to build her brand. The outrage posts adopting social issues? All part of her branding to inspire engagement and build followers - people like feeling outraged. When we are outraged about an injustice, we get a high out of the feeling plus we are able to feel morally superior - another high. It’s a common strategy adopted by “talent” agencies to help their clients - they are advised to post “informative” reels with a “call to action” and “funny and relatable reels” to grow. (I know someone who signed up to one, plus a lot of them post these strategies on insta as well if you look into the IG coach corner of the gram)

Em’s content follows this advice to a T.

100% she’ll be using this baby/pregnancy to expand her target audience and will try and get at the front of the yummy mummy insta crowed. So predictable, so sad.

this is all for easy money and online valuation. What a life.
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Yep, saw that post this morning along with the one where she was complaining about that article about her. She's a public 'personality' that had monetised her social media, people are going to talk about her and she needs to get used to it.

I've really had enough of her now, this happens every time with influencers. I think my tolerance is about 3 months and after that they tend to show their true colours.
I get the impression she has a huge chip on her shoulder over how influencing is generally perceived as pretty vacuous.

She brings it up a lot and I think her latching on to social issues such as feminism, body positivity etc etc. Is her way of trying to make herself feel a bit more purposeful perhaps, less shallow.

Ultimately though, she’s not qualified to speak on a lot of these issues. As a slim, wealthy white woman, with connections in the media industry that have smoothed her career path (and presumably without any sort of formal education in the topics she speaks about) she has a very limited scope.

Ultimately, like any other influencer, she shills products/services for money, with little regard to the ethics or sustainability of the products. Talking about “needing women to know how powerful they are” and putting a feminism slant is no different imo to hypocritical companies celebrating IWD when they have huge gender pay gaps.
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Might sound old fashioned but you wear lingerie when you want to have sex not walking down your local high street 🤣
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I had to unfollow despite liking a few bits of her content. She just came across too righteous. Covid?.. She's an expert, all go and get your jabs, and if you don't you're an ass hole 🤔. Ukraine, my POV is correct and if you don't like it you don't have to follow me. I cant remember what else she was absolutely certain that her POV was the only POV but I just couldn't watch someone any longer who pretends to be so woke and open who in reality was very single minded and shoving her own beliefs down everyone's throats
I remember seeing someone comment under one of her posts. It was about her celebrating other women and other influencers.

the comment was basically- but a lot of these other women (influencera) rely on making us feel jealous so we buy products/services that provide their income.

her responses were pretty ugly, but among them; “you don’t even follow me” what does that even mean? How is that even relevant? Her grid is public, you don’t need to follow her (I certainly don’t) to see what she posts. She’s the literal definition of an ignorant idiot. She’s uneducated, uninformed, inexperienced, unintelligent and overly opinionated. A bad combination.
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It was definitely the covid vaccine issue that made me switch off, I'm very anti vaccine for myself (and I have big personal reasons for this involving a family death), I keep my views to myself and I would never judge anyone for having it, I understand its a very personal choice and I expect the same understanding in return. However she went on over weeks that anyone who hadn't had it was (and she used this word on several occasions) TWATS.

Same sort of thing the other day when she called women who have one night stands sluts 😩
I didn’t see her say that about one night stands? What an ugly outlook.

The vaccine thing pissed me off as well.

I don’t understand what she is actually an “activist” for? For advertising and money? There’s been a lot going on recently with Roe V Wade, Johnny Depp trial and Kim K. All serious topics yet she’s recording herself wearing the wrong size of underwear…
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Is Em Clarkson deluded? She’s posting about Iran as though it’s so hard hitting revelation, claiming the media aren’t commenting on it…

It’s featured as a major story in every news outlet. The BBC updated the story a mere 4 hours ago. Most of them have journalist, reporting from the protests, as well as editorial analysis. The Times, the Telegraph, The Guardian, the Independent and of course the beebs, (to mention a handful) have ALL discussed this at length and reported on this story. To claim otherwise is just Em showing her ignorance and trying to appear like some sort of trailblazer to her followers.

But she’s not. Since it’s kicked off just over a week ago, she’s likely only picked up on it based on the traction it’s gained in social media, as I believe this is the first time she’s mentioned it - she’s piggy backed onto a trend, since she lacks any real imagination.

I suspect she could be referring to the fact it didn’t feature on the news at 6 lately, but then again it was breaking news a week ago - there haven’t been major breakthroughs that would justify a bulletin on the news because that serves as a quick update/briefing on what is deemed as a breaking story. It’s not longer a breaking story though - it’s a developing one, better served by ongoing analysis and written, in-depth reporting. It will likely feature again if/when a major development occurs.

But Em isn’t educated beyond the basic alphabet I suspect, she obviously doesn’t understand how news broadcasting or journalism works nor has she any desire to, clearly. It’s honestly baffling how openly ignorant she is.
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Does she ever give it a rest?! Honestly for someone so ok she doesn’t half go on about other peoples opinions apparently not bothering her.

And as for the baby name questions annoying her - people say lots of things when you’re pregnant. They ask lots of questions. We didn’t find out the gender with either baby and of course every single person I ever came across from the hospital to the supermarket asked. it’s kind of small talk in my opinion. Imagine being bothered about people asking if you’d thought of names with all the shit going on in the world 🤔
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Oh god.

Of COURSE she did an indulgent pregnany photoshoot in the nude.

em: SoCiEtY iS oBsEsSeD wIth WoMeNs BoDiEs SpeCiaLlY pOsT pArTuM

also Em: takes a minimum of five photos of herself and bump per day, stages nude pregnancy photoshoots, mentions she is pregnant on the hour.

society might be obsessed with women’s (pregnant) bodies Em but.. so are you? So why are you lecturing on it..?
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I don’t believe for a second she was bullied at school. I think the opposite is much more likely. She posted back in November about what a “dick” she was when she was younger and amongst the utter drivel of word salad, she talks about how she was insecure and projecting.

for all this ranting about change, has she really changed? She’s bullying people who have different opinions to her. She’s still mean and projecting and insecure. She’s still ignorant af.

when in the history of someone truly “changing” have they had to write a thesis insisting they’ve changed? It’s like she doesn’t truly believe this and is desperately trying to convince herself and others that she’s not a dick anymore.

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Is anyone able to post bullying messages from em and her mum? (I understand if you wouldn’t want to.)
i don't believe she was bullied at school. she'll say anything to fit the narrative of the point she's trying to make in her latest post, or the product she's advertising etc. exactly the same with her bestie Alex Light, and the way she's been caught out in her lies on multiple occasions - like the time she claimed she was bullied at school for her supposedly "muscular and chunky footballer legs" when she was doing an #ad for gillette razors - simply because it was "relatable" in terms of caption about women's football. a total lie, which was then disproved by a tattler who knew her at school, and clarified her legs were totally average sized, not "chunky" and that absolutely nobody had ever talked about her "footballer legs" or bullied her about it. all these influenzas are exactly the same - they will say anything and happily fabricate stories to fit whatever narrative they need to appeal to brands and create ads. 🙄🙄
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