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ah, a family feud just in time for Christmas! definitely a topic to discuss around the table! 🤣🤣

honestly, i don't believe a word of this. it's just a statement written to save face, and ensure she doesn't lose followers as a result of her dad's misogyny and bullying - which is no different than the opinions her usually spews, the sole difference being that it's a topic she made a huge deal out of, leaping on the #womensupportingwomen and #bekind bandwagons, with a post that got loads of engagement - and she's not going to risk being cancelled as a result of daddy's comments about how a woman deserves to be pelted with 💩. and whilst i'm not saying Em agrees with the opinions in her dad's article, her response is very much damage limitation - all typed captions, when if anyone other than Jeremy had written the article, she would have been ranting in her stories and showing her face. like i said earlier, she will have spoken to him and told him she has to write a disclaimer to protect her own "career", but won't actually go to the extent of criticising him or tearing apart his views in the way she would anyone else. so fiercely against bullying - unless it risks her inheritance, which is exactly why she has described her dad's opinions as misogynistic and bullyingand not flat out labelled him as a misogynist and a bully! #priorities

give it a few hours for the dust to settle, and she will be back in her stories reminding everyone she is PREGNANT and VERY SICK and VULNERABLE and that anyone who sends her messages regarding Jeremy's article will be blocked, because she has to protect her mental health and wellbeing - using her pregnancy as the perfect excuse to avoid properly addressing the article. 👌🏻

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she jumped on the Meg and Harry bandwagon because it’s a topic being discussed at length on social media and online. It was a way to get traffic to her page.

this drama has all been created for headlines and drama and attention, to keep the insta traffic coming. It’s pathetic and obvious.

what annoys me most is she pretends it isn’t, she pretends she has principles and is just a voice of the people, except she just isn’t.

she considers herself a “victim of online hatred” because people simply see through it.
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that’s horrendous and not ok at all. That’s bullying.

the irony of Em calling other people trolls because they post on here.

the thing is - tattle isn’t aimed at or for influencers like her.

she chooses to put her life and herself in the public eye for money. She courts public attention and needs it, because it’s her job. On the flip side, this means that she puts herself up for public commentary that is both positive and negative. Now if we were all to start making nasty comments directly under her posts or in her DMs, then that is directed communication towards her. But we don’t do that on tattle - we discuss information and people who *chose* to put themselves in the public domain.

tattlers and your average person on Instagram, do not. We are private individuals who chose to live privately.

for em (and her friends!!!!!) to target private individuals with hateful messages is the exact definition of trolling and bullying. Legally it can be considered Harassment. It’s worse, because em has the benefit of a large following behind her that private individuals don’t.

im sorry your friend had to experience this. I hope she feels comfortable to go back on her socials because bullies like Em shouldn’t be able to get away with that type of behaviour.

for what it’s worth, harassment is defined as behaviour intended to alarm or distress someone on at least two occasions, under The Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The law doesn’t differentiate between online/offline harassment. Your friend should potentially think about seeking legal advice if the harassment from Em was so bad to the extent she felt she had to delete her social media.

as a minimum, your friend could think about reporting any bullying messages to Instagram directly.

I appreciate when you’re being sent nasty messages from multiple people out of nowhere on social media, it can be scary and overwhelming and people prefer to just shut down the source and take a breather, so posting this for the benefit of anyone else receiving nasty messages from Em (or anyone else).

and what’s her end goal exactly? Pick a fight with everyone who disagrees with her? Verbally beat them into submission until they like her or don’t talk about her?

what’s she going to do about people who come across her insta and talk about her offline? People who listen to her podcast and think it’s crap?

what an immature and petty approach. People are going to dislike her and disagree with her, that’s life. She shares her opinions and views constantly - why is it not OK for other people to have opinions and views?
The messages were so bad and relentless she had no option but to delete her Instagram. She did report the worst ones to Instagram but because she ended up deleting her account she has no idea if they followed up. This was a few weeks ago now so it sounds like Em has targeted others since.
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Gobshite is exactly right.

She’s grown up in a situation where she’s been able to do whatever she wants and now thinks she’s entitled to have a platform where she talks about things she isn’t qualified to talk about.

Pure rich white privilege. Everyone must want to listen to ME! Me me me.
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I completely agree with all of the comments here. They’ve just made themselves look worse arguing with people and trying to tell them what their opinion of Nelly should be and parroting that it’s empowering. The thing that really annoyed me however is the constant “stop telling us because we aren’t parents that we don’t get it, you can’t say that”. As a parent myself, I try my hardest to be more “with the times” and do things right involving modern life, making sure we are getting things “right”. while yes a female should be able to wear what she likes when she likes, be empowered, there is a line. I don’t feel that walking around in lingerie really sends the right message. Yes there are adverts and shop displays around that are overtly sexual but to do the same to almost compete and argue back doesn’t make sense. It’s just trying to point score and doesn’t achieve anything.

I understand it can be insensitive to say to someone you aren’t a parent, you wouldn’t understand, but I feel entirely different about things since I became a parent. At the end of the day, keeping our children innocent and protected as long as we can in this crazy, social media heavy world isn’t a bad thing. I honestly dread the day I have to tackle social media, phones, etc because I know the exposure and dangers that come with it.

I used to really like Em, found her in lockdown with the FGF and I really needed those happy stories to help me see that the world was still turning and there were still things to be excited about. But in recent months she’s really irritated me. I liked the podcast but after a few episodes couldn’t listen anymore. When she got Covid before her recent op and kept moaning, I mentioned it to my husband and he was like if it was so important time wise why was she out socialising, putting herself at risk knowing if she got Covid she couldn’t have the op. She was extremely lucky her surgeon just squeezed her in the next week, anybody else would have had to wait months. I watched ant & dec recently, they pranked Jeremy Clarkson and his reaction was quite 😳 I’ve never really paid attention to stories or watched top gear so don’t have any idea the kind of person he is. Very close to unfollowing Em as she’s just become insufferable.
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If my Dad posted stuff like that , I would disown him . But my Dad isn’t my ticket to any kind of fortune or inheritance. Let’s face it , she’s famous (use that word loosely) because of the dad .

I like their podcasts but fully stepping back and looking at everything and the bigger picture . It’s all false . Makes me sad a little because I used to enjoy them. The whole “I’m the only pregnant woman” is insufferable . We get it Em. He cream pies you and you’re preggers. Congrats but please shut up about the “struggle” when so many have miscarried and lost their babies .
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Attention seeking much 🥱 still able to type out a big old paragraph and screenshot profiteroles but apparently she has a migraine 🙄
when I get a migraine (and I get them often to the extent I take preventative medication) the LAST thing I’m able to do is look at my phone or post on Instagram, nor would I want to. What a bizarre thing to post? Why? For drama? For attention? Because you’re scraping the barrel for content and migraines are ✨ReLaTaBle✨ She acts like a preteen on social media.
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Chatty Member
The constant quotes are funny now. Us trolls are so unhappy in life. Maybe we'd be happier if we had the privilege of non stop holidays and parties and lived carefree courtesy of our famous rich fathers.
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Millennial Pink

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Also, I don't understand where this body positivity thing has come from where you aren't 'positive' about your body unless you're happy to parade it around nude/nearly nude. I remember hearing about her doing that 'naked' catwalk thing. It feels like 'the lady doth protest too much'? I can't quite place what it is that bothers me about it. Maybe because they're all able-bodied and conventionally attractive so they have nothing material to be concerned about anyway? Or that it's used in conjunction with shilling crap on Insta? Or that if you were truly confident you wouldn't need to make such a production of it all? I'm not sure.

They were also saying Nelly's thing was no different to seeing lingerie ads in the street, but I don't think anyone is saying that's ideal either? Make it make sense, please!
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who says they are too long? That’s subjective.
Some of us enjoy getting into a bit more of a debate/analysis of what Em posts and she posts about serious topics.

some of us enjoy having a skim read and eye rolling at her.

neither one is wrong, it’s polite and considerate of others on the thread to skim past whatever doesn’t interest you, personally, instead of trying to police the thread into your personal preference.

there is a reason the mods deleted it the first time around, take the hint! And let us discuss Em in peace 😂

I reckon overprotective mum clarkson will move in and do all the hard work whilst em takes selfies in bed with captions about how it’s ok to be tired
I followed Stacey Solomon briefly and she was pretending to be mum of the year doing it all when one day Joe was on a live on Instagram and Mandy the nanny wandered into shot behind him, did this comedy omg look and then tried to creep back out. Joe came clean and revealed she was their nanny ! It was hilarious!
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Can we also acknowledge that she has a black Labrador called Zulu…?!!? WTAF. You’d think she’s keep that one to herself
christ on a bike…

Guess we all know now why Em needs a manager…

a couple of wines and she’s make zero sense, been vaguely sexist, vaguely slut shamed one night stands and told us all about her dog with a name with vaguely racist undertones.

imagine if she had a whole bottle to herself! Looks like they are going out this evening so maybe the shit show will continue 🍿
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Chatty Member
I'm probably going to word this all wrong but here goes..if she's soo desperate to be seen in her own right and make her own way in life not off the back of being JC daughter why is she still holding onto the name now she's married ? Perfect opportunity to go forth with her life no longer with the Clarkson label ?

I don't think the grungey wedding day look was everyone's taste but obviously it was hers. She's surely not that naive that she imagined everyone was going to like the messy pony tail and black shoes get up?
Absolutely. Or not include it in the first place? Could have just been Emma's life or whatever.

And, if all you want are people fawning over you and your outfits etc... maybe just save the pics for the family whatsapp group. Not on a public platform with thousands of strangers...
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She’s been hovering over that post button for days hoping she’ll get as much attention as she can now it’s all gone quiet over molly mae 😂😂
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I love her! I remember the meme a few years back Jeremy posted her running a marathon and said he couldn’t believe she was his daughter. Then another of her right after she has finished, and she was smoking and said something like “oh maybe she is”🤣 And I just remembered her face from that. I love Emily, I think she articulates so well and just sums up so much of what I think and feel in the world. She’s definitely a gem for me!
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Jeremys article was so OTT and openly offensive that I genuinely believe he’s just trolling at this point. I don’t think he likes MM, but I doubt he hates her on a “cellular” level the way he claims. He knows that the tone of the piece will be picked up and shared and talked about - which benefits him and keeps him relevant. He has literally made a career out of being outspoken and controversial, much like Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins. He knows exactly what he is doing.

I believe his daughter is also fully aware and in control of the situation tbh.
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She’s so defensive I’m really going off her now, it’s like when she’s losing a point & more people disagree with her than agree she just cannot take it
I think I’m going off her because of things people have pointed out on this thread 🤣
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If you separate em clarkson from what she says she is, and who she actually is - her actual life choices and actions … separate all her faux-social media activism form the person she actually is…

she’s just a spoiled, entitled, lazy girl born into wealth who never wanted to work but wanted to maintain her generational wealth. That’s all she really is. her account isn’t truly about social causes but rather about maintaining a large income with the least amount of input possible. She priotises money - it’s reflected in her ads, choice of collabs and her comments. She twists this into somehow being morally acceptable because she brands it as a type of feminism (it’s not).
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So Em is picking the low hanging fruit and going on about the Daily Mail again. I don’t disagree with her on a lot of her points about the DM, but Im not sure I agree with her motives for doing it, or her rationale. She’s parroting things people cleverer and more articulate than her, have been saying for ages. She throws a few buzzwords “misogny” “micro aggression” to make herself seem more intelligent and to appeal to a specific type of person.

Her recent take on a daily Mail story was a story they wrote on Poppy O’Toole’s recipe for roast potatoes.

FIRST OFF, it should be noted that Poppy “teamed up” with the DM to run this story, for the exposure. Exposure that so many influencers rely upon. Exposure to boost a book she’s selling in an already saturated market.

Secondly - I am a feminist, I’m well read in feminist literature. I will usually cast a cynical eye over tabloid stories when I read them. I am well attuned to these “micro aggressions” em refers to. This story, doesn’t contain anything that is remotely disparaging towards Poppy. The headline is a little confrontational “you’ve been doing it wrong”. But the point of this story is to promote Poppy and her book; as part of that sales pitch they are creating a demand where there is none, tell readers their method is wrong so they buy into Poppy’s method.

So we’ll address the comments then. None of the top comments, personally attack Poppy. They are dismissive of her method, they criticise the headline. But they don’t attack Poppy. I couldn’t find a single comment. I looked though the worst rated, best rated etc. But struggled to find one personally attacking Poppy other than to say she was being a bit pretentious and stating the obvious - not exactly nice but not totally unfair or misogynist either.

So what about the comments Em herself has displayed? First off, she must’ve trawled for them for ages but worst of all - they are actively downvoted.

She is calling all readers misogynists (and there is an abundance of subtle and not-so-subtle misogny on the daily Mail and within comments) and then showing a few dodgy comments that the readers themselves have downvoted, as proof of this. It’s total nonsense. Is she incapable of rational or logical though processes? Can’t she see how fucking stupid she looks making this point? “Look how misogynist these lot are, here’s a shitty comment that has more downvotes than likes as proof”

It’s just another superficial feminist crusade from the empty vessel that is Em Clarkson, designed to fool her followers into thinking she’s progressive and socialist. If im being kind, I’d say she’s fooling herself of the same but let’s face it - this is probably calculated bullshit to get her the brand image she wants.

Poppy isn’t much better. “I just wanted to share my recipe, why has it incited so much hatred?”

Stop playing dumb Poppy (and by extension, Em). It was a sales pitch. You are trying to sell a recipe and a recipe book, you are trying to sell yourself as a brand, and shock: people don’t like being treated as gullible, or being sold recipes/advice that have been knocking about for years and could be easily googled. They didn’t like your sales pitch, stop pretending it’s about an attack on you.
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