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Can we also acknowledge that she has a black Labrador called Zulu…?!!? WTAF. You’d think she’s keep that one to herself
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in stark contrast to yesterday's reel, Em is now sharing a reel all about how you can't control other people's thoughts and that their opinions of you don't matter because they are none of your business. she "used to be" super invested in other people's opinions of her, but how she doesn't care anymore because she realised that other people see her thru their own lens and their thoughts/opinions are their own problem and don't affect her.

she also states that she "used to be" very insecure - as though it wasn't literally yesterday that she was saying that she felt insecure about her body because it is changing due to her pregnancy, which was supposedly the whole reason she made a reel yesterday about that comment about her cellulite. repeatedly making a point of explaining that other people's opinions of her aren't her problem and don't affect her etc, yet it's obvious that she is repeating it to try and convince herself, as if you weren't bothered by people's comments and opinions, you wouldn't dedicate an entire reel to labelling someone as "cunty" and encouraging your followers to leave similarly nasty comments. but it's all okay, because people can call her out as the bully she is, and it won't have any impact - the opinions of others is none of her business, so she will continue living her life, proud to be the bully she always aimed to be. 👌🏻
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has she ever considered that some people call her a dick because… she is in fact, sometimes a bit of a dick…?
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A tipsy rant about one night stands being sordid and girls who do them being “sluts”, now this video to proove how “dead cute” they are?

He’s cheated, I’m calling it

Actually embarrassing 🙈 what's she trying to prove
no secure couple in the history of mankind has ever felt the need to publicly release something like that unless they are desperately trying to prove to the world they are not unhappy
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Millennial Pink

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I think she might be like Jezza in the sense that a bust clock is right twice a day. Says something sensible every once in a while so their respective fans forget all the negative stuff.

She clearly doesn't recognise her own privilege. Yes, she's had some difficult things going on, but everyone else has those, often without the strong financial cushion and lack of a responsible job that she has. She'll have grown up in a bubble and has no idea how the other half live. Normally I wouldn't hold it against her, but I am so DONE with these useless influencers lately.

She comes from a family that will be no stranger to PR and how to handle press/online comments. If she was that bothered about it she would give up socials and get a job, but she'll like the easy money and nice comments too much.
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very narcissistic isn’t it. Endless selfies and 10 photos of herself on her grid in the time she’s been on holiday. That’s not even delving into the fact she spent time while on holiday, arguing with people in the comments section like an utter weapon.

but it’s obvs not vanity, it’s EmPoWeRmEnT according to Em.
It's tragic at best.

I used to like her, but she's become thrush
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I dunno I kind of agree with it! When I was younger my fri and sat nights were LIFE. I’d spend the day shopping, tanning, doing hair, nails makeup etc for a night out to possibly flirt or get with a guy who probably had skid marks in his pants 🤣
oh yeh completely! My issue isn’t what she’s saying so much as, 1. She’s co opting other people’s experiences. If Em has been in a long term relationship since her teens then presumably these aren’t her experiences to talk about. She’s just borrowing the because she knows lots of women *have* had them, and it makes her more relatable to tap into it 2. Calling one night stands “horrifically sordid” and using the word “slag”. Why are one night stands sordid? Why do we need to use misogynistic language? Why can’t we just say a girl would be judged for one night stands instead of perpetuating words use to slut shame?

she’s had a few wines and I think the real em came out a bit there. The judgmental, self righteous Em that she hides from the gram.
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She can’t help it, and I find it so strange that she has gone out of her way to find someone and message them like that? From her podcast she always seems as though she would rise above it and be the bigger person, but clearly not. Arguably it’s harassment to go out of your way to track that person down…
I don't think that's the only person she tracked down either. Someone I know got a message about being on this thread as well (but isn't actually on Tattle, so is the wrong person 😂) That's what brought me to her thread as I thought it seemed like harassment..
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Sniffing Eggs

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Omg - brace yourselves

Several newspapers have articles along the line of "Jeremy Clarkson’s daughter gives birth"

And a LOT of comments about the name Arlo being a boys name.

Faux outrage loading

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I don’t want to sound like I’m A) a boring old git or B) like I’m clutching at straws a bit…but I’m actually shocked that Emily has posted on her grid photos and videos of all of those people playing on a frozen lake. She posted it 10 mins ago and just an hour ago, the BBC reported that a search and rescue operation is under way at a lake not far from me in Birmingham, people who were playing on the frozen lake and they are now in critical condition. And she’s posting pics saying how much of a wonderful Sunday she’s had, how lovely her weekend has been blah blah. I don’t expect influencers to check the news every minute of the day but this, in my eyes, is incredibly tone deaf. Its the top story in the news at the moment. I know lots of people go and play and skate on frozen ice, and that’s totally their decision if they want to take the risks that come with that. But posting those photos/videos at this moment in time, in my opinion, isn’t a good look, not when there’s several people currently fighting for their lives from being on a frozen lake. I used to love her content but I’m starting to realise that she’s just not living in the real world.
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They are way too long though? So surely that’s an issue ?
who says they are too long? That’s subjective.
Some of us enjoy getting into a bit more of a debate/analysis of what Em posts and she posts about serious topics.

some of us enjoy having a skim read and eye rolling at her.

neither one is wrong, it’s polite and considerate of others on the thread to skim past whatever doesn’t interest you, personally, instead of trying to police the thread into your personal preference.

there is a reason the mods deleted it the first time around, take the hint! And let us discuss Em in peace 😂

I'm guessing there will be a hidden live in nanny while pretending to do it all herself. I hate it when they hide the nanny!
I reckon overprotective mum clarkson will move in and do all the hard work whilst em takes selfies in bed with captions about how it’s ok to be tired
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So everyone that posts on Tattle is unwell, needs help, is some lonely sad loser that hasn't got a life ? What a lazy ill-informed assumption! And way easier to think that then to actually acknowledge alot of the constructive comments that have been made here about her recent behaviour have been made by eloquent and clearly well educated people.

She's clearly been triggered by what she has read here, but as her therapist friend said many times she needs to work on herself..perhaps address the fact she speaks out on things she has no experience of and should not be profiting off !
Agreed. It shows a lot that the vast majority of people here used to like her and this used to be a rave thread, but her recent and changing behaviour has changed our minds. Were we sad losers when we were coming on here to rave about her? :ROFLMAO:
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For anyone under the misunderstanding that Em is a victim in the Clarkson V Clarkson saga…

Google her name now, and you’ll get a column in pretty much every national newspaper about how she’s “condemning” her father. Most of the U.K. doesn’t know who she is - but she’s sure making headlines for next to nothing now. This will be generating traffic to her insta, garnering her sympathy follows and likes.

At the start of this month, she had ~265k followers… she now has 283k… an extra 18 thousand people in the space of three weeks. Her post about Meghan has 29k likes, in contrast to her overall average of 6k likes per post. All of this, translates as building her “career” and translates into revenue stream for her.

But let’s pretend that, despite all of the showbiz help she has at her disposal, and despite years of experience her parents have between them, and despite the fact her husband works in PR (specifically, reputational damage) and despite the fact she has her own management (Jenny Rose at 84 world, who is head of operations and above the other regular talent managers, which means Em enjoys the best treatment and management possible)… let’s suspend disbelief for a second and pretend this has all been some accidental faux pas.

She still has the aforementioned support available to her. She has still undoubtedly benefited from this. What are the downsides exactly? Some angry DMs shes (presumbably) receiving. In a couple of days people will forget what Jeremy Clarkson wrote and how his daughter responded… but she’ll still have enjoyed that surge of exposure and engagement.

and sure, when articles like jeremy’s are printed, all women suffer. It feeds into a misogynist public dialogue, it reaffirms sexist attitudes, it feeds into internalised misogyn. But what I won’t accept is the pretence that it effects all women the same.

because WOC, poor women, disabled women and so on, suffer much more than the likes of Em Clarkson ever will, from her dad’s sexist rants. He feels comfortable being openly sexist because he knows his daughter is protected from it to an extent.

em is only concerned about misogyny when it negatively affects her. She isn’t intersectional in her personal brand of feminism. She is happy to peddle fast fashion in full knowledge of how exploitive it is towards women. She is happy to accept promotional column inches from the sun when it involves selling her book. She is happy to benefit from nepotism from her father. She is happy to latch onto the first man to take her seriously. She is completely happy to benefit from misogyny and is never really concerned with actually dismantling any real patriarchal systems. She doesn’t refuse to do business with the sun, she didn’t refuse opportunities nepotism brings her - even though all of this harms other women who don’t enjoy the buffers she has, shes happy time and time again to overlook it all. Sorry, but posting a vid saying it’s OK to eat a doughnut, doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t negate all the shitty practices she engages in. It’s superficial, it’s easy, it’s cheap feminism without any real backbone.

so sorry but in my view, Em Clarkson is no victim. Not in any direct sense.
I really enjoy reading your posts. You write so eloquently and I like that your replies are thought out and interesting.

It's easy enough to scroll through if you aren't interested in reading the longer posts so please don't spoil it for those of us that like to read them.
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I unfollowed her again before the wedding. I want to like her but I just cant warm to her. I find her... a little exhausting tbh. I followed her for about a year and she definitely changed recently... alot!
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Chatty Member
View attachment 1173733
Actually you know what I just saw this and it's pissed me right off. Fuck off. Every single person you argued with had more intellectual arguments than what you're giving credit for. You just know there's minimal logic behind your argument so you have to be petty about it.
She’s gone from 100 to 0 in 48 hours. Vile behaviour.
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I wasn’t aware of Jeremy’s comments until earlier (I don’t read much online) but what on earth would possess him to have such odd thoughts and such hatred towards Meghan? And why would he need to air them publicly and why would an editor think yes let’s publish these.

I know the sun, the daily fail etc are absolute trash but this is appalling. Nobody deserves to be spoken about or treated this way. Ultimately nobody really knows the truth, if PH and MM are happy not being part of the royal family then that’s their business.
Lalala explain has defended emily Clarkson on her stories . I think it’s really sad what her dad has done tbh . I feel for Emily a bit , imagine your own dad behaving like that?
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Chatty Member
I completely agree with all of the comments here. They’ve just made themselves look worse arguing with people and trying to tell them what their opinion of Nelly should be and parroting that it’s empowering. The thing that really annoyed me however is the constant “stop telling us because we aren’t parents that we don’t get it, you can’t say that”. As a parent myself, I try my hardest to be more “with the times” and do things right involving modern life, making sure we are getting things “right”. while yes a female should be able to wear what she likes when she likes, be empowered, there is a line. I don’t feel that walking around in lingerie really sends the right message. Yes there are adverts and shop displays around that are overtly sexual but to do the same to almost compete and argue back doesn’t make sense. It’s just trying to point score and doesn’t achieve anything.

I understand it can be insensitive to say to someone you aren’t a parent, you wouldn’t understand, but I feel entirely different about things since I became a parent. At the end of the day, keeping our children innocent and protected as long as we can in this crazy, social media heavy world isn’t a bad thing. I honestly dread the day I have to tackle social media, phones, etc because I know the exposure and dangers that come with it.

I used to really like Em, found her in lockdown with the FGF and I really needed those happy stories to help me see that the world was still turning and there were still things to be excited about. But in recent months she’s really irritated me. I liked the podcast but after a few episodes couldn’t listen anymore. When she got Covid before her recent op and kept moaning, I mentioned it to my husband and he was like if it was so important time wise why was she out socialising, putting herself at risk knowing if she got Covid she couldn’t have the op. She was extremely lucky her surgeon just squeezed her in the next week, anybody else would have had to wait months. I watched ant & dec recently, they pranked Jeremy Clarkson and his reaction was quite 😳 I’ve never really paid attention to stories or watched top gear so don’t have any idea the kind of person he is. Very close to unfollowing Em as she’s just become insufferable.
I’ve unfollowed her, after a bit of an internal debate. I haven’t been missing her! Shame as she was one of my faves!
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Not going to let the saddo trolls get to me's 454 quotes that say the opposite! 🥱

What's really sad is that someone who has been born into the privileged life she has contributes nothing of any value. A private education and a spoilt upbringing and her contribution is dancing like a hyper active toddler to other people's life achievements. How does she not read what people send her and think I need to get a job and actually do something meaningful with my life ? The sad person in this situation is her.
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