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I also think the tu clothing promotion is to possibly work with them. Ashley James (can’t stand her) does edits with them for their breast feeding friendly items. I can totally see em having her eyes on them and hoping to work with them.

As a mum myself I would much rather see genuine and normal mums modelling the clothing. I don’t need or care for some z lister doing it. I just hate “influencers”. They influence me NOT to shop with that company particularly when I am effectively paying for all the gifted items.
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The Have a Gos message she’s created is such an important one. I think a ridiculous amount of girls or women have a poor view of exercise or sport after school PE lessons and it’s incredible hard for them to give something a go. I didn’t try anything after school until I was 30 and did C25k and found Parkrun which is super inclusive, before that I though running wasn’t for people like me. Wish I had this Have a Go message when I was 16/18/20...

I really like her.
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In all honesty I was a few school years older, so we didn't really interact. The only time I ever spoke to her was when she came up to me in the toilets, and told me who her father was (literally out of nowhere) 😂. She was incredibly rude, and gave off real mean girl vibes. I heard that she was more of the bully than the victim, and from her attitude when I met her I would be more than likely to agree with that! There is someone I can ask for more interesting goss though, so I will report back hahaha
You know, that’s EXACTLY the vibe I got. I mentioned a little while back how I got mean girl vibes and wouldn’t be surprised if she turned out to be the bully.
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You mean Kitty? 🤮
id sooner quit and throw up on the floor than work for a company that rehabilitates the image of a man with multiple allegations of CSA against him. Court case or not.

In a news piece talking about Piers Morgan’s new tv show;

"I think the idea of the show is something that's hopefully beneficial, calling out this idea of cancel culture and unpicking it because it's certainly having a very negative impact on the reputation of celebrities."
Alex Andrew is an Account Director of Reputation at The PHA Group”

yeh god forbid awful celebs might have to endure a public reaction to their awfulness. No wonder em likes him, he comes across as vile as her
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Chatty Member
So today’s content is Em being so QuIrKy and ReLaTAbLe again with her skirt, she’s just so random and funny!

the request for jewellery recommendations, what do we reckon? Is it;
1. An attempt to up engagement via responses
2. Hoping for freebies
3. Both

View attachment 1245010
Both - and then she will show a nose ring for £146478 and a 20% swipe up discount code for the sheep/fans
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Millennial Pink

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She's ok but at the time she was soo upset. The messages she received were horrific. Just to say the initial messages were from Em but the really awful ones were from her friends. Even her mother sent my friend a friend request!
That entire family need help at this point. Money can't buy class, sadly.
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The daily Mail writing a glowing review of Em’s wedding - wonder it she’ll go on a weird rant again about how sexist it is that she’s been reduced to her wedding and how she’s just a silly little woman who’s been planning her wedding - or does it only apply when it’s criticsm of her?
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Millennial Pink

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Although i have a slight issue that every time she does a post where her stomach is on show she poses with her arms above her head trying to make herself look slimmer. Like yeah we’d obviously all do the same, but on the next post she’ll be ranting about how fake Instagram is and how you should be happy in your own body.. just find it a bit troublesome.
Yep, saw that post this morning along with the one where she was complaining about that article about her. She's a public 'personality' that had monetised her social media, people are going to talk about her and she needs to get used to it.

I've really had enough of her now, this happens every time with influencers. I think my tolerance is about 3 months and after that they tend to show their true colours.
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tbh I doubt it even went that deep. I’m guessing her tattle username had similarities to her social media username, as it’s been mentioned here that Em has contacted people who have never commented on her. My guess is that em and her ma put 2 and 2 together and get 5.

GDPR legislation came into effect from 2018 and it protects people from having their IP addresses basically handed out. It would take a law enforcement professional to submit a production order before personal info of that kind would be shared - and they’d have to obtain it from tattle AND Instagram for them to be able to accurately target people. That’s why it’s so suspect they were able to hunt down that poor Uni student. How exactly where they able to legally obtain her personal information…? An IP address isn’t that incriminating, it’s just a series of numbers and can be changed by restarting your router, after which the number is reassigned to another user. Em herself doesn’t seem to understand exactly how they hunted down the catfish.

indeed, it sounds as if potentially Em and her mother are behaving unlawfully. Targeting and messaging someone online “for the purpose of causing distress” is against the law under the Malicious Comms act.
I think they are finding people through their email - if same email used to register your tattle account and your insta account they are linked by that data and can be traced to usernames linked to that email…

I think they are finding people through their email - if same email used to register your tattle account and your insta account they are linked by that data and can be traced to usernames linked to that email…
She found me, I won’t go into detail because I did feel threatened but all I will say is I think that is the source or she’s breaking the law somehow by tracing IPs when tattle is meant to be anonymous.

I think they are finding people through their email - if same email used to register your tattle account and your insta account they are linked by that data and can be traced to usernames linked to that email…

She found me, I won’t go into detail because I did feel threatened but all I will say is I think that is the source or she’s breaking the law somehow by tracing IPs when tattle is meant to be anonymous.
I will say that she came across as enjoying “shaming” me for my views and when I did not respond with shame but instead stood by my opinions she got more vicious and as a result a circle of around 10 influencers I also spoke about on tattle all blocked me. So they are all connected and clearly know about tattle and keep each other in the loop on people hate following.
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Chatty Member
Really bugs me how she’s been gifted a £95 maternity jumpsuit. She has plenty of money to buy maternity bits if she needs them. Bit tone deaf to advertise that when people are struggling to pay for the bare necessities this winter. I actually didn’t mind Em too much pre-pregnancy but she’s become insufferable since. She must be the only woman to have ever suffered with pregnancy sickness and symptoms.
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What a way to live ... That private education is paying off! Her parents must be so proud of her 🙄
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Chatty Member
Not to mention that a pregnant woman with HG in a ‘normal’ job wouldn’t have had the luxury of just deciding not to work with no consequence because they were feeling rough, they’d have had to continue going to work or had a level of absence that would have exhausted company sick pay at most organisations that offer it, and potentially had to start their maternity leave early so spending the first weeks of that time not even with their baby here yet and the timer already ticking down to the unpaid part.
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To illustrate my point (because this type of misinformation really pisses me off)

here’s what Em is claiming;
View attachment 1610490

here is a small selection of major U.K. news outlets covering in depth about what is going on in Iran, from the last two days alone. It took a whole 2 minutes to google this and find these stories, but em is more concerned with getting an insta story out than the small inconvenience of letting facts get in the way of her take. After all, why does she need to check? She’s right about everything, all of the time.
View attachment 1610498

Em, revelling in her ignorance, telling us she never reads the news without telling us she doesn’t read the news.
She must have been told by someone that there’s nothing in the news about it and not bothered to check 😏
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slightly off topic but…

the world of influencing is dominated by privileged, (predominately white) wealthy people. For a myriad of reasons I suspect, but the fact the media is dominated by the same demographic is one factor. Societal snobbery is another. We prefer to listen to middle class people with home county accents as the standard for voices of authority and intelligence.

there are a few exceptions perhaps; the likes of Mrs Hinch. Mrs Hinch is from a fairly working class/lower middle class background. And she definitely has experience in body/weight issues. I’m not a fan by any stretch but she is a rarer example of someone who has become a successful influencer and has had a working class background. But the serious body positivity stuff etc. isn’t an issue she really (to my knowledge) has waded in to much or led from the front. She mostly sticks to her interiors and fairly superficial stuff. And my personal belief is that it’s because 1. She just doesn’t have the confidence to do it as someone who has genuinely struggled with it and 2. Her voice (and others like hers) are drowned out by the likes of Em, Alex, Danae. And perhaps 3. Are we, as a society - prepared to seriously listen to Mrs Hinch and others like her? Are we prepared to take regional accents seriously? Are we prepared to critically assess someone’s credentials as opposed to how well they present themselves? The ugly truth is I think as a whole - we aren’t. But maybe we should be.

The more confident, self assured, middle class who have grown up watching their peers receive accolades publicly and their voices being amplified in the way the working class/ethnic minorities haven’t, don’t struggle the same way and they benefit from the knowledge they’ll be taken seriously. Em can open her insta account and talk about serous issues because she comes from a privileged background and it’s always been that way for her.

which is just one reason why the likes of Em irritates me so much. She drowns out the voices of other people; people with lived experiences, people who are better informed, but less well connected. Less listened to. Less confident.
It's your last paragraph that resonates with me and you said it perfectly. Its what irrates me the most about Em, she has led a very sheltered privileged life and to think she can speak on behalf of soo many when she hasn't actually experienced it for herself and lived through it really winds me up. She is definitely one of the shouty you will agree with me or I will come for you brigade and AlexLight has sadly joined her. They are both emotionally manipulative and their true agenda, imo, is to profit from the vulnerable that blindly follow them. Alex and her relentless plugging of her latest awful swimwear line that now features her besty is becoming increasingly tiresome day in day out!
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