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Curious, as this is a rave thread really, are there any Tattlers who agree with what Em is saying?

I’d be intrigued to have a (balanced) discussion about how this would be considered appropriate?
em’s logic seems to be that Nelly finds this empowering and so that’s ok. That it’s an individual thing and therefore we each do what empowers each of us.

It’s a problematic (very individualistic) logic with loads of holes that doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny. It’s feminism for the uninspired, to be harsh about it.
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I hate that she advertises tu clothing - aka fast fashion, whilst simultaneously claiming to be feminist. Or rather, co-opting feminist stances to boost her image.

there is no real way for fast fashion to be sustainable. It doesn’t matter how much they try and greenwash or how many policies they put in place - if they are creating frequent, cheap clothing lines with factories abroad - its categorically

The industry requires an entire overhaul of its supply chains - the supply chains that exploit and underpay female garment workers more often than not, making it both a sustainable and a feminist issue.

so the fact Em can go on camera and rave about how “great” the clothing is, makes her a direct perpetrator of these problems. An active participant in patriarchal systems - so she can make some money.

And she has the nerve to get all political and holier than thou. Em, the worlds problems don’t rest at the feet of dodgy politicians. Project onto them all you want - YOU are part of the problem and have no right to pretend otherwise.
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I had to unfollow despite liking a few bits of her content. She just came across too righteous. Covid?.. She's an expert, all go and get your jabs, and if you don't you're an ass hole 🤔. Ukraine, my POV is correct and if you don't like it you don't have to follow me. I cant remember what else she was absolutely certain that her POV was the only POV but I just couldn't watch someone any longer who pretends to be so woke and open who in reality was very single minded and shoving her own beliefs down everyone's throats
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Time off from prancing about her kitchen, banging on about symprove and getting into arguments with herself.
I must say, the world has been a darker place having had to go, what is it now? A week? Without her dancing in her kitchen being so ReLaTaBle. Remember that time her undies snapped? So hilarious, such a quirky spontaneous moment, she’s just one of our mates isn’t she? And no selfies in her #gifted clothing. Oh wait no, we’ve been treated to a few hundred of those to keep us going through these dark, unenlightened times.

enjoy your holiday Em, please don’t feel guilty. We are coping without your inspirational “work”, just about. 🙄
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Sniffing Eggs

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I get the feeling that Alex and Emily are akin to Stacey Solomon and Hinch.
Purely for business, and probably hate each other in secret
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Such a subtle reference to her Dad's comments. She's happy to call everything else out in a very loud and clear way but this is all she's saying. Most people won't even get the "Cellular level" reference.
exactly this. i saw her story last night, just her resharing her own post with the "cellular level" caption - which was obviously her very subtle way of showing that she disagrees with her dad's awful comments - or at least is claiming she disagrees, to fit with her usual #womensupportingwomen spiel - knowing it will potentially appease people who saw Jeremy's article and are waiting for her to address it, but won't make sense to those who haven't read the article and won't draw any extra attention to it. the way she acknowledged it so subtly was all very calculated and sly to try and avoid people leaving comments asking her opinion on her dad's article on the Sun, which would direct more people to read it. total damage limitation tactics.

as you said, it's incredibly hypocritical. if any other man had written an article in a national newspaper, sharing their opinion that a WOMAN should be paraded naked through the street as the public verbally abused and berated her, while throwing excrement at her, she would be absolutely OUTRAGED - with both Em and her bff Alex immediately racing to their stories to rant about how disgusting it was, feminism, equality blah blah blah, before writing a long #bekind post, blocking anyone who dared to leave a "not all men" comment and likely following it up with a reel, fully milking the opportunity to further engagement. but in this situation, i bet Em will have quickly intervened and banned Alex from mentioning it either.

she's totally happy to leap on popular bandwagons - like the M&H drama - and use it as an opportunity to prove how outspoken she is in terms of her fighting for equality and justice for women, and her fierce stance on anti-bullying etc - yet it's all just words - totally disingenuous, and all for content, engagement, views and the hope that brands will want to work with her.

if Em was so pro #bekind - and didn't just whip out the hashtag as it suited her, and she wanted to make herself out to the victim - she would be speaking out about daddy clarkson's vile comments - which are the very epitome of bullying! sharing a story with a very subtle "cellular level" caption, which will be entirely meaningless to the majority of her followers, is simply to try and avoid having to deal with a flood of DMs calling her out and asking for her opinion - because the priority for Em is not rocking the boat with her wealthy, famous father - she isn't going to place her inheritance at risk!
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Millennial Pink

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God, what a shit show. Jezza probably IS a raging misogynist, but these columns filled with shite are designed to be clickbaity and drama-inducing. He's been doing this for decades. The idiots sharing this post endlessly on Twatter are playing directly into The Sun's hands- clicks are clicks. Best thing to be done with Clarkson and his nepo-baby is to ignore them. It's not about Megan and Harry (I don't give a shit about them either), it's about lining their pockets whichever way necessary.

Emily putting a post up about it is quite funny, but I don't believe that this hasn't been planned by that family and discussed in advance of anything being published. Again, they are no strangers to PR.
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she doesn’t know Jack about half the things she usually talks about, why should she stop now! The sheer entitlement jeez
I'm genuinely curious as to why she thinks she is in any way qualified to speak about the new Bumble legislation...she was with her new husband for years prior to their recent marriage so how exactly was she / or is she personally affected by the online dating apps ?
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Show of hands for anyone who didn’t think her coat made her look anything remotely like Batman and that story wasn’t funny or humorous in the slightest.

this girl will waffle about anything and everything because she truly is in love with the sound of her own voice.

does she live in Twickenham/Richmond? I noticed she went home via Waterloo.
I think she lives in Wandsworth as she walks her dog on Wandsworth Common.

In her podcast today she mentioned that it’s really annoying how people keep asking if they’ve thought about any names for the baby. I think she’s blowing this out of proportion (like she does everything). Yes, people always ask the same questions about if it’s a boy or girl and whether you have a name, but is it really such a big deal and so annoying that you have to react like Em and suggest really bizarre names (not sure I even believe she does this)? Why not just politely say, ‘no we haven’t discussed names yet’ or ‘yes, but we’re keeping it to ourselves’. She’s so dramatic, how dare people ask her anything about her pregnancy which she flaunts at every fucking opportunity.
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There are three things that are certain in life;
1. Death
2. taxes
3. Em’s daily post about; A. How other peoples opinions don’t define her B. How people can change and the past is different, C. false positivity (“only unhappy people post unhappy things”)
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Ha interesting to see that she has now deleted the photo of Alex next to the ‘Danger! Thin Ice!’ sign…
i thought that! she obviously received messages calling her out but didn't want to be forced to behave like a responsible adult and actually address the issue or clarifying that playing on frozen lakes is dangerous - as is blatantly ignoring "danger! thin ice!" wanting signs and posing next to them for content - so instead, she has slyly removed the image from her post, slightly altered the caption and deleted it from her stories. 👌🏻
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That's exactly how she comes across ..and her mate Alex light too. Both try to come across as a big sister/ bestie in order to appeal to their customers but the second anyone dares to challenge them they come across as petulant and spiteful. Alex light has perfected the oops silly me blonde act in order to generate sales of clothes and her book and all the other many many things she is constantly shilling but don't dare question her integrity 🙄
Anyone that is happy to go on a public platform and call a bunch of people “evil cunts” for daring to suggest that… em’s wedding dress isn’t that nice? That she’s opinionated in topics she knows nothing about?

Probably isn’t a very nice person themselves. Before going on a tirade calling people they don’t know, some pretty horrendous expletives, they’d be better taking a good long hard look at themselves. No decent person publicly calls people that unless they are a nasty piece of work themselves.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if she has ever spoken about another person? Theres nothing wrong with discussing her on here, bullying shouldn’t be happening but saying stuff like why is she advertising simply be or whatever it is when she is barely a size 12 is fine. Same with dating sites how can she advertise them when she hasn’t used them. She is allowed to express her opinion on others as is everyone else.
Exactly! She's claiming she "doesn't have time to talk about other people" but she goes on a rant every other day about someone or something. Either play the sweet little angel nice act, or don't. Make your mind up.

Most people here were fans who are disappointed. I'm yet to see someone being nasty for the sake of it, or saying something completely out of order. Someone would call them out on that if they did
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In other news… I just found out that Em’s hubby was in a boy band called taken. Oh the cringe.

Someone also sent me an old interview with Emily in which she praises the sun (they always had it at home, shocker) and defends p3 (remember that icky outdated concept that demeaned women, that was condemned by MPs, trade unions, feminists, academics and generally everyday people?).

if you weren’t convinced this girl is a total fraud before, ask yourself; what sort of progressive feminist reads the sun and thinks P3 modelling was ok?! And gave her a healthy view of women?! (Um what) because these women are “healthy”. I don’t remember the P3 supplement including a gp approved health certificate of its models but it must have because how else would Em know they were healthy? She doesn’t just pull info out of her arse, surely?! Surely?!?

I just can’t believe someone is willing to go on print in support of the sun.
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Can't even remember why i started following her in the first place but I just can't listen to her stories anymore. And the FGF can F right off.
But anyway, I found tattle as I don't have anyone irl to gossip with/vent about people I follow on instagram. I'd go mad if I didn't!!
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you can tell it really pains them:ROFLMAO: dying to create a pile on and get validation from their loyal following but then that worry that the “trolls’” opinions are more popular than they like to admit.
Absolutely the case..she wants the ego boosting affirmations that's she's amazing but the reality is 90% what is written here about her is based on fact and generated from her posts on SM..

For someone with very little actual life experience on many subjects she don't half have a lot to say!
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Chatty Member
People will always gossip. In recent times we have the internet and it gives us a place to chat with likeminded (or not) people so you are more likely to hear the gossip if you search for it. That surely goes hand in hand with the fame you have found from that very same internet.
If there was no internet, it would be a few people gossiping in the pub but similarly, they would have been the only ones to see you. If you sneaked round eavesdropping, you’d hear the goss in the same way as you do searching a forum.
I’m reminded hear of the saying “eavesdroppers never hear good”.
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