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Chatty Member
I couldn’t read and not reply to this…

Mrs Hinch doesn’t have the same privilege as Clarkson in terms of a famous dad, but she’s certainly not an accidental influencer. The whole thing was meticulously planned. She and her husband were both in sales, she tried a few different types of account at the start, and they actively approached Gleam. The person she shows on her insta is a character she plays.

Her body image issues are so sad, frankly it’s terrifying, and she’s an awful awful role model for young women. She edits her body, alters every single part of her, even when advertising make up and clothes. It’s dangerous and she’s never called out on it because she portrays this ‘accidentally famous, don’t know how it happened to little old me, still learning this world’ image.

Sorry to derail. But there aren’t over 500 Hinch threads for no reason.

I was hoping someone would construct a good response!
100% this.

Hinch is one of the worst of the influences

slightly off topic but…

the world of influencing is dominated by privileged, (predominately white) wealthy people. For a myriad of reasons I suspect, but the fact the media is dominated by the same demographic is one factor. Societal snobbery is another. We prefer to listen to middle class people with home county accents as the standard for voices of authority and intelligence.

there are a few exceptions perhaps; the likes of Mrs Hinch. Mrs Hinch is from a fairly working class/lower middle class background. And she definitely has experience in body/weight issues. I’m not a fan by any stretch but she is a rarer example of someone who has become a successful influencer and has had a working class background. But the serious body positivity stuff etc. isn’t an issue she really (to my knowledge) has waded in to much or led from the front. She mostly sticks to her interiors and fairly superficial stuff. And my personal belief is that it’s because 1. She just doesn’t have the confidence to do it as someone who has genuinely struggled with it and 2. Her voice (and others like hers) are drowned out by the likes of Em, Alex, Danae. And perhaps 3. Are we, as a society - prepared to seriously listen to Mrs Hinch and others like her? Are we prepared to take regional accents seriously? Are we prepared to critically assess someone’s credentials as opposed to how well they present themselves? The ugly truth is I think as a whole - we aren’t. But maybe we should be.

The more confident, self assured, middle class who have grown up watching their peers receive accolades publicly and their voices being amplified in the way the working class/ethnic minorities haven’t, don’t struggle the same way and they benefit from the knowledge they’ll be taken seriously. Em can open her insta account and talk about serous issues because she comes from a privileged background and it’s always been that way for her.

which is just one reason why the likes of Em irritates me so much. She drowns out the voices of other people; people with lived experiences, people who are better informed, but less well connected. Less listened to. Less confident.
Hinch is an awful person. Her lies are appalling
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But that’s not all about her silly billy. I heard about the Iran situation way before she started bleating on about it and I don’t watch the news. I’d never say it’s not on the news though as I don’t watch it to know what they are reporting about.
I’m guessing that …you don’t rely on your ego for a sense of self because your self esteem is non existent. And since all egos are fragile I’m guessing you dont have to tell yourself you are beyond reproach, are not incapable of tolerating criticism of any kind and deflect any negatives you perceive onto others (like I duno, posting a tweet thread ranting about how miserable other people are).Unlike, yano, some people.

Not Em posting a reel alluding to herself as empathetic whilst also bullying people online loooool

most people who describe themselves as empathetic don’t know the meaning of the word, and are confusing their “empathy” for what is actually hypervigilence. Someone who is empathetic wouldn’t likely accuse other people of being sad and miserable, nor would they bully people. Having anxiety doesn’t mean you’re empathetic.

The fake positivity grates me too “you are awesome and you are a 10” not everyone is a 10, not everyone is awesome. You don’t have to be awesome or a 10 to be loveable or worthy or valid. Even her psychology is like a 13 year olds tumblr.
I could be to totally wrong about em of course, and she’s free to post whatever she likes as her content. But it’s childish if she comes into tattle then has a meltdown because she’s just too “empathetic”.

she was spreading incorrect information to a fairly sizeable following, about a very serious and emotive topic (Iranian protests). It was categorically untrue, her claim that no one was reporting on it. It was irresponsible and wrong of her to post that, but what does she do when she obviously comes into tattle and see it’s been pointed out?

does she respond “empathetically” and see another’s POV? Nope. Does she post a correction on her stories, telling her followers she made a mistake? Nope.

the whole thing becomes about her. She posts a Twitter rant - basically all trolls are bitter and sad and lonely yada yada and then posts a video about how she’s just too empathetic, how she is too anxious and too much of a people pleaser - it’s all about her.

zero humility, zero real desire to be part of a solution (re Iranian protests or any other social cause she takes up). Because her motives behind this insta account isn’t to people please. It isn’t to drive forward positive social change. It’s about feeding that ego so she doesn’t have to deal with the root issues of her obvious total lack of self esteem.

sigh, so much to unpack with her latest posts (and just her in general) but i don’t want to bore tattlers anymore than this spiel probably has 😅
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wow! I had seen the news story but only just saw the photos Em included in her post! it's seems incredibly irresponsible to share videos of children. and dogs running around on a frozen lake - and especially the image of her husband posing next to a sign reading "danger! thin ice!" like sure, she is not responsible for other people's safety, in the sense that it is an individual decision if soemone decides to walk across a frozen lake, despite the risks - but she knows damn well she has a huge following, and many of those who follow her are younger and impressionable, and could easily see her photos and assume that her behaviour is safe - which, as shown by today's news, it absolutely is not. especially the photo of Alex posing next to the sign - kinda promotes the idea that it's tosafe to ignore those warnings, when in actuality, it is incredibly dangerous. if she and Alex want to place their own lives at risk, fine - but sharing photos all over SM - especially given what happened today, and people hospitalised in a critical condition as a result - is not appropriate and incredibly tone deaf. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Totally irresponsible to share photos of people walking and playing on a frozen lake. Add to that the current news of children in a critical condition after falling through thin ice on a lake and she is unbelievable
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Chatty Member
I’ve had to unfollow her.

It’s the problem with these influencers who have never worked a proper job. Their entire personality becomes girlfriend/fiancé/wife/mum to be/mother. They never have the opportunity to be them at work & mum at home, because the boundaries are so blurred ie making money from every single element of your personal life.
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Was she actually filming other people's kids and uploading it to Instagram?
Yes she did. I’m only now catching up on the thread but I was shocked, and now we have the children that have died falling into a lake in Birmingham.

It is never ever ok to be on frozen water, ever. But to film other people, and to be laughing as a child fell over is just disgusting. She is vile, honestly vile. I can’t believe I ever liked her and thought she was different!
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I unfollowed her again before the wedding. I want to like her but I just cant warm to her. I find her... a little exhausting tbh. I followed her for about a year and she definitely changed recently... alot!
Agreed I unfollowed her a while ago and honestly my Instagram is now a much more relaxing place. I didn’t realise how stressful her stories actually are until I stopped watching
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Agreed I unfollowed her a while ago and honestly my Instagram is now a much more relaxing place. I didn’t realise how stressful her stories actually are until I stopped watching
Same. I’m in my forties and I don’t want to watch her grow up through my phone. It’s literally exhausting. Same with that Alex bird. I did all that shouting about the unfairness of life in my twenties and I can’t be arsed now. Bored of it.
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to summarise: "I'm going to make a HUGE deal out of the fact that I'm pregnant, use it to get myself work with brands, and remind everyone constantly, with emphasis on how hard it is for me, and how much i am struggling with sickness and nausea and tiredness, and how vulnerable i am, but i cannot BELIEVE that anyone would have the audacity to send messages to let me know that being a parent will be difficult and share "horror stories" of how I won't have time to read books and will feel uncomfortable in my body etc, because i only want to hear how AMAZING it will be to be a mother, and exploit my daughter for content and #ads! thanks for all the positive messages that have reassured me the nausea is only temporary and I will get thru it - I have screenshot every single one of those DMs of support - but anyone who shares an experiences which aren't positive and don't tell me that my life with a baby will be total perfection, and reassure me that I will simultaneously be able to sleep and read and love my post-pregnancy body, i will simply delete your messages and block you because - despite my daily reminders that i am pregnant - i don't wanna hear about your dramas. i share because I want sympathy and attention and love and for brands to reach out and send me freebies - not for people to tell me that they relate because they also experienced nausea, as nobody can possibly relate because mine is definitely WORSE, or ask what I plan to name my daughter, because it's none of your fucking business! i'm VULNERABLE and do not want to be asked such personal questions or hear any parenting "horror stories" about not being able to read three books in a day, and although I have tried to rise above it and ignore your negativity, i am writing this because I desperately want more messages of support and adoration. oh, and just in case you forgot over the course of reading my whingy post - I AM PREGNANT, and totally overlooking the fact that nobody would be sending these messages if I didn't make such a huge fucking deal about it every single day, and regularly remind the world that i am SO, SO SICK". 🙄🙄

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Thing is I get it… it is annoying when people keep saying things like this when you’re pregnant. Butttt the thing I hate about influencers saying this, is as soon as they give birth and find having a baby hard they then moan about it on social media to be ReLaTaBle. Therefore doing exactly what they were complaining about 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣
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Even her hypothesis on how female celebs are treated… it’s not exactly right, it’s not her original idea (it’s not even jameela’s) and she’s not even articulating a complex phenomenon very well.
To be clear, she’s right that there’s a trend of the media specifically tearing down young female celebs. (Her idol, Bryon Gordon, actively participated in this in her gossip column actually, but I doubt we’ll ever hear em grill her on that)

what is grotesque is how Emily seems to be grabbing at this phenomenon to soothe her own ego, and dismiss legitimate criticism of her, her behaviour and the way she runs her account. She obviously reads tattle and knows of the criticisms levied at her here, but she never addresses any of them. She doesn’t address why she works with fast fashion when she claims to be a feminist. She doesn’t address why she has decided to work with symprove despite weak evidence it does anything beneficial. Instead she sweeps it all under the rug and thinks of it as “trolling” or her being “too much” or attributing it to internalised misogyny. Easier to do that than face some unpleasant truths I suspect.

the underlying theme of all of Em’s posts - is that they are always, all about her.

Whether she’s promoting a product and pretending it’s great (then it’s about making her money), talking about some social issue (then it’s really about making her seem like the good guy) and then with this instance it’s a bit more on the nose.
She’s obviously drawing parallels between people, disliking Taylor swift and comparing this to herself. Taylor Swift is a decent person and good musician is what Em is saying, with the subtext that she herself is also a good person and the only reason she’s disliked is because of internalised misogyny.

The matter is a very real, serious and difficult issue to tackle. Women can be some of the worst perpetrators of misogny and this makes it harder to call it out - because it can’t be sexist if it has a female stamp of approval, right? It’s a grey area, it’s hard to identify and it’s complex. Most of us will have some of it. But that doesn’t negate some real, well articulated criticisms of how Em is hypocritical and co-opts issues she has no real right to speak on.

Its pretty vile of her to hijack a discussion of it to flatter her own vanity. Also a bit egotistical to compare herself to Taylor Swift, a genuinely talented and creative musician and one of the most successful artists of this century. But then that’s Em down to a T.

On a side note, I remember nearer the start of this thread someone mentioned Em had gone on a rant about being trolled/criticised or spoken badly of somewhere and a lot of tattlers were confused because her thread wasn’t very active at the time. It was felt like she was bigging herself up at the time (she’s a fairly small time influencer), but also that she must’ve been referring to another forum. So I don’t think it’s just tattle that’s driving these rants tbh.
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Even without going deep into the privilege and class issues, the reason she is so unlikeable is because she flits from one relevant topic to another thinking she has the absolute final word in deciding its right and wrongs.

As an influencer with no real background in ANY of these issues why is she so bold to assume her point of view is the right one? A lot of people have called her out on this and she shouts her argument again and then says if you don't like it you can unfollow.

I suppose her account doesn't really have a purpose if shes not shouting about current issues, but she could still discuss current issues without giving such a biased, strong and judgemental view of the situation and allow others the space to disagree and engage in debate.

It was definitely the covid vaccine issue that made me switch off, I'm very anti vaccine for myself (and I have big personal reasons for this involving a family death), I keep my views to myself and I would never judge anyone for having it, I understand its a very personal choice and I expect the same understanding in return. However she went on over weeks that anyone who hadn't had it was (and she used this word on several occasions) TWATS.

Same sort of thing the other day when she called women who have one night stands sluts 😩

In her quest to be quirky and bold she is alienating lots of people and followers that hold other views and shutting down discussion only harms the cause she thinks she's championing by further dividing people
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Her thread was very positive until quite recently so I suspect it is Tattle. Admittedly some threads get super vicious but this has mostly been constructive. How many times do we need to say it before influencers listen… ✨ Tattle ✨ isn’t ✨ for ✨ you ✨
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Fake typos are actually so not funny. And yes there was definitely tension between Alex and Em in that story. Also I listened to a bit of the pod with Amber Davies because I like her and apparently Em had texted something snarky to Alex and made her cry one of the days before the hen. Which doesn't surprise me, I bet Em can be a right bitch when she doesn't get her way
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Quiet for a few days… think she’s had the baby? Get ready to be told she’s the busiest mum ever, how difficult it is to balance being a mum and her (non existent) career and how proud she is of her body
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yeah, that's the news story I was referring to - a frozen lake near Birmingham is still being searched, with kids who fell thru the ice hospitalised in a critical condition and on life support - and i don't believe it's a story Em isn't aware of, as BBC update alerts have been popping up in my phone all afternoon - but even if she has somehow missed it, it's just basic common sense not to walk on frozen lakes - especially ones with clear warning signs reminding people not to do so! and to then share a photos documenting such dangerous behaviour on SM, paired with a caption about how she had such a fun and happy day, is beyond irresponsible!

as she keeps reminding us, she is pregnant. she is about to become a mother. will she be encouraging her daughter to play on thin ice? or will she specifically warn her to stay away, because it's dangerous? impressionable younger people will see her behaviour and imitate it, assuming it is safe - she is fully aware she has younger followers amongst her audience, yet it causally placing them at risk! and even without what happened today, they were still photos that were unnecessary to post, given that emergency services are warning people to stay away from frozen lakes. 😡
Hopefully she will also realise that joking about laughing at a child for falling over in the background to her quarter of a million followers is not on either. “Be kind”? Unless it’s laughing at a kid for falling over, whilst something similar has happened 100 miles away and may result in the kid never going home to their family. I’m furious.
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
I actually used to like Em - I actually suggested to a few friends that they should follow her. (Yeah, I know!)

The bully girl vibes have been strong for a while now - but reading here has made me decide to unfollow her.
To actually friend request someone, just to abuse them in their dms?

Emily. You read here - obviously. Go get some help - the narc/bully/nasty vibe is awful

I will (sorry!) defend Jeremy here - he has done a whole world of good for H4H, UK farmers.
He does also get stuck into a lot of charitable activities.

Em on the other hand has nothing of note for others (sorry Em, dancing in your kitchen is just sad!)
Her career is what? Influencer? Definitely a dying industry
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She’s very immature. Someone has obviously personally annoyed her/offended her and she’s gone straight onto insta to rattle off some vague bitchy nonsense. Grow up?
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Glad it wasn't just me that was totally not amused by her odd pointless cucumber story!

Not sure what the relevance of the hoodie was tbh unless she was infering she was semi naked ? plus I found it hilarious that she stated' everyone ' was looking at her when the guy was calling out to her! I find that highly unlikely considering most people are plugged into something or on their phones these days!

She's such a nonsense!
I struggled to understand too. Tbh I should just unfollow her now as it’s just a hate follow at this point.

I listened to the full, boring non-story because I was waiting for the part where the jumper became relevant and it never did. Which is why I think it was a bit of a strategic mention - she put it right at the start to try and hook people in. People skimming past stories doesn’t up engagement - the opposite I believe (unless anyone knows otherwise). People watching a full story counts as engagement (as does interactions such as responding to Qs, asking Qs and voting - hence why she does them so much). She’s managed and her content is managed, it’s not an unheard of tactic in media/PR/storytelling in general.

She’s been pretty vocal about her account being a source of income for her and it’s clear from all the ads she does that money is a priority - to get money you need to make sure your engagement levels are high. It’s the only explanation I can think of.
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