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Also, I don't understand where this body positivity thing has come from where you aren't 'positive' about your body unless you're happy to parade it around nude/nearly nude. I remember hearing about her doing that 'naked' catwalk thing. It feels like 'the lady doth protest too much'? I can't quite place what it is that bothers me about it. Maybe because they're all able-bodied and conventionally attractive so they have nothing material to be concerned about anyway? Or that it's used in conjunction with shilling crap on Insta? Or that if you were truly confident you wouldn't need to make such a production of it all? I'm not sure.

They were also saying Nelly's thing was no different to seeing lingerie ads in the street, but I don't think anyone is saying that's ideal either? Make it make sense, please!
“omg guys it’s fine that Nelly is traipsing around catering to the male gaze under the guise of female empowerment because LOOK! Those billboards are catering to the male gaze too! And they aren’t even pretending to be empowered about it!”
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When i said rushed having the baby, I didn’t mean it in terms of how long they’ve been together. I meant it as I didn’t expect it so soon as em didn’t strike me as someone eager to become a mum yet. I thought they’d wait a few years. She just doesn’t strike me as the mum type.
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She was promoting Tu clothing so it wouldn’t surprise me if this was an angle to potentially plug their clothing ranges and any potential maternity wear? Who knows.

the head in the toilet bowl selfie… dear Lord get a grip woman.

she rationalises that she’s doing this to “raise awareness” so people know they “aren’t alone”. It’s not at all vain guys, it’s not to be dramatic and attention seeking. It’s to ✨raise awareness✨

I just don’t buy that for a second. Maybe that’s what she tells herself. The reason she does it, is because it cultivates a type of fake friendship with her insta audience. She speaks to them directly, acts like she’s just your bestie sharing personal details of her life with you. It creates a sense of trust which she then utilises to make money. You trust her when she recommends a product because, she’s your bestie right? You follow her because she echos back what you like to hear, validates your experiences.

Em is a special breed of influencer that hides her intentions behind a legitimate social cause. In this case, she’s just “raising awareness” to make sure no one feels “alone”. A public service announcement really, it’s just her being noble, not vain. It’s just a happy coincidence she makes money form doing it, and can pat herself on the back for being so progressive and enlightened.

some people don’t realise what she’s about, a lot of people see right through her.
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It’s so tone deaf and inappropriate for her to post that, even if the tragedy hadn’t occurred.

There aren’t any identifying features of the kid, which is why Em probably feels comfortable posting that vid. But it’s just plain… mean spirited and inconsiderate and rude. She’s really showing her true colours. If I fell and someone posted it to their 200K following… I’d feel pretty crap about it, even if it wasn’t the main focus of the video.

I can’t believe she’s removed it and hasn’t addressed why. She knows she was wrong to upload it in the first place, but is she gonna apologise? Make a point on how she realised she was wrong? Nah. She’s gonna brush it under the carpet, hope no one noticed and show off her huge diamond wedding and engagement rings whilst plugging her crappy show.

She is the absolute worst, an absolute drain.
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Chatty Member
She can be a bit ranty and I just don't have the attention span for it anymore (thanks kids) but anything she rants about she's passionate about.
Love that she went to support her mum last year on a cycle when she was having a hard day. They seem like they're really down to earth her and her sis and her fiance seems nice too. Some of very few people I'd actually want to party with. Just seems like it would be laughing and lots of dancing no shit or bitching
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Chatty Member
I think they’ll pick an Irish name but you’re right it will probably be basic.
That’s a good shout but she’ll deliberately make it one that people who aren’t used to Irish spellings will have trouble pronouncing, and then proceed to get sassy about it.
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Imagine having such little backbone that you behave in this manner. And clearly everyone around her is enabling the pathetic woe is me nonsense!
from Alex’s perspective I can fully see why he’d enable it and put up with it! He’s chosen to have a comfy life funded by Daddy Clarkson but at the price of having a childish wife who lacks intelligence and doesn’t have much to her
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I’m in two minds tbh.

Surely there are more important things that family loyalty? And is Em loyal to him because he’s her dad or because he’s her meal ticket?

I think it’s important to call out toxic messages like this privately and publicly. If Em avoided the topic of H&M altogether then you could maybe forgive her for saying nothing.

But she’s highlighted that she recognises it’s wrong and so it doesn’t look like she’s having these difficult conversations in private or in public.

It’s all well and good espousing popular views (I don’t like misogyny! I don’t like bullying!) but the difficult conversations with loved ones and when sticking by those views, that’s the tricky part, that’s when someone needs integrity and principles and it seems to me like Em just doesn’t have those.
Personally I think she's flakey to her core.

She picks which bandwagon to jump on based on how it benefits her. I think where her dad is concerned she's reluctant to bite the hand that feeds her and affords her the privileged stay at home doing nothing of any value life she lives. But she's also too bothered about how she is perceived by strangers online ..the ones that she uses for money via her she does the bare minimum to appease them too and keep them on side.

Perhaps motherhood will be the making of her !
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I don't think that's the only person she tracked down either. Someone I know got a message about being on this thread as well (but isn't actually on Tattle, so is the wrong person 😂) That's what brought me to her thread as I thought it seemed like harassment..
is she just combing comments for anything remotely critical of her and then messaging that person?! Sounds like she’s sending out a ton of messages to randoms.

there’s literally no real way for em to track down people on Instagram from tattle unless we accidentally include our insta handle here, make it very blatant on Instagram or have the same name handle. She can only ever be guessing.

what a bizarre way to spend your time. I’m baffled she’s done that frankly. I’d written her off as unpleasant and not particularly bright but I didn’t think she was that unhinged.
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Was she actually filming other people's kids and uploading it to Instagram?
yep. not just filming the children and dogs of total strangers, but one little kid slipped on the ice, and Em immediately started laughing - totally unaware whether the kid was injured or hurt or whatever - and said "ha, she ate shit!" regardless of the recent news, it was totally inappropriate footage to have filmed - let alone uploaded to SM, and really showed her true personality! it was unlikely the kids could be identified in the sense that she was filming from quite far away, but as a parent, i would not be impressed if an influencer was uploading footage of my child to a huge public platform - especially if I was my kid who was being laughed at for smashing their face on the ice. 😔

but y'know, Alex is pregnant, thus her behaviour is totally justified because "hormones" and she has been very VERY sick and feeling vulnerable, so it's totally okay she found joy in a little kid's pain - and then chose to share her laughter on IG. 😡
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Oh holiday somewhere hot and sunny, and this plank is still on Insta sharing pointless selfies.

She can get in the bin. Along with her fiancé
very narcissistic isn’t it. Endless selfies and 10 photos of herself on her grid in the time she’s been on holiday. That’s not even delving into the fact she spent time while on holiday, arguing with people in the comments section like an utter weapon.

but it’s obvs not vanity, it’s EmPoWeRmEnT according to Em.
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Fake typos are actually so not funny. And yes there was definitely tension between Alex and Em in that story. Also I listened to a bit of the pod with Amber Davies because I like her and apparently Em had texted something snarky to Alex and made her cry one of the days before the hen. Which doesn't surprise me, I bet Em can be a right bitch when she doesn't get her way
They both can be! And unfortunately 2 attention seeking drama queen's who love to be centre stage is never going to work long term!
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Millennial Pink

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Is it Clarkson’s followers? I can imagine some may comment but not arsed enough to go back through her insta and report old posts. Either way I feel so sad for her. It must be awful to have built up a following as your job and be shadow banned potentially putting your entire income at risk.
I think it's The GT lots fans I see commenting in various places (e.g. comments on the Foodtribe/drivetribe video that featured Emily or on article about her naked catwalk thing). Some are just really disparaging about her being an influencer in the first place, i.e stuff about her not having a real job because 'daddy's famous'. She never really uses that to get ahead. The girl cannot win. I think there's probably some valid discourse to be had about how her privilege has gotten her to where she is, but most of the comments reek of misogyny.
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Its odd. Just don't look?
She can’t help it, and I find it so strange that she has gone out of her way to find someone and message them like that? From her podcast she always seems as though she would rise above it and be the bigger person, but clearly not. Arguably it’s harassment to go out of your way to track that person down…
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Errr her latest stories order… a post on how she’s sooo busy but has something really important to share, followed by a Gillette ad. Then the post after is about bowel babe.

surely a post about your so called friend dying and trying to raise money For charity should be the important thing to share, not the ad.
I was thinking that. If bowelbabe was really her close friend she wouldn't be posting how sad she is and then "kk busy day let's move". So self absorbed.
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Is she wearing black shoes? Looks like it in the videos of them dancing? If she is, what the actual fuck?
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