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* * * TW ED TALK * * *

The thing is, how do we KNOW that her mom or family/friends haven’t approached her about this? For all we know, they could have had many crisis talks with her which has pushed her further into her suspected ED. She was probably under the impression that no one realised she’d lost a tonne of weight and isn’t well, but if her family have spoken to her about it and she realises they know, she’ll start to become sneaky about restricting food.

I’m not an ED expert at all but from watching shows and documentaries etc, many people who suffer from an ED will try their hardest to hide it from the people close to them.

Take Cassie from Skins, she used distraction techniques so her family and friends wouldn’t realise she’s not eating. She would just roll food around her plate and hide it under another pice of food while she distracted her family with conversations and questions. Emily could be doing the same, making out like she’s eating loads of food but will take one bite and throw the rest in the bin. It must be a scary situation for her family and her, one wrong move and she could cut them off and then before you know it she’s in an ED ward in hospital.

I wonder if the reason she’s not moved out yet is because her parents won’t let her until she gets better. Let’s just hope that, behind closed doors, she IS getting the help she needs. It’s a slow recovery and a hard one.
She is an adult woman in her mod* twenties who is financially independent. She can move whenever she wants to at this point. As long as she is eating something regularly her parents are probably relieved. She talks a lot about protein atm, protein chocolates, protein yoghurt, almond butter on porridge etc. Reasoning when she is going out more for her 'job' she will be eating more restaurants / take aways and is only slimmer due to eating at home, in a healthy way, 24/7 now.

She is so appearance based, she will really struggle with getting older. No one wants to be around someone like that either.

*it keeps changing MID. to mod. :rolleyes:
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The vast majority of it is indeed cold hard cash in her business account! All her money from sponsors, AdSense, affiliate links etc.
Wow I mean that is a lot of money to have in the bank but yes compare to other influencers I can’t imagine that’s very much in the scale of things.
But then I suppose if all your clothes, makeup, everything is gifted then you don’t need much cash anyway lol
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else just think it’s a brand deal? I reckon she will just be working with someone new or potentially going on a brand trip with them. She said in comments she can’t say until Monday so doesn’t feel like a house move to me but could be wrong
Now you say it. Perhaps its just a holiday 😂 because shes been ‘manifesting’ one so hard
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Not sure how much of this is just the angle making it look weird but look at the size of her bicep in her new video thumbnail - its smaller than her wrist

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Actually low impact strength training barely burns enough calories, neither does barre. Unless she is running 5k on the daily or doing 45 min of HIIT training everyday, the only way to lose this kind of weight is diet. She is undoubtedly calorie counting and easting less than 1500 cal/day. The exercise has nothing to do with the weight loss as she claims.

She needs a nutritionist not a PT. Eating proteins, but overall consuming low calories will not build muscle. The body will burn the protein for energy in the absence of carbs.
I burn 400 cals doing a 45 min barre class and I only weigh 109 lbs and 5ft2 so defo possible. Plus I have done the barre classes she has and they aren’t easy
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Reslly starting to think the news was her new hair 😩😂 reminds me of gabriella Lindley teasing a secret project then it was just that she put some shelves up looool (if you know you know)
It did indeed happen. But, to make it even more tragic (if that’s possible??) the shelves were already up, she just arranged stuff on them. Including creepy blown up canvas pictures of her friends
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Didn’t she say in her vlog that she was invited to Wimbledon? Correct me if I’m wrong but i haven’t seen her post about it on IG? She acts like these brands invite her to places because it’s an honor to have her presence 🤣
I'm pretty sure you had to test negative to actually get to go to Wimbledon, she probs didn't want to pay for a test to go
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Whether she’s lost weight due to an ed, a different health issue or exercise (def don’t think it’s the latter) if she’s noticed people commenting on how they are worried for her/hope she’s okay why wouldn’t you instantly make at least an Instagram story saying either you’re fine it’s healthy weight loss or something along the lines of you’re okay and for people not to worry(if she doesn’t want to outright say what’s going on, which is fair enough) but to at least reassure people to not worry, idk she obviously sees the comments and chooses not to say anything for a while to keep people speculating no matter what the issue is
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Chatty Member
James is NOT in LA and IS with Emily right now according to her story unless that’s old… what?!
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I'd hazard a guess that shes around 45kg and probably about 5'9 in reality, making her BMI about 14.6 or potentially even lower. Extremely low and worrying. I have an ED and whilst weight isnt an indication of how you are psychologically with it ( I was at my worst with behaviours when I had a healthy weight), I can say that my lowest weight was around the same as Emily is now and it makes you feel like death. It's really hard to function fully.. even worse if she is purging too.
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You know I couldn’t see it at first but agree she looks worryingly skinny now, also I notice she must have another Depop account as doesn’t look like she has purchased anything on hers. I wonder what else she sells that has been gifted on that account.
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She will only say something like it's her new healthy lifestyle or she is home, not eating out that much or lifestyle change or something like that. If she was sick she wouldn't show her body like that and bodycheck all the time.
+ that she gained 5 pounds during lockdown which she had to lose and that she’s been exercising a ton 🙄 we see straight through you Em
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I agree with you. It’s funny how women’s nipples and boobs are so sexualised but men’s aren’t and can have them on show 🤷🏻‍♀️

Personally I wouldn’t wear no bra as I wouldn’t feel comfortable and I think that’s what the original poster was getting at, but I don’t have a problem with women showing as much or as little of their bodies as they like. Women should take ownership of their own body and so whatever they want with it ☺
Exactly, thank you

This is one thing I don’t agree with..

We all have nipples… what’s wrong with others seeing them?! Some of us with out much boob don’t really have a need for a bra 🤷🏼‍♀️
You don't agree... that I would be embarrassed?!
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