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Chatty Member
Quelle surprise she’s re posting lydia millen who is going off on her insta about messages she gets
The dumb cunt needs to be mindful. She’s just as guilty with her doxxing, her trying to get people fired and tracking IP addresses. She’s too fucking stupid to realise she’s just as much of a troll with that behaviour. Also no one contacts her, she’s irrelevant.

Who really gives a fuck about someone shilling cereals that make you :poop:, beef jerky and chewing gum.
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She deleted it because it would then be obvious to everyone that she comments too much (mind you I’m sure everyone knows this about her, especially all the influenzas who are on the receiving end from her - daily 🤣)
was just thinking the same. Publicly moaning about being blocked on insta and the two replies confirm it’s because of too much posting! I googled it quickly and pretty much every website says the same thing. So embarrassing!

this link below even says insta limits you to 1440 actions daily, which include liking, following, and messages. So the fact she has exceeding this is proper embarrassing! only a loser spends that much time on insta! 😂😂😂

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She seems to have gotten by previously by just not paying for anything rather than making money from partnerships. And her links of course. At this time no one should expect freebies as businesses struggle to get themselves up and running. She will feel the pinch now if she has to pay for stuff. She hasn’t even had an offer of a free haircut or nails yet!
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Ha! I never buy from Topshop. That guy is a misogynistic arsehole. One rule for Em though and another for us. I'm enjoying watching her take shitter and shitter work. Bangs on about how shes such a good person and LoVes sO hArD but actions speak louder than words matey :cool:
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Disgusting. She shouldn’t be shutting down any criticism, she carries on like North Korea. Where’s the debate Em?! Or as ever did you just grab the money... I OnLy wOrk WitH brAndS I LoVe... fuck off you buck toothed orange smudge
It wasn’t even rude and it was totally valid. If the vlog is an ad then people need to know all of the information including pitfalls. Deleting this type of comment is very worrying on her part. She doesn’t want people to know that there may be issues.
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Well I take comfort in the fact that her career is on the decline and she will be speeding up that process by showing herself for the disgusting cunt that she is.

why all the blurb about how she has been going for years? Why don’t you pay for once then? You know, show support. And literally who gives a fuck that her mum goes there?!
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Chatty Member
DONT WORRY!!!! It’s normal for a puppy to be excited
Translation: “I’ve read Tattle and all the people calling out the bad behaviour I encourage in the dog because I’m a fucking idiot so I’m indirectly answering them”

I’ll say it again she’s an orange passive aggressive cunt.
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Pathetic isn’t it. no one gives a shit that she’s travelled. The government has said its fine, she’s just making a big deal over it. Pathetic from the person that’s had takeaways and chocolate ubered. So privileged to protect herself from the risk but expect delivery drivers to work and put themselves more at risk. And often those delivery drivers are black or Asian men, who this morning on the news said they were more at risk. So spoilt white woman Em is happy to Uber shit to keep herself safe but puts minorities at risk!! That’s Em all over.

her BLM stuff was really the most performative out there, she’s changed nothing since. She makes sick with her lies and vapid life. I wonder if she had to beg Matt to drive her home as well since she’s such a pathetic orange lump that cant drive herself.

also the dog looks like it hates her 😂😂😂😂
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First time posting, I have no idea who Em Sheldon is tbh, never followed her don’t know if she’s a blogger or YouTuber or what her content is about but I see her reply to EVERYONE’S tweets and comment on so many peoples Instagram posts and I’m always like who tf is she lol why does she pretend to be besties with everyone? I swear her and Emily canham aren’t even close friends but they force it so much on social media? How old even is Em Sheldon she’s so embarrassing
That’s how we all found her! She’s like a plague that’s everywhere 😂
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Honestly I love the bones of my family. But the amount of stuff she wants to do with her mum and brother is quite frankly odd. They are all beyond odd for enabling her too. Imagine a night in with the Sheldon leeches 🤮
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She's mentioned that she was a sprinter for Yorkshire a couple of times yet there is nothing when you google this, this stuff is always recorded if you compete at county level...more lies
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I stopped getting notifications for this thread! God what is with the linking of the most fugly designer shit the whole time. Yes its on sale. There is a reason babe, because its NASTY and no one wants to buy it! And what is with her terminology about clothes. 'The famous dress'. Famous to who exactly? And when she announces things have come back into stock. Surely its because people bought it, realised it was absolute crap and then returned it!

Her obsession with the dog is fucking creepy. Never in my life have I seen anyone in real life or online behave this way about a dog.

She's also such a covid shamer. Wants to get her hair done. Wants to travel. Everyone else is doing it. Should I? Have you? Want to be safe etc. Repeat repeat repeat. Bore off.
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Chatty Member
Yep, she won't eat out. She just wants the free takeaways. She is absolutely ridiculous.
I don't know why she lives in London since all she does is complain about how busy it is.
As a Londoner I’m happy for her to fuck off back to Yorkshire and leave London. We don’t need cretins like her in London. London is an amazing city so much culture and multiculturism and all she highlights is her working out and takeaways!
As someone who has had to shield I feel like I’ve managed to not be such a drama queen about CV-19 and living in London.
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Chatty Member
her version of busy is everyone else’s lazy Sunday. everyday I actually wonder what she does with the time she is awake Apart from eat bread, post shite online and workout.
She also has to find time to wear cheap polyester shit and video herself rocking backwards and forwards, sucking her stomach in whilst trying to stick out her flat pancake arse.
There’s also all the begging for free holidays and meals that she needs to try and slip in all very time consuming.
And most importantly sending herself DM’s from her 589 social media accounts so she can aff link all sorts of pointless shit.

Busy busy day for Tesco value Em. She’s an orange boss babe #ceo don’t you know.
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someone in her comments asked if the dogs adopted, she replied “someone couldn’t take her so we got to, very lucky”. So someone didn’t end up buying her so they offered her to you to buy next, so not adopted. why not just say that? lol, acting as if they’ve done everyone a favour saving this dog from a life on the streets

also who walks their dog in thigh high orange heeled boots ffs.

I was vaguely interested in this Cotswolds trip cos I live here and it’s nice to see local content - all I’ve seen is burgers and cheese. riveting content from one of the most beautiful parts of the country
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More daily bollocks.

clearly ’answering’ the comment here about dirty towels in her mothers house. “You don’t want someone to send you real problems”. Sounds like a threat... are you collecting our IPs again em?

”i miss driving through Cali with Matt” lol. Who wakes up and thinks that. She went on one road trip. Ive driven through California with my husband. I look back and think that was a great trip, but miss it? Such a random thing to say. And of course she’s going to take her mum and brother and home is where ever they are... what a load of shit. You’re a 26 year woman who lodges in her mother’s house periodically because youre a fucking baby that can’t cope on your own. Stop pretending you are some seasoned traveller. Who wants to go on holiday with their ma and brother all the time. Grow the fuck up!


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I don’t know if her social awareness is just SO off or if she’s naturally tone def.... but posting things like THIS given that the US are currently in a mess with handling the pandemic and struggling to keep people inside. Honestly one of the most idiotic orange influencers out there.
yes! She’s a total idiot. Why would anyone in the U.K. be planning a trip to the usa right now? people from the U.K. are not allowed in, no idea when we will be allowed in. Who on earth would be planning a holiday, booking hotels etc? She’s just so dumb.

shes watching a few episodes of selling sunset and all of a sudden California is her favourite place and she wants to move there 😂😂😂 does she ever listen to herself and realise she sounds like such a twat
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