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Chatty Member
Absolutely! If she had an email for a gifted trip next week, she’d be straight on that plane!
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Chatty Member
God she is so insufferable! “Using my voice can get them lots of trade”... your engagement rate is 1.17 Em, don’t flatter yourself. Apparently going to eat indoors was ‘high risk’ Matt’s idea... nothing to do with her. I feel like she’s one of those people that thinks if you say a lie aloud it becomes truth. She is honestly displays the most petulant child behaviour.

Check in on your peers Em, they’re doing circles around you Hun!
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Chatty Member
omg yes that would be exactly what she would do! Plan it all herself with cameras conveniently set up to capture it all. Lots of twirling around and grinning. Probably have mama Shel and her brother leap from a nearby bush as a fake surprise too!
Hahaha yes! Don’t forget maple doodle doodle! Either that or she’d be on a beach rocking back and forth with a bikini shoved up her arse whilst her brother films it. Always knew they were odd when she took him on a press trip just the two of them and he was recording her on a beach from behind with a full swimsuit wedgie. It’s on her insta somewhere! Not normal sibling behaviour at all.. very odd indeed! 😷
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Well I take comfort in the fact that her career is on the decline and she will be speeding up that process by showing herself for the disgusting cunt that she is.

why all the blurb about how she has been going for years? Why don’t you pay for once then? You know, show support. And literally who gives a fuck that her mum goes there?!
I am so close to messaging her and telling her what I think.... tbh I dont care if I get blocked!
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No Em, funnily enough puppies do not come fully trained? It requires hard work and dedication? But ah well it doesn’t matter once you swan back off to London leaving ‘your’ puppy with your family to train and bring up. Back to the sad little life of zero responsibilities so everything can revolve around you. You could very easily have that puppy at your place! But nahhhhh too much effort isn’t it?


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Without her press events and workouts she really shows how little she has going on in her head. Just the same old ramblings that are actually becoming borderline obsessive now. She seems a bit unhinged and is possibly losing blogger friends and support with all of her rubbish.
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Can’t speak for anyone else but I’ve never messaged her. Is her seeking out this site us trolling her? I don’t doubt that she gets messages sent to her as I’m sure most people with public profiles do. But she just cannot seem to see herself as a problem. I don’t think I would seek out negativity about myself to be honest. But if I did see some then I would learn from it. Comments about her here, aside from those about her looks, actually show what people don’t like. Her channels are either not growing or declining. So while her audience aren’t all here on tattle, why is it that she can’t join the dots? What we say must be what others think? Her views and likes are dire. All her comments are from other influencers. Ok so she is tracking our IP addresses. Now what?
same here, Ive never messaged her and never will. I’m sure all influencers get nasty comments. They should just block and move on. but as these influencers have changed and become money grabbing, followers may make a legitimate comment or criticism which gets met with shrieking about bullying and trolls and increasingly set upon in a nasty way. The influencers have been the bullies against their own audiences, if they don’t toe the line of being a simpering kiss ass.

So people come here to discuss instead. If she chooses to seek out this thread and try and doxx people then she’s the one that needs to be locked up. no one forces her to read here. if she’s so happy and confident over her content why does she care what we think anyway?! But yeah I’d love to know what she’s going to do if she has info about us.

lets put it this way, she doesn’t come out of it looking good that she’s stalking and tracking strangers on the internet.
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I laughed out loud when she described herself as artsy yesterday. Doesn’t mean you can live like a pig! Also there’s literally nothing creative about Em. Her photography, blog or insta has not evolved in about 4 years now. Relies on crappy presets to improve her pictures. I think someone who gets art and was really into digital creativity would have improved themselves. But if it’s not free Em is not interested.

she put aff links on twitter to that bloody Gucci tshirt 4 times in like 3 hours. How desperate can you be for a few quid of affiliate money?! It’s horrible. Stop being a beg.

as for recommending sports bras 🤣🤣🤣 she literally filmed herself exercising and her boobs were bouncing around, her bra didn’t fit at all.
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Chatty Member
Really odd that Matt tags along with her to free trips and meals. They really have no friends or lives outside of this influencer bubble do they?
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VIP Member
I imagine she’s going all ‘Karen’ on Instagram. Probably sending them 100s of messages to get her account unrestricted and firing off emails to their CEO 😂😂

“don’t you know I’m a boss babe with seven insta accounts to run”
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Josie won’t want to be seen with that orange beg! Bad look!

she probably booked that house on the basis of the bath because she seems to think lounging in the bath is what other women want to see? Erm no.

why is the Cotswold the latest place to go for influencers as well? The locals must hate them.

I hope the woman renting Shel Boy this house is prepared to do a lot of scrubbing and cleaning as we know what a disgusting mess Shilly makes. There will be tan everywhere, duvets and towels on the floor plus that dog running around. Yuck.
We do. I wish the silly twats would fuck off back to their retrospective shitholes
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She’s ‘buying a house’ apparently. Just as we thought so wasn’t big news at all. She’s hooked an ad for notts building society in and she reckons she picks up the keys this week. Launched her home account of course. And then made some weird comment that buying in London is sooo hard (don’t see why, it’s no harder than anywhere else) and the sale had fallen through several times.
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Chatty Member
She’s done 7 stories about going run and being safe. Every story says the same thing she just jumbled up the paragraphs a bit. Who is she trying to convince herself?! If she was as paranoid about Covid as she says she is, she’d be wearing a mask. Stop trying to convince us you went on a 7 mile run and didn’t go near anyone. Battersea Park in 23 degrees heat and Em expects up to believe it was empty. 😂
She comes across like she’s on drugs on those stories. She can go for walks but not runs?Didn’t she do stories the other day about sightseeing while London was empty?

As Lechat said lockdown was one walk a day, now people can go out as much as they want and it’s less busy. She’s a fucking idiot and she needs to stop embarrassing herself regularly.
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VIP Member
Ugh why can’t she just shut the fuck up about flying 😫

Genuine question but why does she never ever say which brand she is shilling in her stories? Is this what brands want? Just a thought this morning as Anna from The Anna Edit has a 20% of Kiehls code which I am going to use as I like one of their shampoo and conditioners. On her stories it is all clear which brand she is talking about. I’m fairly neutral on her but will use the code to save money. When Em had her code she never ever made it clear what she was talking about. Instead banging on about the best ever cleanser/mask/whatever and telling you to swipe. So offputting and hard to believe the brand would be happy with this shoddy work.
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Chatty Member
If she can go into a Starbucks I’m pretty sure she knows she can go and visit her godawful enabling family. Honestly if I was in any way related to her I would disown her as her attention seeking antics are embarrassing.

And if she’s doing all this for engagement = ads. That explains why she’s been advertising heel cream and cinnamon! 😂😂
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VIP Member
I know.... and that’s work apparently. Today she got up did her shit morning thoughts, baked, ate the lot, worked out. Got lunch delivered. That’s it. Pointless existence.
She doesn't need to do her thoughts daily... She could do Tuesday Thoughts and Thursday Thoughts. Right now she posts the same junk, just worded differently. Thank me later for the idea, Em.
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VIP Member
How the fuck is it a Christmas present for her family if it’s gifted?! She is beyond tacky.
I can’t believe she is making out this was a Christmas present booked years ago when it’s a gifted stay. So basically she gives freebies as presents to her own family? How grim and cheap.

its almost irrelevant that’s she’s in the Cotswolds as she just does all the same basic bitch stuff she does anywhere.

that grazing board was a great example of her doing what she thinks looks ’luxury’ but she managed to make it look cheap. It was also enough for about 12 people and as far as we know there’s shel boy, cock lodger, brother, mother and mother’s bloke there. So yeah it is wasteful, obviously the comment hit a nerve. I love charcuterie and cheese and crackers but no way is eating that for two days good for you, normally feel so sluggish after eating that kind of food.

wonder where the whole Shel Beg Family will be heading tonight for free food since they clearly aren’t going to pay for anything,
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