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VIP Member
All of the people I've known in my life who are weirdly obsessed with food, spend their time talking about it, making it - most of them have had eating disorders and can't admit it. It's like they are trying to convince themselves.
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Her hair looks the same as before. It always looks thin and straggly to be honest.

also listen to the audio on this video!!! Is she on drugs??

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Chatty Member
She's put up the link to the red topshop dress again, with the manic head tilting and wild smile. She actually puts me off the clothes she's shilling with these crazy posey videos
I’ve never seen a pic of her dressed in an outfit and thought “you know what, I might order that.” Fuck knows who she’s influencing?
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Em as you are so clearly reading here PLEASE write a blog post about what you have learnt from all the BLM books / podcasts / films etc you recommended a few weeks ago. We know you would NEVER recommend something you dont love (🙄) and it would be much more interesting and valuable to society than skincare and sports bras. Im currently reading 'why im no longer talking to white people about race' myself - 238 pages so should be done in a day or two! How did you find it Em?
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VIP Member
She also has to find time to wear cheap polyester shit and video herself rocking backwards and forwards, sucking her stomach in whilst trying to stick out her flat pancake arse.
There’s also all the begging for free holidays and meals that she needs to try and slip in all very time consuming.
And most importantly sending herself DM’s from her 589 social media accounts so she can aff link all sorts of pointless shit.

Busy busy day for Tesco value Em. She’s an orange boss babe #ceo don’t you know.
Its actually 590 social media accounts hunny 🙄 #hater 😜
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Wouldn’t surprise me. Whilst I’m sure the charity is grateful for donations, in reality it will just be all the freebies she receives and hoards. The brands could pass these directly to the charity rather than to Shel Boy.
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I can’t with this girl. She is only going to places that pay her to or offer a free meal!!!! She thinks normal people who don’t understand ad and pr won’t catch on what a beg she is! EmBegs
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Chatty Member
How the fuck is it a Christmas present for her family if it’s gifted?! She is beyond tacky.
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Have you seen how many PR food gifts she’s accepted today???? There’s literally families that can’t afford you eat and you are choosing to accept these gifts 😡 it’s boring content as well give it a break for once. Every single insta story is pr, affiliate, gifted, ad.. Yawwwnnnnnn
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Chatty Member
She’s retweeted that deranged video from yesterday. I can’t stop watching! I feel so much second hand embarrassment.
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VIP Member
That ad makes no sense! Two became Three? The dog is at your mums love. Loved date night, whether it be takeaway or making food. Prefer dressing down but its important to dress up. But her essential accessory is chewing gum. What?
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VIP Member
She should manifest some paid work that is better than shilling cinnamon and cereal that makes you shit!
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VIP Member
God she never stops whinging, what is stopping her booking a Flight? Take your ma and brother if so be! make it a one way ticket too!

Be kind to Maple the dog everyone!! 🤣🤣🤣 can’t have the wee lassie logging into tattle and reading comments about herself 🤣

Fuck me Em is losing the plot. No one gives a fuck about your mums dog barking
I won't be kind. Maples a cunt too.

Jk. But what the fuck is this twat on?
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VIP Member
Number 2 sounds like some Tony Robbins shite. I wouldn't be surprised if she is a fan of him.

Also, number 3. You're almost 27, hon, no longer a "baby." She has been saying that for years. In my opinion, it is soooo obvious she is desperate to be engaged but I honestly don't think she sees Matt as "the one." I think she would prefer to be with an older, wealthier man since she is clearly such a social climber. And she said something a few weeks back about marrying an Earl. Emma also acts like she had quite a hard life growing up (which she may have in regards to her dad) and how her mum worked so hard for everything but I think it is obvious her family has some money considering they all seem to drive Land Rovers which are not cheap.


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