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Chatty Member
She went to get her brows done this morning to “do her bit” but hasn’t mentioned the name of the salon. It was only a few days ago she was banging on about how much trade places get when she promotes them! Or will she only do that when it’s free?

Just seen she’s promoting her brand consultancy services. Cmon Emma you pose on insta with a loaf of bread and a packet of chewies and call it a job. Let’s not hype up your CV.
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Funny how she’s happy to eat in pubs and cafes indoor after being a covid shamer for 6 months
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Eating out again tonight then according to the EmShellyShel account. how long until we get the ‘don’t worry it’s all safe messages’ lol.
Bet it’s a freebie. Also she should never speak, she comes across as even more of a cunt when she opens her mouth then when she’s mute. How is one person so fucking annoying? This imbecile needs to disappear. Take her 45 social media accounts and just fuck off and then fuck off some more and then fuck off again.
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Ems rinse and repeat:
Can’t wait to travel again. But only when it’s safe. So grateful blah blah
Can’t wait to bake x y z again. Swipe up for my e book
Miss my family but won’t break the rules. What are the rules again. I’m so close to my family.
I am so tired, need to go to bed earlier etc etc
This time last year I was here. This year I should have been in....
Some shit about the dog that isn’t her dog
Some drivel about exercise but did you know she has only been for one run in lockdown
London drivel. It’s too busy. I need to see more of it etc
Some lies about balance and eating takeaways and also salad to justify her disordered eating.
Gossip girl nonsense

there you go Em. No need to keep posting your crap!
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Chatty Member
made me laugh that she recognised today she uploads so many stories. I don’t think any other influencers uploads as many as her, anyway she’s been on some webinar as part of a PR event and is waxing lyrical.

“People who are happy are 20% more successful....happy people are more productive”

firstly define happy. What if I’m happy today and not tomorrow? does that mean I’m more successful productive on the happy days or is this cumulative? How long do I need to be happy for continuously for to get 20% success? And 20% more successful ... what’s the baseline of ‘success‘ we are measuring against? Success as in I got promoted 5 times in 4 years or I got all my work done in the deadline? load of absolute shite and she’s sitting there lapping it up like an idiot.

”don’t jump into work or concern yourself with the world in the morning..... do your own happy rituals... baking.... a workout”

WTF. What about the nurse getting up for a 7am shift? Em do you think she can workout and bake and not concern her self with the world? What the fuck are you on about. No wonder your account is so shit. This is advice for herself a lazy pointless influencers that lies in bed all morning and doesn’t know the meaning of work. what a cunt. laughable she thinks shes being inspirational with that bullshit. Fuck off.
I thought it was interesting that in her 10 happy things list, there's no mention of Matt. Sure he could be included in the family or friends one but surely your partner deserves a mention in your happiness


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Why is she asking this? she’s been able to drive to her mummy’s for weeks. What a thick dense cow she is. Saying her office is there too in another tweet....absolute lol. You mean your bedroom in mummy’s house where you get your free clothes delivered. She wants to go back to shoot content there as she’s run out in London as there’s nothing to her dreary awful life than baking and manic workouts.

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The way she keeps talking about COVID is embarrassing and so immature. The constant emphasis on how socially distant her walks are, shading anyone who’s not still holed up in a flat. The economy is reopening, how much longer is she gonna continue with this shit?! It’s easy for her to sit there and critique when she has no reason to leave her grubby abode because she has no friends and no real job.
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What is she doing here? What is with the bizarre posing? Why is she acting like some weird beauty-pagent stage mom?

Who on earth would believe this utter nonsense?
What possible questions could there be about these? They are so obviously Adidas, one of the most recognisable gym wear brands. The three stripes and logo give it away. Then if you want a pair you'd surely just look on the net for them...on the Adidas website maybe? Or go a bit off piste on Asos....maybe you just could google 'Adidas leggings sale" yourself and see what comes up!
It's the way she makes out like she has this incredible talent and is some incredibly valuable source, tracking down and finding all this secret stuff and kindly sharing with us lesser beings.
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Chatty Member
In her morning thoughts she has referred to herself as ‘artsy’ again as an excuse for being a scruff. 😂 I have not come across anyone with less creative talent, even her photography is beyond poor.. she does mirror selfies showing off summer dresses with dirty ankle socks on for gods sake. 😩
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Chatty Member
She needs to stop talking about the exciting thing that she can’t talk about.... it’s super boring!!
No one cares unless it’s her telling us that she’s going to come off social media in which case I do care and will be celebrating.

She’s a cunt, the dog’s a cunt, the lazy boyfriend is a cunt, the weird brother is a cunt and Mamma Shel who bought up such a cunty kid is also a cunt.
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Are you guy ready for the big news.... I can bearly contain my excitement.. (note the sarcasm). Let’s place our bets....
can only assume she’s finally bought a house...but who knows, this orange beg would big up a new ad deal with Andrex so can’t really trust her that it’s genuine big news! Or maybe it’s her e book part 2 lol

I also saw this..., sure hun it was an issue with insta banning things related to hands as opposed to you commenting on e everyones feed!


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Has anyone watched her latest vlogs? I don't think I can cope with her screechy voice.
got 40 seconds in and she’s squeaking about her mum making flapjacks from her “healthier recipe ebook” with AD OWN PRODUCT on screen.

She really has no shame. Also babe, YOU DID NOT INVENT ANY OF THIS SHIT, you’ve just copied and collated and stuck it together on your cheap website. Disgusting that talented chefs toil or years on end and she just shoves a few blueberries and some crap powder in a nutribullet, force feeds them to the boring ‘boyfriend’ and then makes money from it. REPULSIVE.
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It is cringey how often she reposts swipe up stories. "I've had so many messages about these" yeah sure Jan.
The first slippers didn’t have a swipe up, and I thought to myself... give it a few hours and she’ll be helpfully offering a link after “loads of messages”... and a few hours later, our helpful em is there to link us to winter slippers, after drowning in messages, all that kindness for just a few percent of the sale. So kind and thoughtful.
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no it’s free. Showing her true disgusting colours. All her talk of supporting business is just total bullshit. Vile. And if they wanted to give away a free cut and colour she could have run a giveaway for a follower who was a key worker. Greedy bitch. This pandemic has shown these people for who they are. Scum

she’s a parasite. Like I said her accounts show £300k assets. She could afford to pay but she chose to take a freebie because she a scumbag beggar. Same with meals out. Same with takeaways. Same with holidays.
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Chatty Member
I don't follow Em but had a look tonight and god she is boring I could of guessed her content.

Morning thoughts
Linked designer stuff
The dog that's not hers
Missing America
Working out
Other influencers

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Up and at it again with more absolute shite about her 'office'. Em, stop lying. And also if you DID have an office, you are allowed to be in there with other people as long as social distancing is maintained. The absolute drivel that comes out of this idiots mouth. How embarrassing that these are her 'thoughts'. On a more positive note, she doesn't seem to have had much paid work recently so maybe brands are realising what a liability she actually is.
She is absolutely delusional!!!!
The "office" really is just a room at her Mum's house, yes? What difference does it make it she is there or in her London house flat? Are we meant to believe there are stacks of documents and files and contracts waiting there for boss-babe Em to go through and sign and action? More likely a mountain of freebies and PR tat and the "work" is opening them.
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