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Any excuse to not do actual work. She has used mumming as an excuse to avoid actual work and both kids now being full time, clint would have expected her to actually work.

i’m not shocked tbh.

any money the wedding doesnt happen either
I wonder if he was trying to back out,so this was her way of keeping him,shes turning into Rebecca Lamb. Ellie begrudges parenting the boys a 3rd child will be an excuse to palm them onto her parents
Interesting that Clint wasn't in the announcement post he does appear on her channel but not for such an important announcement. Shes all but a single parent and I agree with someones previous comment, I dont think the wedding will take place
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Answering in a passive aggressive reel about where her kids are whilst she films her pointless cleaning videos. 'He's right here' - yep, shoved in front of the TV and then you have the audacity to mention his speech being delayed. Hope a clean house is worth it!

*no shade to screen time parents, I am one. But not whilst I clean my already clean house and eye fuck myself in a camera all day*
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How Now

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I don’t ever remember her being a showy as she is now? Cars, jewellery, designer goods??? Gross
AMEN 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I used to love her, she was relatable, honest and I liked her content, now she flashes everything and anything she can, little consideration that right now people can’t afford to eat let alone have two designer cars on the drive and ridiculously over sized house and anything else she can flaunt, she doesn’t work, she claims social media is her job, surely she doesn’t earn that much from filming herself clean a bog. There’s people saving lives every day, running into fires, dealing with life and death and she cleans toilets and films herself. she doesn’t know what work is!!!! She never looks after her kids their always given to her parents even when their ill, and her relationship is a sham. Maybe try a real days work, look after your kids and cook a proper meal for them and maybe then we will have an ounce of understanding. The bragging is vile abit like the person she’s become.
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I think she says he was a surprise because they took ages to conceive with Leo and it just happened with Cooper. It's all clickbait at the end of the day. I don't believe a word of it. She's trying to kid on she wasn't desperate for another baby or she needs a lesson in how babies are made. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting another but I cba with all the drama. She maybe has bad nausea or sickness but the HG is just for the # too or she'd not be filming her scoffing a McDonald's.
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I was thinking the same, don’t see a debate at all, just someone asking unless contraception failed how can she be surprised if she had unprotected sex. I don’t even think it’s that personal considering she chooses to share her life with everyone as a “career”
I have a suspicion Clint isn't as on board as she'd like ,so she's laying the foundation so she can justify not posting or restricting posts. She wouldn't want anyone to know if her relationship/homelife was anything but perfect,certainly wouldn't want anyone to know if Clint had little to no interest in her. Ive not seen any comments about fertility or their sex life. The other option is Little Princess Narcissist is reading here
I think she says he was a surprise because they took ages to conceive with Leo and it just happened with Cooper. It's all clickbait at the end of the day. I don't believe a word of it. She's trying to kid on she wasn't desperate for another baby or she needs a lesson in how babies are made. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting another but I cba with all the drama. She maybe has bad nausea or sickness but the HG is just for the # too or she'd not be filming her scoffing a McDonald's.
I think she craves attention because she's so miserable in her relationship and at home,shes knows the only time anyone has interest in her is during pregnancy. Even with regular morning sickness I think she'd push HG,to gain sympathy and attention. Posting herself shoveling McDonald's into her mouth kind of confirms it may not be as severe as she wants everyone to believe. Once again it's an insult to ladies genuinely experiencing HG
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What is it Clint actually does that he has to be away so much? I’m sure she’s said he’s self employed in flooring? Could he not try and get more local work? Always been confused by him being away for the whole week near enough
Is it specific flooring like for gyms? Certainly seems to earn him plenty. I'm sure Ellie couldn't have put "filming myself decantering products" on a mortgage application
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Not sure what she influences.
She influences me to actually spend time with my child instead of plonking them in front of their tablets to ensure they know I do actually like them and they aren’t burden.

Im also influenced by her to cook as much fresh food as possible for my kids- and Ellie FYI- this doesnt mean frying off some meat and adding a sugar filled jar of sauce 🙃
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So it begins! Favourite child
She truly is vile,how does she think the boys would feel? This neurotic lazy oaf is getting more like Rebecca Lamb every day,her life is equally dull and her treatment of her children is equally lazy. These cretinous women who monetise their children/families/lives really have very little of value to offer,they can't even bother to parent or feed their kids properly. I look forward to the day,the social media bubble bursts and these useless individuals have to re enter the real world, real jobs,paying for everything instead of begging for freebies and actually parenting their kids
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She is such a billy bullshitter.
Her latest q&a answer about screen time!

we always see the poor kids glued to their tablets. She says no before and after school till after dinner yet we always see leo with his tablet at his meal times 🙄

who she trying to kid, now I dont care how much screen time they get, but her shitty lie will make other parents feel bad if they do give more screen time
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Chatty Member
HG has cleared up for some Frankie & Benny's 🤣
This is what I don’t get- I thought HG was hospital-stays, debilitating, bed-ridden, being put on a drip- she doesn’t even seem to have standard morning sickness if she’s able to quite happily go eat food at a restaurant… surely that would be most people with morning sickness’ worst nightmare?
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Away with her husband but sitting there deleting comments it seems.

Apparently she shares less now!? You share every little detail of your life Ellie, you couldn’t share more if you tried.
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I haven't seen the story but can imagine how insensitive it is. Flaunting any disposable income on unnecessary things like that is in really bad taste right now.
I feel you, I'm so worried too. Single parent work full time and currently using savings to cover bills which is quickly running out. You can always message me if you need a chat or rant 😊
Aww thank you. I don't want to derail this thread but it is worrying. We are watching every single penny and cancelling things that are deemed luxuries to make sure we can get through a bleak winter. I was talking to a family member on their struggles right before opening Ellies stories. Just found it so insensitive. Even though I know of her in real life and therefore shouldn't be surprised.

Definitely this morning, laughing and giggling at spending large sums of money on unnecessary shopping. She's a clueless brat who's probably always had money available to her, either through mummy and daddy and now Clint. After she had Leo she only worked 2 days a week, so wouldn't have been on a massive salary. She buys so much tat its unbelievable, no wonder Clint works away so much.
Yeah and again I shouldn't be surprised. She comes from a very well to do family. Nice big expensive family home, always had exactly what she wanted. Clint, although he has his faults, has worked hard to get to where he is and there's little miss princess giggling about spending unnecessary amounts of money in a time where nationally families are struggling.

I agree with the above poster. She has lost her spark.
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Chatty Member
her latest video 🙄🙄

she seriously thinks she is in the same boat as regular working mums!? mums like me who have to work an actual ‘9-5’ job and juggle children!?

for the millionth time Ellie! Filming yourself cleaning is NOT WORKING! Its a chore that EVERYONE does around their actual fucking work!

if she manages to get her work done during coopers naps or ONE day when they are not around ( where she still had time to fit in watching a tv show) then she really needs to wake up and realise how privileged she is
I wouldn’t call it privileged, she’s another girl that somehow has a large following on istagram, she isn’t an ‘influencer’ though. She churns out the same boring YouTube videos, the same boring reels trying to be appeal to her followers when she actually just looks stupid. Her biggest mistake was giving up work, but she’s done it because she’s lazy. All for women giving up work and being full time mothers but she doesn’t even do that, they’re iPad kids, she doesn’t cook, she hands them to her parents every other day & sits down with a Chinese, to watch what she wants to on the tv. Nothing about her life makes me want to swap places with her, I’ll stick to juggling my 9-5, raising my daughter and cooking and cleaning my home.
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Wondered where her thread disappeared off to.

one of her videos last week, she was doing ber food shop haul and was saying ‘not everyday home Cooked food’

she never really cooks a proper meal from what we have seen and she has the same 3 ‘home cooked’ meals on rotate!

I don’t get why if you’re a SAHM you wouldnt put more effort into cooking a proper meal for your kids. She is the epitome of laziness.

can’t even be bothered to chop up a potato, she gets the ready diced ones 🤦🏽‍♀️ Nothing wrong with convenience if you don’t have time, but she has ALOT of time,spend less time decantering cleaning products into bottles and more time on providing healthy nutrition for your kids
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Feel sorry for cooper. Ellie wishes he would have a smoothie for breakfast but he’ll only have water. Why’s she so insistent on feeding them sugar. Clint came down and gave him a banana which he ate all of. Maybe give him the banana every day then Ellie 💡 1 strawberry for his dinner. And obviously Bol for tea because she never ever makes them poor boys anything else
Ive noticed so many of these vloggers are clueless about feeding their own kids, do they become vloggers because they are either unemployable or unable to keep a job,due to laziness . I really liked Ellies old content in old house,when she worked a few days a week, she was more relatable then,now shes a carbon copy of every other attention seeking,neurotic,lazy mummy/cleaning vlogger
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Chatty Member
Honestly surprised they were having sex? Clint never seems to be around.

Also she barely parents the two she has. Irresponsible to have another.
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Wow! They sleep in separate beds. And he works away and is not interested in her at all. He’s 100% playing away and I think she turns a blind eye
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