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Well-known member
Or she’s just lying again to garner the sympathy vote. So she’s either an insecure cunt or a bullshitting cunt. Either way she’s still a cunt 😆
I can believe she was bullied in her mind, given her narcissistic personality. She 'calls' people out purely for disagreeing and thinks that is bullying, but she does actually bully people, at the very least by setting others on her, but thinks that is ok. She is not right in the head and nearly every post she puts up confirms this.

She has been pleading for attention for years. It is sad but I lost sympathy for her a long time ago. Her parents should have intervened also, a long time ago. She is not a nice person and needs help not shitty supplements. I feel most for her kids and fear they will turn into her, hope the dad can keep them away from the brink of depression as that is the only path I can see them treading if they end up with her full time.
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Haha so the rate of teenage pregnancy has come down…. And this is a bad thing?
How many Botox jabs and fillers has this idiot had ! Antivax but had more pricks in her than Katie Price 💃
How many Botox jabs and fillers has this idiot had ! Antivax but had more pricks in her than Katie Price 💃
Also this is why we expose you Eloise Buckle found this from a few years ago ………her followers are terrifyingly gullible or plain stupid


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So if oestrogen if food is making blokes more feminine, how is it making women more masculine??

Make it make sense JD….
Oh nooooo did they really just bring Timmy into this!?! Leave Mr Chalamet out of your insane ramblings thank you very much! I happen to think he’s an extremely handsome young man!!
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They're totally nuts. Does anyone know what NPC means
Non playing character I guess it’s a reference to “sheep” so odd they call us sheep but I’m sure all of our opinions would differ on various subjects . These dipshits all sing from the same song book like it’s a cult for the dumb and easily influenced 🥴
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If anyone is interested in how Ellie’s home ‘schooling’ is going, she’s decided she’s going to teach the kids about wars, and has asked for recommendations for resources.

You can imagine the factual and balanced recommendations
Wars as in the Infowars/Alex Jones toxic variety where Columbine parents are hounded for staging their child’s death, that’s what she will be teaching those poor kids. Nothing to do with say analysing Wellington’s Waterloo defence tactic of using sites with slight reverse slope. 😆
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Chatty Member
Ellie showing she can't research and implement a haircare plan for curly hair. Don't brush your hair like that if you don't want it to go fuzzy... simple. Brush it with a wide toothed comb when wet

It's not hard Ellie, people have told you multiple times about caring for curly hair coz you've asked... weirdo
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