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Blue Rose

VIP Member
I can honestly say no I haven’t, I’ve never looked too far into it. It’s just something I put on whilst I sleep. So I don’t pay full attention to her
Wouldn’t have thought listening to someone giggling over people’s murders would be something people used to fall asleep. Maybe you should pay full attention and decide whether or not you think her videos are respectful to the victims or not.
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Once again disappointed with the lack of research in her latest video. She calls the rights that the police read you upon arrest, ‘the speech they have to do’ or something along those lines, she doesn’t explain how the police accessed the messages bc she doesn’t know and didn’t bother to research it so she shrugs it off as the police ‘having their ways’ and she changes the way she pronounces the suspects name randomly in the middle of the video and then goes back to the original pronunciation.
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I just wanna ask as I don’t know if I’m wrong or everyone else is lol but why the strong pronunciation of the -or part of her name? I just say it like elen-uh but a lot of times I hear elen-or and I don’t get it! Lol
I always wondered this too lol, elen-or seems to be the American way of pronouncing it. It always sounds so odd to me when she pronounces it like that, I’ve only ever heard British people pronounce it elen-uh, I’m Irish and I pronounce it elen-er so it just depends on accents I suppose
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I think she adjusts her titles to get viewers in without necessarily realising people may not make the connection. Just because she knows - doesn’t mean everyone else will. She needs to make it clearer
I don’t get this logic though because I’ve clicked on the second parts before and almost immediately clicked off when she says it’s part 2. It doesn’t make me watch part 1 then back to 2. I just can’t stand how deceptive she is over these two parters!
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I'm really put off by this merch launch would be different if she released t-shirts with a link for a charity for missing people or something that actually raised awareness Like Kendall Rae and helped the families of missing and murdered people and if some of the money went to charity? But as far as I'm aware she's keeping all the profits and all of her merch just has her name on it? Bit egotistical and it makes me feel like she's profiting off murder victims.
plus she’s suddenly posting more videos than ever, purely to promote her merch!!
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I used to really like Eleanor when she just covered the crimes and didn't try to make everything jokey and insensitive, can anyone recommend True Crime YTers or podcasters that are similar to Eleanor in the early days? Ideally mainly covering British cases?
Georgia Marie is very good. The videos are always very sensitively done.
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She doesn't live at home as in living with her parents. She has an expensive (though likely rented) flat in London which is likely part of the reason she wants to keep those clicks coming

She also did not go to uni, she said in one video that she didn't and therefore does not know how uni "works." In that instance Google was not her friend apparently
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That can’t be tattle. Most comments on here are about how incredibly disrespectful to families she is in her videos / how she tries to inject her own feelings / how she does basic research on Wikipedia and gets it wrong. If she did read here maybe she could address some of those points rather than a sob story about herself 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Sadly she has been doing this for a while, I remember one she titled "KILLED FOR KEBAB MEAT?" or similar. Just tacky and disrespectful, not to mention very likely false in that case and it only serves to spread misinformation

i also didn't understand why she was naming two+ parters entirely different names but it makes sense - more clicks, more views, more ad revenue etc. There's absolutely no other reason and quite frankly it's disgusting, how does she live with herself?
As long as she gets her money she doesn't care.

Her titles are so insensitive and half the time irrelevant to the actual case. She'll take a small thing barely relevant to the case and make it sound totally crazy as clickbait.
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I rarely say this about girls but she is just all hair and make up. She does need to sort out the weight (and no it’s not about body positivity and all of that; she is getting bigger).
She’s hellbent to prove that she’s not like any other girls and can only make friends with guys .... like I get it stop being a pick me. For her obv her entire identity is based on her online presence so to see her constantly ‘rebrand’ herself is embarrassing.
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Whaaat really? I’d say Kendall edits the best out of all of them for sure!
Yeah I love Kendall! She has such a sweet calm vibe.
I can’t enjoy Danelles videos at all, I can’t explain what it is but the way she narrates stories makes me feel on edge and stressed, I think she over emphasises a lot and creates a tense atmosphere!
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I find the ads in every single video a little distasteful and can't imagine how it must feel for the families of victims to have a youtuber profiting from the tragedy. I understand she has to make money somehow, but I just think ads in every single video is too much. Also, I can't believe that she still hasn't renamed the Charlene Downes case - it still says 'Killed for Kebab Meat' which is an unimaginably cruel and disrespectful clickbait title.
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I’m unsure if anyone else has seen this but it’s really rubbed me the wrong way this morning, how people don’t see the issue with her relating true crime - REAL LIFE cases about REAL PEOPLE to ‘telling stories’ is beyond me.

she really does try to play the role of the cutesy girl who’s ‘scary’ job is the polar opposite of her uWu innocent personality and it comes off as so so ignorant - it’s crazy that no one has called it out sooner.

also this may just be me being petty but nothing annoys me more than girls playing dumber than they are to come off as ‘cute’ - she was never this insufferable when she first started so we know this isn’t how smart she is at all, like I say; seems like a role she plays to be that girl who also does true crime, if we could even call it that from the dramatic additions she throws in now more than ever.

View attachment 1112538
Yeah that’s not a great attitude from her at all. Very childish.
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“sorry i can’t fit it into a 40 min vid” but for months and and months up until about 6 months ago she would post videos way over an hour? seems like a blatant excuse to me. why can’t you make vids over 40 mins?
It’s common for crime youtubers to have videos 1 hour +. She just wants money it’s so obvious - that and she’s lazy so by splitting it it seems like she does more when she doesn’t.
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She's gotten so lazy with content creation like YouTube is your job just research a little more and give some more information loads of researches have different information but she seems to just share what's already know she's not that great at adding her own insight either.
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
Another two parter 😡😡😡 where she blames her subscribers for long cases. This video is 33 minutes, 3 minutes is her sponsor. 30 minutes. Say the second half is 30 minutes that’s an hour. Perfectly reasonable length of video for a true crime case - others can be way over an hour. Just say you’re a lazy money grabber Eleanor no need to keep lying. (Not watching it now I know it’s two parts!)
Every time I click on a video and she says it’s a 2 parter I click off. I wouldn’t mind too much if she would specify in the title because I prefer to wait until the next part is out so I can watch it all at once but she likes to just leave her viewers guessing.
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she's greedy, that's all there is to it. I don't for a second believe she cares about these victims as much as other people do. I'd recommend checking out Joshua Miles. He's great and actually cares and raises money for victims.
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I’m sorry but I’m sick to death of her “2 part” videos when she could easily fit the story in 1 video. She’s just too lazy to record it all in one day.
It’s such a shame that there’s other crime channels that put in 1000% more effort than her and don’t get no where near as much attention as Eleanor does.
She's being sly with it now too.

I watched her lust killer video knowing I missed the shoe slayer one only to realise it was the same case. So she's naming the videos differently and not saying part 1/2 to get more people to watch I guess. Because if I know a video is a 2 parter, I wait for the second part before I listen. And I imagine some people prefer 1 shorter video over 2 nearly hour long ones so they might skip them all together.

She also did this with the 3 part landlady killer case. It's not immediately clear that it's all the same story.

Also were both of these shoe killer videos sponsored? I haven't checked the shoe slayer one but I guess it's her way of doing less work - getting 2 sponsorships for the same case.

She doesn't drag things out unnecessarily in her story telling but she could definitely reduce her cases to 1 video.
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