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VIP Member
I knew her trick but she still got me.

I saved the Mice and Men case as the title interested me, I never would have guessed it was the final part of a 3 part story.

The titles have no connection to each other and unless you've got the last 2 side by side, you will miss that it has the same guy in the thumbnail.

She's very sneaky with it and I'm not sure why. Her content seems to do well as it is, without her duping her viewers. I'm sure they've got used to the fact that her videos are usually more than one part. No reason why she shouldn't be upfront about it.
I think she knows deep down the quality and research of her content is shite, so she has to trick people into watching her version rather than another person's.
Maybe she thinks that eventually, everyone will realise, and her views will go down, just like many other Youtubers, there comes a time when popularity decreases. But I agree, she doesn't have to do this
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I've been thinking the exact same. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say maybe she wanted to do it naturally rather than suddenly do an influx of cases involving poc but 3 months later... And the lack of this effort is more obvious with her recent frequent uploads.
Also I didn't realise most of the murderers had been poc. Interesting. It doesn't even have to be a case on racial injustice, something bringing attention to non white victims would be enough. Then again, it might be redundant seeing as she mostly does solved cases these days.
I'm not a channel member so it's maybe why I was ignored but twice I've asked her to cover the case of Joy Morgan. The first time I asked, Eleanor's channel wasn't as popular as it is now so my comment could have been noticed. Even now the video I commented under only has 240k views. It happened around the same time as Libby Squire's disappearance and was equally in need of information. Around the time, a few people noticed the clear difference in the reporting of 2 girls roughly the same age going missing around the same time... But the black girl got very little media coverage in comparison.
Her channel has really lost its spark for me.
Completely agree. She's always said that she doesn't like to do unsolved cases because of the 'cliffhanger', she doesn't like to leave it on that note. But just doing videos about missing POC, could bring so much awareness because POC naturally have less media coverage anyway.

It's so disgusting how she wont take suggestions from her comments (which I think she barely reads anyway, I have never seen her interact with any of her comments!) because you aren't paying her. I don't think I have ever heard her say "this one was requested by my channel members" like Mollie Westbrook does with her Patreon members.

I think Eleanor sees true crime as literally just entertainment, not awareness, not education, just something you can watch with popcorn and can't wait for the plot twists! I also notice she never puts her own opinion in her videos, doesn't even say "this is so heartbreaking", it just feels like theres 0 emotion from her towards the victims.
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AND the sponsor of the second video only ships to the US and Canada - yet Eleanor "loves" them. It was the most disingenuous sponsor ever.
I was thinking that. Then she tried to justify it by saying she has a lot of subs in America/Canada but it's still really dodgy for someone UK based to promote that. They won't ship to the UK but they'll ship to Eleanor for the sake of a promotion.

Make it make sense.

That would make me feel uncomfortable if I were in her shoes tbh.

Does she say no to *any* sponsorship?
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I don’t mind Mollie Westbrook but, like with Georgia, the way she speaks is a little droll and boring. Josh is another one who bores me quite a bit.
I like Danielle Kirsty but doing her makeup while talking does take some of the seriousness away from the subject matter.
I enjoy Emma Kenny since she’s consistent and in some of the cases she’s actually worked on the tv documentaries and she does do a hell of a lot more research than the likes of Eleanor.

All in all though, all true crime creators make me feel a little guilty for enjoying their content since they’re profiting off other peoples tragedies
i get what's being said about them all profiting off true crime but you can say that about a lot of things.Should documentaries or movies about true crimes not exist? books ? i think as long as it's done in a respectful way and isn't spreading miss information and the family haven't specifically asked for the crime not to be discussed then i think it's ok.It's down to the individual and how it's handled imo ,i wouldn't write off every true crime youtube ,probably just most of them .
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Watching her latest video, a three parter, and she starts by being like 'part 2 will be up in 1 or 2 days. Promise'.

2 days later... 🥴🥴🥴

I have horrific time management so I get it but if you're filming a video split into 3 parts then surely you'd pre film it and upload the parts in a timely fashion? Annoyed because this case sounds really interesting lol
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Also I’m not sure how I feel about these true crime creators who decide they want to quit their normal jobs and just be an influencer (because there’s way more benefits) and then think this entitles them to exploit victims and pump out ad after ad because they need to earn a living. Like we all know they only want the influencer career because you get good money for a lot less work.

Fair enough to the ones who put hard work into their research and you can tell they’re genuinely trying to raise awareness, but Eleanor doesn’t give me those vibes. She’s just reading off Wikipedia.
Because she’s a typical fat lazy self centred gen z! They’re sooo entitled. I know I’ll get hate for the fat comments but it’s just what they’re like.
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To me Eleanor has never been that big. She might have a little more weight on her than the average for her size but she certainly isn’t fat.
very late to the convo and just reading back but- she is (or at least was) wayyyyy bigger than she looks in youtube vids. i mean in those vids we barely see other than her face but, watch the foot asylum locked in vids she was in on youtube. not gonna lie my jaw dropped, i had no idea she was that big

edit- just seen the comment above me so yeah just look at that 🤣
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The amount of subs she has and the views she gets, you'd think she wouldn't need to resort to cheap bait and switch tricks. I'm even shocked to see she's on 1.6m subs, she's hardly struggling as a content creator. Why can't she just be authentic and sensitive with her videos?
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Blue Rose

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I just watched the video she did about the disabled women who was murdered and can not stand how she goes from talking about how sad this case made her to selling some app she’d probably never used before. She puts in a clip at the end of the victim’s sister who’s giving a very good and emotional insight into society’s attitude towards disabled individuals and half way through I got an ad. I know usually the timing of ads isn’t controlled by youtubers, but I’ve also watched videos where ads have been put in on purpose, so surely she could’ve checked to make sure no ads would pop up during that part of the video. It just shows how little she really cares.
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the way she talks about these people in her videos, you'd think she was their best friend or something. she talks like she knows/knew them personally.
Really irritating isn’t it! 😳 I used to love watching her videos but I can’t watch any of the new ones now because she’s very dramatic in them. She giggles like a child at really sensitive subjects and these “two parters” and “three parters” are absolutely diabolical. It’s all for money and profits. She has a different sponsor for every part as well. These videos could also be done in one part but she’s gotten lazy with it now so instead of doing a new “case” every video she will drag one out for 2 or three! 😳
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It’s not even the fact that she does ads that annoys me, it is her job after all and most youtubers do them, it’s the sheer amount of them that she does and how irrelevant they are, also how blatantly obvious it is that she actually uses very few of the products or services. She will shill anything for the right price. I know for a fact she could do the ads at the end of the videos but I assume she gets paid more to do them at the beginning. There’s no real way of being fully respectful to a victim when trying to sell something while telling the story of their death, but there are better ways to go about it then Eleanor, she’s just flat out disrespectful. it’s blatantly obvious she’s just trying to rinse every penny she can out of her channel while she can.
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I used to like Eleanor's videos but she is so lazy with the content nothing that's been researched like other true crime youtubers research the person find some other information and build a picture around the person. The Two part things annoy me
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It makes me uncomfortable when she starts one of her true crime videos talking about her make up. Just doesn’t seem very appropriate
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VIP Member
I knew her trick but she still got me.

I saved the Mice and Men case as the title interested me, I never would have guessed it was the final part of a 3 part story.

The titles have no connection to each other and unless you've got the last 2 side by side, you will miss that it has the same guy in the thumbnail.

She's very sneaky with it and I'm not sure why. Her content seems to do well as it is, without her duping her viewers. I'm sure they've got used to the fact that her videos are usually more than one part. No reason why she shouldn't be upfront about it.
It’s thrown me before with the 2/3 parters. Surely the titles need to relate in some way for continuity purposes. It would certainly make sense.
Also, has anyone else given up with the multiple part videos? I get that some cases are just too in-depth for one video, but personally I’d rather she does one longer video.
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ever since i started watching her i’ve always found it weird that she says “no disrespect to ANYONE i talk about” why doesn’t she say “no disrespect to the victims”? she is purposely including that she apparently has respect for the people that do the crimes? she’s saying she has respect for the murderers and rapists that committed the crimes? wtf????? this has NEVER sat right with me...
I guess by anyone she means everybody she mentions, including later ruled out suspects, their families, the culprit's family, the authorities, etc.

I hate the fact that all of her videos are sponsored and that she has no problem putting the ad right at the beginning, often before she's even mentioned the victim's name. I know it's a job for her but it's honestly so disrespectful to cheerfully talk at length about a shitty game or a store for phone covers just before diving into a person's horrible death or disappearance. I find it so jarring and it makes her more "somber" and dramatic demeanor in the rest of the videos look fake.
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just got a notification for her new video which she’s named the “8 child massacre”. i genuinely don’t even have words for how money grabbing, disrespectful, and insensitive that is.
For someone who goes on about not meaning any disrespect, that seems very disrespectful. I hope she realises and changes it.
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