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I don't know, I don't think #girlboss is so obsessed with being in a relationship that she doesn't consider love into the equation. I think her idea of love, however, is where it gets weird.

She strikes me as having very old-fashioned views on relationships. It's like she expects to find a husband, have some babies, make him a drink after work, and wear Mad Men dresses while gossiping with the other wives at the country club. Nothing in her relationship view is about love or affection or building a life together. Show me another 31 year old who thinks it's normal to have nothing in common with your partner, or who speaks in baby voice constantly?

Maybe she thinks love is providing for her, upgrading her life status, or buying her Chanel and Gucci. The fact that she puts up with all her boyfriend speaking down to her and rolling their eyes at her is so depressing. Shows low self-esteem to me, and I feel sad for her about that.

I also don't buy -- for a second -- her claim that because she had a single mother she doesn't have a blueprint for a healthy relationship. Child... you don't need a blueprint or an example. You need to read someone else's emotions and know some things are not acceptable.
That's fair - if her definition of love is a man providing for her materially while she dresses up and talks to him in a baby voice, then I guess what she had was "love.' Unfortunately for her, I don't think many people care for that definition these days. That being said, I think as long as she goes for someone much older and worse looking than she is, and he doesn't have the best track record with women, I think she could find someone to put up with her based on that definition. I'm sure there are men out there who are looking for a 1950's housewife to spoil even today, but I don't think that was Chris, Joe, SS, Rick, or Dean. I'm sure Elle has had enough experience and intelligence to realize this as well, and that's why ever since she turned 30, she's been a lot more liberal with her choices. 25 year old Eleanor would've never given Rickets a chance.
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Hi, all! This is my first post. I discovered this site only a few days ago and am guiltily enjoying it.

I think you’re right that she wants a dad. She’d probably be too much of a nervous prude to actually admit this about herself, but I think she’s a Little deep down. There are men out there happy to be the daddy type and take care of someone like her. She just needs to realize she’s a bit of a freak and run with it.

Side note, how do we know that Joe paid the rent? I’ve been watching Elle on and off for a few years, despite (or because of) the fact that she annoys the heck out of me, but I've somehow missed this bit of information.

Edit: If you aren’t sure what a Little is, just don’t search for it on a work device. Most of what you’d find isn’t too shocking, but enough is NSFW that I should offer the warning.
Welcome! 😎

Regarding the rent, I don’t think it was ever explicitly stated but during that time, she was hauling expensive things like a crazy person and she also had a maid who came in weekly to clean the apartment and paid people to wash her hair at Drybar regularly. As soon as that relationship ended, her spending decreased dramatically and she moved into a much smaller, more dingy apartment and hauled way less, and stopped the maid service and dry bar appointments so it was pretty obviously that Joe was paying for or at least heavily subsidizing that lifestyle. Her spending before moving in with him was also way less crazy on a relative basis.

Some other users (you may have to look at previous threads to find the screenshots) also saw Joe selling the furniture they bought together on a Vancouver Facebook group, where he mentioned explicitly that he paid thousands of dollars for the items. It sounds like Joe paid for and subsequently kept all the furniture they bought together is his money.
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I think Amie and Elle are two sides of a similar but also different coin. Both are fairly boring/conservative with their fashion choices, packrats who buy a million versions of the same or similar things, and both dress almost overly feminine for someone in their generation.

As many ladies have mentioned, they both try very hard to present a higher-class image (Amie with her fake accent and overly dressed up outfits and Elle's snottiness and tone deaf comments) that's not reflective of who they are or their actual situations. You see both women cutting a lot of corners in other parts of their life to achieve this image (Amie's choice in food, living area, flat, etc. and Elle's major lifestyle downgrades when a guy isn't paying for things). They also both really want to monetize their channels and are hustlers when it comes to making money (Amie's various side businesses and Elle's jewelry and apparel stuff).

What sets them apart is that Amie treats her channel like a real business, manages it properly, and does a better job with her videos. Like @Drasticactions said, Amie might review the same boring Chanel flaps in different sizes or colors 80% of the time but she does include actually useful information and gets to the point. Amie also chooses pieces that generally work well with her style and body shape (Amie has a somewhat similar body shape to Elle, where she is heavier in the middle and thighs, and she wears styles that are more flattering other than those horrible skinny jeans) while Elle seems to have no idea how to dress for her body. Amie has also had the same boyfriend since she started her channel and they married in the past couple of years while Elle is struggling to snare a man into a long term situation. Elle's update frequency and quality also seems to be highly dependent on how smug she feels about herself at that given moment (Joe- era gave the best videos and most consistent and frequent updates) while Amie is more consistent overall.

Overall, I think Amie started her channel as a hobby but quickly turned it into a proper business and now she's making pretty good money from the sponsorships and affiliate links. Elle has struggled in this regards because she can't work hard and manage things properly, and also because her mind is mostly focused on trapping a man these days. Elle also has way too thin skin when it comes to criticism and as far as I'm aware, Amie doesn't lie nearly as much (though she can be questionable as well) and has much thicker skin, while Smelley is living in some dream world where she thinks a Prince Harry type will sweep her off her feet and give her the easy life.
Spot on. Especially "Elle's update frequency and quality also seems to be highly dependent on how smug she feels about herself at that given moment." And "Smelley is living in some dream world where she thinks a Prince Harry type will sweep her off her feet and give her the easy life."
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Her addiction is intense. She spent more on designer sneakers to walk around Disney World than her fiance spent on the outing itself. That and her crazed expression when she went to Hawaii after and got to open a new purse and get taken diamond shopping by her mom . . .

I think Elle bargained with herself that since she was so glad to find a guy willing to marry her without having to lose too much time 'dating' him first that she convinced herself she could live happily in Florida without all the shopping and hauling and showing off of her purchases. Getting that taste of it again before xmas sealed it. Its not an addiction she can kick, even if she really wanted to.
Smelley should just be honest with her viewers and herself - she wants a guy whose willing to spoil her with his money! 🤑 Cut it out with the girl boss bs, and act accordingly, and people won’t be so critical. There’s probably a much older, awkward, unattractive, divorced guy many years her senior with a cushy job who doesn’t mind paying up for a younger, second wife who likes to primp on his dime. Even her brunette “doll” friend married a man more than twenty years older and moved into that waterfront house and is mostly a stay at home gal who claims to run an interior design business (yet most of her examples of past work are just her own home), and we know that’s what Smelley wants.
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I have no soft spot for Elle, sorry. I can’t after she blatantly lied on the Daily Hive and didn’t show any remorse for doing it. Not sure why people like her or even hope for the best for her after she did that.

Not to be rude but I feel like people either conveniently seem to forget that or are more forgiving than I am. Either way I felt that her doing that, at the very beginning of the pandemic where people were desperate MIND YOU, has made me believe she is a really shitty person.
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her under eye lines are crazy bad and prominent for being only 31
They appear and disappear periodically in her videos and photos, which is why I’m convinced she’s definitely had Botox done around that area! Sometimes everything above her nose will be completely smooth and even her forehead wouldn’t move when she makes her 👁👄👁 expressions and that’s just unnatural. Even babies get lines on their foreheads if they exaggerate their facial expressions.

I can totally see Elle as the dismissive bully type that is condescending or treats someone passive aggressively. Just look at how she talks to her viewers who dare to even slightly question her lies...she’ll either delete the comment, block them, or deflect the question while saying something positive about herself and end her comments with “xx” or a ❤ after she makes a rude comment. Eleanor Florence is a nasty piece of work.
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Agreed with what's said above. Doesn't Elle feel at all embarrassed with how she acted around Joe and pretended to be this powerful #girlboss lawyer when Joe would clearly see through her lies since he is an actual lawyer who clearly goes through late nights in the office?
I'm glad Joe got out - it's not good if a partner is a compulsive liar who lies about big things.
That's the thing with Elle - her relationships won't pan out because unless she drastically changes, all her partners will eventually discover her lies and leave.
Eleanor just simply cannot accept the fact that she's a very average person (in looks, career, etc) with an off-putting, snooty, materialistic personality and no real interests or ambitions.
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Long time lurker first time poster here. She deleted this comment too. I can’t believe how thin skinned is this woman.View attachment 198242
"Native language" my arse! LIES, LIES, LIES!

The only reason she pronounces some words that way is she has delusions of grandeur where she is this exotic European who suddenly blurts English words out in a French accent, because "she can't help it." iT cOmEs oUt nAtUrAlLy, you guissse. She barely turned 30 and she already acts like a kooky old woman who's lost her marbles. No wonder no one likes her; who would ever take her seriously when she acts so strangely? It's okay to be strange because you have mental challenges, but at least be nice to people.
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I had assumed that she went to college in UK because her mam was in relationship with a guy in UK and lived there at the time. And so Elle decided to go to UK too. 🤷‍♀️

Also when she was talking about her custom Tiffany ring, she said they got 8 diamonds on sides of ring because 8 is special number to them. But that part isn't custom, 8 is the standard number of diamonds on side of the ring, you can change it in order to customise it but 8 is the default.
She claimed in a vlogmas video that she went because she really wanted a change of scenery and also because she had a really bad experience in high school in Victoria and was bullied for being “foreign” and not having a dad.

I’m guessing Smelley was being her usual ditzy and snobby self and the other kids didn’t want to deal with it and called her out. But of course she’d make it sound like she was some tragic, misunderstood heroine in a rom com.

My intuition says she also couldn't get into law school in Canada and chose to go abroad. Lots of Canadians do either law or medical school abroad if/when they can't get into school here.

It's not seen as prestigious to get your degree abroad, it's looked down upon because employers know you couldn't get into school in Canada.
The only place abroad that would've made sense for her would be the US, because she also has American citizenship from being born there (especially now when she's decided to live there full-time and if she wanted to practice) and good American law schools are one of the few that are acknowledged in Canada as well. But if she couldn't get into a decent Canadian law school, there's no way she could've gotten into a good JD program in the US because those are even more competitive. Not to mention, it's no easier given it's the same 7 years, vs the 4 that Smelley actually took.
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The way she pronounces pistachios triggers me lol.

She also mentions she makes her scarves large on purpose because it's "part of [her] design process." Bitch you know you buy them premade and slap your label on them. Stop lying.

At 4:20 she complains about her plane being delayed 6 hours due to maintenance, calling it bullshit. She's such a privileged little cunt. I can see her being one of those nasty people that pitches a fit at the airport.

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Hold on, in the #Diamondmas video she got herself a Vietnamese takeaway and nothing for Joe? 😂 It looks like he worked all evening (during which she managed to finish work, go to the Vancouver Club, socialise for hours, get tipsy on champagne aka BUBBLEEEE because she's a tacky valley girl and calls it so, come home, record some nonsense about the bracelet, pick up her food and eat it) and came home to NOTHING?

BTW, I'm not saying anyone needs to wait hand and foot on their partner but when I work late and my boyfriend is done with his work for the day, he'd try to get some food for both of us and vice versa 🤔
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I really like Ginette. She ain't the greatest mother in terms of giving Elle some much needed advice. But I've looked her up housing record online and she lived in modest but nice houses. She doesn't buy that many luxury bags (she has some). She spends money where it matters like Elle's education, experiences like eating out and travelling.

I just hope Elle won't blow through whatever inheritance she gets or else she grow old in poverty.
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Yeah....not flattering. Not sure if the brand just cuts that way or Smelley bought a size that doesn't fit properly. Either way, it makes me want to stay away from Sweaty Betty. At this point, brands maybe should pay Smelley not to wear their items because based on her looks, all the stuff looks stretched out, fits like a sausage casing, and makes you look wide all at the same time. 😂

Also 💀 @ THE SMIRK™

In case you ladies are curious, here's how it fits on the model. Elle's really making the fabric of that jacket work. :ROFLMAO:
View attachment 209416 View attachment 209417
Holy sausage casings, Batman, that reference image makes it even more clear that our friend needs to go up about 2 sizes. I quite like the look on the model but it looks like a completely different jacket!
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It always made me laugh when Elle would try an rationalize her 18th sweater purchase of the year by calling it 'an investment piece'

I'd wager her dabbling in actual investing will last about as long as her brief foray into 'ethical consumption' that she had in Florida.
Oh, I know. If Elle had one ounce of financial sense she’d have a property by now as well as a nice investment account. Instead, she has several ugly handbags, about 200 cashmere sweaters that all look alike, about 200 dresses that don’t suit her figure, tons of ugly grandma and hooker shoes, three overpriced Lisa Elridge rings, diamond earrings and a diamond necklace she hardly wears because she has to shill her pearl jewelry, an overpriced bike, more small overpriced appliances than she needs, drawers full of overpriced makeup and skincare, and a small, dingy rented apartment filled to the brim with ugly furniture and decor.
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I know these titles are really long but I was having fun with rephrasing her instagram description for laughs.

Eleanor Florence Lecoq #5: Creating useless content that balances non-practicality and granny aesthetics

Eleanor Florence Lecoq #5: I’m a youngish unemployed unprofessional by day and hand-create junk jewelry
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Yes, there are a few seconds of a clip that Elle ”forgot” to mute in her What I Eat In A Day Pasta video where she and Rick were FaceTiming/on speaker.


Keep in mind he’s around 40 years old, and still talks like a college frat-boy surfer dude.

“You know how good you’re gonna get at racquetball?
I’m means it’s gonna be INSANE (Elle: *hmmmhmmmhmmm*).
You’re gonna SMOKE EVERYBODY (Elle: *hahahaha*)
NAH I’m serious.”

Probably bobbing his head at 100 bpm, jerking himself off to her squeezing that potato masher thing in her low-cut cleavage-bearing top. They’re both such pathetic losers. So wish they had stayed together.
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Sorry to bring it back to Amie (promise this is the last thing from me) but I was walking through Greenwich this afternoon and was having a bit of a mooch through the shop windows and look what I found! Does that look familiar or what 😂
Nice find! Looks like Amie and Dan have done well with all the hustling. Smelley must be seething that her and Amie both started as youtubers (they even did a collab or at least referred to each other's channels a long time ago in a video) with a similar amount of following but Amie is now married and has a much more popular channel. Elle's most recent dumb WFH robes video is hovering around 5k views, which is abysmal for a someone whose been on youtube for ~10 years by this point.
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DEAD. 💀💀💀🐀🤣

I’m guessing Joe must’ve been a late bloomer or was an awkward guy who wasn’t popular with the ladies until he became a lawyer, because I don’t understand how he could’ve put up with everything you mentioned for an entire.friking.year. I guess the other plausible explanation is that he just worked too much and was never home, and hence took much longer to recognize this shitty behavior.
Some people had mentioned he just came out of a relationship when they started dating, so he was probably rebounding hard.

From what I've seen in her videos, he seemed really patient with her for the most part. I guess he tried to make it work but in the end he could not stand to even be with her anymore. In that last video you could almost see the wheels turning in his head as she told him their anniversary was coming up. LOL. His expression was priceless.
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Keep in mind he around 40 years old, and still talks like a college frat-boy surfer dude.

“You know how good you’re gonna get at racquetball?
I’m means it’s gonna be INSANE (Elle: *hmmmhmmmhmmm*).
You’re gonna SMOKE EVERYBODY (Elle: *hahahaha*)
NAH I’m serious.”

Probably bobbing his head at 100 bpm, jerking himself off to her squeezing that potato masher thing in her low-cut cleavage-bearing top. They’re both such pathetic losers. So wish they had stayed together.
He sounds like a middle-aged man whose pretending to be a 20 year old surfer from Southern California.

Also it's interesting she left that specific part in, because from that alone, you wouldn't think Rickets was a way older, divorced, fake professor who lived in Swampland with bow legs. Typical Eleanor Lecocq, misrepresenting the truth to make herself look better.
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