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I had assumed that she went to college in UK because her mam was in relationship with a guy in UK and lived there at the time. And so Elle decided to go to UK too. 🤷‍♀️

Also when she was talking about her custom Tiffany ring, she said they got 8 diamonds on sides of ring because 8 is special number to them. But that part isn't custom, 8 is the standard number of diamonds on side of the ring, you can change it in order to customise it but 8 is the default.
Oddly enough, I had watched a very old video of Elle's someone had linked awhile ago (it's a Christmas one where she's wrapping presents and answering some personal questions). In it, I think she mentions (completely unrelated to any ring since this was long before that) that 8 is a special number to her. So, then, it would seem to be too much of a coincidence if it was also special to her and Rick as a couple. What is 8? The number of times he DM'd her before she finally answered?

I practiced in house for a short stint and we outsourced all our cases and litigation to a law firm. She’s going to argue she just did solicitor work.
Yeah, I'm an in-house counsel and outside counsel always handle litigation, as well as lots of specialized matters. I never wanted to be in court, so it works for me. Once, my boss and I were just handling a city ticket at a hearing and my boss with tons of experience didn't even know how to fill out the simple court form the clerk gave us. Then, she proceeded to talk to me while other cases were going on even though we were sitting right in front of the judge. I think he called our case next because he could deduce which case we were and wanted to get us out of there. So, it's conceivable that the tasks Elle did were similar to the sorts of tasks an in-house lawyer would tackle. It's just not true for her to say she was in-house counsel since she did have a different job than the attorneys where she worked.
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First time poster here. I've been following these threads for awhile (even from GG) and read them for entertainment and relaxation. I never felt compelled to write a comment before now and was always happy to passively read and consume. I still watch Elle's videos although part of me really dislikes the personality she portrays (comical but irritating mispronunciation of words, lack of transparency, snobbishness, materialism, lack of self awareness) but I have to admit I kind of have a soft spot for her, too, for some almost inexplicable reason. Maybe I do envy certain things about her or her lifestyle while also feeling pity or irritation or bemusedness. But I too have been uncomfortable reading the past few posts focusing on her body size and type. It's not uncommon for people to have body dysmorphia and think their bodies are either bigger or smaller than they actually are. Who are we to judge her body, especially as none or very few of us have ever actually seen her body in person? And I think another part of this discussion that feels uncomfortable is people using their bodies -- humblebragging about their weight, height, fitness level -- as comparison against hers, saying well she can't be a size 0 because I'm a size 0 and this is my height/weight/etc. How about leaving her body and your own body out of it? Yes she may publicize her size or weight and that is her choice to make, and yes, it is true that if she makes it public knowledge it is technically open for public consumption and criticism, but can we as womxn or men (not sure if there are men active in this thread or what) choose to accept that it is her body and she can perceive it / narrate it / publicize it in the way she wants? I get it. She's annoying and she lies (from everything I've read at least). But this body shaming / body comparing is insidious and pits womxn against each other, reinforcing internalized misogyny, lookism, and sizeism.
I can only assume your "humblebragging" comment was directed at me and I'm sorry you got that interpretation from my comment, even though I clearly stated it was only done as a reference to make a point (and other ladies have shared similar details as well). I think it's interesting that you saw it as "bragging" given I never once said my weight, height, or fitness level made me better than's just a clear statement of pure facts/numbers.

I'm sorry but using feminism to defend lying is just not relevant to this situation. This is EXACTLY what Elle did when people called her out for lying about her job on GG, saying how women shouldn't "bully other women" when that had nothing to do with it and it was the lying that bothered people. Not every critique is lookist/sizeism/internalized misogyny and Elle is literally the one bringing her size up in each video.

This discussion has clearly taken a weird turn so I want to make it clear before more people get offended: IT'S THE LYING AND DOUBLING DOWN THAT US CRITICS CAN'T STAND AND IT'S WHY WE COMMENT ON HER WEIGHT. We don't care if Elle's actually size 0 or 100.
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Oh good, Elle treats us all to some very obvious cues for when she is about to embellish/exaggerate by touching her hair / breaking eye contact:


She does this every time she says something she knows isn’t true. Why even do it if you’re just going to give away that you’re lying?
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Seattle is regressing because of our spike im Covid19 cases starting Thursday. She is quiet because either she's shacked up with a victim or she's frantically swiping and spraining her poor dainty fingers
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Eleanor’s hygiene standards are pretty poor - doesn’t wash her jeans or hair, plays with her cat while cooking (I recall her picking Bebe up in vlogs, snuggling with her during cooking, and going straight back into it without washing her hands), puts dirty, worn shoes on a dresser for display, the list goes on. I agree with you ladies that using designer accessories in lieu of proper home decor is tacky as hell.

For someone who is hard bent on being “classy,” Eleanor Florence Lecocq demonstrates a lot of behavior and quirks that suggest otherwise. She also does strange things - I don’t know anyone rich or otherwise who wraps bread in a tea towel and stores it in a cupboard. It’s her life and she can of course do what she wants but just from some of her actions, you can tell she has poor manners and isn’t a classy broad at all. Anyone who was actually raised right would be able to tell immediately.

Also she should’ve trained Bebe properly! That cat literally walks all over kitchen counters and was recently on her dining table in her home tour video. Poorly behaved and bad manners (who wants to be a guest in a home where the pets do unhygienic things? Imagine how gross a dinner party would be there!).
Here’s the thing with cats, you can’t really train them, per se. The process is different than dogs, but some of the things she can do is have a cat tree or cat condo or decorative shelves so they will have places to climb and scratch instead of her counters and her couches.

I don’t know why Elle is so against getting cat stuff because her place is full of ugly shit anyway. It’s not like being a “cat lady” is worse than having a granny/trashy aesthetic around the house.m

Also as a cat person I find her hygiene habits absolutely revolting.
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I just looked up People’s Jewellers. The bracelets are nice but nothing special. I don’t think he was super cheap and got her a sterling silver one (that would be funny, tho! 😂), but the next level up is 10K gold, which I don’t personally qualify as “fine” jewelry. There are other ones that are 14K with better diamonds but I doubt he spent that much...

I still think it’s super weird she kept that bracelet and even wore it while she was wedding planning in Florida. Of course it’s Elle, so it’s not surprising she kept it, but if it were me, I would have pawned that thing a long time ago. Why keep a 10K gold tennis bracelet with shitty diamonds which only serves as a reminder of your ex?
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On an unrelated note, has anyone else seen these recently? I could see Smelley creating something like this to scam her middle-aged Karen fans given she is still unemployed and desperate for cash. She can string them leisurely in her eberjey pjs while watching Hallmark romances.

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I might be in the minority here but I usually keep whatever gifts my exes have given me and if it's a piece of clothing or jewelry, I wear it just like any other normal pieces (if I really like the item, I'll wear it more and vice versa). To me, if it's a nice item that I enjoy, I don't really associate it with the ex. That being said, I'm on good terms with the few exes that I do have and some of us are even friends and hang out occasionally and I've met their new partners, so maybe it's less controversial. If I was broken up with the way Smelley has been in her past few relationships, it's hard to say if I'd feel the same way.

I feel like it was a vlogmas one (someone help me out here, if you remember the exact video?) and she took off the tennis bracelet repair one (hopefully someone has it).

I thought they couldn't find her exact ring (as in the number of small diamonds in the halo was different and the cut and luster was also quite different in the Tiffany rings vs. Smelley's ring?) and started questioning it, and then Smelley put up a story saying it was custom and how 8 was her favorite number and that's why it had 8 pave diamonds around the middle stone.

Either way, it was a pretty standard looking engagement ring and I agree with you that she could've found something in that style and those specifications easily from any big-box store.
Lol, I have a inkling she fibbed/lied about it being custom and the setting just happened to have 8 pave diamonds which she then used as her little story about how symbolic that was. I’ve had jewelry custom made (my own engagement ring is custom) and no offense to Dickles but I doubt he would have made the time and effort to go to a jeweler, pick out the stones, and be creative with the jewelry making process.

Someone like Chris, definitely, but Dickles seems like the type who can’t tell a quartz between a diamond and would just go to some rando store at a strip mall thinking that any jewelry is good jewelry. 😂😂

I also could be wrong but Elle never struck me as someone who liked fancy colored diamonds...unless it was pink. 😂😂😂
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I just had a chance to check out her latest video. Out of all the topics and subjects she could have chosen from, she chose to do a video on....robes.
Some thoughts:
-she truly is a shopaholic if she feels the need to have this many robes
-lol @ her video title when she's clearly unemployed
-the modeling is atrocious and embarrassing as always

I wonder if Rick secretly watches her videos and just laughs at her ridiculousness. Also just hilarious that she follows all her ex's, including Joe and Rick, and yet none of them follows her back. Bet she is desperately man-hunting and online-shopping as we speak.
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Chatty Member
It's also possible the stone is an "heirloom" Tiffany from Elle's mom/family. Ginette could have provided it to the happy couple, which they then "custom" designed into a setting the princess fancied. Therefore, "custom Tiffany."

I think Elle is slim relative to the average North American, but girls as slim as she is (or more so) with much better bodies and are taller are a dime a dozen for guys with jobs like Chris or Joe. She's also really, really plain without 10 pounds of makeup and pageant hair and I think the contrast between her made-up face and her real face is pretty jarring. Most good-looking, smart and successful guys I know have tons of options and if they were to choose a partner based on looks alone, they'd pick someone whose naturally beautiful and Elle is nowhere there even with her plastic surgery. If they picked a person for the overall package, Elle's personality, lack of career development/hobbies, and general boringness would definitely turn them off. Just my 2 cents.
THIS is the reason they never last. None of them were traditionally handsome, but Chris and Joe at least had something going for them, careeer-wise. Rickets, maybe on paper, seemed okay. I think unless a guy is primarily into image/looks and just wants an attractive woman to be seen on his arm, he will always pick someone who is at least interesting, funny, smart, and interested in the same hobbies. I know that for a lot of my male friends who are well-established in their careers, ambition also matters. They would rather not be with someone who just zeroed in on them and presented her eggs for insemination. 😂
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Typical Elle... she bought a "shee-nee" blanket. That pronunciation is not French, Italian or Belgian, it's just dumb.

She's so boring. Same old stuff (rails plaid shirts, halogen cashmere sweaters, Jo Malone soap) from previous years. No doubt part two will feature hideous dresses and ugly shoes.

I'm curious - do any of you ladies get excited about the Nordstrom sale like so many YouTubers do? I've shopped it before but honestly find better deals throughout the year from other retailers. I don't quite get the fuss, despite the fact that it's touted as the "only" sale with brand new everything.
I believe YouTubers love it because the video pays for itself :) by far, Nordstrom hauls are Elle’s most watched videos.

From ad revenue & the affiliate commission, she definitely makes it back :)

$500 ad revenue for maybe 3 months worth of views & another $1,000 in affiliate commission (100 viewers clicking through and buying something within 30 days - assuming a small commission of $10 each - they probably get much more, as the practice is a % of the amount spent)

Elle also has additional links to items she didn’t purchase but would like to “recommend” ...

Amazon probably has the best affiliate program 5-12% commission (every product under the sun, beauty products get 12% commission)

Which is why there are so many “amazon favourites” videos on YouTube
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3:15 Starts listing all the different kinds of stains she's gotten on the robe...:oops: 😂
I think she's missing one type of stain...👀:ROFLMAO:

I think the only reason why someone would need THAT many robes is if that person doesn't do laundry very often lol
Given she can't even wash herself after barre class or her own hair, I wouldn't be very surprised she's not good at doing laundry either.

That and she's a packrat. Or should I say "pack rodent." 🐭
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Is her Tiffany collection really that extensive? I think she has pretty basic stuff from them. I don't think she ever got any Tiffany piece herself, it was all either gifts or hand-me-downs.

Maybe one of the posters before is right about The Dollz being as much of aspiring wealthy women as is Smelle. I looked up the Brunette Doll online and it looks like her husband's small construction business went bust after two decades. Now he's a business coach or some other BS.
I've looked the blonde one up before and it looks like she's been an aspiring lifestyle/fashion guru for a very long time. She's had A TON of little projects/blogs over the years but I don't get the impression that any of them took off and judging by her lookbook account, she was also a brunette at some point in the past. If you guys look her name up on Google, and go to images, you'll see mentions of many different blogs and websites she's established over the years (Bergdorf to Bloomberg, twosevenths, Stylestruck, The Paper & Coffee, all of which are now defunct and she's trying to sell pre-made cosmos atm on Instagram under a new company she's created). The more digging I do, the more I'm convinced Smelley hangs out with a very uppity, questionable crowd who are trying really hard to sell a certain lifestyle and image, but I'm not convinced any of them are actual career women who've managed to commit to anything they've done and do well in that. It looks like they’ve all just had very standard 9-to-5 jobs but lots of ambitions with their side projects, and a strong desire to hang out at the Vancouver Club 🤣. Their little projects and businesses all sound like a twist on Eleanor's "businesses" and if this crowd were Elle's closest friends, I'm less surprised at why she sees herself as a "girlboss" lol.
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😂 I worked with some chenille yarn (Gorgeous!!) when I was knitting my blanket years ago! 'Bout DIED when I heard her say it that way!

She really has NO SHAME. I almost can't believe it! And she's being really counter-productive. Why in the world, if you want to impress your guests in the way she seems to want to, would you TELL your secrets?? On a public platform no less? I swear, rocks have more brains sometimes...

Also, your "keeping up appearances" line made me think of Hyacinth Bucket in the show by the same name. It used to be on tv when I was younger. Have any of you seen it?

I’ve seen it! And Smelley is like a North American (sorry Smelle!) and slightly younger version of Mrs.Bucket (that’s “boo-Kay” for you all 😎).

Remember when she mentioned how she and Joe met, and she said something along the lines of “Online but I could’ve said University of Toronto since we were there around the same time.” I feel like misrepresentation and lying is just part of her daily life, and she doesn’t think twice about it or even question if it’s a bad thing. Nasty woman.

This is going to haunt me for a few days!
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All that money for Smeg kitchen appliances and ugly Halogen sweaters, and she couldn’t have gotten that lip fixed??? She’s no stranger to plastic surgery and that should’ve been a no brainer.
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Ricks most recent insta photo is great. Poor Spanish grammar (Rick bueno/buena is after the word it is describing!! Mr know It all must have done Google translate. Y comida muy buena would be more correct). And it looks like he has that poor family held hostage.

He seem to use other people to show how interesting he is. But really he seems like a bore, you can be boring and still know interesting people. Maybe he's trying to make Elle jealous "look I've got an exotic Columbian family now"
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Could you imagine dating the male version of Elle? One usually associates being a shopaholic and buying luxury goods with women, but there are actual men out there like that — I know someone who had a friend whose husband went into debt buying luxury goods! I’d run for the hills, and really don’t understand how Joe lasted that long with Elle when it was evident all she did was shop. You can’t see him when he’s filming her OOTDs, but I always get the impression he’s not exactly approving of her describing all the items she’s wearing. And it’s not just about the money — actually caring so much about material things is also a turn off. I enjoy nice things, of course, but I don’t obsess over them and shop in moderation, and even less so now with covid.
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What a nasty vlog very entitled. Your flight got delayed and you got to stay home and it basically left your plans unaffected. I can’t get over the nasty-ness of her.
Right! She's lucky she lived close enough and knew early enough that it was delayed so she could stay home! She wasn't stranded anywhere and it wasn't like she was going to miss a connecting flight or something. In some parts of the US and Canada people have to drive hours to get to the airport so those people would've already left and be on the road by the time the flight was delayed and wouldn't have the luxury of staying at home on their couch while waiting for the flight. One of my friends is from up north in Alberta and to get to her mom's house it is at least a 5 hour drive to the airport.

Elle sounds horrible and so ungrateful here. Yes flight being delayed stinks but she had the best situation for being delayed and she had to be so nasty about it
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I mean... I don't think most of that is bad?

My parents were very generous with me growing up too. But my generosity also went both ways: I constantly am treating them, taking care of them, sending them nice things. None of the things above seem weird to me especially if Ginette has the means to provide them. For example, not charging your daughter to stay with you when she visits you on vacation seems pretty normal to me! lol

The only thing that's iffy is the Chanel stuff because it's just overpriced garbage, and the guarantor for the apartment because this bitch is over 30 and should be able to afford it on her own. But the other stuff is kinda normal.
Oh I don't think it's bad either! I live in a house that my parents paid for (I do pay rent though, with a generous friends and family discount lol!) and graduated with no student debt so I'm definitely not someone who can judge her for that. You asked the question and I tried to answer it haha.

I think what may bother a lot of people (and maybe some of the other ladies can chime in) is how much privilege Elle was given because she has such a generous mother who was able to provide her with a good lifestyle and yet her judgment and life choices all seem to be a hot mess. It doesn't help that she's very out of touch with the regular person and very snobby about it because most people don't have that sort of privilege in their lives and yet they can still treat others generously, while Elle is a spendthrift for herself but cheap with her friends and partners.
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