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A long time ago, people mentioned on GG that the tennis bracelet wasn't high quality and it probably cost around $600 rather than thousands (the usual price of such bracelet). The diamonds didn't have much sparkle, they suspected he got it from Amazon or eBay 😂 It definitely wasn't by a well-known maker, otherwise Smelle wouldn't have to look for somebody to fix the clasp - she'd just take it back to the store where Joe purchased it and they'd have definitely fixed it for free. I remember the vlog where she dragged Joe to the jeweller at lunchtime and made a big deal of how Joe, the gift-giver, would need to TALK NUMBERS with the jeweller. She tried to portray her boyfriend as this prince on a white horse but you could tell the guy only went to the jeweller with her because she must have been doing his head in for days about that damn clasp 😂 Even the fact it was her who had to look around for a suitable jeweller is telling. If Joe really cared about pleasing her and sorting out the faulty bracelet, he'd have done everything in his power to get it fixed without dragging Smelle into this.

I think I remember her saying that the bracelet was from Peoples jewelry store, which is a Canadian chain. I'm not sure what to compare it to here in the States but it's a store you'd find in any mall, their jewelry was ok, but certainly not as nice (or high quality ;)) as Tiffany or Birks. Honestly, I was a little surprised that's where Joe went knowing how Elle is, but I'm sure he just figured diamonds are diamonds.
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Chatty Member
For some reason every youtube guru ends up losing their day jobs. I never understood that.

That's the point. is a known scammer site, you never get what you paid for. Like Rick and Elle's careers.

I didn't know what was. Haha.

Chase Amie's dad is not in her life either. But she doesn't have men problems. At least she doesn't act girly around Dan and behaves like a mature adult. Amie is actually very considerate of Dan - she does the decorations, cooking, cleaning around the house. Their apartment isn't cluttered with junk. She makes sure they get home early from her birthday celebrations so Dan can watch his soccer highlights.
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I'm sure she's running around Seattle pretending she's a clawsy lawyer who is a #GirlBoss with her own Alibaba business and is a cat rescuer and animal lover. Not to mention lying to them like she did Dean, as said in his reddit post, about never being engaged.

Eleanor, here's some advice. If you want to be a kept woman, stop pretending you're independent 🤷🏼‍♀️
Right? Guys looking for an independent woman will assume that's what Elle is. When it turns out she's actually an aspiring housewife they are going to bail. I'm sure there are still guys out there that want a housewife but they aren't going to go after career women bc they are going to assume that she's not going to give that up.
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I know this is am unpopular opinion, but I am not of the mindset that Elle should have invested in purchasing a condo. I never understand when I watch one of those house hunting shows and there is a single girl/guy who clearly wants to eventually be married but is buying a property because they think it's what the smart decision is. To me it seems silly because once you meet someone you are going to have to move (or at least I would because who wants to make a life together in someone else's place). Unless you stay in the place a long time you are likely to actually lose money in lots of places. Granted, I am biased because I am older than Elle and my partner and I have always rented as we were never very interested in home ownership, but I always get triggered when people say you are throwing money away on rent because the thing is you need a lot of money to begin with (or rich parents who will help you out) to make a down payment. Neither of us ever had that. Maybe it's because I have lived in expensive cities, but even though we have always lived in places with high rent, we have never seen instances where the monthly cost of owning a home would actually be less than our rent. And, better yet we have never had to deal with any repairs, appliance replacements etc. or empty out our savings for the down payment. We can just call the building mgt to unclog a drain, etc. Not that there's anything wrong with home ownership but I don't expect someone like Elle, looking for a husband, to buy a place of her own. She absolutely should demonstrate she is self-sufficient, though, by renting a place on her own, saving money rather than spending it all on shopping, etc.
I’m of the opposite opinion. After I finished my engineering degree and was single, I purchased a condo for myself to live in, rather than paying rent (I live in Canada.

I think it was a great decision and when I met my now husband one of the first things he asked me was if I rented or owned my home, haha. He is very money conscious, and I don’t know if I would have gotten a second date if I didn’t own my home! Hahah

Now we live in a beautiful home we purchased together (after we sold his home) and we kept my condo as a rental. It’s basically an equity building savings account for us. It’s rented and just sort of takes care of itself paying down the mortgage.

I think that Elle could definitely have invested in a condo, which would have gained huge value in Vancouver over the last decade. Her nomadic, shopping addicted lifestyle isn’t appealing to new partners. They see $50k + in bags and no home? Doesn’t indicate a great set of priorities.

my husband and I are well established money wise, lots of investments and we Use any extra money to pay down our mortgage faster (goal is to have our house paid for in 3 more years at age 36/35). He hates that I love luxury handbags but we have an understanding that if all of our other obligations and priorities are taken care of then it’s not unreasonable to purchase 1-2 bags a year. I’ve almost convinced him Chanel is a real investment! Hahahah
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I just watched bits of the vlog about the tennis bracelet. What a snob, he gave her a very nice birthday present and she talked more about what was wrong with it then how lovely it was.
If my boyfriend got me such a lovely gift I would be so appreciative and not make such a big deal out of the clawsp being defective ( although I don’t know if was actually defective or just not up to her snobby standards).
Also it came from peoples a chain jewelry store and she drug joe to a jeweler to have it fixed so is it now now custom ?
Then there is the click bait title and you know she got giggling uploading thinking about the day its really a diamond blog. #chainedforevermas #gothimnowmas
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I sorta get why Eleanor Florence calls herself a size 2 now: she literally buys brands with very generous vanity sizing or clothes in a stretchy fabric, then squeezes herself into it. As long as she can button or zip it up, Eleanor seems to consider that “her size” even if she’s literally bursting out and her underwear is showing. She doesn’t give a f how the piece should actually fit (as evidenced by how the Halogen pants and Sweaty Betty pieces fit on the model vs Elle) and considers that a triumph for herself size wise, and then reminds her viewers constantly that she fits into a small size. It’s just another facet of her constant lying and misrepresentation of the truth. Nothing new and just what we’ve come to expect from #girlboss.
This is insightful, I think you’re right. When my husband asks me what size to buy something for me, I always have to ask him WHY, BECAUSE IT DEPENDS (surprises almost always fail because of this). If it’s for a tshirt, I can fit into a size S, but I prefer the look of an M or L. If it’s for Lululemon leggings, I can fit into 4s for Aligns, but I lounge in them, so I always pick 6. For sweatpant joggers, I can fit fine into an S, but I prefer M or L for comfort and for the look. For slacks, 2s for when I‘m standing, but I am sitting at a laptop most days, so I actually opt for a 6 with the waist slightly taken in (I squat). Most healthy people don’t care about size number, they care about how a $100 pair of pants look on them. If I’m going to spend any amount of money on clothing, I had better look good, not try to fit into a small number.
Elle just picks the smallest size she can squeeze into, despite it making her look like a sausage and it busting at the seams. What a sad, pathetic high-school girl mentality.
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WHAT was going through her head in the early 2010s when she decided to start filming makeup tutorials? She has no idea about makeup whatsoever. Up to this day she keeps applying cream/liquid products after setting her face with a powder which is such a rookie mistake... Anyway, let's focus on this BEAWTIFWUL face we see here. Clown make up - check. Beaver chompers - check. Bushy eyebrows - check (she definitely didn't need microblading! She just needed a good brow bar to give her a normal, non-sperm like shape). Sloppy manicure worthy of a 13-year old's effort - check
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Chatty Member
You're also bang on about vanity sizing - I've always been on the thin side here (~110 lbs, 5'7) but when I went shopping in Norway and tried on Scandinavian brands, I often had to wear a S or even M (because I like a looser fit) because the XS wouldn't fit at all. Miss 130lbs, 5'4 Eleanor would NOT be a size 0 to 2 there.
We don't even really have sizes 0 and 2 here (in the UK at least). The smallest I've ever seen in a UK high street shop (i.e. places like Topshop) is a size 4, and most women are somewhere between 10-16, depending on their body shape and the shop. Elle would probably be a UK 10, closer to a 12 when she's hitting the gud pasta. It would kill her to buy clothes here. :ROFLMAO:
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White person here, also Canadian: wearing shoes in the house was strictly forbidden when I was growing up. My mom didn't want anyone tracking outside dirt into her pristine home. You could wear slippers indoors, but under no circumstances could you wear your outside shoes inside. This applied to all guests as well.
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I'm not in any way wishing this upon her, but the thought crossed my mind that maybe she has had some trauma in her past. One of the side effects of emotional and psychological abuse is over-explaining and constantly defending yourself. The individual will not always notice it. A friend, family member or therapist may have to point it out before work can be done to unlearn the pattern.

Like in this video:

At 1:30 she uses maple syrup because she’s Canadian (who doesn’t LOVE maple syrup? Does that make everyone Canadian?).
Then at 3:40 she likes butter because she’s French. Same point as above.

At 1:40, she must like beer because she is Belgian.

It can’t just be “I like maple syrup and butter, YUM.”

It has to be “I like lemons because I’m Italian, I like butter because I’m French (she’s only as French as her DNA. She never met her French father. Is love of butter identifiable in a French person’s genome sequence? What about beer and fruit on waffles in Belgian DNA?). I love maple syrup because I’m Canadian.”

“Chris needs to eat sausage on a regular basis because he’s Austrian (2:05).”

No wonder she gets dumped so often. Who can stand her?
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For the people who think we just took bad photos to discredit Eleanor:

OMG, right at 00:50 she says “My face makeup is basically done” and I thought, oh, good, she’s wearing a decent amount of makeup for once! Little did I know she was only referring to her foundation and would proceed to pile on tons of glittery eyeshadow, black eyeliner, clown blush, and bright fuchsia lipstick! And she says this is what she wore to work, of all places, every single day! Very classy, Elle! 🙀
Not only is the amount of makeup she piles on gross, it shocks me that she actually takes the time to pile all that on every single day of her life, or so it seems? I skip eyeshadow, eyeliner, and foundation for my everyday makeup look, not only because I don’t think I need it, but also because why the hell would I want to waste precious time in the morning putting on all that makeup? Much rather get a few more minutes of sleep, thank you very much.
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I was watching her Ellemas Vlogmas Special 2017 today and in it she talked about her articles and said that she decided that private practice wasn’t for her so she transitioned into the regulatory sphere (securities regulation) in an in-house counsel role and she calls herself a “corporate securities lawyer”.
That’s like a guy working in accounting or payroll at an investment bank calling themselves an investment banker because it’s technically a finance sorta role in an investment firm. Smelley is NOT a corporate securities lawyer no matter what she says.
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So, Elle. Elle is the kind of woman who privileges herself above all others, all the time. Success to her consists of one thing: landing a wealthy, desirable man. To this end, she embodies outdated expressions of femininity like some deranged pageant queen, strings her 1950s housewife pearls, and prances and preens her way through YT and Instagram. Unlike people expressing a variety of viewpoints on this thread, her awareness of social or political issues appears to be close to non-existent. See: fluffy novels she exclusively reads, dumb comment on Justin Trudeau's hair, her bandwagon-jumping BL(sorta)M post and vague Turkey Ladies Are Suffering You Guize, So Look at Meeeeee post.

I think it will be interesting to see if some dopey guy takes the bait, perhaps because he also is enamored of outdated expressions of femininity like Elle is, -or- if she is simply too odious to put up with long-term. Then it's just her, gazing hopefully at herself in her camera's viewfinder, surrounded by hundreds of Halogen sweaters and her dirty shoes on her dresser and her dirty jeans in her freezer and her cats' dirty feet on her counters and.... I'm depressing myself.
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Just some thoughts on Rick's yellow ring scandal:

- he is too practical to spend $$$ on a full out brand new, custom tiffany ring
- if it is tiffany (and i don't think it is), he bought it second hand
- my guess is he either bought it second hand for maybe $5000? or its "custom" from a generic jeweller to look like the Tiffany Soleste collection.

Also Elle loves to brag and show off EVERYTHING that's worth any money and is branded, so her choosing not to do a ring video means it's not Tiffany and she was embarrassed by it, or it's second hand Tiffany and she was embarrassed by that.

Neither one are actually anything to be ashamed of, but to Elle it would be the end of the world and a real hit to her "luxury" image.

And I did scroll back on her IG of the 2013 pic of the Tiffany yellow rings that another poster had pointed out. There were two comments on the photo, both of which were her (the other commenter must not exist anymore) and she said it was "a hint for boyfriend", so whoever she dated in 2013 (Chris? or was he later than that) clearly didn't want the hint...

Rick super creeper extraordinaire however, probably creeped all of her photos back to 2013 and knew she liked yellow diamonds, hence why he got her one. It's totally not her taste now, but she couldn't very well act like she didn't like it. She totally hated that yellow ring but wanted to get married so badly that she pretended to like it (and Rick for that matter).
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