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I wonder if she kept and wore it as a hint to Rickets. Like "My ex lawyer boyfriend got me this for the holidays, and he wasn't even my fiance. You should get me something similar or better at the very least." Unfortunately, Rickets probably just gave her a lecture about consumerism and clipped away from their relationship by the time the holidays rolled around. :ROFLMAO:
Probably talked about how all that money could go towards organic food. Remeber that video where he made erroneous claims about how much healthier organic food was for you :ROFLMAO:

"this one dollar put towards food is an investment in our future *head bob* 3000 for jewelery when put towards organic food could bring us 30 more years of life *bob* and that's worth more than the material value of a sparkly rock"
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I can’t watch this video, robes? Really? Is there enough to say about robes to fill a whole video? And if you are going to be showing all sorts of patterned robes wear a plain dress as your base. It will show the robes better. The clashing patterns in the still shots you all have posted really show how little care and thought she puts into the visual aspect of videos. And she can’t even take the time to iron out a robe before showing it?
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Elle could have continued to work in MDFA of Canada. During the pandemic, she would have been working from home probably. The MDFA job was ideally suited for her - 9-5, downtown Vancouver fancy office, no extra work on weekends, etc...

I don't know any 30 year old woman who makes such poor life decisions. It's like she is all book smarts and no common sense. I think having Ginette to fall back on really screwed her priorities.
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I also think it's tacky AF to put your shoes and handbags on display the way she does. I would MAYBE understand if she had some collector's items - discontinued, numbered pieces that have never been worn by anyone and were kept for show only. But putting heels that you wear regularly on top of furniture is gross.
And I agree it's a very nouveau riche thing to treat designer handbags and shoes as decorative objects. Better invest in some art or quality furniture that can become TRUE heirlooms, not some granny antique-styled table.
This is why I hate almost all luxury YouTubers, the ones shown in this thread included. Face it: the shit they wear looks tacky. I don't care if its LV, Gucci, Hermes or whatever... it looks disgusting and gauche to be dripping in logos. Wear your own damn name, not the name of some company that doesn't care about you and sells overpriced crap. The mindless consumption bothers me on a visceral level (though I of course don't say this out loud and in real life I am very "live and let live."). But I digress.

I came to Elle's channel because of her (admittedly quite good!) video on job interview fashion and formal workwear. I was ready to cheer for her, being a woman in a professional environment with a YouTube channel. So imagine my disappointment when I saw her channel is vapid consumerism taken up to 11.
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I might be in the minority here but I usually keep whatever gifts my exes have given me and if it's a piece of clothing or jewelry, I wear it just like any other normal pieces (if I really like the item, I'll wear it more and vice versa). To me, if it's a nice item that I enjoy, I don't really associate it with the ex. That being said, I'm on good terms with the few exes that I do have and some of us are even friends and hang out occasionally and I've met their new partners, so maybe it's less controversial. If I was broken up with the way Smelley has been in her past few relationships, it's hard to say if I'd feel the same way.

I feel like it was a vlogmas one (someone help me out here, if you remember the exact video?) and she took off the tennis bracelet repair one (hopefully someone has it).

I thought they couldn't find her exact ring (as in the number of small diamonds in the halo was different and the cut and luster was also quite different in the Tiffany rings vs. Smelley's ring?) and started questioning it, and then Smelley put up a story saying it was custom and how 8 was her favorite number and that's why it had 8 pave diamonds around the middle stone.

Either way, it was a pretty standard looking engagement ring and I agree with you that she could've found something in that style and those specifications easily from any big-box store.
Yeah theres no way in hell Rick commissioned a custom ring from Tiffanys. He didn't have the cash for something like that and he would have had to put in the order for it before he even slipped into her DM's. They don't turn around custom orders in just a couple weeks . . . .
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I think the problem is Elle needs to get a grip on herself, stop being so desperate, moving in with guys before a wedding, and slow down with relationships. She's already dated a creep and a single dad and both didn't work.

She just posted some roses on Instagram. Does she have a new guy?
She really does if she didn't jump from guy to guy maybe she'd have time to reflect and realize what she wants. She's just jumping from the best option she could find in a month span to the next guy she could find. She waited maybe two months after SS dumped her? And one of those months she was on a cruise with her mom. I seriously think her goal is ANY guy. And she takes the best option that she can find in a short period. Bc all that matters to her is having a guy.

She doesn't even probably know what kind of guy she wants other than him having money and being spoiled by him.
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I actually really like Ginette. Sure she spoils Elle and is not a great parent in that regard. But a lot of kids grew up with less loving single parent and grew up with a lot less (love, educational opportunities, money, material comforts) and turned out ok. Ginette lives well on (modest) wealth and doesn't overspend - she bought a leasehold in Hawaii that is not too expensive. My goal live like that when I'm older and retired - well but not showy. She never purchased a property for Elle because if Elle got married and divorced, her husband would get 50% of the property (I think).

It's not Ginette's fault that Elle has Narcissistic Personality Disorder who lives only to show off to others. At some point in our lives, we need to stop blaming our failures on our parents.
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Lol, I have a inkling she fibbed/lied about it being custom and the setting just happened to have 8 pave diamonds which she then used as her little story about how symbolic that was. I’ve had jewelry custom made (my own engagement ring is custom) and no offense to Dickles but I doubt he would have made the time and effort to go to a jeweler, pick out the stones, and be creative with the jewelry making process.

Someone like Chris, definitely, but Dickles seems like the type who can’t tell a quartz between a diamond and would just go to some rando store at a strip mall thinking that any jewelry is good jewelry. 😂😂

I also could be wrong but Elle never struck me as someone who liked fancy colored diamonds...unless it was pink. 😂😂😂
I was really surprised she got a yellow diamond as well! I know those became trendy a few years back but as you said, doesn't seem to align with Elle's tastes. I do believe they're quite a bit cheaper than clear diamonds though, so it might've been this.

Custom is definitely a lot of effort and research (I'd imagine your partner took quite a while to figure it out?), and given how rushed that entire relationship was, I can't see Dickles making all that effort or there being enough time to even do it. Also DEAD @ can't tell a quartz from a diamond. 💀
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Elle has the wrong impression of marriage. She expects a man to spoil her, to buy expensive things for her, to pay for her. But marriage is a partnership. Elle doesn't bring anything to the table so how does she expect her boyfriends to react?

This is despite the fact that Elle comes from money. If she contributed equally to the relationships (aka paid equally for the rent, purchased a property, bought her boyfriends decent gifts) they would have gone a lot better.
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The great thing about Rick is that he's consistently weird and entertaining as a result, and he's a better youtuber than Elle. I noticed that she hasn't posted today. Big difference from her biweekly updates back in the Joe days where she had lots to brag about.
I still wish they got married. Watching Elle struggle with being 'average' in Florida would have been the best show on youtube. We on;y got a tiny taste of it.
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I also think it's tacky AF to put your shoes and handbags on display the way she does. I would MAYBE understand if she had some collector's items - discontinued, numbered pieces that have never been worn by anyone and were kept for show only. But putting heels that you wear regularly on top of furniture is gross.
And I agree it's a very nouveau riche thing to treat designer handbags and shoes as decorative objects. Better invest in some art or quality furniture that can become TRUE heirlooms, not some granny antique-styled table.
Eleanor’s hygiene standards are pretty poor - doesn’t wash her jeans or hair, plays with her cat while cooking (I recall her picking Bebe up in vlogs, snuggling with her during cooking, and going straight back into it without washing her hands), puts dirty, worn shoes on a dresser for display, the list goes on. I agree with you ladies that using designer accessories in lieu of proper home decor is tacky as hell.

For someone who is hard bent on being “classy,” Eleanor Florence Lecocq demonstrates a lot of behavior and quirks that suggest otherwise. She also does strange things - I don’t know anyone who wraps bread in a tea towel and stores it in a cupboard. It’s her life and she can of course do what she wants but just from some of her actions, you can tell she has poor manners and isn’t a classy broad at all. Anyone who was actually raised right would be able to tell immediately.

Also she should’ve trained Bebe properly! That cat literally walks all over kitchen counters and was recently on her dining table in her home tour video. Poorly behaved and bad manners (who wants to be a guest in a home where the pets do unhygienic things? Imagine how gross a dinner party would be there!).
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Smelle sitting amongst all those bags made me wonder if she hung them off the handlebars of her precious Pashley and furiously pedaled home in her rose gold helmet like the wicked witch of the west. :m
More likely barked orders at the poor uber black driver all across town and then came home to take notes about how he didn't give her acceptable levels of customer service for uber's 'luxury' trim level.
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Definitely everything I've heard about Scandinavia and western Europe it sounds like everyone is very lax about marriage, sometimes only getting married after having a few kids together. That definitely doesn't bode well for her very north American standards. Elle definitely wouldn't enjoy the sizing of European clothes they seem to do less vanity sizing.
My half Scandinavian half Dutch boyfriend is more traditional than almost all his friends back home and he doesn't really care for marriage either, but he knows it's important to me and because my passport is much more useful here in North America, so we'll probably get married sooner than later if it goes well. But you're definitely right about them having multiple kids without being married! His older brother recently married in his 40s after two kids and 10+ years with the same woman.

You're also bang on about vanity sizing - I've always been on the thin side here (~110 lbs, 5'7) but when I went shopping in Norway and tried on Scandinavian brands, I often had to wear a S or even M (because I like a looser fit) because the XS wouldn't fit at all. Miss 130lbs, 5'4 Eleanor would NOT be a size 0 to 2 there.
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I think you hit the nail on the head! To me, I kind of feel it's okay if her mom wants to take care of her. I grew up in an extremely close-knit family and I see nothing wrong with parents caring for kids, kids caring for parents, etc. If I had my way I would still live at home because I love my family so much lol (and I don't find this weird!).

I think though that the problem is Elle says she is a GIRL BOSS. Anyone can be a girl boss when mom pays for things for you. I wish she could just be honest.

It's great that you have such generous parents that you are super close to but I'm not sure that's the case for a lot of people, and many don't get financial support past the age of 18 (I am very close to mine as well and have been very lucky to have their support in crucial moments so I completely understand where you're coming from and not judging you at all! ☺).

A lot of Elle's major expenses in life are paid for by Ginette or subsidized by whatever boyfriend she had at the time. When she lived with her exes, rent seemed to be taken care of to her benefit. Vacations, appliances and furniture, and designer splurges are major spending categories that most normal people have to budget for and think about, and momma G seems to have paid for most of those. Yet Elle goes around pretending to be a successful "Girl Boss" who somehow is leading the life she leads by her "successful small business" and saving lunch and Starbucks money. It's just very disingenuous and makes her so unlikable.
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Okay, so I have a question (sorry if off topic). If you have people over, do they have to take their shoes off? I once went to a party where this was the rule and I thought it was bizarre to see everyone in their socks; I also did not feel comfortable walking around like that and, to top it off, had specifically worn an awesome pair of boots to the party only to end up having to take them off at the entrance 😂. It’s not part of my culture to take our shoes off so I don’t know if that’s normal among people who take them off for cultural reasons? (For the record, I don’t actually wear outside shoes in my own house, but I never ask my guests to. I just vacuum after they leave.)
I can't understand how anyone could wear outdoor shoes into their home or anyone else's, isn't that so unhygienic??
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In FURMAS she clearly is ignoring her friend who is telling a story about a slip cover for something and is playing with her friend's cat and interrupts the story to talk to the cat and her friend clearly sounds annoyed with her.

She also mentions a "Belgian passport" renewal. So if this is true and she has an EU passport it really doesn't explain why she never travels.
She seems really socially unaware. Can't seem to tell when she's being rude to people, can't tell when people are clearly annoyed with her (her exes), interrupts her friends or ignores what they're saying and as someone mentioned earlier, laughs really loudly and obnoxiously in inappropriate moments. Definitely a few screws loose.
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It's great that you have such generous parents that you are super close to but I'm not sure that's the case for a lot of people, and many don't get financial support past the age of 18 (I am very close to mine as well and have been very lucky to have their support in crucial moments so I completely understand where you're coming from and not judging you at all! ☺).

A lot of Elle's major expenses in life are paid for by Ginette or subsidized by whatever boyfriend she had at the time. When she lived with her exes, rent seemed to be taken care of to her benefit. Vacations, appliances and furniture, and designer splurges are major spending categories that most normal people have to budget for and think about, and momma G seems to have paid for most of those. Yet Elle goes around pretending to be a successful "Girl Boss" who somehow is leading the life she leads by her "successful small business" and saving lunch and Starbucks money. It's just very disingenuous and makes her so unlikable.
Yup to both of you. None of these threads would exist if Elle's youtube was themed 'I have nice things watch me play with them.' I can't fault a rich kid for being rich, its probably what I would do if I were born into money like that.

Instead, she went for 'I have nice things because I earned them through an inspiring cocktail of smarts, hard work and natural grace. Oh, watch me play with them.' Once people figured out she was getting her toys from other people the bottom fell out.
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Because the internet never forgets

View attachment 193247
Haha, thanks for this! 😂😜
I really wonder where he bought it. In any case, it’s not an uncommon design for most big box jewelers:

Costco version:

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