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OMG YOU GUYS!!! EEEK!!!!!! This all makes her want to walk away from Royal Coverage altogether!!! RIGHT!?!?!

Lizard, we can but hope and pray! XOXO Gossip Girl!
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She'll gobble up the book in 5 minutes flat, and then come back showcasing all the excerpts about charity work and their "love story" with a lot of bleating about how unfair it is that those bits have been ignored.

Mark my words. I'm calling it.

Her narrative will be hugely defensive, I know it. She can't afford to ditch them or criticise them. They attract too much juicy lucrative engagement to her account.
I think she’s already started this. People are commenting on the extracts they have read and she’s giving it all the “read the whole book guys”…..”this is only a snapshot….read the whole book guys”……”we need context guys”……we have context! H&M are a pair of hypocritical, narcissistic, money grabbing liars. I laughed out loud when I heard that Harry now claims they didn’t say the RF are racist! They literally accepted an award for “fighting institutional racism within the Royal Family”. They are despicable.
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You can guarantee if Kate wore white shorts and a black vest Elizabeth would have said it was a direct copycat.

But nope, not a word from someone who meticulously researched every one of Diana's most iconic looks for a book.
Again the big difference is - Diana looked great in hers!
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She has too much rattling around in her tiny brain.
This dress will have been planned for months. Even if Kate did want to use a designer that dressed smeghan, isn't that OK? She can use a designer without having to think about her defunct sister in law having used them.
Meghan is nothing, she wasn't a fashioning, in fact her clothes rarely fitted her properly so custom gowns and outfits weren't properly fitted to her body shape. Even her wedding dress was ill fitted.
I digress though, I wasn't fussed on the dress or shoes on Kate, her hair was too heavy also but maybe she was using it to hide behind.
Shes been wearing Cape dresses for ages. Why can't Elizabeth just see it for what it is, a dress in the style that Kate seems to love, in royal blue, kates favourite colour. Nothing more, nothing less
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That woman The Baroness leaves me cold! Maybe it’s cos we’re English, they might find it funnier being American?
I'm not English or British and I also don't find it funny. The accent is not great but what makes it worse is that what she is saying is just stupid.

I noticed that Elizabeth has deleted the post 😂
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That's because she has square Hobbity feet and all that toebox is empty.

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She will bend over backwards until she’s split in two to try and defend Meghan. Come on Elizabeth, just admit what we all already know, it was staged. Even IF the paparazzi just happened to be stood at the counter, how did he get his camera out and ready, get everyone else out of the way AND click just as she smiled straight down the lense….🤣🤣🤣


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Moves the conversation to sub stack for a more productive conversation aka to stop any comments she doesn’t like when let’s be honest, if you’re paying to subscribe to her on there chances are you share her views. Her skin is thinner than Harry and Meghan’s when it comes to criticism 😂
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She dresses like she's cosplaying a Kennedy from the 1980s.

Its so cringe.
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She’s not SMTing Catherine anymore at all apparently? Last I peeped she is just posting her stans’ slagging on the Princess of Wales from her DMs. She should give that book money back, since she made it commenting on Catherine’s fashion, and now she’s so judgmental and Meghan Mean Girling, she can’t deign to feature anything positive about anyone in the BRF. If she goes to the coronation and swans around in that Holland Cooper 🙄 coat acting like Catherine waved at her I will never stop throwing up.
Did you see her stories yesterday where she pointed out that the Princess of Wales has starting hugging people in public because narcissistic Meg said the RF don’t hug. Yeah, whatever!!!!
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The dumb bitch says she should have worn red! She has no f**king clue that Wales wears a red jersey and if Kate turned up in a red suit the welsh would go nuts.

She either blocks you or shadow bans you so others can't see your comments, just in case you are going against her ignorant uneducated narrative. She is just a dumb bitch. She actually thinks that W & C are going to the rugby to overshadow Invictus even though they have always gone to the rugby and they are both patrons of Wales and England respectively. In her pea headed brain she thinks Invictus is bigger than the rugby World Cup. She actually says "everyone is thinking of Invictus right now" 😂 Then she mentions Catherine has worn red to an England match, well she did, but dumb dumb doesn't realise that was rugby league and that's a different code and the Eng league players have much more red in their jerseys.
I was reading somewhere today that people think she has a fake account on instagram called royalstylewatch. Will have to check this out!
She seriously is an idiot. She even says Kate had worn that suit before meghan wore hers! Was meghan copyng Kate then? And IF Kate did think of meghan and her white suit (I'd doubt it but play along with me), maybe it was to show how to wear a white suit that fits and flatters.
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She's tying herself up in actual knots this morning.

When Meghan wears affordable brands it's not fast fashion but when Kate does, it is. And she'd rather Kate never wore anything cheap. But then it is nice to see her rewear. And yes, cost of living crisis. But she should still wear ethical and sustainable all the time because she has the funds. And J Crew is totally fine because the stuff takes a year to reach stores (???!) so Meghan is totally OK. But then the packaging makes it not ok.


Jesus Elizabeth, pick a narrative!

And when Kate wears an updo during the day she thinks it's overkill but when Meghan wore one during the day it was incredibly chic and all criticism was rooted in racism.
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Most likely George and his parents would prefer for him to not cheat his way into Eton and actually deserve to be there unlike his uncle Just Harry
So true. Maybe eton have decided that Harry was the last royal thicko they take in.
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I know it's been a few days but it's still sitting very heavily with me. The giggling whilst talking about her recently deceased friend was a new low. How inappropriate. As for taking pictures of the details around the wake. How sick do you have to be? A wake is not an opportunity for content creation. As an Irish person death is sacred and there is a ritual in how we mourn. As her friend was Irish I'm sure his family did not appreciate the oversharing on Instagram.

The group photo at the wake. I'm suprised they weren't around the coffin. It's so tacky. Let's just get a group shot for the gram at our dead friends funeral. Like jesus wept.
I'm also Irish. To me it felt so completely inappropriate...the smiling and laughing and then the couple of tears seemed forced.

A friend of mine calls it "mourn porn"...taking enjoyment out of death and the attention that goes with it.

A very close friend of mine dead a few years ago. I couldn't eat and I most certainly couldn't hold a conversation about her without choking up nevermind record myself talking about her.

Elizabeth's post about her friend got way more likes than her usual posts and even more than some of her coronation posts. Her engagement normally is very poor.
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She needs to hold space to understand how a member of the public knew to photograph Kate and wills.

Is this woman on drugs?talk about over complicating something.
How many times does she say the word "right". I notice Meghan does this too. Is this an American thing? It sounds so stupid like when people constantly say "like" in their sentences. You would think a "journalist" would have better English than this.

Also this is so true! There is a role for anyone with a smartphone...including the likes of Elizabeth and other self proclaimed royal experts.


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I still can't quite fathom why she was chosen by Hello! to report on the Coronation. She is such a bitter and fake person that lacks basic journalistic skills and she comes across as a bit stupid and so very ignorant. Strange how she acted like a star struck teenager in the UK but as soon as she is back the USA she starts spewing horrible comments on her instagram. Of course she puts her comments in the story so it disappears because she wouldn't want to lose all the goodies she gets from sponsors in the UK. I wonder did she get criticism from the Sussex squad and she becomes terrified she will lose her engagement numbers so she starts pandering to them. She is such a two faced bore.
Her latest SMT story is typical of her, comparing the Queen's coronation photo with King Charles latest photo. The Queens photo evokes words like regal, servitude, strength and elegance but when she looks at Charles, she thinks frivolity, frailty, ignorance and costume.
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Her content so far is dire. She is maxing out aroubd around 60 comments which for 200k followers is unbelievably low. Her post on the exhibit in BP has 7 comments and less than 1k likes. How can Hello justify working with her? And still nothing from her on that front
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