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There is another thread on here that defends Trump all the time. I had to put it on ignore. I respect people and their politics beliefs but Trump is on a completely different level. His actions are indefensible. I really don’t understand how people can justify this culture of hate behaviour and actions that Trump has created.
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That's why I rarely click on any of the icons on posts about him in this thread.
I know comments about him (even polite and kindly worded ones) makes it awkward for you and it's unfair putting you on the spot.
Best avoided.
You should never feel attacked for your beliefs MOM5, you’re entitled to think, like and do what the hell pleases you. You’re never going to please everyone and who is anybody else to police you’re beliefs. I’m proud to say I support Trump and Boris. I’ve reached my beliefs, as I’m sure you have, from life experiences and until something or anything happens to change my mind, then other people’s ideas have no bearing on my life. What others think of you is none of your business 😘
Donald Trump is only interested in what benefits Donald Trump. He is a narc, hates strong women, creepy about his daughter. He’s incapable of empathy. He doesn’t understand public service. He’s racist. He can’t even hold a bible correctly. He turned forces on his people peacefully protesting. He’s ‘not perfect’ that made me laugh so hard as he is all that is bad rolled together in a day orange balloon

Everything that Meghan Markle is accused of - Donald Trunp is too and with some extra horrific characteristic - you get a side order of misogyny and racism with him too.. That’s what I find
Trash talk like every other liberal spouting parrot fashion inaccuracy put out there as a smear campaign by a democrat paid media. Do your homework then come back with a valid reasoned argument then I might listen 😂

I find it really hard to reconcile peoples ideas is Trump a good businessman ?
His wealth was inherited from his dad.
He’s had Numerous bankruptcies- how is that good business ?
He’s known for Stiffing contractors - how is that good business ?
American banks refused to lend to him - does that sound like good business ?

He’s such a good businessman he’s hiding his taxes - because he doesn’t want people to know what it in them becuase they show how much he’s really worth and where his dodgy money came from.

The republicans preach fiscal responsibility / small government and then he blows up the deficit. he will bankrupt the country just like he has his own companies. A grown up will have to come in and fix his mess.

As a teacher I’d also be wary of the way he’s trying to get his mitts on the pension funds. He’d bankrupt them in a heart beat too
His father gave him £1m which he turned into £300m. That speaks volumes to me of what business acumen he possesses. Nobody ever said business was easy or a free ride. Everyone screws everyone else. He just happens to win the most. I’d put my money on him 😂 Aside from all that, he’s the only president in history to lose money during his term of office. All the other greedy bastards rape the position for their own gains. He donates his presidential salary every quarter to a worthy cause. Obama went in with a few hundred grand and left with £30m. Nancy and Creepy Joe earn from their positions a few hundred thousand per annum but are now millionaires. Ask more questions. My recommendation to you - read more!
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Chatty Member
Its pretty much everyone’s opinion. Unless you’re a racist, a supporter of predatory sex offenders or a lunatic.
Don’t tell me, it’s Hillary’s emails that are the real problem? 🙄
Don’t speak for everyone, and where did I mention Hillary’s emails? You have your opinion and I have mine. Notice how I don’t sit there and spew venom. “Anyone who supports Trump is a predator, sex offender, lunatic” may I also point out, I didn’t say I was ‘for’ him either. Merely commented on real criminals. Don’t be so quick to jump down someone’s neck who has a differing opinion than you, it says more about you than it does anyone else!
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But here's the thing, a lot of the border issues are with Mexican gangs. So why are people getting offended when he says it? And his word weren't Mexicans are rapists and bad people The issue is most people just believe what the media tells them instead of going to see or read what was actually said.

What was he supposed to say? What did these people do? Are they considered white supremicists because they are a white group? Or did they say or do something specifically that was racist? Are groups considered racist if they are white? It makes no sense
Actually he has called Mexicans rapists and bad people. He has said a hell of a lot more too about many groups of people.

And yes I would consider a group that deems themselves superior to all people of colour; therefore justifying that they should still be slaves and shot dead while thinking they can get away with it simply because they are white; white supremicists. To which Trump has also justified their behaviour on occasions.

The only nationality Mr. Donald idolizes besides himself is the Russians.
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Chatty Member
Nancy wants him impeached for inciting the capitol “riots” yet happily wanted Portland burnt to the ground and then some? Hypocritical witch.
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Chatty Member
His dad was racist, Donald is a racist. He likes to bully anyone he perceives to be weaker than him. Apparently top of his hate list for years is Puerto Rico, which explains his appalling carry on.

he refuses to acknowledge the Central Park 5 are innocent, but if
They were white supremacists draped in a confederate flag he’d call them good people.
what do you need him to do. Tattoo racist on his head ? Are you not able to join the dots ???

The left will target someone. - look at the GOP. For years the right went after Hillary.
Her ‘ private server’ and benghazi were her crimes - laughable compared to this criminal. And the fact she was intelligent and clever were seen as negatives and played on to certain elements in the US

So really ! And the idea that she was opersting a paedophile ring out of a pizza restaurant in Washington. And the fact that some dumbFucks believed it.

He might be sexist 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

talking about periods and women being hysterical , grabbing women by the pussy. But he just ‘might be sexist’

but Hillary was definitely ‘evil’ - is the earth flat in your world?
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Chatty Member
Joe and Hunter are both crooks, his daughters diary has now been leaked and she mentions pedalo joes ways. Hunters links to crime, receiving $50,000 a month. Google hunter bidens laptop (not on google, duhhh) not to mention Hunters ‘relationship’ with his deceased brothers wife, and then his underage niece..
Killary Clinton was in court, yet msm tried keeping that quiet, over Benghazi. Lets not get into her Haiti crimes with the Clinton foundation paying for chelseas wedding and child trafficking.
old bills a dirty pedalo.
Killary started the whole russia thing, Obama was briefed on it, Obama spied on the Trump campaign... Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Laura Silsby, I could go on but just gona leave this here.... 😁

And now mods are not allowing me to type the word P E D o ! Changing it to pedalo!! Seriously, since when has speaking FACTS been wrong, what’s happened to my freedom of speech?

‘super spreader’ sorry but did you swallow the Daily mail and spew it back up? Tf is a super spreader 😆
Your post above sounds unhinged. The


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That's a terrible thing to say about Donald and Melania ,we don't know if he pays her 😂
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Your defence is that his family love him, is so obviously idiotic.
My point that plenty of sociopaths have family ‘that adored them’ and no sane defence lawyer would be dumb enough to use it 😄😄😄 but you think that’s a good reason - go you, and bless your heart.
he is appealing to the white uneducated voters, usually racist (these are his voting demographics sweetie based on polling). The suburbans are running from him, the middle are gone, he’s left with the uneducated confederates and the evangelicals, who for some inexplicable reason thinks he’s appointed by Jesus, when in fact as my catholic mum would saw - Jesus wept.
“White uneducated voters” that all you got. Reverted to name calling and demeaning statements. You libtards make me howl with laughter. While you’re spewing your disdain the silent majority will go about their business and vote him in. The white uneducated who are the backbone of the USA, keeping food on your table, toiling to provide you with the luxuries through their uneducated manual handwork. My deduction is you’re from either east or west coast and wouldn’t soil your Jimmy Choos going into the heartland to see how real people live. You my sweetie, are a divisive hatred spewing human being.
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It could very well detriment to stopping a second term, he's already talking about "they are trying to stop us" the same people that voted for him maybe galvanized by this "attack on their vote." I think loads switched over to Trump because they were fed up of elites trying to tell them what to do, this could just do the same.

Of course they won't. The Senate isn't non partisan like it should be in an ideal world. But I don't think they actually expect him to be convicted, it's about trying to stop people from voting for him in 2020.

There was, but they could have put anyone else against him and they would have walked it. Hillary came with a lot of baggage and lots just couldn't vote for another Clinton. She seemed to be an averagely corrupt politician. So many celebs were saying vote Hillary and trump offered a change, a different family. Lots I think still don't understand why he won and are doubling down on the behaviour that pushed people towards him.

Most of my family are in the states and like south park said it was a choice between the giant douche and a turd sandwich.
I’m not arguing that either 2016 candidate was better. It was definitely picking between the lesser of two evils-- like you said a giant douche and a turd sandwich (a bit similar to UK's recent election). I think for me, my biggest issue is that Trump is clearly working for Putin. He’s putting his interest before the nation. The damage is already being done and Americans will feel those repercussions long after he is out of office like those lifetime appointments of highly unqualified federal judges. His Supreme Court nominations particularly Brett Kavanaugh who lacks the non-partisan temperament.

Hillary Clinton was a highly imperfect candidate but she wouldn’t have run the country into the ground the same way as Trump is currently doing atm. Clinton wouldn't have attacked our intelligence agencies or worked with and give praise to our enemies (Putin, Kim, etc). The DNC didn’t want to acknowledge Bernie Sanders as a frontrunner candidate in 2016 and even now the media (owned by a handful of billionaires) largely ignores him despite his rise in the polls. Obviously, they don't favor his tax plans. I think Trump only ran as others have said, to boost his TV ratings but also to try to gain some legitimacy in the upper echleons of NY society. He didn't run to win. It's not a secret most of NY hates him and that he's long wanted to be accepted by them. He might be rich but he's grifted with the wrong people to maintain the fledgling lifestyle he has now.

I still think it's worth it for Congress to impeach Trump on the two articles they brought up: Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power. He's clearly committed and broken several laws. The only reason he's not arrested is because of some arbitrary rule regarding a sitting President. All the people who worked with him are being arraigned or on trial. The state of NY and VA are looking into his finances. I don't see them as antics by the left. I think Trump should be held accountable just like any other President should be if they did even a 1/4 of the things Trump has done in office. Even if Trump is acquitted in Senate due to the Republican majority, the grounds for his impeachment has more bearing unlike Clinton's impeachment. Clinton's charges stemmed from a sexual harassment case against him and his extramarital relationship with a WH intern. Trump's impeachment has to do with his official duties not his extramarital affairs. After all, the Democrats are not bringing up impeachment charges on Trump’s multiple affairs even though he did commit them and also broke campaign finance laws to pay off the other women.

On a separate but related note, the reason a lot of people voted for Trump (who did not win the popular vote) is because they thought he would change the status quo. They believed he would "drain the swamp" when in fact he’s done the opposite and has packed the swamp instead. He said he would provide an alternative to the current healthcare system— failed to do this despite largely running his platform on this. Tax the rich— instead gave quite a hefty tax break to the 1%. He said Mexico would pay for the wall— well we all know how that turned out. His voters also forget he is also part of the same elite circle as the Clintons. He’s from NY, a millionaire due to his inherited wealth, and went to an Ivy League university (thanks to his father's $$$). The only difference is most NY-ers see him as a buffoon and an outsider, which is what I think appealed a lot to his base and at the time undecided voters. They forget they voted for a man who has never worked a day in his life and has referred to his base as "the poorly-educated". His policies have actually hurt his voters more so than helped them but because Fox News has such a strangle-hold on how many people (particularly in the South) are informed. Of course many of them will vote against their best interests. They are listening to words of millionaires whose bosses are billionaires. His voting base such as farmers have been hurt by these tariff wars and the middle class have not seen their taxes reduced.

Impeachment has passed in the House, we will see how the circus show goes in the Senate. I don't have a lot of hope considering the Senate Majority Leader said he would not be impartial despite that being an oath every Senator has to take up when participating in the Senate trial proceedings.
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His dad was racist, Donald is a racist. He likes to bully anyone he perceives to be weaker than him. Apparently top of his hate list for years is Puerto Rico, which explains his appalling carry on.

he refuses to acknowledge the Central Park 5 are innocent, but if
They were white supremacists draped in a confederate flag he’d call them good people.
what do you need him to do. Tattoo racist on his head ? Are you not able to join the dots ???

The left will target someone. - look at the GOP. For years the right went after Hillary.
Her ‘ private server’ and benghazi were her crimes - laughable compared to this criminal. And the fact she was intelligent and clever were seen as negatives and played on to certain elements in the US

So really ! And the idea that she was opersting a paedophile ring out of a pizza restaurant in Washington. And the fact that some dumbFucks believed it.

He might be sexist 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

talking about periods and women being hysterical , grabbing women by the pussy. But he just ‘might be sexist’

but Hillary was definitely ‘evil’ - is the earth flat in your world?
Didn’t realise you knew him and his dad personally. You spew liberal shite all over the place 😂😂 I call you sheeple 🐑🐑🐑 unquestioning and repetitive - shame!

Joe Biden, has had a long career of public service. He hasn’t spent his time groping girls like dirty donny, but Fox News would like you believe it. Count the number of harassment claims against dirty Donny. The GOP want to drag Biden down to Trumps level but there is no comparison.

If you can get to be president after admitting to grabbing women by the pussy the something is seriously wrong. If you think that Trump is Jesus’s representative on earth, then what can I say. There are no words. People at trumps rally think Jesus will stop them getting Covid 19 at the rally, again no words. How were these people educated that they can correlate all these things and think Trump is a good man, all his failures and think he is an astute businessman.
Wait, let me quit laughing first. Okay so we don’t actually have any footage of Don actually grabbing women by the pussy but there is plenty of footage of creepy joe hair smelling, leeching and finger sucking. The pictures speak for themselves. I would not trust him in the same room as my daughter😂😂
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Miss Begotten

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If Biden had done any one of those things then Republicans would be screaming about how he should resign.
Any ONE of those things ( Don’t forget Hillary’s emails and Lock her up 🙄 )
Trump has done all of those and many more. I just don’t understand it. The only conclusion I can find is that some people actively want their leaders to be racist sex offenders.
Has he released the long awaited tax returns yet?
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Chatty Member
I love how South Park covered that idea of him not wanting to be president (well Mr Garrison in a Trump like character)
Douche and turd was so spon on, South park gave the best commentary on the us election. It's s shame they stopped doing it

Poor melania, all she wanted was a sugar daddy with a short life expectancy. Do they even spend much time under the same roof anymore?
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