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Miss Begotten

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That’s your opinion

Biden, Obama, the Clintons… want me to go on? Haiti, Benghazi, millions of $ in underhand shady deals, endless illegal wars, mass ‘suicides’ it’s all out there if you read!
Its pretty much everyone’s opinion. Unless you’re a racist, a supporter of predatory sex offenders or a lunatic.
Don’t tell me, it’s Hillary’s emails that are the real problem? 🙄
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Trump has refused Joe Biden access to an air force jet. He is going out as the sorest loser in history. Not even greeting the new president at WH or attending the inauguration. Spoilt man child!
probably spent all night sewing prawns into the White House curtain linings and nicking all the light bulbs
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Because I feel people who hate (extreme dislike) politicians that much are extreme. Name a single politician who hasn’t got issues?
It’s the saying “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”

I think even if a person goes into politics they end up pretty corrupted.

I myself have always said I would love to be PM or a president but in true African fashion I would become a dictator because I feel I know best. I don’t have time for virtue signallers. The world is not Utopia and my vision of Utopia will differ from the next person and so on
perhaps the Jews are ‘extreme’ for hating hitler and all he stood for ? I don’t follow your argument. A dictator in Africa. I’ve been to Zimbabwe. I’ve friends who had to flee. Just so you know Voting districts were analysed one by one who they voted for and those who voted for the opposition leader were denied food aid. I’ve visited Soutb Africa and seen how the colour of your skin - (they had shading charts) determined how much rice they got. The lists of people who ‘died falling down stairs’ for their beliefs is outstanding and most people did nothing
Your throwaway comment about being an African dicatator just sounds really offensive

As for Americans - is their extreme hatred justified ? What about someone with a family member with a pre-existing condition who will he denied insurance if the ACA is overturned in a month. Are they extreme for hating a Trump? What about a parent who doesn’t want their daughter to grow up in a world where the leader of their government thinks her pussy is open season, and that female judges are asked questions about piano practise - how ducking demeaning.

You might say people who care are extreme, I would argue what people who don’t care that the ‘leader of the western world’ is a morally corrupt narcissist - are apathetic.

tthey say evil exists when good people do nothing, Just like German people did nothing when Jews were rounded up. They admired Hitler for rooting out those who didn’t ‘belong’ They admired that he was a strong man who did whatever he wanted and was going to make Germany great again. Those apathetic fools let him kill millions of Jews.

Usually there are checks and balances but Moscow Mitch has an extreme hard on for Putin and wants to run government in much the same way.

They’re nearly there with the Supreme Court
They’re probably ripping that they can’t lock up Biden

I’m waiting for more open overtures to Putin - his favourite being poison.

Joe Biden is a good man- he felt couldn’t run for president due to his sons death. Trump went golfing the day his brother died. There is a big difference between the goodness of both men. And I care about ‘good’
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I read plenty, I have critical thinking skills. I’m teaching them to my 10’year old daughter - very important in the internet age.
Some posters on here would really benefit from being able to think critically too. I can see that Donald Trump is funny. But that’s a job for comedians.

Because nothing says success like Bankruptcies - and why do it once when you can do it again and again.

A quote from the article which resonated with me

‘But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonus and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.’

that is not being a good business man. That is being a shit businessmen and a shit person !

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I just don’t know if Joe Biden is the one to stop him though...I hope he does.
Seriously? Creepy Joe Biden, who has been photographed numerous times being really inappropriate with pre teen girls (never boys)? Trump is bad, but Biden, wow with how he behaves when a camera is on him you have to wonder how many of the stories and accusations are true
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As I am not a fan of either trump or Biden from what I have seen and heard Biden seem to even more dirty than trump!! I think there is going to be a major scandal to with him and his son and it’s not being reported as it should be !!

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It turns out that Donny is a pretty shitty businessman - who’d have thought it😂
Over 400m earned in the apprentice and endorsement invested in vanity projects which are invested in vanity projects.

I know now why he’s claiming ‘mar a Lago’ is his home - probably hoping to hang onto it as his ‘residence’ although he’s run afoul of the authoritiea over this.

Over 300m in loans due soon. All the trumpers had better get the go fund me page up and running 😂😂😂

70,000 spent on his hair 😂😂
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Trump is being censored because he's spreading misinformation about Covid-19 that could lead to people's deaths. Biden isn't doing that, so he's not being censored.
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I feel like I’m in a history class being taught about propaganda, it’s so obvious what he’s doing and yet no one is really saying anything?
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The impeachment has nothing to do with the welfare or justice for the people, but for her own selfish intention, to get at a colleague she personally couldn’t stand.

Where was the national guard when the properties and livelihoods of the people of America were being destroyed?

Only deployed for a panic-inducing publicity stunt and to heighten an idea of mass-violence under Trump’s watch after some rednecks pose for a few selfies in her office?

Ironic that the only rioting during Inauguration Day came from the hard left.
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Does seem weird, the pics of all those shitty boxes stacked up and the one of the boxes fallen over and spilled out. The same shitty boxes as we use for the most mundane of years old receipts etc apparently here used for nuclear secrets, you expect something grander somehow? Why did he have all these files (and so many of them) just to leave them stacked in his ballroom and bathroom? And as controlled documents aren’t there questions to be asked of whoever let them out into his custody?

I expect it will all come to nothing, they are implying he’s stolen the documents but it will probably end up that they were all legitimately given to him during his presidency.

either way would appear to suggest how scared of him in the next election the Democrats are.
The docs are NOT his property, he HAS BY LAW to give them back to the National archives when he is no longer president ,they asked many times over many months for them back, they know which docs he had. Some came back as photo copies, some highly classified envelopes were empty, they knew many docs never came back.
It wont "come to nothing" this is just the beginning of his future legal jeopardy.
The Dems are hoping Trump is the candidate, he is a joke around the world and is a Putin puppet.
No one is above the law.
Cant wait, i see the panic in his eyes!
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I do find it hilarious that Twitter and Facebook have made billions from him, but now just as most of his use has gone they take a stance to kick him off. 🙄 Wow so brave guyzzz

*Slow clap*
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Trump indicted in New York on 34 counts, arraignment on Tuesday next week. Get the popcorn in.
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